bernie sanders is a good man...

Sanders.... Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Greece are looking for the next savior of the common good...

Amerikkkanistas unite !
Reality check:

An "independent" candidate has zero chance of becoming president.

If Sanders wants to win - and if he's not just playing at it - he'll need to get one of the parties to anoint him their nominee.

Socialist that he (admittedly) is, the closest fit is The Democrat Party though I must concede the Jake Starkey wing of what calls itself "The Republican Party" might be well enough aligned that it would consider him over any conservative.

Will he even be on the ballot in more than a very few states? Not without party backing. Do I give him much of a chance at all? No, but I'm sad that it is that way. We need something or somebody to shake up the status quo even if it's an out-and-out Communist who's honest about it. Don't read that as anything to do with Mr. Sanders - he draws the line at socialist. But nothing precludes the possibility of another out-of-the-blue, articulate, cleans-up-nice figure riding a sparkling white horse down the center aisle of either convention.


And as those parties stand today, an honest Communist would have an equal shot at the nomination at either convention.
he'll be on all the ballots, for sure. groundswell, real grassroots (one word). Vermont politicians are powerful. we only have six hundred and thirty thousand people, yet we control eighty-five percent of the world's global warming.
"Sanders, a technical independent (he caucuses with Senate Democrats) and self-declared democratic socialist (think Scandinavia, not Stalin), stands firmly to the left of Clinton, despite Clinton having recently scrambled to the left on social issues like same-sex marriage.

"It’s Sanders’ financial policies (socialism) that really set him apart.

"With the Clinton Foundation getting pounded with uncomfortable questions about how its spending its money and where that money’s coming from, and Clinton catching heat for her husband’s economic record, Sanders has taken it upon himself to represent the left-wing opposition to the pro-corporate New Democrat politics that made the Clintons so successful."

Bernie Sanders Officially Enters 2016 Race to Nudge Hillary Leftward

If the economy plunges during next year's Democratic primaries, Hillary might relive her 2008 experience except without the happy ending.
Bernie v Hillary: TPP?
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers, consumers, the environment and the foundations of American democracy.

"It will also negatively impact some of the poorest people in the world. The TPP is a treaty that has been written behind closed doors by the corporate world. Incredibly, while Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry and major media companies have full knowledge as to what is in this treaty, the American people and members of Congress do not.

"They have been locked out of the process. Further, all Americans, regardless of political ideology, should be opposed to the 'fast track' process which would deny Congress the right to amend the treaty and represent their constituents’ interests."

Bernie's made his opinion clear...Hillary, not so much.
Bernie Sandwrs is not a good man. He is a typical douchebag hypocrite politician. He says he wants to take the money out of politics when in reality he only wants to take the money away from the GOP.

He raised $1.5 million dollars one day after entering the race.

He's a lying piece of shit.
He raised $1.5 million dollars one day after entering the race.
What do you imagine that proves?
"The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history."
He raised $1.5 million dollars one day after entering the race.
What do you imagine that proves?
"The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history."

What it proves, you nit wit, is that Sanders is a hypocrite of the first order. The money that the Koch brothers contributes is irrelevant. Because you seem to not be too bright let me try to clear it up a bit for you. It would be like Jeb Bush campaigning on getting the big money out of politics and then accepting big money from the Koch Brothers. Is that simple enough for you?
hat it proves, you nit wit, is that Sanders is a hypocrite of the first order. The money that the Koch brothers contributes is irrelevant. Because you seem to not be too bright let me try to clear it up a bit for you. It would be like Jeb Bush campaigning on getting the big money out of politics and then accepting big money from the Koch Brothers. Is that simple enough for you?
Not really, Moron. How does Bernie campaign against Hillary without raising money? Unlike the Clintons and the Bushes Bernie would neither expect nor accept campaign funds from corporate parasites like the Kochs; however, that doesn't mean he can run without raising ANY money. Get it?
hat it proves, you nit wit, is that Sanders is a hypocrite of the first order. The money that the Koch brothers contributes is irrelevant. Because you seem to not be too bright let me try to clear it up a bit for you. It would be like Jeb Bush campaigning on getting the big money out of politics and then accepting big money from the Koch Brothers. Is that simple enough for you?
Not really, Moron. How does Bernie campaign against Hillary without raising money? Unlike the Clintons and the Bushes Bernie would neither expect nor accept campaign funds from corporate parasites like the Kochs; however, that doesn't mean he can run without raising ANY money. Get it?

Jesus how stupid are you exactly? It is completely hypocritical of him to say that and then accept money, especially that much money. Whether or not he needs it is in fact irrelevant.

You actually think that because he doesn't take money from the Koch brothers that that makes him not hypocritical? If you believe that then you are way more ignorant than I thought.

Perhaps that's why you are ignorant enough to believe that Bernie Sanders is a good man.
He raised $1.5 million dollars one day after entering the race.
What do you imagine that proves?
"The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history."
The bidding starts in our presidential auction.
He raised $1.5 million dollars one day after entering the race.
What do you imagine that proves?
"The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history."
The bidding starts in our presidential auction.

Now that is something I can agree with you on. Somehow, some way we need to get money and its influence out of politics. But unlike Sanders and Warren, I want the money out of politics for everyone, not just my political opponents.
Jesus how stupid are you exactly? It is completely hypocritical of him to say that and then accept money, especially that much money. Whether or not he needs it is in fact irrelevant.
You are one brain-dead bitch of a troll, aren't you, Troll?
"Bernie Sanders' nascent presidential campaign announced Friday that it raised more than $1.5 million in its first 24 hours, a number that far outpaces what Republican presidential hopefuls posted in their first day.

"Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont who caucuses with Democrats, kicked off his dark horse campaign for the Democratic nomination on Thursday with an email to supporters and a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol. Since then, more than 100,000 people signed up for the campaign and 35,000 people donated money, according to a campaign press release.

"The average donation was $43.54.

Fuck you, yours, and the corporate hypocrites you troll for, Stupid Bitch.

Bernie Sanders raises 1.5 million in 24 hours -
Jesus how stupid are you exactly? It is completely hypocritical of him to say that and then accept money, especially that much money. Whether or not he needs it is in fact irrelevant.
You are one brain-dead bitch of a troll, aren't you, Troll?
"Bernie Sanders' nascent presidential campaign announced Friday that it raised more than $1.5 million in its first 24 hours, a number that far outpaces what Republican presidential hopefuls posted in their first day.

"Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont who caucuses with Democrats, kicked off his dark horse campaign for the Democratic nomination on Thursday with an email to supporters and a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol. Since then, more than 100,000 people signed up for the campaign and 35,000 people donated money, according to a campaign press release.

"The average donation was $43.54.

Fuck you, yours, and the corporate hypocrites you troll for, Stupid Bitch.

Bernie Sanders raises 1.5 million in 24 hours -

Hey nit wit, do you know what "average means?

And while you are straining your one functioning brain cell, how does that not make him a hypocrite?
But unlike Sanders and Warren, I want the money out of politics for everyone, not just my political opponents.
Show us where either Warren or Sanders has ever said they want the private money out of politics for others and not for all candidates, or admit you're just another hypocritical ideologue.

Jeez, why don't you give me something hard to do?

They want corporate money out of politics. They never ever say Union money, or special interest money do they? You never hear them mention George Soros and any of his PACs, just the Kich brothers.

Hypocrites both of them.

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