Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

And the interesting thing is that in states that have open primaries, registered Republicans and independents can vote for him, too. In states like California, Republican primaries are closed and Democratic primaries are open. Surprise, surprise.

I do enjoy :poke: people who continuously refer to the "Democrat party." It's not even good English.

I do enjoy :poke: people who continuously refer to the "Democrat party." It's not even good English.

It's an epithet.

Strictly speaking, by the secondary definition, yes. But the primary definition of "epithet" is an adjective or descriptive phrase. As "Democrat" is neither a phrase (it's one word) nor an adjective (that would be "Democratic"), we're left with the likelihood that the majority of those using it wouldn't know what an epithet was if they fell over one in the dark. :p

I use it when I want to tweak a lib. It usually works.
They tend to be thin skinned.

Because they're laughing at you?

Because they're thin skinned.
I guess they feel I'm micro-aggressing them. LOL!

Well, if you feel it's necessary to feign ignorance, enjoy...I guess.
Downsizing the Federal Government

this link has really good stuff. on the left side, click on spending by department. expand open/close etc.
even with massive cuts..........they don't balance anything till 2020. see below.

View attachment 57994

I know, don't cry. They did not even read it. sigh. $492B cuts,,,,,,balance by 2020. they just talk. Formatting a bit lost cut/paste. YOU GOT TO SPOON FEED THE MOFO! they won't do any work. i know. MF'r , stupid SOB all talk no cut!

Table 2. Proposed Federal Budget Cuts Discretionary Programs and Other Entitlements Agency and Activity
Annual Savings

$Billions, 2015
Department of Agriculture End farm subsidies 24.8 Cut food subsidies by 50% 53.2 End rural subsidies 4.2 Total cuts 82.2

Department of Commerce End telecom subsidies 0.8 End economic development subsidies 0.5 Total cuts 1.3

Department of Defense End overseas contingency operations 74.0 Total cuts 74.0

Department of Education End K-12 education subsidies 26.3 End all other programs 77.0 Total cuts (terminate the department) 103.3

Department of Energy End subsidies for energy efficiency 2.4 End loan programs 0.2 End fossil/nuclear/electricity subsidies 3.5 Privatize the power marketing administrations 0.4 Total cuts 6.5

Department of Homeland Security Privatize TSA airport screening 5.1 Devolve FEMA activities to the states 14.2 Total cuts 19.3

Department of Housing and Urban Development End rental assistance 30.4 End community development subsidies 11.2 End public housing subsidies 6.4 Total cuts (terminate the department) 48.0

Department of the Interior Cut net outlays by 50% through spending cuts, privatization, and user charges 6.5 Department of Justice End state/local grants 5.4

Department of Labor End employment and training services 3.5 End Job Corps 1.6 End Community Service for Seniors 0.4 End trade adjustment assistance 0.3 Total cuts 5.8

Department of Transportation Cut highway/transit grants to balance trust fund 13.0 Privatize air traffic control (federal fund savings) 1.3 Privatize Amtrak and end rail subsidies 3.3 Total cuts 17.6

Department of the Treasury Cut earned income tax credit by 50% 30.1 End refundable part of child tax credit 21.5 End refundable part of AOTC 4.3 Total cuts 55.9

Other Savings Cut foreign aid by 50% 12.0 Cut federal civilian compensation costs by 10% 32.9 Privatize the Corps of Engineers (Civil Works) 7.5 Privatize the Tennessee Valley Authority 1.0 Repeal Davis-Bacon labor rules 9.0 End EPA state/local grants 4.1 Total cuts 66.5

Total annual spending cuts $492.2.0 - See more at: A Plan to Cut Federal Government Spending

and more cuts to 2025..........but you don't really care. you just want your stuff for free. someone else pay. sick MoFo
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his experience in economic issues, IYO?

Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:

You're wrong on all counts, and your punctuation's failing you.

Nope, and nope. I punctuated that exactly as I meant to. The problem is that you understand English grammar just well enough to fool yourself into believing you're smarter than you are.
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his experience in economic issues, IYO?

Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:

You're wrong on all counts, and your punctuation's failing you.
Bernie isnt running on the Democrat ticket? Wow, who knew?

Right? You'd think someone would have sent us a memo.
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his experience in economic issues, IYO?

Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:

You're wrong on all counts, and your punctuation's failing you.
Bernie isnt running on the Democrat ticket? Wow, who knew?

That's not what my reply to Cecilie said or implied, but I want to wait for one of her usual condescending rants where she DEMANDS to know what I'm talking about before I reply. ;)

I don't demand to know what you're talking about. I tell you you make no sense, and then explain why YOU don't know what I'M talking about.

Demanding to know what you're talking about would imply that I care, or that I believe you're saying something worth knowing. Neither is true.
Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:

You're wrong on all counts, and your punctuation's failing you.
Bernie isnt running on the Democrat ticket? Wow, who knew?

That's not what my reply to Cecilie said or implied, but I want to wait for one of her usual condescending rants where she DEMANDS to know what I'm talking about before I reply. ;)
She wrote she could have sworn Bernie was running on the Dem ticket. You responded she was wrong on all counts.
Do you not understand English?

See post #233. She claimed there was a (D) after his name. I replied that it was actually an (I).

Then she went off on her rant about the "Democrat party."

There is no "Democrat party" in the U.S.

Mensa Boy, he's running to be the Democrat nominee for President. You, and he, can play word games all you like, but that makes him a Democrat. I couldn't give a fuck what he ran as for Senator from Vermont, because I don't live in Vermont, and it's old news. This is today.

Furthermore, you can also play all the word games you like about "Democratic Party", because you all think it will somehow resonate in people's tiny minds more and make them think you're in any way about being "democratic". That's YOUR little red wagon, not mine.

The party of the Republicans is the Republican Party. The party of the Democrats is the Democrat Party. Your desire to be ungrammatical in service of propaganda is not my problem.
Bernie isnt running on the Democrat ticket? Wow, who knew?

That's not what my reply to Cecilie said or implied, but I want to wait for one of her usual condescending rants where she DEMANDS to know what I'm talking about before I reply. ;)
She wrote she could have sworn Bernie was running on the Dem ticket. You responded she was wrong on all counts.
Do you not understand English?

See post #233. She claimed there was a (D) after his name. I replied that it was actually an (I).

Then she went off on her rant about the "Democrat party."

There is no "Democrat party" in the U.S.
HE is a Democrat. Thats why he's running on the Democratic Party ticket. That's he's been in Independent in the Senate is irrelevant. He caucused with the Democrats during that time anyway

No, he's an independent running on the Democratic ticket.

Given how little regard leftists have for the meanings of words - and how little they actually know about them - you'll excuse me if I really don't give a fuck when they start wanting to split semantic hairs.

Actually, I hope you WON'T excuse me. I hope you'll hate and resent it and give yourself an aneurysm.
Student loans can not be discharged via bankruptcy . Unlike mortgages .

They are actually pretty good loans to bank on .
Student loan default rate: 11.8%
Mortgage loan default rate: 5.45%.

We can add banking to what little Timmy knows nothing about.

And ? What's the comparison on bankruptcy forgiveness ?
Student loans can actually be forgiven sometimes in bankruptcy.
But it is irrelevant. Student loans are more risky because 1) there is no collateral to take, and 2) their default rate runs twice what mortgage loans do. Ergo student loans charge higher rates of interest to make up for the increased risk.

The government also brings in a lot of money wh student loans . Interest payments , the loans itslef goes to pay public school most of the time , and the government decides you can never discharge the loan .

Plus the gov benefits from a public that's highly educated . We shouldn't be discouraging the loans .

Plus the gov benefits from a public that's highly educated .

Then why does Obama keep bringing in millions of illiterate illegals?

As if anything the Democrats ever advocate in regards to education is aimed at having an educated public.
She wrote she could have sworn Bernie was running on the Dem ticket. You responded she was wrong on all counts.
Do you not understand English?

See post #233. She claimed there was a (D) after his name. I replied that it was actually an (I).

Then she went off on her rant about the "Democrat party."

There is no "Democrat party" in the U.S.
HE is a Democrat. Thats why he's running on the Democratic Party ticket. That's he's been in Independent in the Senate is irrelevant. He caucused with the Democrats during that time anyway

No, he's an independent running on the Democratic ticket.

Yeah, I'm a stickler for accuracy.

No, you're trying to play word games to obfuscate and pretend to be clever.

I find it amazing that you could make your posts even less interesting and meaningful, but in that one area, at least, you're an overachiever.
HE is a Democrat. Thats why he's running on the Democratic Party ticket. That's he's been in Independent in the Senate is irrelevant. He caucused with the Democrats during that time anyway

No, he's an independent running on the Democratic ticket.

Yeah, I'm a stickler for accuracy.
Bullshit. You are a pedant. You merely play word games to make yourself look smart. Hint: It isnt working.

You seem to think "pedant" is an insult.

Do you have evidence that Sanders is not an independent?

You mean aside from living in the pocket of the Democrats and running for their Presidential nomination?
It is the Democrat Party. Or the Demonrat Party to get technical.

Only in your imagination.

Bernie Sanders is still an independent running for the Democratic nomination.

None of your word games have any effect on that reality.

Not that I blame you AND him for wanting to deny his essential Democrat-ness. Personally, I'd rather be called almost anything else, myself.

Nevertheless, you don't get to run for the nomination for a political party while simultaneously denying the party, and get anything but laughed at . . . not that Bernie Boy shouldn't be used to that from his policy proposals.
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his experience in economic issues, IYO?

Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:

You're wrong on all counts, and your punctuation's failing you.

Nope, and nope. I punctuated that exactly as I meant to. The problem is that you understand English grammar just well enough to fool yourself into believing you're smarter than you are.

I know there's no "Democrat party." You seem confused.
It is the Democrat Party. Or the Demonrat Party to get technical.

Only in your imagination.

Bernie Sanders is still an independent running for the Democratic nomination.

None of your word games have any effect on that reality.

Not that I blame you AND him for wanting to deny his essential Democrat-ness. Personally, I'd rather be called almost anything else, myself.

Nevertheless, you don't get to run for the nomination for a political party while simultaneously denying the party, and get anything but laughed at . . . not that Bernie Boy shouldn't be used to that from his policy proposals.

He's listed as an independent. That's what the (I) stands for.

"Democratness"? How many more words do you plan to invent in order to put some distance between yourself and the original premise of this thread?
I am no fan of Bernie Sanders, but he does understand economics more than most of the Democrats he sides with. His plans for leveling taxation and social programs are not totally insane.
It is the Democrat Party. Or the Demonrat Party to get technical.

Only in your imagination.

Bernie Sanders is still an independent running for the Democratic nomination.

None of your word games have any effect on that reality.

Sanders is technically not a Democrat in the US Senate, though he caucuses with the party. His home state of Vermont does not register its voters with a party.

When a reporter asked Sanders his party allegiance after he filed, Sanders responded, “I’m a Democrat.”

Bernie Sanders files for Democratic ballot in N.H. primary - The Boston Globe

And the interesting thing is that in states that have open primaries, registered Republicans and independents can vote for him, too. In states like California, Republican primaries are closed and Democratic primaries are open. Surprise, surprise.

I do enjoy :poke: people who continuously refer to the "Democrat party." It's not even good English.

It's the only grammatically correct English. We don't refer to the party of the Republicans as the "Republicanic Party", nor do we refer to the "Libertarianic Party". The party has the same name as its members.

If they wish to use incorrect grammar in their name, that's their business. Whether or not I use it in my conversation is my choice, not theirs.
It is the Democrat Party. Or the Demonrat Party to get technical.

Only in your imagination.

Bernie Sanders is still an independent running for the Democratic nomination.

None of your word games have any effect on that reality.

Not that I blame you AND him for wanting to deny his essential Democrat-ness. Personally, I'd rather be called almost anything else, myself.

Nevertheless, you don't get to run for the nomination for a political party while simultaneously denying the party, and get anything but laughed at . . . not that Bernie Boy shouldn't be used to that from his policy proposals.

He's listed as an independent. That's what the (I) stands for.

"Democratness"? How many more words do you plan to invent in order to put some distance between yourself and the original premise of this thread?

I would apologize that creative usage of language offends and upsets you, but I enjoy it too much.

How's that aneurysm coming?
I could have told you he didn't have Clue One about economics, just by that (D) after his name.

It's an (I), actually.

The fixation on that tweet aside, what is it in his 30-year track record that highlights his experience in economic issues, IYO?

Oh, Bernie Boy is running for the Independents nomination? I could have SWORN he was running for the DEMOCRAT candidacy.

Gee whiz, why did all of you let me go on thinking he wanted to be the DEMOCRAT nominee instead of Hillary? :oops-28:

You're wrong on all counts, and your punctuation's failing you.

Nope, and nope. I punctuated that exactly as I meant to. The problem is that you understand English grammar just well enough to fool yourself into believing you're smarter than you are.

I know there's no "Democrat party." You seem confused.

You know a lot of shit that isn't so. Why should this be any different?

As to your little attempt at "I know just enough about English to try to bludgeon people into silence and stifle communication", I'm bored with it now, as I inevitably am with all of your attempts at obfuscation. Enjoy playing grammar Nazi with yourself.
This man has a lot of trouble managing his finances.


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