bernie sanders is a good man...

Do you even have the slightest clue what even YOU are talking about? Apparently not.
I know your claim that wealth is infinite is irrelevant when 43% of ALL created wealth is the private property of 1% of the population. Apparently you can't grasp the implication that only fucking idiots would think this situation accurately reflects how that wealth was created. Right?
So since the Republican party is the super rich manipulating rednecks, and you were a Republican, which are you? Super rich or a redneck?

Someone bright enough to figure out the bullshit, eventually.

So here's the thing. From 1981 to 1992, I was in the military. So under those circumstances, voting republican actually made a lot of sense. So that explains my votes in 1980, 1984 and 1988.

1992, I was over the military, and frankly, gave Clinton a serious look. But there was something truly skeezy about the guy. I considered Perot. But he was nuts.

1996, I voted for Dole, but didn't think he was going to win. The worst day of Dole's campaign was his retirement attention stunt, where he made this long speech about how he made governemnt bigger. Did he not know which party he was running for.

2000, I voted For Bush because I really, really did buy into the crap that Clinton's so-called Scandals were actually a big deal. and I voted for him in 2004 because frankly, Kerry seemed kind of gutless.

2008 was when I had my moment of doubt. This was after I got screwed over by my last employer and realized the GOP was the party of the enemy. But I still voted for McCain because, hey, the guy had a clue. He knew Bush fucked things up, and he was basically an honorable guy.

Then in 2012, you guys really did it. you nominated the FUCKING MORMON. And there was no way I was going to ever vote for A FUCKING MORMON.

Now, 2016, I could vote for either Rubio or Walker, if they demonstrate they kind of get it that the middle class is hurting and we need change. But you dipshits will probably nominate Jeb Bush and wonder why no one wants to take a third ride on that stupidity.

Not according to the MIT Professor who stated, numerous times in several distinct discussions, that it is YOU and YOUR LEGISLATORS who were stupid, foolish and other unenviable adjectives.

Recall that this was in discussions regarding obamaCare. Wherein they intentionally sought to deceive Legislators, wherein the vote count passing the bill into law, did not include so much as a SINGLE Conservative.

Uh, guy, you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

It's just when the black guy did it you were upset.

Case in point. Easy way to solve the health care crisis. Single payer, you can only charge what it costs to provide the services. The way every other country does it.

But the GOP is so in bed with big insurance and big pharma, that's not going to happen.

It was wrong when Romney did it and it was wrong when Hussein did it.

Two Liberal wrongs don't make a right.

It is always wrong to use the force of government to take money that is earned by one person and give it to another that did nothing to earn the money.
Not according to the MIT Professor who stated, numerous times in several distinct discussions, that it is YOU and YOUR LEGISLATORS who were stupid, foolish and other unenviable adjectives.

Recall that this was in discussions regarding obamaCare. Wherein they intentionally sought to deceive Legislators, wherein the vote count passing the bill into law, did not include so much as a SINGLE Conservative.

Uh, guy, you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

It's just when the black guy did it you were upset.

Case in point. Easy way to solve the health care crisis. Single payer, you can only charge what it costs to provide the services. The way every other country does it.

But the GOP is so in bed with big insurance and big pharma, that's not going to happen.

It was wrong when Romney did it and it was wrong when Hussein did it.

Two Liberal wrongs don't make a right.

It is always wrong to use the force of government to take money that is earned by one person and give it to another that did nothing to earn the money.

Indeed.. Fatally flawed socialist policy does not become Conservative Policy because Republicans adopt the policy.

It's worth repeating that not a single Conservative, not even the Prog-pulicans voted for obama-Scare. And this without regard to the Left having run Romney as the 2012 GOP Candidate for Peasantpimp.
Bernie Sanders is bitching about the wealthy should be taxed more to give more money to the welfare queens.

However, the biggest billionaire Liberal contributor to the Democrat Party is way behind on his taxes.

Soros is like all Liberals. He wats others to pay more taxes but not himself.

George Soros reportedly could face up to 7B tax bill after delaying payment for years Fox News

George Soros reportedly could face up to $7B tax bill, after delaying payment for years

Indeed.. Fatally flawed socialist policy does not become Conservative Policy because Republicans adopt the policy.

It's worth repeating that not a single Conservative, not even the Prog-pulicans voted for obama-Scare. And this without regard to the Left having run Romney as the 2012 GOP Candidate for Peasantpimp.

We also have to understand that neither the 2010 Republican elected House or the 2012 Republican elcted House and Senate put an end to Obamacare.

All they had to do was defund it but they didn't do it.

At the end of the day both Democrats and Republicans are parties of big government.
i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president
Wasn't it Stalin that was named People magazine's Man of the Year before his mask fell off?
Do you even have the slightest clue what even YOU are talking about? Apparently not.
I know your claim that wealth is infinite is irrelevant when 43% of ALL created wealth is the private property of 1% of the population. Apparently you can't grasp the implication that only fucking idiots would think this situation accurately reflects how that wealth was created. Right?

Yeah you have no clue wtf you are talking about. I never said nor am I saying how wealth is created. Exactly how fucking dense are you?

Oh right, you're dense enough to believe Bernie Sanders is a good man.
So since the Republican party is the super rich manipulating rednecks, and you were a Republican, which are you? Super rich or a redneck?

Someone bright enough to figure out the bullshit, eventually.

So here's the thing. From 1981 to 1992, I was in the military. So under those circumstances, voting republican actually made a lot of sense. So that explains my votes in 1980, 1984 and 1988.

1992, I was over the military, and frankly, gave Clinton a serious look. But there was something truly skeezy about the guy. I considered Perot. But he was nuts.

1996, I voted for Dole, but didn't think he was going to win. The worst day of Dole's campaign was his retirement attention stunt, where he made this long speech about how he made governemnt bigger. Did he not know which party he was running for.

2000, I voted For Bush because I really, really did buy into the crap that Clinton's so-called Scandals were actually a big deal. and I voted for him in 2004 because frankly, Kerry seemed kind of gutless.

2008 was when I had my moment of doubt. This was after I got screwed over by my last employer and realized the GOP was the party of the enemy. But I still voted for McCain because, hey, the guy had a clue. He knew Bush fucked things up, and he was basically an honorable guy.

Then in 2012, you guys really did it. you nominated the FUCKING MORMON. And there was no way I was going to ever vote for A FUCKING MORMON.

Now, 2016, I could vote for either Rubio or Walker, if they demonstrate they kind of get it that the middle class is hurting and we need change. But you dipshits will probably nominate Jeb Bush and wonder why no one wants to take a third ride on that stupidity.


Yes, Joe is a liar. He also evaded the question. He said Republicans are the super rich and rednecks controlled by the super rich.

So which are you, Joe? Super rich or a redneck who was controlled by the super rich?
Interesting piece on Bernie in Politico:

Why Hillary s Embracing Bernie - Bill Scher - POLITICO Magazine

From the piece:

You can bet that, if it had been Elizabeth Warren, there would have been less jubilation in Clintonworld.

Why is Hillary happy? First of all, Bernie has no chance of winning the Democratic nomination, whereas a Warren might actually have a shot. Second, the quixotic nature of his campaign will all but ensure that resistant progressives go over to Clinton sooner rather than later. Finally, he is the first of a bunch of progressive-come-latelies, Lincoln Chafee, Jim Webb and Martin O’Malley, whose main achievement will be to split the anti-Hillary left. With Clinton generally polling around 60 percent among Democrats, having four candidates divvy up the remaining tally is a recipe for a Hillary coronation. If Clinton doesn’t have to sweat, then she doesn’t owe anybody anything.

Above all, the weakness of Bernie Sanders and her other likely challengers virtually ensures that she will not be forced to adopt policies so progressive that they could cost her the election in November. Indeed, Warren’s hovering over the race has put more pressure on Hillary than anyone actually preparing to join it.

I'd really welcome seeing Mr. Sanders as an INDEPENDENT candidate of the presidential ballot. I rather doubt he could win; even that he would garner a huge number of votes. However those of us concerned that Democrats and Republicans will simply again offer a choice between "Tweedle Dum" and "Tweedle Dumber" might have an honest choice and a shot at a somewhat meaningful protest.
I'd really welcome seeing Mr. Sanders as an INDEPENDENT candidate of the presidential ballot. I rather doubt he could win; even that he would garner a huge number of votes. However those of us concerned that Democrats and Republicans will simply again offer a choice between "Tweedle Dum" and "Tweedle Dumber" might have an honest choice and a shot at a somewhat meaningful protest.
It would fascinating to see how that would break down.

I'd guess he'd get some votes other than just Democrats.

Begging the question. First of all dumb ass, you can't Gerrymander the Senate.

No, but you do have a lot of these rural states that shouldn't even be states. And they get as many senators as the states where people actually live.

Second of all, you cant Gerrymander the house unless you take over enough State legislatures, which leads us back to the same issue.

That you rednecks are stupid? Yes, part of the problem is we have these "Midterms" where most people don't vote.
You love making sweeping statements with no support. You can't name actual policies Republicans have actually changed their position on.

sure I can.

Immigration. - Reagan gave Amnesty.

Taxes - Up until Reagan, Republicans were responsible in their tax policy. When tax cuts didnt' work, Reagan raised them again.

Civil Rights- Republicans used to support them until the Bubbas took over.
Hey great idea... and in so doing reduce the incentive for those who actually own businesses to own them... and in the process reduce the employment.

Who needs businesses? Frankly, we could all work for government enterprises and that would be just fine.


Reader what you see in the above cited prattle, is a notion which rests upon Foreign Ideas, which are hostile to American principle. As such, this individual should be found, arrested and either executed or incarcerated for the rest of its natural life and this without regard to what country it is transmitting these irrational notions into the United States.

You see, contrary to popular belief, there is no right to speak in deceit. And that which the would-be 'contributor' has offered in delusional and an attack upon freedom itself and as such it is a fraudulence, advanced as a means to mislead the ignorant.
It was wrong when Romney did it and it was wrong when Hussein did it.

Two Liberal wrongs don't make a right.

It is always wrong to use the force of government to take money that is earned by one person and give it to another that did nothing to earn the money.

Are you some kind of retard?

Yes, Joe is a liar. He also evaded the question. He said Republicans are the super rich and rednecks controlled by the super rich.

So which are you, Joe? Super rich or a redneck who was controlled by the super rich?

Neither. Once Republicans GOT IT. They protected working people.

Then the rich figured out that dumb-ass rednecks like you could be manipulated by simply playing on your racial and sexual fears.

"The Gummit's coming for your guns."

"The Negroes are coming for your women!"

"The gays are coming for your kids!"

"Durn-it cleetus, I heard it on Faux News!"

And you fucks fell for it. And are STILL falling for it.

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