Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Presidents do not have to be scholars in every facet of government that is why they have advisers. Presidents probably do understand, however, they are the representative of all Americans, not a district and not a state but the people of the entire nation. If the president believes the people want security in their old age, and he believes it worthwhile, he consults his many advisers on how best to do the deed, but Congress makes the final decision. and a number of Congress people are also not economists.

This^. It's amusing that those who voted for Dubya kept assuring us "Oh, don't worry about him! He'll just surround himself with people who know what they're doing."
And they did know what they were doing, but from the conservative perspective. Elect a liberal and they perceive from another view. That is why the voters are now given the first chance at what they want.

What I find especially amusing is the number of candidates on the initial GOP slate who were "Washington outsiders." By now, of course, two of them have faded into obscurity, but the rationale that's keeping the biggest hot-air balloon at the top of the charts essentially comes down to "He has absolutely no experience in governance, so he's the perfect choice to run the country!!!!"

His supporters - and he - apparently believe he's going to pick up the phone on his first day in the Oval Office, tell Congress what he expects them to do, and then fire them all if they don't jump.


"He has absolutely no experience in governance, so he's the
perfect choice to run the country!!!!"

Look at all the experience Obama had. Weakest President ever.

is Bernard rich like most libs?

If you're on a first-name basis with him, why don't you ask him? Besides, don't y'all usually claim all libs are on welfare? You need to find a narrative and stick with it.

libs that are rich are politicians and hollywood etc.. then there are libs who are poor. Is this hard to understand?

Not hard to understand that someone who doesn't know any liberals IRL would buy the bullshit. But as a middle-class liberal, it always gives me a laugh.
is Bernard rich like most libs?

If you're on a first-name basis with him, why don't you ask him? Besides, don't y'all usually claim all libs are on welfare? You need to find a narrative and stick with it.

libs that are rich are politicians and hollywood etc.. then there are libs who are poor. Is this hard to understand?

What about Republicans on a message board? Rich, poor or destitute?

With the amount of bitching from Repubs about the economy and the fact that ONLY rich Republicans have realized the gains which occurred while Obama has been President, I would say that ALL Republicans who post on this message board are borderline destitute.
At least very poor. And by in large failures in life.

That is IF I make broad general statements about people I dont know.
Like you do.
I wonder if democrat voters will ever figure out that their primary votes are meaningless because Hillary is the chosen nominee and what they want simply doesn't matter to the democrat powers that be.

I doubt they really, genuinely think Bernie Boy could get enough votes to make it an issue, anyway.
So apparently this thread is no longer about Bernie Sanders...
We took a brief detour thanks to your absurd claims and now discredited ideas.
But back to Bernie: If someone doesnt understand something as basic as risk pricing how is he remotely qualified to decide on national economic policy?

Well, if someone is a leftist, how is he qualified to decide on ANY policy in the real world?

But you're right. Anyone who's not only advocating, but PROUDLY advocating, an economic theory that's failed each and every time people have tried to implement it is too delusional to be allowed out without a babysitter, let alone made President.
So apparently this thread is no longer about Bernie Sanders...
We took a brief detour thanks to your absurd claims and now discredited ideas.
But back to Bernie: If someone doesnt understand something as basic as risk pricing how is he remotely qualified to decide on national economic policy?
Was George Washington an economist, if he were he wouldn't have had to appoint Hamilton to his cabinet. Presidents have ample advisers at their beck and call.
The president doesnt have to be an expert. But he does need to have some grasp of what he's talking about. Bernie clearly does not.

The President has to be informed and sensible enough to establish intelligent policies and goals, and to choose knowledgeable experts to implement them. Obviously, no one expects the President to singlehandedly be an expert on every issue he's called on to deal with, or to singlehandedly deal with everything in the executive branch. Utter cluelessness, however, is not solvable by hiring advisers, I don't care how many of them there are or how knowledgeable.
Well, if someone is a leftist, how is he qualified to decide on ANY policy in the real world?

But you're right. Anyone who's not only advocating, but PROUDLY advocating, an economic theory that's failed each and every time people have tried to implement it is too delusional to be allowed out without a babysitter, let alone made President.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches. Talk about something that's failed every ttime it's been tried.
So apparently this thread is no longer about Bernie Sanders...
We took a brief detour thanks to your absurd claims and now discredited ideas.
But back to Bernie: If someone doesnt understand something as basic as risk pricing how is he remotely qualified to decide on national economic policy?
Was George Washington an economist, if he were he wouldn't have had to appoint Hamilton to his cabinet. Presidents have ample advisers at their beck and call.
The president doesnt have to be an expert. But he does need to have some grasp of what he's talking about. Bernie clearly does not.

The President has to be informed and sensible enough to establish intelligent policies and goals, and to choose knowledgeable experts to implement them. Obviously, no one expects the President to singlehandedly be an expert on every issue he's called on to deal with, or to singlehandedly deal with everything in the executive branch. Utter cluelessness, however, is not solvable by hiring advisers, I don't care how many of them there are or how knowledgeable.
Yeah but you cannot explain to the simple mided leftists (is that a tautology?) that there is an area between deep expertise and total ignorance. Their minds arent wired for anything more complicated than on/off.
Well, if someone is a leftist, how is he qualified to decide on ANY policy in the real world?

But you're right. Anyone who's not only advocating, but PROUDLY advocating, an economic theory that's failed each and every time people have tried to implement it is too delusional to be allowed out without a babysitter, let alone made President.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches. Talk about something that's failed every ttime it's been tried.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches.

You never explained what they did to cause these recessions. Be specific.
So apparently this thread is no longer about Bernie Sanders...
We took a brief detour thanks to your absurd claims and now discredited ideas.
But back to Bernie: If someone doesnt understand something as basic as risk pricing how is he remotely qualified to decide on national economic policy?
Was George Washington an economist, if he were he wouldn't have had to appoint Hamilton to his cabinet. Presidents have ample advisers at their beck and call.
The president doesnt have to be an expert. But he does need to have some grasp of what he's talking about. Bernie clearly does not.

The President has to be informed and sensible enough to establish intelligent policies and goals, and to choose knowledgeable experts to implement them. Obviously, no one expects the President to singlehandedly be an expert on every issue he's called on to deal with, or to singlehandedly deal with everything in the executive branch. Utter cluelessness, however, is not solvable by hiring advisers, I don't care how many of them there are or how knowledgeable.
Yeah but you cannot explain to the simple mided leftists (is that a tautology?) that there is an area between deep expertise and total ignorance. Their minds arent wired for anything more complicated than on/off.

It's definitely redundant.

And this is what happens when you think with your "feelz".
Well, if someone is a leftist, how is he qualified to decide on ANY policy in the real world?

But you're right. Anyone who's not only advocating, but PROUDLY advocating, an economic theory that's failed each and every time people have tried to implement it is too delusional to be allowed out without a babysitter, let alone made President.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches. Talk about something that's failed every ttime it's been tried.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches.

You never explained what they did to cause these recessions. Be specific.
That of course is not true. Republicans inherit recessions caused by Democrats.
Well, if someone is a leftist, how is he qualified to decide on ANY policy in the real world?

But you're right. Anyone who's not only advocating, but PROUDLY advocating, an economic theory that's failed each and every time people have tried to implement it is too delusional to be allowed out without a babysitter, let alone made President.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches. Talk about something that's failed every ttime it's been tried.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches.

You never explained what they did to cause these recessions. Be specific.
That of course is not true. Republicans inherit recessions caused by Democrats.
There were three Republican presidents and then bingo the biggest depression America ever faced, and America began to recognize the routine, Republicans cause depressions and Democrats are elected to fix. We elect Bush and bingo we are set up for a recession and so a Democrat is elected to fix.
Well, if someone is a leftist, how is he qualified to decide on ANY policy in the real world?

But you're right. Anyone who's not only advocating, but PROUDLY advocating, an economic theory that's failed each and every time people have tried to implement it is too delusional to be allowed out without a babysitter, let alone made President.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches. Talk about something that's failed every ttime it's been tried.

The last five recessions have been on Republican watches.

You never explained what they did to cause these recessions. Be specific.
That of course is not true. Republicans inherit recessions caused by Democrats.
There were three Republican presidents and then bingo the biggest depression America ever faced, and America began to recognize the routine, Republicans cause depressions and Democrats are elected to fix. We elect Bush and bingo we are set up for a recession and so a Democrat is elected to fix.
Actually the last recession happened after Democrats took Congress. Democrats cause recessions, blame Republicans, and then institute policies guaranteeing their reoccurance.
For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...
For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...
If a Republican contacts his party they will send him a box of political labels, with no definitions. These labels can be used for any event, person, act, or anything the party tells them is evil. Recently, however, the party told label-users that communist label has been so overused that it has little impact today, so socialist should be used instead.
For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...
Fear? No you mistake amusement for fear. No one is afraid of Bernie Sanders. Except the DNC, which is trying to shut him out of the primaries.

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