Bernie, AOC: Please STFU

Withered up old communist Pelousy is physically afraid of the granddaughters of FALN and the PLO....if they aren't passing though a metal detector when they walk onto the House floor, and they aren't, she could be stabbed to death some afternoon for standing in their way and she knows it. I predicted Omar will one day come strapped with a body bomb....she's al-Qaida and it's silly to pretend she ain't.

You're full of digested bull food. You have no evidence, all you have is bigotry to go on.
The goal of capitalism is always feudalism, if they can get away with it.
Socialism requires collaboration, so then implies group input into control and group benefit from the profits.
Socialism is always the opposite of feudalism.



“The goal of Socialism is Communism.”
― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher

The Democrat Party is now the Democratic Socialists Party, so own it.

Wrong. The Democratic Party puts people first, not corporations and the special interests; Democrats are the the strongest defense in protecting the people from fascism and plutocracy - a toxic combination to our democratic republic.
Socialism is a living hell for all but the ruling elite.

Socialism is the sacrifice of the many for the wants and desires of the elite. LIVE in a nation that is partially socialist.

Socialist/capitalist Mixed system.

It must kill you to realize that but it's a fact
That doesn't mean we have to go full bore communist.
you can't find a single Democrat who wants to have a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, you are simply ridiculously miss informed like most GOP voters.
none of what I want has to be mandatory.

Voluntary slavery, huh? :lmao:
The Green New Deal is hyperbole. There is no denying the fact green and renewable energy is the future. It is that, or nuclear power plants.

Do we want China to be the leader in the future? it sure looks as if the current administration and its followers are happy with the status quo, as other nation's look to the future.

Solyndra....and it wasn't even one of the worst solar debacles in Barry's portfolio.....your windmills kill thousands of owls, hawks, and eagles a year....does PETA make a peep? of course not.
That's funny we have 400 400 foot high windmills within 30 miles and no birds get killed that I know of. All that crap you know is b******* propaganda....

You really are quite the dumbass.

"Wind turbines kill an estimated 140,000 to 328,000 birds each year in North America, making it the most threatening form of green energy. And yet, it’s also one of the most rapidly expanding energy industries: more than 49,000 individual wind turbines now exist across 39 states."

Will Wind Turbines Ever Be Safe For Birds?
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher

The Democrat Party is now the Democratic Socialists Party, so own it.

Wrong. The Democratic Party puts people first, not corporations and the special interests; Democrats are the the strongest defense in protecting the people from fascism and plutocracy - a toxic combination to our democratic republic.

Well sure of you mean "putting people first" means handing out other people's cash.
The Green New Deal is hyperbole. There is no denying the fact green and renewable energy is the future. It is that, or nuclear power plants.

Do we want China to be the leader in the future? it sure looks as if the current administration and its followers are happy with the status quo, as other nation's look to the future.

Solyndra....and it wasn't even one of the worst solar debacles in Barry's portfolio.....your windmills kill thousands of owls, hawks, and eagles a year....does PETA make a peep? of course not.

Are you willfully ignorant or just a fool who echoes the Solyndra meme?

Read it and then answer my question ^^^.

After Solyndra Loss, U.S. Energy Loan Program Turning A Profit
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher
I usually agree with you but not on this. The more AOC talks the more unhinged the wingnuts get. The more unhinged they get the further away they get from real Americans, who see GOP panicky rhetoric plainly for what it is and reject it completely.

I hope you are correct. The fact is yelling "Socialism" was an effective strategy and led to the Congress being in the majority in the Congress at the worst time: When redistricting allowed the GOP to gerrymander and keep control of the H. or Rep. until Nov 2018.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher

This is your Party.....

Crazy bernie and bug eyed aoc are just honest enough

and Dumb enough to Admit what the left really stands for…………

I love Crazy bernie and the bug eyed Hot Tamale……..

They are driving your party in the ground….

Trump will win in a Historic Land Slide in 20……………

We on the Right side of things are having a blast watching

You Tards dig your own grave………..

Is life Good or What?
Here's the Left's real problem with AOC: she is exposing their agenda of consolidating Authoritarian power over the rest of us if the Prog-Dems ever get full control of the Federal government. Despite all the utopian dogma, the real agenda is for the Party Hacks to oppress Normal People and extract all "surplus" productivity from the tax serfs and debt donkeys so that the Party Hacks can live high on the hog. Some animals are more equal than others, donchanow.

I'm not going to quietly go along with that, btw.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
That's right, don't tell the truth. Lie and pretend that you believe in capitalism and America.
Classic hater dupe∆∆∆Democrats are communist traders now? You poor things are out of your minds poor America also

Traitors sploogy, you're TRAITORS, not "traders."

Fucking retard.
Like all the other scandals about Democrats, you have absolutely no evidence and actually it's ridiculous.

No evidence of what? Your inability to spell simple words? Or of the attempt to overthrow the government by deep state apparatchiks?

Coup Coup Ca Choo? Did the FBI Plot A Coup D’état Against Trump?

Fucking retard.
Fascist? Most of the time "fascist" a word left wing pot heads shout when they are busted for drugs. Since "fascism" is government control of the manufacture and distribution of goods and services it seems that Bernie Sanders comes closest to being a neo-fascist. Do lefties love him or hate him? It's hard to tell because you can't get the truth out of the mainstream media these days.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
That's right, don't tell the truth. Lie and pretend that you believe in capitalism and America.
Classic hater dupe∆∆∆Democrats are communist traders now? You poor things are out of your minds poor America also

Traitors sploogy, you're TRAITORS, not "traders."

Fucking retard.
Like all the other scandals about Democrats, you have absolutely no evidence and actually it's ridiculous.
It's a SmartPhone get used to it, grammar Queen super dupe...

A dumb commie, and I am used to it. People become Communist democrats because they are evil and stupid. OR because they are part of the ruling elite. You are no Andrew Grove or Tim Cook.
Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
View attachment 248421 View attachment 248423
Fuck Bernie and his lowbrow uninformed Cult followers
Actually the best educated and intelligent, as usual with socialists in the modern sense, not your brainwashed cold-war idiocy...

Like you, fascist franco? :lmao:

I know, you have a masters in dickolgy from Wahanasuk U..

One thing this forum utterly proves is that the further left one is, the less intelligent and educated one is.
Last edited:
The nutters and psychos are in control of the parties.

So, the wild swings back and forth will continue. Wave elections, back and forth.

Big waves destroy things over time.

I disagree. Pelosi and McConnell are not nutters or psychos. Speaker Pelosi is a pragmatist; McConnell is a master of machination, all legal, and all partisan and self serving.

A couple of freshman speaking out, which may marry with Speaker Pelosi' thinking, but as leader she knows changes require a bi-partisan vote.

These freshman lack the seasoning to mellow their rhetoric and work step by step to bring progressives ideas into the mainstream - going too fast isn't going to bring change, it will slow it down, possibly to a stop.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher

The Democrat Party is now the Democratic Socialists Party, so own it.

Wrong. The Democratic Party puts people first, not corporations and the special interests; Democrats are the the strongest defense in protecting the people from fascism and plutocracy - a toxic combination to our democratic republic.

Well sure of you mean "putting people first" means handing out other people's cash.

It means setting priories to benefit the citizenry. If you are so concerned with how you tax dollars are being spent, maybe you ought study Trump's budget and the tax bill he signed.
The nutters and psychos are in control of the parties.

So, the wild swings back and forth will continue. Wave elections, back and forth.

Big waves destroy things over time.

I disagree. Pelosi and McConnell are not nutters or psychos. Speaker Pelosi is a pragmatist; McConnell is a master of machination, all legal, and all partisan and self serving.

A couple of freshman speaking out, which may marry with Speaker Pelosi' thinking, but as leader she knows changes require a bi-partisan vote.

These freshman lack the seasoning to mellow their rhetoric and work step by step to bring progressives ideas into the mainstream - going too fast isn't going to bring change, it will slow it down, possibly to a stop.
I'm not talking about party leadership. I'm talking about the fact that the energy in both parties is with their nutters.

The loudest part of the base, in both cases.

Naturally, those nutters won't recognize that fact from their nutter perspective.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher

This is your Party.....

Crazy bernie and bug eyed aoc are just honest enough

and Dumb enough to Admit what the left really stands for…………

I love Crazy bernie and the bug eyed Hot Tamale……..

They are driving your party in the ground….

Trump will win in a Historic Land Slide in 20……………

We on the Right side of things are having a blast watching

You Tards dig your own grave………..

Is life Good or What?

Wishful thinking ^^^ wrapped in an ad hominem.

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