Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Truly, I disbelieve that you "know" anything.

And yet you're afraid to put it to the test.
No I think we've tested it and discovered you really dont know anything.

Specious claims and gigglefests.
No. This is a verified claim. I asked you a simple question and you simply face planted on it. Now you're trying to minimize it or brave it out or play silly games to show you really arent stupid after all. Hint: it's not working.
Presidents do not have to be scholars in every facet of government that is why they have advisers. Presidents probably do understand, however, they are the representative of all Americans, not a district and not a state but the people of the entire nation. If the president believes the people want security in their old age, and he believes it worthwhile, he consults his many advisers on how best to do the deed, but Congress makes the final decision. and a number of Congress people are also not economists.

This^. It's amusing that those who voted for Dubya kept assuring us "Oh, don't worry about him! He'll just surround himself with people who know what they're doing."
Truly, I disbelieve that you "know" anything.

And yet you're afraid to put it to the test.
No I think we've tested it and discovered you really dont know anything.

Specious claims and gigglefests.
No. This is a verified claim. I asked you a simple question and you simply face planted on it. Now you're trying to minimize it or brave it out or play silly games to show you really arent stupid after all. Hint: it's not working.

Would you like a Dramamine?
Truly, I disbelieve that you "know" anything.

And yet you're afraid to put it to the test.

You've proven by your own posts you don't know shit.

You and Rexx Taylor seem to have cornered the market there. Wouldn't want to encroach on your territory.

More like would be a stupid mistake for you to do so.

Agreed. Scatology is not among my interests.
Your own posts. You support Obamacare, social welfare, etc. Can't get any simpler than that. Do you really want to say you don't and make yourself out to be a liar, too?

I absolutely don't support your moronic misrepresentation of these programs, as I've told you in many, many posts.

You do support moronic programs.

In your interpretation. I do not subscribe to your interpretation. Your repeated efforts to claim I do is indicative of your own intellectual level, no one else's.

That you don't subscribe to it isn't necessary. The truth is the truth whether you are willing to accept it or not. Your unwillingness to do so doesn't change the truth about what you believe. Don't think for a minute that because you disagree it means a thing.
Truly, I disbelieve that you "know" anything.

And yet you're afraid to put it to the test.

You've proven by your own posts you don't know shit.

You and Rexx Taylor seem to have cornered the market there. Wouldn't want to encroach on your territory.

More like would be a stupid mistake for you to do so.

Agreed. Scatology is not among my interests.

It must be. You support candidates and programs that are pieces of shit on a regular basis.

By the way, that wasn't what I meant and you know it.
Truly, I disbelieve that you "know" anything.

And yet you're afraid to put it to the test.
No I think we've tested it and discovered you really dont know anything.

Specious claims and gigglefests.
No. This is a verified claim. I asked you a simple question and you simply face planted on it. Now you're trying to minimize it or brave it out or play silly games to show you really arent stupid after all. Hint: it's not working.

Would you like a Dramamine?
Oh arent you clever?
No, you're not. You're a fucking moron who has outed himself as an ignoramus.
Your own posts. You support Obamacare, social welfare, etc. Can't get any simpler than that. Do you really want to say you don't and make yourself out to be a liar, too?

I absolutely don't support your moronic misrepresentation of these programs, as I've told you in many, many posts.

You do support moronic programs.

In your interpretation. I do not subscribe to your interpretation. Your repeated efforts to claim I do is indicative of your own intellectual level, no one else's.

That you don't subscribe to it isn't necessary. The truth is the truth whether you are willing to accept it or not. Your unwillingness to do so doesn't change the truth about what you believe. Don't think for a minute that because you disagree it means a thing.
Suddenly it all becomes "just someone's opinion." That's what happens when people are publicly outed as fools.
Presidents do not have to be scholars in every facet of government that is why they have advisers. Presidents probably do understand, however, they are the representative of all Americans, not a district and not a state but the people of the entire nation. If the president believes the people want security in their old age, and he believes it worthwhile, he consults his many advisers on how best to do the deed, but Congress makes the final decision. and a number of Congress people are also not economists.

This^. It's amusing that those who voted for Dubya kept assuring us "Oh, don't worry about him! He'll just surround himself with people who know what they're doing."
And they did know what they were doing, but from the conservative perspective. Elect a liberal and they perceive from another view. That is why the voters are now given the first chance at what they want.
Your own posts. You support Obamacare, social welfare, etc. Can't get any simpler than that. Do you really want to say you don't and make yourself out to be a liar, too?

I absolutely don't support your moronic misrepresentation of these programs, as I've told you in many, many posts.

You do support moronic programs.

In your interpretation. I do not subscribe to your interpretation. Your repeated efforts to claim I do is indicative of your own intellectual level, no one else's.

That you don't subscribe to it isn't necessary. The truth is the truth whether you are willing to accept it or not. Your unwillingness to do so doesn't change the truth about what you believe. Don't think for a minute that because you disagree it means a thing.
Suddenly it all becomes "just someone's opinion." That's what happens when people are publicly outed as fools.

Outing Arianrhod wasn't hard. He did most of the work himself.
I wonder if democrat voters will ever figure out that their primary votes are meaningless because Hillary is the chosen nominee and what they want simply doesn't matter to the democrat powers that be.
In Obama's world, if he makes a speech about it, he's solved the problem. In Bernie's world, if he says, "Make the rich pay for it", he's fully funded everything he wants to spend. I'm spotting a trend.
Presidents do not have to be scholars in every facet of government that is why they have advisers. Presidents probably do understand, however, they are the representative of all Americans, not a district and not a state but the people of the entire nation. If the president believes the people want security in their old age, and he believes it worthwhile, he consults his many advisers on how best to do the deed, but Congress makes the final decision. and a number of Congress people are also not economists.

This^. It's amusing that those who voted for Dubya kept assuring us "Oh, don't worry about him! He'll just surround himself with people who know what they're doing."
And they did know what they were doing, but from the conservative perspective. Elect a liberal and they perceive from another view. That is why the voters are now given the first chance at what they want.

What I find especially amusing is the number of candidates on the initial GOP slate who were "Washington outsiders." By now, of course, two of them have faded into obscurity, but the rationale that's keeping the biggest hot-air balloon at the top of the charts essentially comes down to "He has absolutely no experience in governance, so he's the perfect choice to run the country!!!!"

His supporters - and he - apparently believe he's going to pick up the phone on his first day in the Oval Office, tell Congress what he expects them to do, and then fire them all if they don't jump.

So apparently this thread is no longer about Bernie Sanders...
We took a brief detour thanks to your absurd claims and now discredited ideas.
But back to Bernie: If someone doesnt understand something as basic as risk pricing how is he remotely qualified to decide on national economic policy?
Presidents do not have to be scholars in every facet of government that is why they have advisers. Presidents probably do understand, however, they are the representative of all Americans, not a district and not a state but the people of the entire nation. If the president believes the people want security in their old age, and he believes it worthwhile, he consults his many advisers on how best to do the deed, but Congress makes the final decision. and a number of Congress people are also not economists.

This^. It's amusing that those who voted for Dubya kept assuring us "Oh, don't worry about him! He'll just surround himself with people who know what they're doing."
And they did know what they were doing, but from the conservative perspective. Elect a liberal and they perceive from another view. That is why the voters are now given the first chance at what they want.

What I find especially amusing is the number of candidates on the initial GOP slate who were "Washington outsiders." By now, of course, two of them have faded into obscurity, but the rationale that's keeping the biggest hot-air balloon at the top of the charts essentially comes down to "He has absolutely no experience in governance, so he's the perfect choice to run the country!!!!"

His supporters - and he - apparently believe he's going to pick up the phone on his first day in the Oval Office, tell Congress what he expects them to do, and then fire them all if they don't jump.

What does that have to do with Sanders? Or is this another attempt at deflection?
I wonder if democrat voters will ever figure out that their primary votes are meaningless because Hillary is the chosen nominee and what they want simply doesn't matter to the democrat powers that be.

Democratic voters (as well as independents in open-primary states) are as surprised at Sanders' momentum as he is. While he's not likely to win the nomination, he has succeeded in pulling Hillary out of the center and made her rethink (or at least reposition herself) on certain issues.

Some of us would define that as a success.

And that was even before the DNC uproar.
I wonder if democrat voters will ever figure out that their primary votes are meaningless because Hillary is the chosen nominee and what they want simply doesn't matter to the democrat powers that be.

Democratic voters (as well as independents in open-primary states) are as surprised at Sanders' momentum as he is. While he's not likely to win the nomination, he has succeeded in pulling Hillary out of the center and made her rethink (or at least reposition herself) on certain issues.

Some of us would define that as a success.

And that was even before the DNC uproar.
They can't afford a repeat of 08, when all it took to knock Hillary off was an unqualified community organizer. Bernie will enter the convention with no real power at all, especially after promising the moon with no way to pay for any of it.
I wonder if democrat voters will ever figure out that their primary votes are meaningless because Hillary is the chosen nominee and what they want simply doesn't matter to the democrat powers that be.

Democratic voters (as well as independents in open-primary states) are as surprised at Sanders' momentum as he is. While he's not likely to win the nomination, he has succeeded in pulling Hillary out of the center and made her rethink (or at least reposition herself) on certain issues.

Some of us would define that as a success.

And that was even before the DNC uproar.
They can't afford a repeat of 08, when all it took to knock Hillary off was an unqualified community organizer. Bernie will enter the convention with no real power at all, especially after promising the moon with no way to pay for any of it.

Maybe, maybe not. A lot can happen between now and the convention.

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