Bernie Sanders: beneficiary of the left's spreading "Anybody but Hillary" sentiments?

Self-avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders has been drawing surprisingly large crowds at his rallies. Yet he has offered nothing but the usual tired "I'll fight for you, tax the rich, and give you goodies" mantra the leftists always come up with.

What can be behind his inexplicable popularity?

Could it be that it is not so much that he is popular, but that the Left cannot find anyone else to rally around?

The leftists are understandably tired and distrustful of anyone named Clinton, after decades of their promises followed by failure, diversion, and lies. It would not be surprising if they are starting to look elsewhere... and there is no "elsewhere" except Bernie.

Bernie Sanders isn't offering anything the other leftist fanatics aren't also offering, just phrasing it slightly differently, while presenting a face most of them haven't seen before.

With the sad state of the Democrat party today, that might be all someone needs to get ahead. If their big-govt-dependent voters can look at a candidate and say, "Well, at least THIS one hasn't gotten caught in a bunch of lies and let us down yet", maybe that can fill some auditoriums.

When your ship is sinking behind you and you are swimming frantically away, ANYTHING that still floats can look pretty good to you.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena - Yahoo News
here are bernie Sanders issues tell us where he advocates giving you goodies ... as for the rich they are barely taxed as it is ... so show us were these issues of his are off base

look them up its all on his webs site tell us where you think this is a bad Idea ... and by the way hillary supports the same issue does this make her a socialist too???
Self-avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders has been drawing surprisingly large crowds at his rallies. Yet he has offered nothing but the usual tired "I'll fight for you, tax the rich, and give you goodies" mantra the leftists always come up with.

What can be behind his inexplicable popularity?

Could it be that it is not so much that he is popular, but that the Left cannot find anyone else to rally around?

The leftists are understandably tired and distrustful of anyone named Clinton, after decades of their promises followed by failure, diversion, and lies. It would not be surprising if they are starting to look elsewhere... and there is no "elsewhere" except Bernie.

Bernie Sanders isn't offering anything the other leftist fanatics aren't also offering, just phrasing it slightly differently, while presenting a face most of them haven't seen before.

With the sad state of the Democrat party today, that might be all someone needs to get ahead. If their big-govt-dependent voters can look at a candidate and say, "Well, at least THIS one hasn't gotten caught in a bunch of lies and let us down yet", maybe that can fill some auditoriums.

When your ship is sinking behind you and you are swimming frantically away, ANYTHING that still floats can look pretty good to you.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena - Yahoo News
here are bernie Sanders issues tell us where he advocates giving you goodies ... as for the rich they are barely taxed as it is ... so show us were these issues of his are off base

look them up its all on his webs site tell us where you think this is a bad Idea ... and by the way hillary supports the same issue does this make her a socialist too???

nobody cares; Hillary wont let him get anywhere. you know what happens when somebody gets in the way of a Clinton don't you?
Self-avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders has been drawing surprisingly large crowds at his rallies. Yet he has offered nothing but the usual tired "I'll fight for you, tax the rich, and give you goodies" mantra the leftists always come up with.

What can be behind his inexplicable popularity?

Could it be that it is not so much that he is popular, but that the Left cannot find anyone else to rally around?

The leftists are understandably tired and distrustful of anyone named Clinton, after decades of their promises followed by failure, diversion, and lies. It would not be surprising if they are starting to look elsewhere... and there is no "elsewhere" except Bernie.

Bernie Sanders isn't offering anything the other leftist fanatics aren't also offering, just phrasing it slightly differently, while presenting a face most of them haven't seen before.

With the sad state of the Democrat party today, that might be all someone needs to get ahead. If their big-govt-dependent voters can look at a candidate and say, "Well, at least THIS one hasn't gotten caught in a bunch of lies and let us down yet", maybe that can fill some auditoriums.

When your ship is sinking behind you and you are swimming frantically away, ANYTHING that still floats can look pretty good to you.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena - Yahoo News
here are bernie Sanders issues tell us where he advocates giving you goodies ... as for the rich they are barely taxed as it is ... so show us were these issues of his are off base

look them up its all on his webs site tell us where you think this is a bad Idea ... and by the way hillary supports the same issue does this make her a socialist too???

nobody cares; Hillary wont let him get anywhere. you know what happens when somebody gets in the way of a Clinton don't you?
like always you can't answer the question ... what's new ... to answer your question the republicans has the same problem that Bernie will have the clinton put the republicans where they belong ... unemployed, getting them welfare food stamps as you call them
Bernie Sanders isn't offering anything the other leftist fanatics aren't also offering,
Not true, Clinton is offering a lot less.

Like her recent attempt to suck up to voters by offering a watered down version of Bernie Sander's free education promise, though I suppose you want Clinton's version - which is an ACA for the Education sector (meaning the hardest hit won't really get a cent).

Here's what he said a few months back: Make Public Higher Ed Tuition Free - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
Monday, April 13, 2015

In a Monday evening appearance at American University in Washington, D.C., Sen. Bernie Sanders called for making 4-year public colleges tuition-free, allowing students to refinance loans, eliminating federal profits on loans, expanding work-study programs and providing incentives for colleges and universities to keep costs down.

The senator also called for expanding Pell Grants to help more students afford college through a program targeted for steep cuts by Republican budget makers in Congress. Sanders also said student loan programs must be overhauled to reduce crushing debt loads which now exceed American’s credit card debt.
you need to do some research
you're an idiot. and you post propaganda. so no i'm not going to go through every one of those pieces of propaganda.

go cry
you need to know your guy is a loser
oh and a pussy that ran away from some black bigots
May 08, 2013 elizabeth warren and hillary clinton were the first to speak about lowering the interest rate on student loans ... they also talk about lowering the cost to go to collage
you're an idiot. and you post propaganda. so no i'm not going to go through every one of those pieces of propaganda.

go cry

you're an idiot. and you post propaganda. so no i'm not going to go through every one of those pieces of propaganda.

go cry
seem to have struck a nerve did I ... pick one ... just one ... then show us how its, how did you say ??? Oh yeah, propaganda. now don't have a melt down here ... just because you don't like what he's saying makes sense ...
you need to know your guy is a loser
oh and a pussy that ran away from some black bigots
AHHHHHHHHH are ya mad because he didn't start beating them up like republicans do, then drag them all bloodied off the stage ... were are dems ...we know you can't win a debate with your fist ... we know then you have a pretty weak debate when yoiu have to use your fist... I bet its killing you to see black people say Black lives count too
I bet its killing you to see black people say Black lives count too
Nothing is killing him. The question is what is killing blacks. Sad truth of the matter is that is risky behavior that runs the gauntlet from smoking to violent crime, and includes binge drinking, drug abuse, sedentary lifestyle etc.

And there's fuck all BLM or Bernie can do about it.
I think Clinton is calculating some sort of catastrophe for Sanders. I wouldn't be surprised if the "BlackLivesMatter" interruptions for his speaking engagements are the work of the Clinton Catastrophe Connection. I don't mean one of those coincidental suicides with a gunshot to the back of the head, just convenient roadblocks for Sanders.
The fact that there is even the slightest chance that a Trump vs. Sanders run just goes to show how desperate America has come.
The fact that there is even the slightest chance that a Trump vs. Sanders run just goes to show how desperate America has come.
I don't think it is desperation on the Republican side although I agree with you about Sanders.

Anger is fueling the Republican polls right now. Independents and former Republicans are mad as hell with the party bosses and media calling the shots. I suspect that Trump will continue being the front runner until the voters do see he just may be that loose cannon everyone worries about. Can he control his mouth and mood swings? It's awfully hard to check an ego that big. He sometimes talks more about how great he is than what he stands for.

But, why aren't other candidates understanding this anger and tapping into it?

BTW, the fact that Republicans are experiencing this split is because they are NOT sheep. They can think for themselves and shake up the party when they feel they are not being heard. This is something that the Democrats should learn from. They are just waiting to see what the Democrat Establishment is going to do about Hillary and tow the line for Biden or Sanders. The Committee will let them know how to vote as soon as there is a definite resolution to the Clinton scandals.
The fact that there is even the slightest chance that a Trump vs. Sanders run just goes to show how desperate America has come.
Eight years of Obama not enough? I think if anything it shows that America is tired of stuffed suits after the Hope&Change fiasco.
The fact that there is even the slightest chance that a Trump vs. Sanders run just goes to show how desperate America has come.
Eight years of Obama not enough? I think if anything it shows that America is tired of stuffed suits after the Hope&Change fiasco.

That is what I mean.
If I was a liberal I would be furious at Obama. FACT: The only people that have benefited from the "recovery" is the top 7%. PERIOD. The remaining 93% of Americans, on average, are still worse off financially. America's wealthiest are doing absolutely fantastic. A 33% increase in earnings while the rest of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% decline in earnings.
Yet, the liberal sheep still defend this guy.
And true to form, they will probably elect Hillary!!
Bernie Sanders isn't offering anything the other leftist fanatics aren't also offering,
Not true, Clinton is offering a lot less.

Like her recent attempt to suck up to voters by offering a watered down version of Bernie Sander's free education promise, though I suppose you want Clinton's version - which is an ACA for the Education sector (meaning the hardest hit won't really get a cent).

Here's what he said a few months back: Make Public Higher Ed Tuition Free - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
Monday, April 13, 2015

In a Monday evening appearance at American University in Washington, D.C., Sen. Bernie Sanders called for making 4-year public colleges tuition-free, allowing students to refinance loans, eliminating federal profits on loans, expanding work-study programs and providing incentives for colleges and universities to keep costs down.

The senator also called for expanding Pell Grants to help more students afford college through a program targeted for steep cuts by Republican budget makers in Congress. Sanders also said student loan programs must be overhauled to reduce crushing debt loads which now exceed American’s credit card debt.
you need to do some research
You need to wake up, and smell the student debt mountain: Student debt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Economist reported in June 2014 that U.S. student loan debt exceeded $1.2 trillion, with over 7 million debtors in default. Public universities increased their fees by a total of 27% over the five years ending in 2012, or 20% adjusted for inflation. Public university students paid an average of almost $8,400 annually for in-state tuition, with out-of-state students paying more than $19,000. For two decades ending in 2012, college costs rose 1.6% more than inflation each year. Government funding per student fell 27% between 2007 and 2012. Student enrollments rose from 15.2 million in 1999 to 20.4 million in 2011, but fell 2% in 2012.[5][6]Bloomberg reported in July 2014 that: "The biggest growth in the program came in the past decade, as student debt rose an average of 14 percent a year, to $966 billion in 2012 from $364 billion in 2004, according to New York Fed data."[7]
Sanders could be the next Barack Hussein Obama. Another NWO Trojan Horse. Clinton could be on the outs again. The NWO Elites are very smart. They see Sanders gaining in popularity. They realize many despise Hillary Clinton. Sanders could be their man. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

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