Bernie: Bringing Ice To Eskimos

1. One can hope that the overkill is a strategic mistake, and even Americans who pay very little attention to politics will throw up their hands and scream 'ENOUGH ALREADY!!'

2. The media is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Inc....
"Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump"
Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump

3. The schools as well:
"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

4. And pop-culture:
"Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters"
Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters

5. And now....

...the 'Grande Dame'of Liberal /Communism has sensed a need for more Progressivism in our society...

"Bernie Sanders’ only presence on Amazon won’t just be creepy coloring books anymore. The Independent Vermont senator and former Democratic presidential candidate has announced that he’s penning a guide to political revolution for teenagers, and it’ll be out just in time for summer reading lists.

The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution will help teenagers “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,” according to a free preview given to (where else) super-woke adolescent rag Teen Vogue. get kids interested in politics early, so that they’re more fully prepared for battle when they step on college campuses.....the excitement of politics and what being a progressive is all about.”
Bernie Sanders Is Publishing a Book About Political Revolution for Teenagers

Suddenly 'political revolution' is a bad thing?

Someone has forgotten that the 1994 Republicans proclaimed their movement the Republican Revolution.

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