Bernie: Bringing Ice To Eskimos

It is astounding how low Liberals have brought the culture, isn't it.

The disgusting monologue of Liberal icon Stephen Colbert simply one more case in point.[/QUOTE]
I know Stephen Colbert. I've seen some videos on YouTube. :)
He always makes fun of Donald Trump :)

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"

Yeah I notice that Tim McVeigh made them all look like pikers.

That isn't my quote and I wouldn't have made it. I already know the Haymarket Square bomber's identity is unknown and that those charged were anarchists, neither of which equates to "leftist". The rest of the post is a clusterfuck of association fallacies that I wouldn't engage in.
4. And pop-culture:
"Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters"
Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters

It is astounding how low Liberals have brought the culture, isn't it.

The disgusting monologue of Liberal icon Stephen Colbert simply one more case in point.

---------- meaning??? :dunno:

Stuporgirl continues her deft streak of point-free posts. Pitching a shutout.

I love gettin' under your skin with revelations like the OP.

Stay tuned, dunce.

You've got hills to climb before you get the crown for point-free threads. Here's one over fifty posts in that still doesn't know what its own point is.
Is it too early to damn that progressive document called the Constitution?

We've documented that you are a congenital liar....but, with this post, one cannot ascertain whether you are more of an dunce or simply uneducated.

Nothing could be less 'progressive' than the Constitution.

Which represents the Constitution?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Of course, an education would inform you that 'b.' is 'Progressive.'

I have no doubt that you'll continue to lie.
Is it too early to damn that progressive document called the Constitution?

We've documented that you are a congenital liar....but, with this post, one cannot ascertain whether you are more of an dunce or simply uneducated.

Nothing could be less 'progressive' than the Constitution.

Which represents the Constitution?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Of course, an education would inform you that 'b.' is 'Progressive.'

I have no doubt that you'll continue to lie.
had the big boys had not abused the system, there would be no need of regulations, yet we still see today corporations and individuals willing to violate labor, environment and practice plutocracy..
The founders were conservative in nature but the Constitution broke with all governments instilled on the Earth to that period in history, making it progressive...
Some time ago, Dennis Prager made the point about how inundated our society is with Liberalism/Progressivism....

"Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.”

Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!!

The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians."

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue. get kids interested in politics early, so that they’re more fully prepared for battle when they step on college campuses....."

You can't make stuff like this up!

But the alt right has forgotten that liberals are GOP members also, and have been for many, many years..
Is it too early to damn that progressive document called the Constitution?

We've documented that you are a congenital liar....but, with this post, one cannot ascertain whether you are more of an dunce or simply uneducated.

Nothing could be less 'progressive' than the Constitution.

Which represents the Constitution?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Of course, an education would inform you that 'b.' is 'Progressive.'

I have no doubt that you'll continue to lie.

c. "Liberalism".

---- which further digs you deeper after your post 27 which conflates that with "leftism", being apparently blithely oblivious to the distinction.

Meanwhile, back at the OP............. still no point articulated for this thread. Perhaps that's why it's so dull.

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue.

Once again, never let obliviousness to one's own terms get in the way of a pointless post --- "Progressivism" died out a century ago. Nor does your own link claim that --- it used an adjective.

Noun: adjective. Know the difference.

Meanwhile ----- "super-woke"? Engrish much?
Is it too early to damn that progressive document called the Constitution?

We've documented that you are a congenital liar....but, with this post, one cannot ascertain whether you are more of an dunce or simply uneducated.

Nothing could be less 'progressive' than the Constitution.

Which represents the Constitution?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Of course, an education would inform you that 'b.' is 'Progressive.'

I have no doubt that you'll continue to lie.

c. "Liberalism".

---- which further digs you deeper after your post 27 which conflates that with "leftism", being apparently blithely oblivious to the distinction.

Meanwhile, back at the OP............. still no point articulated for this thread. Perhaps that's why it's so dull.

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue.

Once again, never let obliviousness to one's own terms get in the way of a pointless post --- "Progressivism" died out a century ago. Nor does your own link claim that --- it used an adjective.

Noun: adjective. Know the difference.

Meanwhile ----- "super-woke"? Engrish much?


So you did get the point earlier, and you were simply lying to hide your petulance at the truth about Liberals being revealed!!!

Exactly as I said.....Liberal and liar....synonymous.
Some time ago, Dennis Prager made the point about how inundated our society is with Liberalism/Progressivism....

"Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.”

Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!!

The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians."

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue. get kids interested in politics early, so that they’re more fully prepared for battle when they step on college campuses....."

You can't make stuff like this up!

Liberalism is why you can vote.
Is it too early to damn that progressive document called the Constitution?

We've documented that you are a congenital liar....but, with this post, one cannot ascertain whether you are more of an dunce or simply uneducated.

Nothing could be less 'progressive' than the Constitution.

Which represents the Constitution?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Of course, an education would inform you that 'b.' is 'Progressive.'

I have no doubt that you'll continue to lie.

c. "Liberalism".

---- which further digs you deeper after your post 27 which conflates that with "leftism", being apparently blithely oblivious to the distinction.

Meanwhile, back at the OP............. still no point articulated for this thread. Perhaps that's why it's so dull.

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue.

Once again, never let obliviousness to one's own terms get in the way of a pointless post --- "Progressivism" died out a century ago. Nor does your own link claim that --- it used an adjective.

Noun: adjective. Know the difference.

Meanwhile ----- "super-woke"? Engrish much?


So you did get the point earlier, and you were simply lying to hide your petulance at the truth about Liberals being revealed!!!

Exactly as I said.....Liberal and liar....synonymous.

Soooooooooooo ... your point was that Liberalism represents the Constitution. :wtf:

Allllllllllll righty then.
Is it too early to damn that progressive document called the Constitution?

We've documented that you are a congenital liar....but, with this post, one cannot ascertain whether you are more of an dunce or simply uneducated.

Nothing could be less 'progressive' than the Constitution.

Which represents the Constitution?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Of course, an education would inform you that 'b.' is 'Progressive.'

I have no doubt that you'll continue to lie.

c. "Liberalism".

---- which further digs you deeper after your post 27 which conflates that with "leftism", being apparently blithely oblivious to the distinction.

Meanwhile, back at the OP............. still no point articulated for this thread. Perhaps that's why it's so dull.

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue.

Once again, never let obliviousness to one's own terms get in the way of a pointless post --- "Progressivism" died out a century ago. Nor does your own link claim that --- it used an adjective.

Noun: adjective. Know the difference.

Meanwhile ----- "super-woke"? Engrish much?


So you did get the point earlier, and you were simply lying to hide your petulance at the truth about Liberals being revealed!!!

Exactly as I said.....Liberal and liar....synonymous.

Soooooooooooo ... your point was that Liberalism represents the Constitution. :wtf:

Allllllllllll righty then.


I really upset, you, Old Timer!!!

One lie from you after another!

Bernie is bringing ice cubes to the Eskimos? First of all, they are the Inuit, but at least I'm glad that Bernie has finally found a cause he can be good at. Maybe next he can drive a water camel truck to the Philippines.
Some time ago, Dennis Prager made the point about how inundated our society is with Liberalism/Progressivism....

"Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.”

Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!!

The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians."

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue. get kids interested in politics early, so that they’re more fully prepared for battle when they step on college campuses....."

You can't make stuff like this up!

tl;dr. rw cutnpaste
Is it too early to damn that progressive document called the Constitution?

We've documented that you are a congenital liar....but, with this post, one cannot ascertain whether you are more of an dunce or simply uneducated.

Nothing could be less 'progressive' than the Constitution.

Which represents the Constitution?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Of course, an education would inform you that 'b.' is 'Progressive.'

I have no doubt that you'll continue to lie.

c. "Liberalism".

---- which further digs you deeper after your post 27 which conflates that with "leftism", being apparently blithely oblivious to the distinction.

Meanwhile, back at the OP............. still no point articulated for this thread. Perhaps that's why it's so dull.

Yet Democrat penultimate presidential nominee and long-time communist, feels the necessity to publish a book to teach progerssivism!!!!

"The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue.

Once again, never let obliviousness to one's own terms get in the way of a pointless post --- "Progressivism" died out a century ago. Nor does your own link claim that --- it used an adjective.

Noun: adjective. Know the difference.

Meanwhile ----- "super-woke"? Engrish much?
^ that :D

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