Bernie, AOC: Please STFU

Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
View attachment 248421 View attachment 248423
Fuck Bernie and his lowbrow uninformed Cult followers
Actually the best educated and intelligent, as usual with socialists in the modern sense, not your brainwashed cold-war idiocy...
Word on the street is that the most intelligent Americans voted for Jill Stein.
That's a good one anybody that votes for third-party is an idiit. Gave us the two worst Presidents ever this century already.
Word on the street is that the most intelligent Americans voted for Jill Stein.

Ah yes Jill....she pocketed a cool million bucks on a recount that was stopped in Metro Detroit when they found so much democrat voter fraud, they pulled the plug and Jill laughed all the way to the bank.
Yup, just push the platitudes and hide the details.
Keep the masses stupid.

Socialism is the face of the democratic party and is getting the press to prove it.
Illhan Omar and AOC are the driving forces in your party.
You liberals need to get on board with it, It's just the beginning.

OH BULLSHIT. The only place Socialism is fostered on the Democratic Party is because the conservative movement is in decline, as they along with the Republican Party look backward and are blind to the future.

To make the claim IIIhan Omar and AOC are the party leaders is ridiculous; what they are, is the face of the future. The more Trumpism is allowed to malfunction, and the more he and his follower travelers promulgate hate and fear, the less influence the current leaders in the GOP will have.
OH BULLSHIT. All you hear about......from YOUR own media is AOC, OMAR and TLAIB. Hell, Wry, with AOC's Green New Deal,
established democrats that are running for the presidency are backing it.
Face it......AOC is your party, embrace's yours.

The Green New Deal is hyperbole. There is no denying the fact green and renewable energy is the future. It is that, or nuclear power plants.

Do we want China to be the leader in the future? it sure looks as if the current administration and its followers are happy with the status quo, as other nation's look to the future.
The Green New Deal is hyperbole. There is no denying the fact green and renewable energy is the future. It is that, or nuclear power plants.

Do we want China to be the leader in the future? it sure looks as if the current administration and its followers are happy with the status quo, as other nation's look to the future.

Solyndra....and it wasn't even one of the worst solar debacles in Barry's portfolio.....your windmills kill thousands of owls, hawks, and eagles a year....does PETA make a peep? of course not.
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The Green New Deal is hyperbole. There is no denying the fact green and renewable energy is the future. It is that, or nuclear power plants.

Do we want China to be the leader in the future? it sure looks as if the current administration and its followers are happy with the status quo, as other nation's look to the future.

Solyndra....and it wasn't even one of the worst solar debacles in Barry's portfolio.....your windmills kill thousands of hawks and eagles a year....does PETA make a peep? of course not.
Solyndra was a sabotaged operation and media echo-propaganda tool for the fossil fuel industry.Anyone saying different is lying.
Something wrong with the 2 party system that locked Bernie out.
There's a reason he didn't go 3rd party in 2016... I believe they threatened to destroy him one way or another and he chose not to be the tail that wags the dog. View attachment 248424
Bernie got bought off Judas like. He got a house in VT from Hillary what the fuck did you get
Bernie has never been a Democrat and the worst decision the DNC made in the last POTUS election was allowing him into the primaries. I have confidence that Democrats won’t submit to extremism how the GOP did, but the damage Bernie and his crowd of idiots can do could be even worse than last time.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has already announced as a Democrat. Real Democrats are being pushed and shoved so far to the left they can't recognize their own party.
Just because you’re obsessed with 2 freshman congresswomen doesn’t mean they’re the driving force of anything but your wild imagination

Cute try. You might add the entire Black Caucus and the majority of kids now voting.

Democrats are being pushed to re-elect President Donald Trump. Personally, I appreciate your help but why are you flushing your party down the toilet?
Real Democrats are being pushed and shoved so far to the left they can't recognize their own party.
Like they were so far left to begin with ? Who was it that signed NAFTA, castrated the FCC ( telecom act 1996) and sold us out to the big banks (Glass Steagall repeal 1999)? Did I mention helped flood the streets with drugs and then beefed up the police and prison state ?
Imagine what Barry's debt would have been if the Fed hadn't kept the Prime rate at 1-2% during those disastrous years?

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Real Democrats are being pushed and shoved so far to the left they can't recognize their own party.
Like they were so far left to begin with ? Who was it that signed NAFTA, castrated the FCC ( telecom act 1996) and sold us out to the big banks (Glass Steagall repeal 1999)? Did I mention helped flood the streets with drugs and then beefed up the police and prison state ?

The new democratic party will still do all those things but with a sheen of socialism and identity politics to make it more palatable
The new democratic party will still do all those things but with a sheen of socialism and identity politics to make it more palatable
You don't understand....the permanent state is embedded within both parties in all the branches of government.
After 9/11, the signing of the Patriot Act and the NDAA ( both extended by Obama ) right now our Constitution isn't worth it's weight in US $1 bills.
Barry's debt ? Bush took it from $5 trillion to $12 trillion - by 2009 the National Debt was out of anyone's control. McCain would have started WW3 - how would that have been ?

Wrong.....and Bush was fighting two wars while Obama ran from two wars:

From a numerical standpoint, Trump is correct that the debt has almost doubled in dollar terms since Obama's first inauguration. Using the gross debt figure Trump cites, debt grew from $10.6 trillion on Inauguration Day 2009 to $19.4 trillion as of July 21. Using the more economically meaningful figure of debt held by the public, which excludes money that the government owes to itself, debt more than doubled from $6.3 trillion to $14 trillion.


Has President Obama Doubled the National Debt?

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