Bernie Sanders introduces 'Stop BEZOS' bill

Then we agree. And isn't this a stance for smaller government? As these deals grow so does government. Pretty soon private business will do nothing without government involvement.

On one hand you say you are for smaller government, but in the same breath, say government should force companies to pay more money to workers. You can't have it both ways.
I have not said they should force anything. I have said to shrink government we need more private jobs that pay well.

No we don't because one has nothing to do with the other. There is nothing in our US Constitution that guarantees welfare for people that don't make enough money. That's s government decision to pay them. We don't have to do that. We just simply stop paying them and that's that.
You let me know when that happens. Repubs control the government and nobody is even talking about it.

Yes, it's called priorities. I would think they will probably look at it after the midterms to see how it goes first.
Don't hold your breath. When are we getting the best healthcare?
On one hand you say you are for smaller government, but in the same breath, say government should force companies to pay more money to workers. You can't have it both ways.
I have not said they should force anything. I have said to shrink government we need more private jobs that pay well.

No we don't because one has nothing to do with the other. There is nothing in our US Constitution that guarantees welfare for people that don't make enough money. That's s government decision to pay them. We don't have to do that. We just simply stop paying them and that's that.
You let me know when that happens. Repubs control the government and nobody is even talking about it.

Yes, it's called priorities. I would think they will probably look at it after the midterms to see how it goes first.
Don't hold your breath. When are we getting the best healthcare?

I thought we already got it. Don't you remember, Obamacare?
I have not said they should force anything. I have said to shrink government we need more private jobs that pay well.

No we don't because one has nothing to do with the other. There is nothing in our US Constitution that guarantees welfare for people that don't make enough money. That's s government decision to pay them. We don't have to do that. We just simply stop paying them and that's that.
You let me know when that happens. Repubs control the government and nobody is even talking about it.

Yes, it's called priorities. I would think they will probably look at it after the midterms to see how it goes first.
Don't hold your breath. When are we getting the best healthcare?

I thought we already got it. Don't you remember, Obamacare?
You think it worked? Healthcare costs seems to still be out of control like they were before Obamacare.
No we don't because one has nothing to do with the other. There is nothing in our US Constitution that guarantees welfare for people that don't make enough money. That's s government decision to pay them. We don't have to do that. We just simply stop paying them and that's that.
You let me know when that happens. Repubs control the government and nobody is even talking about it.

Yes, it's called priorities. I would think they will probably look at it after the midterms to see how it goes first.
Don't hold your breath. When are we getting the best healthcare?

I thought we already got it. Don't you remember, Obamacare?
You think it worked? Healthcare costs seems to still be out of control like they were before Obamacare.

Then what does that tell you? It tells you it's a complex and extremely difficult problem that may not have a solution.
the 3 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 50 percent.

50 percent of all wealth is going to the richest people like Bezos.

Bezos pays his employees wages that are so low that they must rely on food stamps to survive
You let me know when that happens. Repubs control the government and nobody is even talking about it.

Yes, it's called priorities. I would think they will probably look at it after the midterms to see how it goes first.
Don't hold your breath. When are we getting the best healthcare?

I thought we already got it. Don't you remember, Obamacare?
You think it worked? Healthcare costs seems to still be out of control like they were before Obamacare.

Then what does that tell you? It tells you it's a complex and extremely difficult problem that may not have a solution.
Trump promised us the best healthcare.
"i work 40 hours a week at 13 bucks an hour. i have two kids to feed. i live on food stamps. i split protein shakes between meals so i can feed my family" - Amazon worker from California
Yes, it's called priorities. I would think they will probably look at it after the midterms to see how it goes first.
Don't hold your breath. When are we getting the best healthcare?

I thought we already got it. Don't you remember, Obamacare?
You think it worked? Healthcare costs seems to still be out of control like they were before Obamacare.

Then what does that tell you? It tells you it's a complex and extremely difficult problem that may not have a solution.
Trump promised us the best healthcare.

And do you have a point to all this other than you want government to take over our healthcare?
Sanders had previously criticized Amazon after a study found that some fulfillment center employees relied on a federal food assistance program.
Are these part time or seasonal employees or full time? What are the circumstances that have them on federal assistance for example a death in the family, someone recovering from an injury or illnesses and not being able to work right now. There are a number of reasons why someone might need assistance that might not have anything to do with low pay this is something that would have to be looked at in more detail before making a decision.
I'm against deals like Foxconn. I don't want the government influencing corporations.
I'm also against any tax deals, if Foxconn received them. Unfortunately, the way our system works, they can't be prevented.
Then we agree. And isn't this a stance for smaller government? As these deals grow so does government. Pretty soon private business will do nothing without government involvement.
There's no way to stop these deals. The federal government cannot stop state governments from making deals with private corporations.
Then government will continue to grow.
Government grows because of people like you who want it to grow, not because Amazon doesn't pay more.

And people like you want it to grow more also, thus your support of additional tariffs, of the government interfering with companies like Google, Twitter and FaceBook.
I'm also against any tax deals, if Foxconn received them. Unfortunately, the way our system works, they can't be prevented.
Then we agree. And isn't this a stance for smaller government? As these deals grow so does government. Pretty soon private business will do nothing without government involvement.
There's no way to stop these deals. The federal government cannot stop state governments from making deals with private corporations.
Then government will continue to grow.
Government grows because of people like you who want it to grow, not because Amazon doesn't pay more.

And people like you want it to grow more also, thus your support of additional tariffs, of the government interfering with companies like Google, Twitter and FaceBook.
I'm not a supporter of tariffs. Trump is using them as a negotiating tool. They aren't the final destination he has in mind.

If Google and Facebook want to censor conservatives, then the federal government should discontinue their exemption from lawsuit. They should be held responsible for everything they publish, just like the NYT and CNN.
Let's get clear on this. Sounds like we're saying that folks owning big corporations are hurting their employees if the workers are also getting welfare.

imho it would be bad if the owners started a policy where they fired anyone getting welfare because it would not only would be bad for former employees who'd now have to be totally indigent, but it would also be bad for tax payers who'd have to pay for raising welfare payments.
We're already paying corporate welfare. I don't think the corps would have to know what employees are collecting welfare. They would just get a bill from the IRS.
What would the bill be based on, total ignorance? Do you actually believe that the IRS knows how much welfare the employees of corporation 'X' are receiving?
The IRS knows where you work and how much welfare you collect, yes.
It has a tax return from each employee, but it doesn't tabulate figures on the employees of any corporation as a whole. Obtaining that information would require a multi-million dollar software project.
Wouldn't it be as simple as something you fill out on your tax return? Yes I work for a company with over 500 employees and this is how much welfare I collected? Doesn't sound that difficult to do.
It's easy to say that the imaginary bridge spanned 10 miles. Building one is another matter.

The employer doesn't collect welfare. He doesn't even know which of his employees is collecting welfare.
I don't think I can stomach reading this entire thread, but in case someone hasn't already posted this:

Section 9 (limits on Congress), Article 1 include a prohibition on Bills of Attainder:

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

And the Contracts Clause in Section 10 includes:

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."

Singling out certain employers after Congress has already made welfare and food stamps widely available violates the Constitution, imo.
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WI gave Foxconn cash payouts to move to their state. That is not good capitalism. You clearly do not understand capitalism.

Oh? Let's see support for your claim. The Chicago Tribune article I posted states the opposite.

Let's see what ThinkProgress or DailyKOS is spoon feeding you.
I suppose the Heritage Foundation is liberal?
Corporate Welfare Wastes Taxpayer and Economic Resources

That doesn't say a word about Foxconn, Comrade.

You lied that Wisconsin gave Foxconn cash payments. In fact all they did was offer tax incentives.
I was discussing Foxconn, was getting a bit off topic.

You were lying to defame Trump and push your Stalinist agenda. Foxconn is just something DailyKOS spewed shit about so you mindlessly repeated their shit.

Foxconn is the partner of ultra-left Apple, the darling of all you "woke" motherfuckers of the Khmer Rouge.

No doubt Foxconn has gotten many handouts from the federal government, from Obama while they were in China.

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