Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Your stupidity and ignorance has already been exposed here. Your refusal to answer my question betrays the fact you are a moron.

Admission that you don't think any of the current candidates know anything about economics. Also noted.

You're doing great! Pretty soon your posts will be as "relevant" as EddieBCrazy's. :D

All you've done is a fancy prance around the questions asked of you. You're clueless

About Trump's bankruptcies? I've been very upfront. It's the "Rabbi" who wasn't familiar with them.

Maybe you can answer the question he couldn't: Which of the current candidates do you feel has the best grasp of economics?

If you reply with nothing but ad hominem, I'll take it as an admission that you don't know, either.
Actually I dont think Trump ever filed bankruptcy. That would have been companies he controlled.

So in your mind it shows a good grasp of economics to run a company so badly that you have to file for corporate bankruptcy, dump your assets and employees, but don't touch your personal wealth.

This is what y'all consider "leadership."

No wonder Sanders scares you.
You understand that business is not economics and vice versa, right?
No, I'm kidding. You dont understand jack shit. You're just this side of my Iggy button. The button I keep for especially clueless and worthless posters.
You dont become a billionaire by filing bankruptcy.

No. You build on the money Daddy left you, suck up to Daddy's friends, who give you the contacts to become a billionaire, then you mismanage your real estate and casino businesses, file for bankruptcy, then call on the contacts you made during the boom times and start over.

Keep going, though. You're not only keeping Sanders' name on the front page, you're showing anyone with a brain who reads this thread that not one of you can name a candidate who does understand economics.
You really have no idea how Trump became a billionaire, do you? Just admit it.

Why do you want me to lie?
You understand that business is not economics and vice versa, right?

Of course. Then we agree that Donny doesn't understand economics, either. Too bad you can't think of anyone running who does...
I have no idea whether Mr Trump does or doesnt. I havent seen much evidence either way.
I know for a fact that Bernie Sanders doesnt have a fucking clue. ANd I know for a fact neither do you.
You understand that business is not economics and vice versa, right?

Of course. Then we agree that Donny doesn't understand economics, either. Too bad you can't think of anyone running who does...
And in answer to your question Ted Cruz understands economics. From the time he was about 8 he was being taught Adam SMith and other classics of economics and speaking about it to Rotary Clubs and the lke He also had the entire Constitution memorized.
You understand that business is not economics and vice versa, right?

Of course. Then we agree that Donny doesn't understand economics, either. Too bad you can't think of anyone running who does...
I have no idea whether Mr Trump does or doesnt. I havent seen much evidence either way.

So who does?

Just wanted to confirm your lack of faith in any candidate's knowledge of economics, which if you think about it makes the claim that Sanders doesn't understand redundant.
You understand that business is not economics and vice versa, right?

Of course. Then we agree that Donny doesn't understand economics, either. Too bad you can't think of anyone running who does...
I have no idea whether Mr Trump does or doesnt. I havent seen much evidence either way.

So who does?

Just wanted to confirm your lack of faith in any candidate's knowledge of economics, which if you think about it makes the claim that Sanders doesn't understand redundant.
Your lack of reading skills is noted.
Your lack of logical reasoning is noted.
Your stupidity and ignorance have already been noted.
Of course. Then we agree that Donny doesn't understand economics, either. Too bad you can't think of anyone running who does...
I have no idea whether Mr Trump does or doesnt. I havent seen much evidence either way.

So who does?

Just wanted to confirm your lack of faith in any candidate's knowledge of economics, which if you think about it makes the claim that Sanders doesn't understand redundant.
Your lack of reading skills is noted.

Because of something you didn't post?
I have no idea whether Mr Trump does or doesnt. I havent seen much evidence either way.

So who does?

Just wanted to confirm your lack of faith in any candidate's knowledge of economics, which if you think about it makes the claim that Sanders doesn't understand redundant.
Your lack of reading skills is noted.

Because of something you didn't post?
Post #405.
There's always the Donald Trump School of Economics - borrow from your Dad, run your company into the ground, file for bankruptcy, rinse, repeat.
Thats why he borrowed a million dollars and today is worth several billion?

Were you unaware of the bankruptcies?
So did Trump run his businesses into the ground after borrowing from his father and that's why he's worth several billion dollars?
To a liberal, success is failure, failure is success. I mean, look at how they go crazy over Hillary, who left the White House "dead broke". If they're willing to ignore Trump's success, they should be willing to ignore Hillary's.

Just wanted to confirm your lack of faith in any candidate's knowledge of economics, which if you think about it makes the claim that Sanders doesn't understand redundant.
Your lack of reading skills is noted.

Because of something you didn't post?
Post #405.

Thank you. Missed that one in the welter of insults.
There's always the Donald Trump School of Economics - borrow from your Dad, run your company into the ground, file for bankruptcy, rinse, repeat.
Thats why he borrowed a million dollars and today is worth several billion?

Were you unaware of the bankruptcies?
So did Trump run his businesses into the ground after borrowing from his father and that's why he's worth several billion dollars?
To a liberal, success is failure, failure is success. I mean, look at how they go crazy over Hillary, who left the White House "dead broke". If they're willing to ignore Trump's success, they should be willing to ignore Hillary's.
Libs worship failure. They hate success. Obama achieved nothing as a community organizer. Romney built many businesses and employed thousands of people. But people think Obama "cared" about them, despite having done jack-shit for them.

No wonder you and you kind are the nasty little maggots who know how to use the computer.

You and the best your kind had to offer got the shit kicked out of you not once in a Presidential election. But twice. By that do nothing black muslim born on Mars.

No wonder your head is all fucked up.
Wait till Hillary wins.

No wonder you and you kind are the nasty little maggots who know how to use the computer.

You and the best your kind had to offer got the shit kicked out of you not once in a Presidential election. But twice. By that do nothing black muslim born on Mars.

No wonder your head is all fucked up.
Wait till Hillary wins.
I knew there was a reason I had your whiny ass on Ignore.
Presidents do not have to be scholars in every facet of government that is why they have advisers. Presidents probably do understand, however, they are the representative of all Americans, not a district and not a state but the people of the entire nation. If the president believes the people want security in their old age, and he believes it worthwhile, he consults his many advisers on how best to do the deed, but Congress makes the final decision. and a number of Congress people are also not economists.

This^. It's amusing that those who voted for Dubya kept assuring us "Oh, don't worry about him! He'll just surround himself with people who know what they're doing."
And they did know what they were doing, but from the conservative perspective. Elect a liberal and they perceive from another view. That is why the voters are now given the first chance at what they want.

What I find especially amusing is the number of candidates on the initial GOP slate who were "Washington outsiders." By now, of course, two of them have faded into obscurity, but the rationale that's keeping the biggest hot-air balloon at the top of the charts essentially comes down to "He has absolutely no experience in governance, so he's the perfect choice to run the country!!!!"

His supporters - and he - apparently believe he's going to pick up the phone on his first day in the Oval Office, tell Congress what he expects them to do, and then fire them all if they don't jump.


"He has absolutely no experience in governance, so he's the
perfect choice to run the country!!!!"

Look at all the experience Obama had. Weakest President ever.
Your resume would have to be 20 pages long as many times as you've changed jobs. Hardly something to be proud of. Now, if you can prove your claim, do so.

Uh, no, you'd be wrong again. My resume is one page. It lists four companies I've worked for and the Military, and goes back to 1981. But you are basically wrong about everything, IQ65.

So how is it that if you supposedly HAVE a job, you are on here all day?

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