Bernie Sanders gets booed by House Democrats. 40K a day in secret service protection

Fuck Sanders, he's an old fraud , who is still pissed because he got his lame socialist ass kicked by a HUGE MANDATE, almost 4 MILLION VOTES..:deal:

If that crusty old fart doesn't want to back down and endorse her fine, he's NOT getting on the stage, or speaking at the convention simple as that..

Big difference is Obama barely beat her in 2008, and she crushed Sanders by 3.8 Million VOTES!!
Nobody should minimize what Bernie has accomplished. He is a man of integrity and honor. it is time for him to make a pragmatic move and support the Democratic nominee and continue to contribute his great ideas. He will do that soon, or he isn't the great man I think he is.
he was until he supported Clinton. Threw his integrity and honor out the window
Fuck Sanders! He's a joke!


Why so harsh?

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$40,000 a day, gads, even Bernie could care less about the American middle-class taxpayer.. mmm.. he's a Democrat for sure...
How many more millions are you willing to spend chasing a Clinton?

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Sanders isn’t a democrat.

Much of what he advocates isn’t representative of the party.

That’s why he’s not the nominee.

This isn’t rocket science.
True, but he's a great liberal. That counts.

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Democrats are quickly getting fed up with Bernie Sanders. Since he hasn't dropped out of this race the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40K a day for secret service protection for him. Now I don't know where Sander's principles in this are--but he is quickly making some enemies within the Democrat party.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

"Sen. Bernie Sanders was booed during a closed meeting with House Democrats on Wednesday, as lawmakers shouted "Timeline! Timeline!" — pressing for his endorsement of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee.

The Vermont senator did not directly answer Democrats' many questions about his intentions, according to a source in the room who requested anonymity to discuss the private session.

"He went in there with his canned talking points from the stump," the source said. "People just weren't having it."

Democrats have struggled to unify the party as Clinton all but secured the party's nomination, but Sanders has continued his renegade campaign.

At one point, Sanders praised Democrats for the most progressive party platform, but then outlined differences he had over trade, climate change and the minimum wage, as well as rules over superdelegates.

But several progressive House Democrats are on the platform-writing committee and some lawmakers pressed for specifics.

One lawmaker said she felt "bullied" and "like a hostage" over his demands, the source said.

At one point, boos erupted when Sanders told the Democrats "the goal is not to win elections," but to "transform America."
House Democrats boo Bernie Sanders for his delay in endorsing Clinton

For you remaining Sanders supporters this country is a Republic that operates under a democracy-which means the (majority rules.) In 2008 Barack Obama won the primary against Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 popular votes. In 2016, Hillary Clinton creamed Bernie Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

It's very clear that the majority wants nothing to do with Bernie Sanders, or his transformation. Yet, the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40 thousand dollars a day to provide Sanders with Secret Service security, because he refuses to concede this race, let alone endorse Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has cost taxpayers about $1.1 million dollars since Clinton declared victory on June 7, as of July 5. With the Democratic National Convention scheduled to kick off in Philadelphia on July 25, that could bring the total to about $1.9 million in Secret Service protection in between Clinton's presumptive nomination and the beginning of the formal nominating process.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

Break down that $40,000 per day for us. I call bullshit.

As Senator Sanders said tonight "95% of the House Democrats are for Hillary. Only a few people booed and I was greeted warmly by the rest" (paraphrase)

And so says Sanders--LOL The point is, it's very clear that Sander's getting booed by House Democrats is showing that they are getting extremely frustrated with the nursing home candidate.

And I am also certain that the overwhelming majority of people who voted for Sanders aren't real happy with the idea that the Secret Service is still protecting him at a cost of 40K a day, because he just can't stand the thought of getting his old ass kicked by a woman.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders is still talking like a guy who’s running for president. But frustrated House Democrats — who booed him at one point during a morning meeting — say it’s time to stop.

With the Democratic convention just weeks away, Sanders still hasn’t endorsed one-time rival Hillary Clinton and dodged questions about when he would during a tense meeting Wednesday morning with House Democrats.

Sanders also stunned some of the Democrats in attendance when he told them that winning elections isn’t the only thing they should focus on. While they wanted to hear about how to beat Donald Trump — and how Sanders might help them win the House back — he was talking about remaking the country.

“The goal isn’t to win elections, the goal is to transform America,” Sanders said at one point, according to multiple lawmakers and aides in the room.

Some Democrats booed Sanders for that line, which plays better on the campaign trail than in front of a roomful of elected officials.

House Democrats overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton during the presidential primary fight, so it was not surprising that Sanders got a cool reception from them.

But frustration with Sanders was also evident. Rank-and-file House Democrats want the Vermont independent to officially drop out of the race and throw his support behind the presumptive nominee, and they can’t understand why he hasn’t."

“It was frustrating because he’s squandering the movement he built with a self-obsession that was totally on display,” said a senior Democrat, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

After Sanders delivered his opening remarks — which touched on his favorite issues, including campaign finance, Wall Street reform and trade — lawmakers pressed him during a tense question-and-answer session on whether he would ultimately endorse Clinton and help foster party unity.

Sanders complained about the superdelegate process used during the primaries. “One person is starting with 900 delegates before anyone even votes,” Sanders said. The Vermont socialist and his supporters have been upset about the issue for months.

But House Democrats didn’t seem very impressed with the unapologetic Sanders, who didn’t yield an inch despite the rough handling he received.

“When are you going to run as a Democrat? This is the Democratic Caucus,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) said to applause.

“To say, as he did, that the goal is not to win elections but for people to embrace his ideas is disconnected from what we are trying to do here. He had a chance to talk about getting things done and instead talked about prolonging his process,” the Democratic source added.

Sanders booed by House Democrats

Bernie Sanders is a FREAKING COMMUNIST.


Sanders also stunned some of the Democrats in attendance when he told them that winning elections isn’t the only thing they should focus on. While they wanted to hear about how to beat Donald Trump — and how Sanders might help them win the House back — he was talking about remaking the country.

“The goal isn’t to win elections, the goal is to transform America,” Sanders said at one point, according to multiple lawmakers and aides in the room. (In this country if you don't win elections, you don't transform anything--unless you do it by force, which is communism.)

Some Democrats booed Sanders for that line, which plays better on the campaign trail than in front of a roomful of elected officials"

Sanders booed by House Democrats.
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There might be a reason to vote for Hill if she promised to transport the Bern to gitmo for life incommunicado.
Yeah damn it. We need and demand the support you gained through the movement you created.

Stop being self obsessed.

Hypocrites LMAO
Democrats are quickly getting fed up with Bernie Sanders. Since he hasn't dropped out of this race the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40K a day for secret service protection for him. Now I don't know where Sander's principles in this are--but he is quickly making some enemies within the Democrat party.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

"Sen. Bernie Sanders was booed during a closed meeting with House Democrats on Wednesday, as lawmakers shouted "Timeline! Timeline!" — pressing for his endorsement of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee.

The Vermont senator did not directly answer Democrats' many questions about his intentions, according to a source in the room who requested anonymity to discuss the private session.

"He went in there with his canned talking points from the stump," the source said. "People just weren't having it."

Democrats have struggled to unify the party as Clinton all but secured the party's nomination, but Sanders has continued his renegade campaign.

At one point, Sanders praised Democrats for the most progressive party platform, but then outlined differences he had over trade, climate change and the minimum wage, as well as rules over superdelegates.

But several progressive House Democrats are on the platform-writing committee and some lawmakers pressed for specifics.

One lawmaker said she felt "bullied" and "like a hostage" over his demands, the source said.

At one point, boos erupted when Sanders told the Democrats "the goal is not to win elections," but to "transform America."
House Democrats boo Bernie Sanders for his delay in endorsing Clinton

For you remaining Sanders supporters this country is a Republic that operates under a democracy-which means the (majority rules.) In 2008 Barack Obama won the primary against Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 popular votes. In 2016, Hillary Clinton creamed Bernie Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

It's very clear that the majority wants nothing to do with Bernie Sanders, or his transformation. Yet, the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40 thousand dollars a day to provide Sanders with Secret Service security, because he refuses to concede this race, let alone endorse Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has cost taxpayers about $1.1 million dollars since Clinton declared victory on June 7, as of July 5. With the Democratic National Convention scheduled to kick off in Philadelphia on July 25, that could bring the total to about $1.9 million in Secret Service protection in between Clinton's presumptive nomination and the beginning of the formal nominating process.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

You're so full of shit. Hillary stayed in the '08 race until the convention.

No, Hitlery dropped out in early June of 2008, dumb ass.........DNC convention was in late August of that year.....great job of looking stupid, silly billy.......
What do you care?
Democrats are quickly getting fed up with Bernie Sanders. Since he hasn't dropped out of this race the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40K a day for secret service protection for him. Now I don't know where Sander's principles in this are--but he is quickly making some enemies within the Democrat party.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

"Sen. Bernie Sanders was booed during a closed meeting with House Democrats on Wednesday, as lawmakers shouted "Timeline! Timeline!" — pressing for his endorsement of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee.

The Vermont senator did not directly answer Democrats' many questions about his intentions, according to a source in the room who requested anonymity to discuss the private session.

"He went in there with his canned talking points from the stump," the source said. "People just weren't having it."

Democrats have struggled to unify the party as Clinton all but secured the party's nomination, but Sanders has continued his renegade campaign.

At one point, Sanders praised Democrats for the most progressive party platform, but then outlined differences he had over trade, climate change and the minimum wage, as well as rules over superdelegates.

But several progressive House Democrats are on the platform-writing committee and some lawmakers pressed for specifics.

One lawmaker said she felt "bullied" and "like a hostage" over his demands, the source said.

At one point, boos erupted when Sanders told the Democrats "the goal is not to win elections," but to "transform America."
House Democrats boo Bernie Sanders for his delay in endorsing Clinton

For you remaining Sanders supporters this country is a Republic that operates under a democracy-which means the (majority rules.) In 2008 Barack Obama won the primary against Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 popular votes. In 2016, Hillary Clinton creamed Bernie Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

It's very clear that the majority wants nothing to do with Bernie Sanders, or his transformation. Yet, the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40 thousand dollars a day to provide Sanders with Secret Service security, because he refuses to concede this race, let alone endorse Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has cost taxpayers about $1.1 million dollars since Clinton declared victory on June 7, as of July 5. With the Democratic National Convention scheduled to kick off in Philadelphia on July 25, that could bring the total to about $1.9 million in Secret Service protection in between Clinton's presumptive nomination and the beginning of the formal nominating process.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

You're so full of shit. Hillary stayed in the '08 race until the convention.

No, Hitlery dropped out in early June of 2008, dumb ass.........DNC convention was in late August of that year.....great job of looking stupid, silly billy.......
What do you care?

Agreed--IN COMPARISON to the 2008 primary. Barack Obama defeated Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 popular votes. It was neck and neck all the way up to the convention.

2016--Hillary Clinton kicks the old farts ass by 3,775,423 popular votes, and the dick still thinks he has a say in the Democrat party platform, even though he isn't a Democrat.
Yeah right. Like democrats care about wasting money. Good one.

Actually we do. Just because I believe government can be a positive force for good and don't see it as the root of all evils like neo conservatives do these days, does not mean I support wasteful or bloated government.

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Sanders is going to endorse Clinton. He took it just a tad too far, in my personal opinion, and may have squandered some of his political capital, but before the convention, he WILL endorse her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah right. Like democrats care about wasting money. Good one.

Actually we do. Just because I believe government can be a positive force for good and don't see it as the root of all evils like neo conservatives do these days, does not mean I support wasteful or bloated government.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm having trouble with the free college for families making under 125K. I'm all for ALL kids having avenues to erase college debt for service, but supporting malingering, and useless degrees for those who even bother to graduate bugs me.

Of course the gop is hardly an example of fiscal conservatism.
Sanders isn’t a democrat.

Much of what he advocates isn’t representative of the party.

That’s why he’s not the nominee.

This isn’t rocket science.

He needs to run as a third party candidate. He is a hell of a lot better than Clinton or Trump.
Yeah right. Like democrats care about wasting money. Good one.

Actually we do. Just because I believe government can be a positive force for good and don't see it as the root of all evils like neo conservatives do these days, does not mean I support wasteful or bloated government.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Government can be good but the current structure is set to serve Wall St. and big corporations. The only one that will attack that is Sanders. Clinton is the status quo of corruption and Trump is just not a good choice.
Democrats are quickly getting fed up with Bernie Sanders. Since he hasn't dropped out of this race the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40K a day for secret service protection for him. Now I don't know where Sander's principles in this are--but he is quickly making some enemies within the Democrat party.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

"Sen. Bernie Sanders was booed during a closed meeting with House Democrats on Wednesday, as lawmakers shouted "Timeline! Timeline!" — pressing for his endorsement of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee.

The Vermont senator did not directly answer Democrats' many questions about his intentions, according to a source in the room who requested anonymity to discuss the private session.

"He went in there with his canned talking points from the stump," the source said. "People just weren't having it."

Democrats have struggled to unify the party as Clinton all but secured the party's nomination, but Sanders has continued his renegade campaign.

At one point, Sanders praised Democrats for the most progressive party platform, but then outlined differences he had over trade, climate change and the minimum wage, as well as rules over superdelegates.

But several progressive House Democrats are on the platform-writing committee and some lawmakers pressed for specifics.

One lawmaker said she felt "bullied" and "like a hostage" over his demands, the source said.

At one point, boos erupted when Sanders told the Democrats "the goal is not to win elections," but to "transform America."
House Democrats boo Bernie Sanders for his delay in endorsing Clinton

For you remaining Sanders supporters this country is a Republic that operates under a democracy-which means the (majority rules.) In 2008 Barack Obama won the primary against Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 popular votes. In 2016, Hillary Clinton creamed Bernie Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

It's very clear that the majority wants nothing to do with Bernie Sanders, or his transformation. Yet, the taxpayers of this country are still paying 40 thousand dollars a day to provide Sanders with Secret Service security, because he refuses to concede this race, let alone endorse Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has cost taxpayers about $1.1 million dollars since Clinton declared victory on June 7, as of July 5. With the Democratic National Convention scheduled to kick off in Philadelphia on July 25, that could bring the total to about $1.9 million in Secret Service protection in between Clinton's presumptive nomination and the beginning of the formal nominating process.
Taxpayers still paying about $40,000 a day to protect Sanders

You're so full of shit. Hillary stayed in the '08 race until the convention.

No, Hitlery dropped out in early June of 2008, dumb ass.........DNC convention was in late August of that year.....great job of looking stupid, silly billy.......
What do you care?

Agreed--IN COMPARISON to the 2008 primary. Barack Obama defeated Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 popular votes. It was neck and neck all the way up to the convention.

2016--Hillary Clinton kicks the old farts ass by 3,775,423 popular votes, and the dick still thinks he has a say in the Democrat party platform, even though he isn't a Democrat.
Oh please the dems just elected Hillary because they didn't think Bernie could beat Trump even though he easily could given the hypothetical match up polls. The reality is that she is the most unpopular democratic candidate in history. Bernie is the only candidate in the race with a positivity rating. He may not be the democratic nominee, but he accomplished wonders with his legit grassroots campaign. Hillary relied on Wall Street and other gross super pacs.
Yeah right. Like democrats care about wasting money. Good one.

Actually we do. Just because I believe government can be a positive force for good and don't see it as the root of all evils like neo conservatives do these days, does not mean I support wasteful or bloated government.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Government can be good but the current structure is set to serve Wall St. and big corporations. The only one that will attack that is Sanders. Clinton is the status quo of corruption and Trump is just not a good choice.

Bernie would have been fine with me with an inclusive message of shared sacrifice and shared benefits. But Hillary didn't win because of Wall St. She won in spite of Wall St, and she can thank the blacks, whom Bernie ignored since 1968 or so. When it stopped being cool.

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