Bernie, AOC: Please STFU

OH BULLSHIT. The only place Socialism is fostered on the Democratic Party is because the conservative movement is in decline, as they along with the Republican Party look backward and are blind to the future.

To make the claim IIIhan Omar and AOC are the party leaders is ridiculous; what they are, is the face of the future. The more Trumpism is allowed to malfunction, and the more he and his follower travelers promulgate hate and fear, the less influence the current leaders in the GOP will have.

Yes, please believe that and you are following their playbook. Look on the news, who is headlined and being interviewed? Who is sucking all the oxygen away from all the other Democrats?
Sorry, but that is nonsense.
It is capitalism where individuals are encouraged or allow to control people.
Socialism is where the population pool their resources in order to be more free from economic or political bondage.
Under socialism there is no separate ruling class of wealthy, but everyone is equally part of the decision makers, so that you can have real freedom.
You can't have real freedom under capitalism because you are a slave to landlords, employers, banks, insurance companies, and all those others you have to submit to.

There is no one ruling over the people under socialism.


You're not familiar with what Socialism is are you?

All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

That's exactly what the WC types do. They hate that their radicalism is being exposed.

What "radicalism"? Be specific on what changes I have posted upon which meet the definition of radical.

Specifically, on such utopian fantasy ideas that we're going to create bridges across the atlantic and end air travel. I'm not going to indulge in such idiocy. I haven't seen you post those but you are calling for them to shut up.

Maybe (if you can) you should think before you write. Maybe then I can offer a rebuttal - what Utopian ideas have I ever posted? Most of what I post is for the reader to be aware of the dystopian we face everyday Trump is in the White House.

Specifically what "dystopian" future do we have with President Donald Trump in the White House? A far greater economy? Minorities being offered more jobs that the people available to fill them? Is that bad? How about wages increasing and the United States is really dealing with worldwide issues instead of paying for them to go away until someone else takes office? Are those the terrible things of which you speak?
Withered up old communist Pelousy is physically afraid of the granddaughters of FALN and the PLO....if they aren't passing though a metal detector when they walk onto the House floor, and they aren't, she could be stabbed to death some afternoon for standing in their way and she knows it. I predicted Omar will one day come strapped with a body bomb....she's al-Qaida and it's silly to pretend she ain't.

Give up posting until you take and pass freshman English.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
That's right, don't tell the truth. Lie and pretend that you believe in capitalism and America.
Classic hater dupe∆∆∆Democrats are communist traders now? You poor things are out of your minds poor America also

Traitors sploogy, you're TRAITORS, not "traders."

Fucking retard.
Like all the other scandals about Democrats, you have absolutely no evidence and actually it's ridiculous.

It's a SmartPhone get used to it, grammar Queen super dupe...

The Green New Deal is hyperbole. There is no denying the fact green and renewable energy is the future. It is that, or nuclear power plants.

Do we want China to be the leader in the future? it sure looks as if the current administration and its followers are happy with the status quo, as other nation's look to the future.

Solyndra....and it wasn't even one of the worst solar debacles in Barry's portfolio.....your windmills kill thousands of owls, hawks, and eagles a year....does PETA make a peep? of course not.
That's funny we have 400 400 foot high windmills within 30 miles and no birds get killed that I know of. All that crap you know is b******* propaganda....
That's right, don't tell the truth. Lie and pretend that you believe in capitalism and America.
Classic hater dupe∆∆∆Democrats are communist traders now? You poor things are out of your minds poor America also

Traitors sploogy, you're TRAITORS, not "traders."

Fucking retard.
Like all the other scandals about Democrats, you have absolutely no evidence and actually it's ridiculous.

It's a SmartPhone get used to it, grammar Queen super dupe...

GOP dupes will do anything to avoid talking about the actual issues....
if you would've asked a liberal 50 years ago if they are socialist, they would have said ARE YOU CRAZY??
if you would've asked a liberal 50 years ago if they are socialist, they would have said ARE YOU CRAZY??
That was when socialism meant communism. Today it means fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Ask berny or any modern country, anyone but dupes of the Cold War dinosaur GOP scumbag party.
The Green New Deal is hyperbole. There is no denying the fact green and renewable energy is the future. It is that, or nuclear power plants.

Do we want China to be the leader in the future? it sure looks as if the current administration and its followers are happy with the status quo, as other nation's look to the future.

Solyndra....and it wasn't even one of the worst solar debacles in Barry's portfolio.....your windmills kill thousands of owls, hawks, and eagles a year....does PETA make a peep? of course not.
That's funny we have 400 400 foot high windmills within 30 miles and no birds get killed that I know of. All that crap you know is b******* propaganda....
You may wish to speak to the bird watching community. A greener group you will not find and yet windmills are are on their hate list.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher
I usually agree with you but not on this. The more AOC talks the more unhinged the wingnuts get. The more unhinged they get the further away they get from real Americans, who see GOP panicky rhetoric plainly for what it is and reject it completely.
As to the original op, What has not been achieved? "Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message."

What rights aren't equal at this point? Who can't vote, other than felons, a subject increasingly under discussion and hardly a major issue. What civil rights issue is still in play? Men showering with little girls? Other than felons and guys that want to shower with my granddaughter, what are we down to? Equal opportunity? Care to explain this vague request? Define an opportunity. I gave my children the "opportunity" to get off of their butts and earn what they wanted. Best thing I ever "gave " them. Are my children to be denied such "opportunities" so that others may not. Typical left wing vague nonsense. Always fighting battles that for the most part have been won by others that came before them.t
The goal of capitalism is always feudalism, if they can get away with it.
Socialism requires collaboration, so then implies group input into control and group benefit from the profits.
Socialism is always the opposite of feudalism.
As to the original op, What has not been achieved? "Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message."

What rights aren't equal at this point? Who can't vote, other than felons, a subject increasingly under discussion and hardly a major issue. What civil rights issue is still in play? Men showering with little girls? Other than felons and guys that want to shower with my granddaughter, what are we down to? Equal opportunity? Care to explain this vague request? Define an opportunity. I gave my children the "opportunity" to get off of their butts and earn what they wanted. Best thing I ever "gave " them. Are my children to be denied such "opportunities" so that others may not. Typical left wing vague nonsense. Always fighting battles that for the most part have been won by others that came before them.t

Hardly any rights are equal because some are born with all the capital they need for their lives, for a home, the best education, seed money for investment purposes that will provide a life time of revenue without a day of labor to actually produce anything.

Those not born with those capital assets, are forced to move when landlords raise the rent too high, pay higher taxes because they can't take advantage of the same write offs, can't afford a good education, can't invest because banks won't loan them anything, etc.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher

The Democrat Party is now the Democratic Socialists Party, so own it.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher
I usually agree with you but not on this. The more AOC talks the more unhinged the wingnuts get. The more unhinged they get the further away they get from real Americans, who see GOP panicky rhetoric plainly for what it is and reject it completely.

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