bernie sanders is a good man...

A great portion of the liberal propaganda lie is based on the false belief that wealth is finite. Therefor if someone is wealthy, there is none left for you. It's stupid and wrong but VERY effective in controlling the ignorant masses.

Guy, this isn't even a nice try. The fact is, 93% of the wealth created in the 'Recovery" has gone to the 1%. Wealth might not be finite, but the distribution of its is off balance, to be certain to any reasonable person.
Yes, the tiny minority of rich outvote everyone and take their money. Just rhetorical genius. How do you come up with that?

Actually, what the rich do is trick stupid rednecks like you into thinking their candidates are Right With Jesus. And you keep falling for it.

1% fool half the country? You want more time to come up with a better argument or are you going to stick with that one? I'd suggest you work on it some more
1% fool half the country? You want more time to come up with a better argument or are you going to stick with that one? I'd suggest you work on it some more

Given disccussions with you, I get the feeling your half of the country is easy to fool.

You think there's a magic man in the sky who cares about where you're putting your wang.
A great portion of the liberal propaganda lie is based on the false belief that wealth is finite. Therefor if someone is wealthy, there is none left for you. It's stupid and wrong but VERY effective in controlling the ignorant masses.

Guy, this isn't even a nice try. The fact is, 93% of the wealth created in the 'Recovery" has gone to the 1%. Wealth might not be finite, but the distribution of its is off balance, to be certain to any reasonable person.

you agree that wealth is not finite, the rest of your post is irrelevant to mine.
There is only ONE Ideology that allows those who steal to get away with it... and it is the Ideology that stands upon the premise: I HAVE A NEED AND YOU AND YOUR PROPERTY ARE OBLIGATED TO FULFILL MY NEED! Care to hazard a guess which Ideology that is?

Yeah, it's called "Conservatism".

And therein, friends... we find the evil OKA: Relativism.



Yet, such is the literal FOUNDATION of socialism itself... and of course every other facet of Left-think.

Yet, there is a Leftist 'advising' you that it's Conservatism that Believes that one person's NEED obligates another to fulfill that need.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... The Unholy Trinity of the Ideological Left.
You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you think so then it is just your greed and envy talking.

Uh, no, not really. The fact is, the labor I produce has value. I keep a running spreadsheet of innovations I've come up with in my job and how much they've saved the company I work for. It's well over $480,000. And that's just the innovations and savings, not the value of the mundane parts of my job.

So where did that money I created go? To investors. The stock in my company increased from a bottom value of $19.00 a share at the low point in the recession to a high of about $235 now.

This is the problem with an investor economy rather than a labor economy.

Or as a wise man said once...

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." -Abraham Lincoln

LOL! Hysterical... in every sense of the word.
1% fool half the country? You want more time to come up with a better argument or are you going to stick with that one? I'd suggest you work on it some more

Given disccussions with you, I get the feeling your half of the country is easy to fool.

You think there's a magic man in the sky who cares about where you're putting your wang.

Not according to the MIT Professor who stated, numerous times in several distinct discussions, that it is YOU and YOUR LEGISLATORS who were stupid, foolish and other unenviable adjectives.

Recall that this was in discussions regarding obamaCare. Wherein they intentionally sought to deceive Legislators, wherein the vote count passing the bill into law, did not include so much as a SINGLE Conservative.

LOL! Hell, it didn't even include even a single Republican.

Now if you'ld like another look at what 'stupid' actually looks like, you'll see that in the video below:

So let's try again: What set of Ideas does Pelosi represent?

Enjoy the silence kids...
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You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you think so then it is just your greed and envy talking.

Uh, no, not really. The fact is, the labor I produce has value. I keep a running spreadsheet of innovations I've come up with in my job and how much they've saved the company I work for. It's well over $480,000. And that's just the innovations and savings, not the value of the mundane parts of my job.

So where did that money I created go? To investors. The stock in my company increased from a bottom value of $19.00 a share at the low point in the recession to a high of about $235 now.

This is the problem with an investor economy rather than a labor economy.

Or as a wise man said once...

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." -Abraham Lincoln

Show me where you are poorer because Bill Gates is rich.

Bill Gates has created tens of thousands of jobs, pays more money in taxes in one day than you pay in a lifetime and gives more money to charity in one day than you will give in a lifetime.

You are better off because Gates is rich. If you got some filthy ass socialists like Sanders to steal Gates money and give some of it to you then you would do OK for awhile but when that that money ran out so would the jobs, taxes and charity that Gates provided. That is the bottom line failure of socialism.

Labor is a commodity just like everything else.

In order for labor to be valuable then there has to be jobs, which are created by the billions of dollars that the rich like Bill Gates have invested.

When the government steals money from people like Gates in the form of taxation and gives the money to the welfare queens all it does it dry up the capital market and has the effect of curtailing jobs and that is what we are seeing in our economy nowadays.

You can "save" a company money by doing your job. If you aren't doing it then you should be replace with somebody that can do it. You sell your labor by doing a good job, not simply being alive.
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Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no potential good In evil.
England and Canada are evil? Is jeb going to invade? Regime change?

Let's Review: There is no potential good, in Evil.

It's not a complex equation, yet you struggle with it so... .

Is Canada evil? IS Canada Socialist?
If so, then the answer is "Yes".

What about medicare? Is that evil?


Does a lot of good.

No... No it doesn't. You 'feel' that it does a lot of good, but in reality, it serves no potential for good.

Unregulated capitalism doesnt work.

Unregulated Capitalism has never failed, anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

We deregulated wallstreet and look what happened?
Unprecedented prosperity...

Capitalism isnt good and everything else is evil you silly brainwashed simpleton.

Well that's as solid a demonstration of the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, socialism and so many other manifestations of evil as could be offered on a message board; wherein the claimant argues that the freedom for citizens to freely exchange goods and services to the benefit / profit of both parties is: profoundly immoral and malevolent, wickedness, and depravity, something that is harmful or undesirable; which is to say: EVIL!

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter irony.

Thomas Jefferson: Reply to Pennsylvania Citizens, 1809. .... "I think all the world would gain by setting commerce at perfect liberty
Yes, the tiny minority of rich outvote everyone and take their money. Just rhetorical genius. How do you come up with that?

Actually, what the rich do is trick stupid rednecks like you into thinking their candidates are Right With Jesus. And you keep falling for it.

So since the Republican party is the super rich manipulating rednecks, and you were a Republican, which are you? Super rich or a redneck?
1% fool half the country? You want more time to come up with a better argument or are you going to stick with that one? I'd suggest you work on it some more

Given disccussions with you, I get the feeling your half of the country is easy to fool.

Why do we want the super rich to have more money gain? Can you remind me?

Also, you weren't a math major, were you? The super rich manipulated red necks and the Republicans took over congress and the Senate? How is that possible? You think half the country are rednecks?

You think there's a magic man in the sky who cares about where you're putting your wang.

What is wrong with being gay exactly US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
We need a loud & clear conversation about the increasing oligarchy in this country and Sanders will be very helpful there.

But once Hillary marginalizes or dispatches him, we're back to ignoring/avoiding the conversation.

That's what worries me.

One poll has Bernie trailing Clinton by 55%, yet he can still force her to detail her positions more clearly on income inequality, trade, Keystone XL, health care, and Social Security. There may be millions of Democrats AND Republicans who will find it difficult to support their party's front runners a year from now; if that occurs and happens to coincide with an economic crisis like "08, Bernie could provide the US with its own Syriza moment. It should be clear by now that voting for the "lesser evil" isn't working for 90% of voters.

this will be a political war of attrition. bernie the filibuster guy. never had to duck sniper fire, and such

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