Bernie Sanders Defends Ben Carson: Says Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carsonā€™s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a ā€œDemocratic Socialistā€ didnā€™t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said itā€™s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponentā€™s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past arenā€™t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Pressā€˜s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are ā€œfair game,ā€ Bernie said no, and added the following.

ā€œI think it might be a better idea, I know itā€™s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.ā€​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carsonā€™s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
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With this sort of attitude how could The Democrat Party even think of nominating Sanders? After all, they live for hate and this ain't that.

Meanwhile, a little musical salute to our own resident Fauxahontas!

Aw, so now no one's past is relevant? Really? Not even Hillary's? Give me a break!
With this sort of attitude how could The Democrat Party even think of nominating Sanders?

Good thing there's no such thing as the "Democrat Party."

As for Sanders, he consistently sticks to the issues. Not surprising he'd show more class than some of the members of Carson's own party.
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carsonā€™s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a ā€œDemocratic Socialistā€ didnā€™t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said itā€™s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponentā€™s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past arenā€™t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Pressā€˜s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are ā€œfair game,ā€ Bernie said no, and added the following.

ā€œI think it might be a better idea, I know itā€™s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.ā€​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carsonā€™s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
I agree. Most of the accusations I've heard directed at Carson are nonsense. I certainly wouldn't vote for him because he's just not presidential material. He lacks both charisma and a persona that projects strength and has a rambling speaking style that makes it difficult for him to clearly state his ideas.. He doesn't know how to handle the media plus he has no applicable experience or education unless you consider neurosurgery a useful skill in the oval office.
I trust Sanders on this, Miss Native American, not you.

Let it go.

I disagree! Fuck you and Sanders! BTW, I'm a guy.
You act like a girl on this, son. Grow up!

Oh, so now you're the "adult" in the room? Funny...
You are acting like a teen girl.

Acting like a teen girl? Why, because I believe Carson should be thoroughly vetted based on all the questionable shit he has spewed for decades? Do you want a president who just makes shit up? I don't. Hell, his association with Armstrong Williams alone is more than enough to thoroughly vet him. I don't want carnival grifters like them running the country. I prefer professional grifters.
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carsonā€™s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a ā€œDemocratic Socialistā€ didnā€™t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said itā€™s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponentā€™s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past arenā€™t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Pressā€˜s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are ā€œfair game,ā€ Bernie said no, and added the following.

ā€œI think it might be a better idea, I know itā€™s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.ā€​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carsonā€™s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
I agree. Most of the accusations I've heard directed at Carson are nonsense. I certainly wouldn't vote for him because he's just not presidential material. He lacks both charisma and a persona that projects strength and has a rambling speaking style that makes difficult for him to clearly state his ideas.. He clearly doesn't know how to handle the media plus he has no applicable experience or education unless you consider neurosurgery a useful skill in the oval office.

You agree? With what?
I trust Sanders on this, Miss Native American, not you.

Let it go.

I disagree! Fuck you and Sanders! BTW, I'm a guy.
You act like a girl on this, son. Grow up!

Oh, so now you're the "adult" in the room? Funny...
You are acting like a teen girl.

Acting like a teen girl? Why, because I believe Carson should be thoroughly vetted based on all the questionable shit he has spewed for decades? Do you want a president who just makes shit up? I don't. Hell, his association with Armstrong Williams alone is more than enough to thoroughly vet him. I don't want carnival grifters like them running the country. I prefer professional grifters.
I want you to act like a man. Stop your tears, wipe your eyes, and admit Sanders' right because you are wrong.
Sorry squaw but Sanders is right.

Then Carson's lies, AND Hillary Clinton's lies aren't relevant?
A lie is often judged by the level of danger it poses. Was a life lost because of a Carson lie? No. Was a life lost because of a Clinton lie? Yes.

Thus while BOTH being a lie only ONE cost a life. And that is what makes it different.

Please thoroughly explain how a "Clinton lie" cost a life.
I trust Sanders on this, Miss Native American, not you.

Let it go.

I disagree! Fuck you and Sanders! BTW, I'm a guy.
You act like a girl on this, son. Grow up!

Oh, so now you're the "adult" in the room? Funny...
You are acting like a teen girl.

Acting like a teen girl? Why, because I believe Carson should be thoroughly vetted based on all the questionable shit he has spewed for decades? Do you want a president who just makes shit up? I don't. Hell, his association with Armstrong Williams alone is more than enough to thoroughly vet him. I don't want carnival grifters like them running the country. I prefer professional grifters.

I think Sanders' point with the media's coverage of Carson is the same point he made with the "damn emails" remark. It's something I'd call the Kardashianification of the infotainment industry. If the only "news" the visual media keep spewing day after day is this kind of thing, the American voter who relies exclusively on visual media for their information will have no clue what the issues are and who stands for what.

As a consequence, you'll have a lot of ignorant people going to the polls. If you have any doubt about the American capacity for ignorance, look around this forum.

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