bernie sanders is a good man...

i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president

This post highlights the divide often pointed out on the conservative side....Conservatives think the left is wrong....the left thinks conservatives are evil.......

This poster thinks Sanders is a good man but just wrong on the issues....imagine a lefty saying that back about a conservative politician....all the ass wipes on this site with the images of Republicans in clown is immature at a minimum, highlights that they are controlled by their emotions, not their reason, and also shows they don't like those politicians as people simply because they disagree on how to get things done.....

Conservatives think the left is wrong...the left thinks conservatives are evil........
Perhaps that's why you are ignorant enough to believe that Bernie Sanders is a good man.
Here's my first of many reason why I believe Bernie Sanders is a good man, Troll.
Now, provide an example of why ignorant trolls believe Bernie isn't a good man.

Oh so, he's a good man because he believes in leftist ideas and policies?
Whatever moron.
Gotta give Bernie credit for being open and transparent about his socialist beliefs. That alone puts him head and shoulders above Hillary and any of the RINO wanna-be candidates of which our own Jammie-Jake is so fond!

Ya gotta respect honesty even when despising what one is being honest about.
There is a big difference between Bernie and Hillary.

Bernie will do everything he can to do what he thinks is best for our country.

Hillary will do everything she can to do what she thinks is best for Hillary.

There is a big difference between Bernie and Hillary.
Bernie will do everything he can to do what he thinks is best for our country.
Hillary will do everything she can to do what she thinks is best for Hillary.

And both roads lead to ruin and destruction......
He raised $1.5 million dollars one day after entering the race.
What do you imagine that proves?
"The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history."

George Soros has a $3.5 billion political fund to finance the filthy ass Democrat Party and then there are the unions that usually put up a billion dollars every four years so.

Then we have the Environmental Wacko billionaires like Tom Steyer and the the Hollywood Limousine Liberals.

Then you throw in the fact that the Obama administration has disenfranchised the Tea Party from raising money by using the IRS.

Wall Street will give to whoever they think will win. In both 2008 and 2012 they gave the most money to Obama.

The Koch brothers are small potatoes in this the game of raising money to influence politics. The Democrats have that scam down pat.

The Democrats only want to stop Conservative groups from raising money. They have no qualms about getting money from all the despicable left wing funding sources. .
He raised $1.5 million dollars one day after entering the race.
What do you imagine that proves?
"The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history."

George Soros has a $3.5 billion political fund to finance the filthy ass Democrat Party and then there are the unions that usually put up a billion dollars every four years so.

Then we have the Environmental Wacko billionaires like Tom Steyer and the the Hollywood Limousine Liberals.

Then you throw in the fact that the Obama administration has disenfranchised the Tea Party from raising money by using the IRS.

Wall Street will give to whoever they think will win. In both 2008 and 2012 they gave the most money to Obama.

The Koch brothers are small potatoes in this the game of raising money to influence politics. The Democrats have that scam down pat.

The Democrats only want to stop Conservative groups from raising money. They have no qualms about getting money from all the despicable left wing funding sources. .

Exactly correct.
he's a good, honest man who represents accountability for both parties. if we're going to have a democratic president, I'd rather have bernie than clinton.
Hey nit wit, do you know what "average means?

And while you are straining your one functioning brain cell, how does that not make him a hypocrite?
He's not calling for a ban on all private donations to political campaigns (yet) He is calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, institute strong controls and disclosure requirements on all political donations, and insisted his campaign won't include a super PAC to funnel unlimited amounts of money from rich-bitch donors unencumbered by the donation limits on individual candidates. Hence, nothing Bernie's done so far qualifies as "hypocritical" to anyone other that a corporate squeal upset at the prospect of a good man running for president.
Hey nit wit, do you know what "average means?

And while you are straining your one functioning brain cell, how does that not make him a hypocrite?
He's not calling for a ban on all private donations to political campaigns (yet) He is calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, institute strong controls and disclosure requirements on all political donations, and insisted his campaign won't include a super PAC to funnel unlimited amounts of money from rich-bitch donors unencumbered by the donation limits on individual candidates. Hence, nothing Bernie's done so far qualifies as "hypocritical" to anyone other that a corporate squeal upset at the prospect of a good man running for president.

He gets money from the Union PACs. A half a million from PACs.

He also got $2.6 million from "large contributors" (millionaires)

Sen. Bernie Sanders Campaign Finance Money - Summary - Senator 2014 OpenSecrets

The Democrat Party would shit in their britches if they couldn't get money from PACs and large donors. Tom Steyer has given the Democrats $30 million just by himself. Obama is known for his $30K a plate donor dinners. Obama is George Soros's trained monkey in the White House. the greedy unions own the Democrat Party.

Sanders is not a good man. The sonofabitch is a hypocritical shithead and he is really confused about economics, like all Left Wingers.
They want corporate money out of politics. They never ever say Union money, or special interest money do they? You never hear them mention George Soros and any of his PACs, just the Kich brothers.
Here's a clue, Squeal: unions are corporations.
Sanders has consistently called for outlawing ALL super PACs, and he's pledged his campaign will not employ one. You really should expand you're daily read list if you imagine Bernie has never criticized the influence the ALL billionaires, including Soros, exert on today's political process( or maybe you're just another liar?)

"'I think it is obscene that billionaires — Democrat, Republican, independent, whatever — play a significant role in our political process,' he said. 'That is not what democracy is about.' He would deny all of them an outsize voice by instituting public financing of campaigns.

"But Sanders said he believed that it is 'a false equivalence” to compare the influence of billionaires on the right and left. 'Some people say, well you’ve got several billionaires [on the left],' he said. 'You’ve got [George] Soros, you’ve got Tom Steyer spending a lot of money. But the truth is it’s not equivalent. The Koch brothers will spend as much as it takes.'”

Because the right wing billionaires know when voter turnout is equal among Republicans and Democrats, they will lose the battle of one person, one vote every single time.

Bernie Sanders has questions about Clinton - The Washington Post
He gets money from the Union PACs. A half a million from PACs.

He also got $2.6 million from "large contributors" (millionaires)
It's all relative, isn't it?
"The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history."
Bernie won't be taking any part of that $900 million, unlike the corporate whores among Republican "contenders."
The Democrat Party would shit in their britches if they couldn't get money from PACs and large donors. Tom Steyer has given the Democrats $30 million just by himself. Obama is known for his $30K a plate donor dinners. Obama is George Soros's trained monkey in the White House. the greedy unions own the Democrat Party.
Bernie's NOT a Democrat, and he doesn't take money from super PACs, and he recognizes the threat that Steyers $30 million poses to US democracy is dwarfed by that posed by Charles and David.
i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president

you had me until the "end of our republic" stuff. that's just silly.

this president WAS eligible.

ted cruz isn't. but why quibble?
Bernie speaks up for the middle class. Can't say that for any other candidate out there. The rest are shills for the filthy corporations that control everything.
We have corporate oligarchy here that has zero respect for the middle and lower class and would rather see them not alive than having to deal with them by paying some taxes. The more power corporations get, the further from great we fall.
i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president

you had me until the "end of our republic" stuff. that's just silly.

this president WAS eligible.

ted cruz isn't. but why quibble?
you know i love you j. finally a political domain in my own back yard right ?

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