Bernie Sanders.....Can you smell the burn ???

He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.

CEO's worked for that money. Government didn't.
On the whole, I'll go with people in government. Businesses aren't any smarter. Take your boss for instance LOL

Generalities are stupid
.... Not really. I used to admire CEOs when they made on average 25 times as much has the worker and were members of the greatest generation and cared about their workers. After 35 years of give away to the rich by the GOP, they make over three hundred x as much and don't give a crap about their workers and only care about their investors.
False equivalency. Actors and athletes are not the same as CEOs of publicly traded companies. I say That because actors and athletes don’t lay people off.
What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.

CEO's worked for that money. Government didn't.
On the whole, I'll go with people in government. Businesses aren't any smarter. Take your boss for instance LOL

Generalities are stupid
.... Not really. I used to admire CEOs when they made on average 25 times as much has the worker and were members of the greatest generation and cared about their workers. After 35 years of give away to the rich by the GOP, they make over three hundred x as much and don't give a crap about their workers and only care about their investors.

Why don't you become a CEO? It is generally accepted that Trump and most CEO and big business people are not very bright. Seems like becoming a billionaire should be pretty simple. So, why don't people trade in their minimum wage for the corner office?
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.
I don't give a damn about bringing down CEO pay, I'm interested in bringing up MY after tax income.

But you don't fan the flames of class warfare, and class envy, and aren't consumed by jealousy like he is.
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.

CEO's worked for that money. Government didn't.
On the whole, I'll go with people in government. Businesses aren't any smarter. Take your boss for instance LOL

You'l go in any direction the other commies go. You on the lift bitch up a storm about a CEO working all year for 10 million bucks, but let some leftist actress, sports hero, musician make that kind of money or more in a years time, you have no problem with that.
They should be taxed more too it's ridiculous.
Sanders is a joke, come on. :icon_rolleyes:
If you listen to him for 10 minutes he wouldn't be,
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.
I don't give a damn about bringing down CEO pay, I'm interested in bringing up MY after tax income.

But you don't fan the flames of class warfare, and class envy, and aren't consumed by jealousy like he is.
Spoken like a perfect dupe of the greedy idiot mega GOP rich and its garbage propaganda. During the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years, that also leads to the screwing of the middle class. When they say worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, what do you think they mean, dumbass doop?
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.
I don't give a damn about bringing down CEO pay, I'm interested in bringing up MY after tax income.

But you don't fan the flames of class warfare, and class envy, and aren't consumed by jealousy like he is.
I am happily retired and really pissed off with what the Republicans have done to my country and how they brainwash half the country. You haven't heard about it, brainwashed functional morons...
What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.

CEO's worked for that money. Government didn't.
On the whole, I'll go with people in government. Businesses aren't any smarter. Take your boss for instance LOL

You'l go in any direction the other commies go. You on the lift bitch up a storm about a CEO working all year for 10 million bucks, but let some leftist actress, sports hero, musician make that kind of money or more in a years time, you have no problem with that.
They should be taxed more too it's ridiculous.

They should? Then why do you always harp on a CEO who is running a multi-million dollar company instead of that actress that makes 10 million for one stupid movie; doing something she really enjoys doing?

I never once seen you bring up those people. It's always the people that crawled up the ladder you attack.
False equivalency. Actors and athletes are not the same as CEOs of publicly traded companies. I say That because actors and athletes don’t lay people off.

The complaint is not about how they conduct their business, the complaint is the income they make. If you don't have enough work for the employees you have, what are you supposed to do, pay them sit around the coffee pot?
Sanders is a joke, come on. :icon_rolleyes:
If you listen to him for 10 minutes he wouldn't be,
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.
I don't give a damn about bringing down CEO pay, I'm interested in bringing up MY after tax income.

But you don't fan the flames of class warfare, and class envy, and aren't consumed by jealousy like he is.
Spoken like a perfect dupe of the greedy idiot mega GOP rich and its garbage propaganda. During the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years, that also leads to the screwing of the middle class. When they say worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, what do you think they mean, dumbass doop?
Bernie's done great! He's joined the 1%!
Most of White America is post-racial, but, with the racism the Democrat Party is showing toward post-racial America we have to protect our interests to be treated as equally as anyone else.

I agree, but the Democrats are making us racial again, and solely demonizing Whites.

We are One People,
With One Law,
Applied without Favoritism.

Jussie Smollet is evidence that Justice is neither blind nor that the law is applied without Favoritism. Our government applies racism against Whites and for Blacks with impunity.
Foxx is a bad apple. Hopefully she will be made an example of.

Sadly I think the story is going to quietly go away like it does for most all leftists. The media will make sure of it.
The FBI and DOJ are reviewing it.
We're not demonizing whites, we're demonizing Republican white greedy idiot assholes who brainwash Chumps like you LOL
You seem upset.
brothers and sisters: felons should vote because they are the most affected by unjust laws, my friends

Of course they won't sell it that way, but today we have right-wing radio and Fox to point out the truth of the left.

All this talk about how Republicans are in trouble in the near future because of demographics, but it sure seems like Democrats are so desperate for votes they'll take them from anybody, even if it means changing the rules.

Same thing with the proposal of letting people as young as 16 vote. Democrats rely on the ignorant voter for victory, so they are seeking new unchartered territory to find them.
"John William King, the ringleader of a racist group of men who kidnapped a black father of three and dragged him to his death two decades ago in one of the most brutal hate crimes in U.S. history, was executed in Texas on Wednesday night"

I hope Bernie got him an absentee ballot.
brothers and sisters: felons should vote because they are the most affected by unjust laws, my friends
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab popularly referred to as the "Underwear Bomber", is a Nigerian man who confessed to and was convicted of attempting to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear while on board Northwest Airlines Flight 253, en route from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day, 2009.


Several Democrats, and you, want him to be able to vote in Federal Elections.

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed to have organised the attack with Abdulmutallab; they said they supplied him with the bomb and trained him. Connections to al-Qaeda and Anwar al-Awlaki have been found.

Abdulmutallab was convicted in a U.S. federal court of eight federal criminal counts, including attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted murder of 289 people. On February 16, 2012, he was sentenced to 4 life terms plus 50 years without parole. He is incarcerated at ADX Florence, the supermax federal prison in Colorado.
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.
Experts agree the only way to bring CEO pay down is with a higher top tax rate.
I don't give a damn about bringing down CEO pay, I'm interested in bringing up MY after tax income.

But you don't fan the flames of class warfare, and class envy, and aren't consumed by jealousy like he is.
I am happily retired and really pissed off with what the Republicans have done to my country and how they brainwash half the country. You haven't heard about it, brainwashed functional morons...

What was your job prior to retirement?
False equivalency. Actors and athletes are not the same as CEOs of publicly traded companies. I say That because actors and athletes don’t lay people off.

The complaint is not about how they conduct their business, the complaint is the income they make. If you don't have enough work for the employees you have, what are you supposed to do, pay them sit around the coffee pot?

No. Of course not. But if you have massive layoffs and still pay yourself a $50mil bonus it doesn’t sit well with me. Don’t get me wrong. I am a capitalist and from that POV I agree with you. But for a small part of me it’s tough to swallow seeing a 20+ yr employee get pushed aside while the C Level team pays itself massive bonuses.

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