Berkeley, home of anti-free speech and snowflakes

Conservatives spend months bitching that liberals aren't doing enough to protect their hate-speech... and now you're bitching that liberals are doing TOO much to protect your hate speech? Fuckin' A.

Do you really mean to say "diminish" their hate speech?

And how is offering counseling protecting hate speech, especially when you don't even know what Shapiro is going to talk about?
Shapiro is a very public figure. Everybody knows exactly what he's going to talk about, because he talks about it every day. Liberals are going out of their way to protect your hate speech. Stop bitching.

What is he going to talk about?
Liberals bad, Muslims bad, free press bad, diversity bad, multiculturalism bad, speaking a second language bad, gays bad, brown people should be profiled, Christians are victims, white people (except women) are victims... etc.
I never said counseling is stopping rightwing speech. What I asked you is how counseling protecting rightwing speech.

Oh I guess we're pretending your OP didn't bitch about building closures and security barriers.

A magnet for conservative hate is going to one of the hearts of the liberal movement, for no other reason than publicity and to shit on the beliefs of the locals... and the liberal locals are going out of their way to protect the event... and you're bitching about it.

Hmm. Well why should free speech need protection in the first place? Oh, that's right, because liberals are intolerant and violent people.
Says a member of the party currently at war with the free press

Challenging the free press is being at war with them? I guess limiting freedom of speech now extends to criticism of the left wing media?
"Challenging?" LOL!

Yes. But the reason I drew attention to this article is not so much about free speech or the protection Berkeley had to provide, it's the very idea that people would actually need counseling because they are so tormented by somebody giving a speech that doesn't agree with their political views, thus the term Snowflake.

I have no idea what these kids are going to do in life. I predict an increase in suicides in the near future. I mean, my Lord, I wish my biggest problem in life was somebody giving a speech in my town.
It's a shame to see what has happened to our college campuses, and Berkeley is the best example.

But the illiberal Leftist Authoritarians (Regressives) have no shame.

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Prog snowflakes trying to stop a Jew from practicing free speech...before it was a homosexual... guys are looking like's a bad look.

What are you afraid of? Freewill and free thought?
I heard about this on evil rightwing talk radio and just had to look it up myself. While we are all accustomed to anti-free speech by the left and threats of violence or downright having events cancelled, this article about Ben Shapiro's visit is very telling about snowflakes. Here is what caught my attention:

"A number of university buildings near Zellerbach Hall, the event’s location, will be closed that afternoon. In order to pass through security barriers, people will have to show tickets for the speech.

The university also is offering counseling to students and faculty worried about the event, which is being held at the invitation of the Berkeley College Republicans."

Berkeley braces for right-wing talk show host Ben Shapiro's visit

Offering counseling to students and faculty worried about the event. Can you imagine that? If anybody needs counseling because of a speaker at a college, HTF are they going to handle the real world once they are exposed to it?

I think we should change the term from snowflakes to wet paper towels. After all, a paper towel is useless to hold any kind of weight once wet.

It's also very telling of the difference between left and right thinking:

Liberal: an event that upsets me is being held here.
Solution: seek counseling and prepare for sleepless nights.

Conservative: an event that upsets me is being held here.
Solution: ignore it, don't attend, and watch television instead.

That is all fake news about Libs complaining about the event being held there. Antifa and the rest of those paid protesters were rioting because they were paid to do so. And most of the Libs were complaining of them rioting. But I now see that they has came up with a new way to pay those protesters. Which Sacramento is trying to start a program that pays $ 5,000.00 to gang members to stay out of the gangs. But they are going to elect those that are apart of those anti- Trump protesters movements. pretending that they belongs to a certain street gang so that they can pay them with tax dollars. And which that will help Soros out a lot.

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