bernie sanders is a good man...

The little I've seen of Mr. Sanders leads me to believe that if it's for him Democrats throw Hillary under the bus he'd pause to call 911 to cart her away.

Show me another Democrat with that much compassion!
Bernie sanders is exactly what this country needs, he has a solid track record, and truly cares for the poor/middle class, and he doesn't like greedy multinational capitalist pigs either :)
Your certainly entitled to that opinion.
Tell me how he's not?
I haven't gone over his whole record or life he may be everything you say he might not be as I said your entitled to your opinion of him.
Read into him if you care about politics.
Since he is currently Hillary's only offical challenger I'm sure we will get a lot of information on him and his record.
in his first elections he got like 1 or 2 % of the vote, that's pretty interesting. plus when i first met him he drove a shitbox car. pretty cool.
bernie sanders is a good man...

Because , as a socialist, he will continue the Demopublican practice of forcibly removing wealth , stealing, from taxpayers and giving it to the parasitic majority.


It there any Dem running who does not measure their age in triple digits?
that's the other thing. it would be lovely to have some candidates younger than seventy, or not with a last name already used by presidents past.
bernie sanders is a good man...

Because , as a socialist, he will continue the Demopublican practice of forcibly removing wealth , stealing, from taxpayers and giving it to the parasitic majority.


i'd like to be involved in defining the modern day independent. not bernie though. i always like joe leiberman too. i thought he would make a good president. what kind of congress would we have if a bernie sanders was president.

what about pocahantes (elizabeth warren) as vp ??

would socialists who admit they are socialists be better than the socialists we have now ??

there would be no bait and switch this time around.
Reality check:

An "independent" candidate has zero chance of becoming president.

If Sanders wants to win - and if he's not just playing at it - he'll need to get one of the parties to anoint him their nominee.

Socialist that he (admittedly) is, the closest fit is The Democrat Party though I must concede the Jake Starkey wing of what calls itself "The Republican Party" might be well enough aligned that it would consider him over any conservative.

Will he even be on the ballot in more than a very few states? Not without party backing. Do I give him much of a chance at all? No, but I'm sad that it is that way. We need something or somebody to shake up the status quo even if it's an out-and-out Communist who's honest about it. Don't read that as anything to do with Mr. Sanders - he draws the line at socialist. But nothing precludes the possibility of another out-of-the-blue, articulate, cleans-up-nice figure riding a sparkling white horse down the center aisle of either convention.


And as those parties stand today, an honest Communist would have an equal shot at the nomination at either convention.
bernie sanders is a good man...

Because , as a socialist, he will continue the Demopublican practice of forcibly removing wealth , stealing, from taxpayers and giving it to the parasitic majority.


i'd like to be involved in defining the modern day independent. not bernie though. i always like joe leiberman too. i thought he would make a good president. what kind of congress would we have if a bernie sanders was president.

what about pocahantes (elizabeth warren) as vp ??

would socialists who admit they are socialists be better than the socialists we have now ??

there would be no bait and switch this time around.

Well , we have moved so far to the left, ie, towards a socialist Republic , that avowed socialists feel is safe to come out from under their rocks.

Please show us where the far left is turning over the means of productions to the workers.
Please show us where the far left is turning over the means of productions to the workers.

You must of not heard about the government bailout of GM and Chrysler. Government money was used to bailout union pensions and to give the UAW more control of the company.

The government is in the filthy business of subsidizing many businesses that would fail on their own, like Solyndra. They bail out companies like the Wall Street banks that failed because were pressured by the government to gives loans to minorities for social justice reasons.

We also have almost half of the people in this country being on some kind of government dole.

We have more people receiving welfare than we have working.

It has now become a stupid entitlement to get subsidized health insurance.

The filthy ass government collects about a trillion dollars a year in income taxes but about half the people in the country don't have to pay a cent towards it.

That is not quite the textbook definition of socialism but we are getting damn close to it.

All we need is for another Libtard Democrat to be elected to the Presidency.

We don't need another "hope and change" jackass like Hussein Obama, or a lying corrupt Hildabeast and we sure as hell don't need a damn socialists like this Sanders character.
One, no, the economy is certainly not 'completely' controlled.

Government money was used (and paid back) for bailing out the management and works of GM and Chrysler. That is not socialism. Show us where the workers were given control of the means of productions.

Were Solyndra and the banks given to the workers?

Anyone who condemns SS and Medicare and VA and military pensions can phq off: they were all earned and paid for.

Proof on more people receiving assistance than working, please.

Tough on ACA, buddy, not going away, and it is not socialism.

Yes, we need tax reform.

TThe textbook definition of socialism is no where the rant above of Flash.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no potential good In evil.
You don't even know what socialism is, let alone democratic socialism, although you should know I don't think Bernie is literally a socialist... I don't see him wanting to take production and give it to workers..

You should tell that to Bernie... he is a self-described Democratic Socialist.
One, no, the economy is certainly not 'completely' controlled.

Government money was used (and paid back) for bailing out the management and works of GM and Chrysler. That is not socialism. Show us where the workers were given control of the means of productions.

Were Solyndra and the banks given to the workers?

Anyone who condemns SS and Medicare and VA and military pensions can phq off: they were all earned and paid for.

Proof on more people receiving assistance than working, please.

Tough on ACA, buddy, not going away, and it is not socialism.

Yes, we need tax reform.

TThe textbook definition of socialism is no where the rant above of Flash.

Proof that this a far left drone on every level!

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