Bernie Sanders Defends Ben Carson: Says Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

I disagree! Fuck you and Sanders! BTW, I'm a guy.
You act like a girl on this, son. Grow up!

Oh, so now you're the "adult" in the room? Funny...
You are acting like a teen girl.

Acting like a teen girl? Why, because I believe Carson should be thoroughly vetted based on all the questionable shit he has spewed for decades? Do you want a president who just makes shit up? I don't. Hell, his association with Armstrong Williams alone is more than enough to thoroughly vet him. I don't want carnival grifters like them running the country. I prefer professional grifters.
I want you to act like a man. Stop your tears, wipe your eyes, and admit Sanders' right because you are wrong.

Funny. Do you stand for anything? What are you? From what I've noticed - you seem highly disliked by both sides of the fence. I've never had any respect for you on any issue. Do you have a soul?
I disagree! Fuck you and Sanders! BTW, I'm a guy.
You act like a girl on this, son. Grow up!

Oh, so now you're the "adult" in the room? Funny...
You are acting like a teen girl.

Acting like a teen girl? Why, because I believe Carson should be thoroughly vetted based on all the questionable shit he has spewed for decades? Do you want a president who just makes shit up? I don't. Hell, his association with Armstrong Williams alone is more than enough to thoroughly vet him. I don't want carnival grifters like them running the country. I prefer professional grifters.

I think Sanders' point with the media's coverage of Carson is the same point he made with the "damn emails" remark. It's something I'd call the Kardashianification of the infotainment industry. If the only "news" the visual media keep spewing day after day is this kind of thing, the American voter who relies exclusively on visual media for their information will have no clue what the issues are and who stands for what.

As a consequence, you'll have a lot of ignorant people going to the polls. If you have any doubt about the American capacity for ignorance, look around this forum.
The far left and the far right here prove that on an hourly basis.
You act like a girl on this, son. Grow up!

Oh, so now you're the "adult" in the room? Funny...
You are acting like a teen girl.

Acting like a teen girl? Why, because I believe Carson should be thoroughly vetted based on all the questionable shit he has spewed for decades? Do you want a president who just makes shit up? I don't. Hell, his association with Armstrong Williams alone is more than enough to thoroughly vet him. I don't wa?nt carnival grifters like them running the country. I prefer professional grifters.
I want you to act like a man. Stop your tears, wipe your eyes, and admit Sanders' right because you are wrong.

Funny. Do you stand for anything? What are you? From what I've noticed - you seem highly disliked by both sides of the fence. I've never had any respect for you on any issue. Do you have a soul?
Who gives what you think. I don't. I care for context, for the country, not for the fucked up far left or far right, for what is best for all of us.

Stop you fucking crying, amirite
It goes without question that all the important issued should be thoroughly debated/discussed and vetted - but that doesn't mean sweeping all the other shit under the rug. Carson should be held accountable for his questionable past and the loony statements he has made.
It goes without question that all the important issued should be thoroughly debated/discussed and vetted - but that doesn't mean sweeping all the other shit under the rug. Carson should be held accountable for his questionable past and the loony statements he has made.
Listen to Sanders.
Sorry squaw but Sanders is right.

Then Carson's lies, AND Hillary Clinton's lies aren't relevant?
A lie is often judged by the level of danger it poses. Was a life lost because of a Carson lie? No. Was a life lost because of a Clinton lie? Yes.

Thus while BOTH being a lie only ONE cost a life. And that is what makes it different.

Please thoroughly explain how a "Clinton lie" cost a life.
Its a waste of time to explain anything to a racist.
It goes without question that all the important issued should be thoroughly debated/discussed and vetted - but that doesn't mean sweeping all the other shit under the rug. Carson should be held accountable for his questionable past and the loony statements he has made.

Look at it this way: Do you honestly think Carson can survive on his stance on the issues?

If the media backed off and let him survive or fall on his own words on the issues, people would be able to see that he's vague-to-misinformed on almost everything to do with running the country.

If they keep yammering about the Pyramids, his followers will claim they crucified him.
Sorry squaw but Sanders is right.

Then Carson's lies, AND Hillary Clinton's lies aren't relevant?
A lie is often judged by the level of danger it poses. Was a life lost because of a Carson lie? No. Was a life lost because of a Clinton lie? Yes.

Thus while BOTH being a lie only ONE cost a life. And that is what makes it different.

Please thoroughly explain how a "Clinton lie" cost a life.
Its a waste of time to explain anything to a racist.
dorko, such personal insight! I am proud of you. Sanders is right, let it go.
It goes without question that all the important issued should be thoroughly debated/discussed and vetted - but that doesn't mean sweeping all the other shit under the rug. Carson should be held accountable for his questionable past and the loony statements he has made.

Look at it this way: Do you honestly think Carson can survive on his stance on the issues?

If the media backed off and let him survive or fall on his own words on the issues, people would be able to see that he's vague-to-misinformed on almost everything to do with running the country.

If they keep yammering about the Pyramids, his followers will claim they crucified him.

You talking about Obama?
I totally disagree with Sanders politics but I respect anyone who has real convictions, sticks to them and says what he believes even if it is not politically beneficial to him. The Hildebeast by contrast would say or do anything to get elected.

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