bernie sanders is a good man...

"Color and depth" is a left wing dirty trick cliche to try to pretend that Hillary is mainstream because Sanders is so obviously left wing. The dirty little secret is that Sanders and Hillary have almost the same message.
Bullshit. :disagree:
That's it huh? Hillary rails out about corporate wealth and so does Sanders. As a matter of fact Hillary is probably more left wing than Sanders.
LOL. Literally in no way, bernie has been consistent with all of his views, been shown to stand with the american people, hasn't drastically shifted his views like Hillary has, plans to rebuild infrastructure, have universal healthcare.. Jesus.
Sanders is Hillary in drag. What's the difference?
Yeah, sanders is not lobbied by anyone of notice, apart from labor unions, and condemns lobbying/hillary's donations. You're an idiot.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no potential good In evil.

While I do agree, and I will repost this in that other bed wetter's thread, I will say that Sanders might actually go after the elitist pig scum that pull strings from behind the scenes and commit all sorts of corruption. He is openly full retard socialist and has no chance.

I actually had just a little bit of hope the moonbat messiah would do that, but he turned out to be the worst of the worst. I don't believe sanders will do anything but make hitlary more of an openly raving moonbat lunatic. So either way he will be helpful.

In 2008 and even in 2012 both parties bent over backwards to be "moderate". A lunatic like sanders will force the democrooks to shrug off any faux moderation and expose her insane leftist foundation.

Hopefully the GOP will nominate someone who doesn't have to pretend to be a conservative, and won't even try to out liberal the democrooks like the last two RINO assholes.

"full retard socialist"
More intelligent then you.
If it makes you feel better.
That clown Bernie Sanders bitches about special interest money influencing the government but the hypocritical sonofoabitch took a boat load of money from the filthy greedy unions.

Sen. Bernie Sanders Campaign Finance Money - Top Donors - Senator Career OpenSecrets

All the SOB has is hypocrisy and class warfare. Typical confused Left Winger.

The Democrats have a couple of real winners between this clown and the lying, corrupt and incompetent Hildabeast.
i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president
So your saying he makes Clinton look like an ass? :)
i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president
Regardless of his politics (I agree with some, disagree with some), Sanders strikes me as a consistent, sincere, honest, stand-up guy.

Those are all qualities as lacking in DC as water is lacking in California.

Actually, Bernie probably helps Hillary because he is so far off to the left that Hillary looks moderate by comparison.
I am having trouble understanding these left-right labels. Here are some issues from the 2008 election and the position of the candidates.

End the Fed.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Cancel NAFTA, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Leave the WTO.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Completely withdraw from Iraq.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Close all military bases around the world and bring all troops home.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Stop all foreign aid.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

End the Patriot Act.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Enforce Posse Comitatus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Restore habeas Corpus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Against the bailout.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Protect gun rights.
Obama - no
McCain - yes ?
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Single payer universal health care.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - yes

The question is who is left and who is right?
Hillary is a self declared "Turn of the Century Progressive".
She may be telling the truth about that. Some "Turn of the Century" progressives were far more committed to corporate efficiency than they were to fighting the class war:
"The contemporary common political conception of progressivism in the culture of the Western world emerged from the vast social changes brought about by industrialization in the Western world in the late 19th century, particularly out of the view that progress was being stifled by vast economic inequality between the rich and the poor, minimally regulated laissez-faire capitalism with out-of-control monopolistic corporations, intense and often violent conflict between workers and capitalists; and thus claimed that measures were needed to address these problems."
Progressivism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Good, gp. One of the progressives aims were to employ scientific principles to improve corporate management. No body evidence exists to show any significant number of progressives were committed to any type of socialism.

The allegation that Hillary was fired for unethical behavior is "confirmed" by the following link; I wonder if Bernie will bring it up in the debates?

"Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee.

"Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair.

"When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career."


Hillary Rodham Clinton History
Because Zeifman made unwanted, unprofessional sexual advance to HRC. The old goat would fuck anything he could.

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