Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Evidently he has no clue how collateral works, the man is obviously a few cards shy on the ole economic deck. A home has actual value...a women's study degree? Not so much. The man is running on an economics platform? Scary shit

Bernie Sanders


You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?
10:39 AM - 26 Dec 2015

Bernie Sanders understands class warfare. To achieve much of what Sanders wants, there can be no middle class. In class warfare, it is the Middle Class that always suffers.
OK, Please explain why student loans should NOT bear a higher interest rate than mortgage loans.

Why would I do that?
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.

To an idiot who's obsessing over a tweet? Why would I want to do that?
OK so it's settled. You are an idiot. We all understand economics much better than Bernie. Which isnt saying much. And you cant defend his position.
Thanks for clarifying.
OK, Please explain why student loans should NOT bear a higher interest rate than mortgage loans.

Why would I do that?
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.

To an idiot who's obsessing over a tweet? Why would I want to do that?
OK so it's settled.

That you're obsessing over a tweet? I thought we established that yesterday.

Here's a challenge you'll be either too lazy or too incompetent to meet: Go through Sanders' history, from Mayor of Burlington through the present and find any incident that you think proves he "doesn't understand economics."

Or just keep obsessing over that tweet. The OP needs all the help he can get.
There are more leeches like you than those of us willing to earn our own way. That's a result of a piece of shit in the WHITE House.

Again, you determine the right thing as being what you want.

Only $55,000? How sad for someone who thinks he's worth so much.

Side business? Being a piece of shit like you can't pay much.

Cleetus, I'd put my resume along side yours any day of the week and know I'd come out better.

The reality is, people stopped buying the GOP Bullshit that the rich are our friends. If you guys didn't have racism and homophobia keeping you afloat, you'd be down there with the libertarians and the socialists.

Your resume would have to be 20 pages long as many times as you've changed jobs. Hardly something to be proud of. Now, if you can prove your claim, do so.
OK, Please explain why student loans should NOT bear a higher interest rate than mortgage loans.

Why would I do that?
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.

To an idiot who's obsessing over a tweet? Why would I want to do that?
OK so it's settled.

That you're obsessing over a tweet? I thought we established that yesterday.

Here's a challenge you'll be either too lazy or too incompetent to meet: Go through Sanders' history, from Mayor of Burlington through the present and find any incident that you think proves he "doesn't understand economics."

Or just keep obsessing over that tweet. The OP needs all the help he can get.
No I already challenged you. And you failed. Miserably. Like total face plant fail. So Im not doing your work for you.
A sign of poor leadership. That's a problem.

Sad thing is when a Republican President does it in the future, you'll cry foul and say things shouldn't be done that way.

If we are ever stupid enough to put another Republican in the White House, when you guys have put nothing but fuckups there since Ike, that would probably be the least of our problems.

The wars and recessions they bring along with them will be.

Democrats have put Jimmy Carter and O'Boy and you talk about fuck ups.
None of the Democratic candidates understand economics. Most regular Democrats don't understand economics either. We've had Dems in this forum post threads arguing that tax increases lead to economic growth because the economy happen to grow a little bit after a tax hike!
Why would I do that?
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.

To an idiot who's obsessing over a tweet? Why would I want to do that?
OK so it's settled.

That you're obsessing over a tweet? I thought we established that yesterday.

Here's a challenge you'll be either too lazy or too incompetent to meet: Go through Sanders' history, from Mayor of Burlington through the present and find any incident that you think proves he "doesn't understand economics."

Or just keep obsessing over that tweet. The OP needs all the help he can get.
No I already challenged you.

To react to a tweet.

It's okay. Y'all keep underestimating Sanders' effect on election outcomes and continue to reassure yourselves that your pet GOOPer is the sure winner.

Very entertaining.
Summing up this thread so far: USMB RWs understand neither economics, Bernie Sanders, nor the real meaning of socialism, but they're gonna school someone they wouldn't vote for anyway. :lmao:
Says the one whose entire economic mindset can be summed up in that he believe those who don't have deserve what those who earned have and should have it funded by those who already earned theirs.
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.

To an idiot who's obsessing over a tweet? Why would I want to do that?
OK so it's settled.

That you're obsessing over a tweet? I thought we established that yesterday.

Here's a challenge you'll be either too lazy or too incompetent to meet: Go through Sanders' history, from Mayor of Burlington through the present and find any incident that you think proves he "doesn't understand economics."

Or just keep obsessing over that tweet. The OP needs all the help he can get.
No I already challenged you.

To react to a tweet.

It's okay. Y'all keep underestimating Sanders' effect on election outcomes and continue to reassure yourselves that your pet GOOPer is the sure winner.

Very entertaining.
There is no poll showing Sanders close to winning. Its so bad the DNC is conspiring against him to fix the nomination.
None of the Democratic candidates understand economics. Most regular Democrats don't understand economics either. We've had Dems in this forum post threads arguing that tax increases lead to economic growth because the economy happen to grow a little bit after a tax hike!
Look at morons like BIlly Triple Fail, arguing that 90% tax rates will bring high growth. Or that food stamps stimulate the economy. Or that free trade somehow hurts us.
OK, Please explain why student loans should NOT bear a higher interest rate than mortgage loans.

Why would I do that?
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.
I understand it might be impossible. Because you actually are an idiot.

Now, now. The only person he's interested in proving his cleverness to is himself, and all that really requires is wandering down tangents and playing semantic games. Or really, just breathing in and out is cause for a medal, in his eyes.

You don't really think he entertains any hope that the rest of the world is going to stop laughing at him at this point in his life, do you?
To an idiot who's obsessing over a tweet? Why would I want to do that?
OK so it's settled.

That you're obsessing over a tweet? I thought we established that yesterday.

Here's a challenge you'll be either too lazy or too incompetent to meet: Go through Sanders' history, from Mayor of Burlington through the present and find any incident that you think proves he "doesn't understand economics."

Or just keep obsessing over that tweet. The OP needs all the help he can get.
No I already challenged you.

To react to a tweet.

It's okay. Y'all keep underestimating Sanders' effect on election outcomes and continue to reassure yourselves that your pet GOOPer is the sure winner.

Very entertaining.
There is no poll showing Sanders close to winning. Its so bad the DNC is conspiring against him to fix the nomination.

I didn't say he was winning. See, you don't even understand words, but you're lecturing others about economics. That's funny.
OK, Please explain why student loans should NOT bear a higher interest rate than mortgage loans.

Why would I do that?
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.

To an idiot who's obsessing over a tweet? Why would I want to do that?
OK so it's settled.

That you're obsessing over a tweet? I thought we established that yesterday.

Here's a challenge you'll be either too lazy or too incompetent to meet: Go through Sanders' history, from Mayor of Burlington through the present and find any incident that you think proves he "doesn't understand economics."

Or just keep obsessing over that tweet. The OP needs all the help he can get.

Ah, yes. A Democrat says something enormously stupid, and the response is always, "Not important, because . . ." This time, the example of abysmal ignorance is unimportant because it was conveyed electronically. Why this is supposed to mitigate it, I couldn't tell you.
OK, Please explain why student loans should NOT bear a higher interest rate than mortgage loans.

Why would I do that?
To demonstrate you're NOT an idiot.
I understand it might be impossible. Because you actually are an idiot.

Now, now. The only person he's interested in proving his cleverness to is himself, and all that really requires is wandering down tangents and playing semantic games. Or really, just breathing in and out is cause for a medal, in his eyes.

You don't really think he entertains any hope that the rest of the world is going to stop laughing at him at this point in his life, do you?
He's a pathetic example of what happens when "everyone's a winner."

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