Bernie Marcus, 93 year old co-founder of Home Depot:, 'Nobody works, nobody gives a damn anymore because of socialism', will affect future generations


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Maybe he (Bernie Marcus) should start figuring out why CEO-worker pay is currently 455:1 when it used to be 30:1, and he’ll figure out why nobody wants to work for his greedy *** anymore

When the scumbag started expanding Home Depot (and killing local hardware stores) he hired retired tradesmen who could actually tell you how to do a job and what you'd need...and he paid them well.

He abandoned that concept as soon as he established those stores.
Maybe he (Bernie Marcus) should start figuring out why CEO-worker pay is currently 455:1 when it used to be 30:1, and he’ll figure out why nobody wants to work for his greedy *** anymore

Socialism? Maybe it's bad bosses who don't know how to motivate their workers. They expect workers to do over time, these workers will do the minimum because they can.
He's fifty years too late. We had a chance to end socialism/communism for good, but liberals made us pull our troops out of Vietnam.
That's an absurd statement.
Vietnam was a small country.
Even if the U.S. had won the war.
It wouldn't have done anything to change the communist ideology of Russia and China.
When the scumbag
Wow, that didn't take long.

started expanding Home Depot (and killing local hardware stores)
I wondered who did that!

he hired retired tradesmen who could actually tell you how to do a job and what you'd need...and he paid them well.
He abandoned that concept as soon as he established those stores.
That scumbag! No wonder you can't afford to fly the American flag!
Maybe he (Bernie Marcus) should start figuring out why CEO-worker pay is currently 455:1 when it used to be 30:1, and he’ll figure out why nobody wants to work for his greedy *** anymore

The wealthy have convinced the right-wing idiots that all workers are as limited in skills and knowledge as the right-wing idiots and so, must be grateful to an employer that treats them like sh!t.

The reality is those millions of knowledgeable and multi-skilled individuals know they are the backbone of all U.S. businesses. Despite the belief of the right-wing idiots and the wealthy owners, upper management is much easier to replace than an efficient and highly skilled workforce.

The greedy old fart, Bernie Marcus is like all the other billionaire a$$holes, he wants to pay sh!t wages then he expects way, way too much from the rubes he employs whose skills qualify them only for sweeping floors and collecting trash.


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