bernie sanders is a good man...

For instance, I know that prosperity is not created by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it. That stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income is the cornerstone of socialism.

are you some kind of fucking retard?

43% of the wealth is held by 1% of the population. 87% of the wealth is held by the top 20% of the population. meanwhile, the bottom 40% control less than 1% of hte wealth.

Only a complete fucking idiot would think that this situation really reflects how wealth is created.
Hey nit wit, do you know what "average means?

And while you are straining your one functioning brain cell, how does that not make him a hypocrite?
He's not calling for a ban on all private donations to political campaigns (yet) He is calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, institute strong controls and disclosure requirements on all political donations, and insisted his campaign won't include a super PAC to funnel unlimited amounts of money from rich-bitch donors unencumbered by the donation limits on individual candidates. Hence, nothing Bernie's done so far qualifies as "hypocritical" to anyone other that a corporate squeal upset at the prospect of a good man running for president.

And there you have it. Citizens United is a GOP funding group mostly. Sanders is a hypocrite because he only wants to get rid of the money going to his opponents.

I am right you are wrong. It's ok to admit when you are wrong. Try it.
Hey nit wit, do you know what "average means?

And while you are straining your one functioning brain cell, how does that not make him a hypocrite?
He's not calling for a ban on all private donations to political campaigns (yet) He is calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, institute strong controls and disclosure requirements on all political donations, and insisted his campaign won't include a super PAC to funnel unlimited amounts of money from rich-bitch donors unencumbered by the donation limits on individual candidates. Hence, nothing Bernie's done so far qualifies as "hypocritical" to anyone other that a corporate squeal upset at the prospect of a good man running for president.

He gets money from the Union PACs. A half a million from PACs.

He also got $2.6 million from "large contributors" (millionaires)

Sen. Bernie Sanders Campaign Finance Money - Summary - Senator 2014 OpenSecrets

The Democrat Party would shit in their britches if they couldn't get money from PACs and large donors. Tom Steyer has given the Democrats $30 million just by himself. Obama is known for his $30K a plate donor dinners. Obama is George Soros's trained monkey in the White House. the greedy unions own the Democrat Party.

Sanders is not a good man. The sonofabitch is a hypocritical shithead and he is really confused about economics, like all Left Wingers.

Dead on.
They want corporate money out of politics. They never ever say Union money, or special interest money do they? You never hear them mention George Soros and any of his PACs, just the Kich brothers.
Here's a clue, Squeal: unions are corporations.
Sanders has consistently called for outlawing ALL super PACs, and he's pledged his campaign will not employ one. You really should expand you're daily read list if you imagine Bernie has never criticized the influence the ALL billionaires, including Soros, exert on today's political process( or maybe you're just another liar?)

"'I think it is obscene that billionaires — Democrat, Republican, independent, whatever — play a significant role in our political process,' he said. 'That is not what democracy is about.' He would deny all of them an outsize voice by instituting public financing of campaigns.

"But Sanders said he believed that it is 'a false equivalence” to compare the influence of billionaires on the right and left. 'Some people say, well you’ve got several billionaires [on the left],' he said. 'You’ve got [George] Soros, you’ve got Tom Steyer spending a lot of money. But the truth is it’s not equivalent. The Koch brothers will spend as much as it takes.'”

Because the right wing billionaires know when voter turnout is equal among Republicans and Democrats, they will lose the battle of one person, one vote every single time.

Bernie Sanders has questions about Clinton - The Washington Post

He says one thing but does another. I am not interested in what he says but what he does. What he does, shows him to be a hypocrite.
We need a loud & clear conversation about the increasing oligarchy in this country and Sanders will be very helpful there.

But once Hillary marginalizes or dispatches him, we're back to ignoring/avoiding the conversation.

That's what worries me.


I believe him starting the conversation will matter. And actually companies are starting to pay more. Every day we here about how companies are giving raises. The economy is back! Thanks Obama. You got us out of the bush recession.
Why is sticking up for the working man such a bad thing? No wonder this country is headed downhill. Everything for the corporations and their owners, take way everything that helps a worker.
Why is sticking up for the working man such a bad thing? No wonder this country is headed downhill. Everything for the corporations and their owners, take way everything that helps a worker.
There's nothing wrong with sticking up for the working man, and we're not doing a good job overall.

But nothing positive is served when, in an effort to raise the working man, we attack and try to bring down those above them by being far too simplistic just for political gain. We have turned a corner where hard work and success are now suspect, and that's simply a BAD IDEA.

And by the way, the owners of corporations are largely the working man and seniors, in their IRA's, pensions and retirement plans.

Balance. Equilibrium. Reason.

When one man makes 400 x the man on the floor who does the heavy lifting to make the corporation its money, only and idiot doesn't wonder WTF?
For instance, I know that prosperity is not created by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it. That stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income is the cornerstone of socialism.

are you some kind of fucking retard?

43% of the wealth is held by 1% of the population. 87% of the wealth is held by the top 20% of the population. meanwhile, the bottom 40% control less than 1% of hte wealth.

Only a complete fucking idiot would think that this situation really reflects how wealth is created.
This reminds me of the old saying that if you give the rich more money they will create more jobs.

In past decades we have seen the income and wealth at the top skyrocket.

So, if that crapola was true we should be up to our ears in jobs.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no potential good In evil.
England and Canada are evil? Is jeb going to invade? Regime change?

Let's Review: There is no potential good, in Evil.

It's not a complex equation, yet you struggle with it so... .
Is Canada evil? What about medicare? Is that evil? Does a lot of good. Unregulated capitalism doesnt work. We deregulated wallstreet and look what happened? Capitalism isnt good and everything else is evil you silly brainwashed simpleton.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no potential good In evil.
England and Canada are evil? Is jeb going to invade? Regime change?

Let's Review: There is no potential good, in Evil.

It's not a complex equation, yet you struggle with it so... .

Is Canada evil? IS Canada Socialist?
If so, then the answer is "Yes".

What about medicare? Is that evil?


Does a lot of good.

No... No it doesn't. You 'feel' that it does a lot of good, but in reality, it serves no potential for good.

Unregulated capitalism doesnt work.

Unregulated Capitalism has never failed, anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

We deregulated wallstreet and look what happened?
Unprecedented prosperity...

Capitalism isnt good and everything else is evil you silly brainwashed simpleton.

Well that's as solid a demonstration of the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, socialism and so many other manifestations of evil as could be offered on a message board; wherein the claimant argues that the freedom for citizens to freely exchange goods and services to the benefit / profit of both parties is: profoundly immoral and malevolent, wickedness, and depravity, something that is harmful or undesirable; which is to say: EVIL!

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter irony.
And there you have it. Citizens United is a GOP funding group mostly. Sanders is a hypocrite because he only wants to get rid of the money going to his opponents.
The Citizens United decision helped create the conditions for the formation of super PACs, which accept unlimited contributions from corporations, unions, and individuals. Since Sanders doesn't take money from such sources, it isn't hypocritical for him to call for their elimination, is it?
And there you have it. Citizens United is a GOP funding group mostly. Sanders is a hypocrite because he only wants to get rid of the money going to his opponents.
The Citizens United decision helped create the conditions for the formation of super PACs, which accept unlimited contributions from corporations, unions, and individuals. Since Sanders doesn't take money from such sources, it isn't hypocritical for him to call for their elimination, is it?

Bull shit, and you know it.

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