Bernie Sanders Defends Ben Carson: Says Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Man, Sanders is really making some very under-appreciated moves. First he says he's tired of hearing about Clinton's emails. Now he's telling everyone to drop the Carson lie discussion. He's taking the "I'm strong enough to not give a damn about all the nonsense" approach. At the very same time he's cleverly disguising the fact that he's taking a direct assault on Hillary "Republicans are my enemies" Clinton, by showing himself as someone capable of being a uniter and work with both sides of the aisle in Congress.

This is a very well played political gambit on Sanders' part.

Maybe. Or maybe Bernie doesn't want his dirty laundry aired. He has some...
Got a link or are you a Yap-a-hoe?

Yeah, Greasy Cleef, I got a link. Google it. However, I will share this much with you:

3. Those who know him best, and have worked with him most, seem to be endorsing Hillary Clinton: I’m not sure how many people are aware of this, but most congressional Democrats are lining up with Hillary Clinton. But it’s not just them, Vermont’s two biggest political leaders, Governor Peter Shumlin and Senator Patrick Leahy, have endorsed Clinton. That tells me a little something about what he might be like behind closed doors. It’s not good when those who should know you best, and have worked with you the most, are siding with your opponent.

Read more at: 5 Pros and Cons to Bernie Sanders the Presidential Candidate
You said DIRT. I read it and found NO dirt. Try again liar.

Like I said, Greasy Cleef - Google it.

Bernie Sanders' 1960s love life revealed

Bernie Sanders Has a Secret
FIFTY FIVE years ago? Are you kidding me? FIFTY FIVE years ago? And its about his love life? Bye!
I trust Sanders on this, Miss Native American, not you.

Let it go.

Man, Sanders is really making some very under-appreciated moves. First he says he's tired of hearing about Clinton's emails. Now he's telling everyone to drop the Carson lie discussion. He's taking the "I'm strong enough to not give a damn about all the nonsense" approach. At the very same time he's cleverly disguising the fact that he's taking a direct assault on Hillary "Republicans are my enemies" Clinton, by showing himself as someone capable of being a uniter and work with both sides of the aisle in Congress.

This is a very well played political gambit on Sanders' part.

I don't think it is a gambit.

I think this is how he feels and behaves.

The man is a realist and has a heart.
Man, Sanders is really making some very under-appreciated moves. First he says he's tired of hearing about Clinton's emails. Now he's telling everyone to drop the Carson lie discussion. He's taking the "I'm strong enough to not give a damn about all the nonsense" approach. At the very same time he's cleverly disguising the fact that he's taking a direct assault on Hillary "Republicans are my enemies" Clinton, by showing himself as someone capable of being a uniter and work with both sides of the aisle in Congress.

This is a very well played political gambit on Sanders' part.

Maybe. Or maybe Bernie doesn't want his dirty laundry aired. He has some...
Got a link or are you a Yap-a-hoe?

Yeah, Greasy Cleef, I got a link. Google it. However, I will share this much with you:

3. Those who know him best, and have worked with him most, seem to be endorsing Hillary Clinton: I’m not sure how many people are aware of this, but most congressional Democrats are lining up with Hillary Clinton. But it’s not just them, Vermont’s two biggest political leaders, Governor Peter Shumlin and Senator Patrick Leahy, have endorsed Clinton. That tells me a little something about what he might be like behind closed doors. It’s not good when those who should know you best, and have worked with you the most, are siding with your opponent.

Read more at: 5 Pros and Cons to Bernie Sanders the Presidential Candidate
You said DIRT. I read it and found NO dirt. Try again liar.

Like I said, Greasy Cleef - Google it.

Bernie Sanders' 1960s love life revealed

Bernie Sanders Has a Secret

As to #3, Leahy is an opportunist and always has been. He's as bad as Hillary.

As to the rest...who cares ?

HIllary is married to a know philanderer and I could care less about that.

That she's a pathological liar is my biggest concern. That she orchestrates her campaign to minimize exposure to those who could really hurt her is what is more telling.
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson’s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a “Democratic Socialist” didn’t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said it’s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponent’s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past aren’t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Press‘s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are “fair game,” Bernie said no, and added the following.

“I think it might be a better idea, I know it’s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.”​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carson’s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
I feel like Bernie Sanders would do wonders for not only the country but the world.
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson’s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a “Democratic Socialist” didn’t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said it’s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponent’s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past aren’t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Press‘s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are “fair game,” Bernie said no, and added the following.

“I think it might be a better idea, I know it’s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.”​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carson’s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
I feel like Bernie Sanders would do wonders for not only the country but the world.

He is a great example.

HIllary is just part of the elitist aristocratic sect that seems to think God pre-destined them to rule the way they want to.

I take solace in the fact that if she wins, there will be an even more conservative congress in place over the next four to eight years.
Yet when Bernie proclaimed were sick of hearing about your dam e-mails namely Hillarys the left and the Op were and are in full agreement funny how you back when he's supporting the Dem.
It goes without question that all the important issued should be thoroughly debated/discussed and vetted - but that doesn't mean sweeping all the other shit under the rug. Carson should be held accountable for his questionable past and the loony statements he has made.

Look at it this way: Do you honestly think Carson can survive on his stance on the issues?

If the media backed off and let him survive or fall on his own words on the issues, people would be able to see that he's vague-to-misinformed on almost everything to do with running the country.

If they keep yammering about the Pyramids, his followers will claim they crucified him.

You talking about Obama?

What part of "Carson" did you not understand?
Yet when Bernie proclaimed were sick of hearing about your dam e-mails namely Hillarys the left and the Op were and are in full agreement funny how you back when he's supporting the Dem.
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson’s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a “Democratic Socialist” didn’t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said it’s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponent’s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past aren’t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Press‘s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are “fair game,” Bernie said no, and added the following.

“I think it might be a better idea, I know it’s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.”​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carson’s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
The mistake is believing Sanders cares about defending Carson. Sanders simply wants to focus on the here and now. He is also the type of candidate that will not take opportunities to take down other candidates.
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson’s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a “Democratic Socialist” didn’t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said it’s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponent’s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past aren’t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Press‘s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are “fair game,” Bernie said no, and added the following.

“I think it might be a better idea, I know it’s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.”​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carson’s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
The mistake is believing Sanders cares about defending Carson. Sanders simply wants to focus on the here and now. He is also the type of candidate that will not take opportunities to take down other candidates.

That's what the morons who are Hillary worshippers don't get.

The man has heart and substance.

She's an elitist. I wonder if she'll get away with stealing furniture from the WH this time ?
I realize that Sanders would like the media to focus on Carson's policies to do away with Medicare and give major tax breaks to the rich - but Carson should also be held accountable for all the crazy stuff he has said over the decades that bring his integrity into question.
I realize that Sanders would like the media to focus on Carson's policies to do away with Medicare and give major tax breaks to the rich - but Carson should also be held accountable for all the crazy stuff he has said over the decades that bring his integrity into question.

Which is more important, though? Which would have more impact on Americans' future? Weigh that in the balance.

Besides, if he were to win the GOP nomination, do you honestly think he could hold his own against either Clinton or Sanders in the Presidential debates?
In a Sunday interview with Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson’s recent public image problems came up. However, the candidate who has termed himself a “Democratic Socialist” didn’t take the opportunity to bash his opponent for his alleged falsehoods about his past. Instead, Sanders said it’s time to forget all of that, and focus on the current issues.

However, asked about his opponent’s alleged falsehoods, Bernie Sanders took the high road, saying that things Carson wrote 25 years ago about experiences even further in the past aren’t relevant to this campaign. When asked by Meet The Press‘s Chuck Todd whether these investigations are “fair game,” Bernie said no, and added the following.

“I think it might be a better idea, I know it’s a crazy idea, but maybe we focus on the issues impacting the American people and what candidates are saying rather than just spending so much time exploring their lives of 30 or 40 years ago.”​

More: Bernie Sanders: Ben Carson’s Past Is Past And Not Relevant Here

Bernie Sanders says it's irrelevant whether Ben Carson's old stories are true or false -- his current campaign is what matters. I strongly disagree! Carson has said many things that are highly questionable - and he should be held accountable as he runs for the highest office in the land. I hope the media continue to vigorous investigate his past. He should be thoroughly vetted. If Carson has nothing to hide - he should welcome such scrutiny instead of whining about it and calling it a "witch hunt". He recently complained that Obama never received such scrutiny.
I agree. Most of the accusations I've heard directed at Carson are nonsense. I certainly wouldn't vote for him because he's just not presidential material. He lacks both charisma and a persona that projects strength and has a rambling speaking style that makes difficult for him to clearly state his ideas.. He clearly doesn't know how to handle the media plus he has no applicable experience or education unless you consider neurosurgery a useful skill in the oval office.

You agree? With what?
I agree with Sanders. Stories of Carson's life 40 or 50's years ago is irrelevant. However, what is relevant is the fact that Carson doesn't know how to handle the media and he can't clearly express himself or explain his ideas. In other words, he's a novice politician.
I realize that Sanders would like the media to focus on Carson's policies to do away with Medicare and give major tax breaks to the rich - but Carson should also be held accountable for all the crazy stuff he has said over the decades that bring his integrity into question.

Which is more important, though? Which would have more impact on Americans' future? Weigh that in the balance.

Besides, if he were to win the GOP nomination, do you honestly think he could hold his own against either Clinton or Sanders in the Presidential debates?
Anyone who watched Carson in the debates should realize he doesn't have the skills needed to stand up against people who have been debating all their lives. In a debate setting or even an interview, the candidate must formulate his response in a second and that response has to be clear and make sense. If it's a diversion then it must have a logical connection to the question. All this requires a person that thinks fast under pressure and that's not Carson.

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