bernie sanders is a good man...

So I have a question about when you were a Republican. Are you saying you were already a redneck, gay hating bible thumper who wanted blacks in a pogrom who was controlled by the super rich, or are you saying the super rich turned you into that?

no, guy, I'm saying I joined the sensible Republican party that was for efficient government and strong defense.

Not the Clown Car it's evolved into. The one that wouldnt' let Ike into the door no matter how many medals he had.
So only rednecks vote? How do you know that? So you voted when you were a redneck Republican, but now that you're an elitist city snob you stopped voting?

Not at all. THe fact is, when everyone votes, you guys LOSE. You guys have lost every national election since 1988 except for 2004, and in that one, you had to appeal to homophobia to get your redneck asses out of bed. You guys are the minority.

Sadly, we have these midterms, where a lot of people are too busy to vote.
More empty sweeping statements. So how did the super rich make you want to put blacks in pogroms? That's what I want to know

They didn't. They told me that Jimmy Carter wasn't willing to defend America and Ronnie Raygun was. And when I was 18, I fell for it.

Now I know better.
Poor Joe. The perpetual victim of people smarter than he is.
Yeah you have no clue wtf you are talking about. I never said nor am I saying how wealth is created. Exactly how fucking dense are you?
You made the claim wealth is not finite while ignoring the fact that 43% of the total US wealth is "owned" by 1% of the population. Does that help you understand?

It confirms my opinion that you don't know what you are talking about. Those two points are completely unrelated. You are that dense are you?

Guy, you define freedom by how hard the rich fuck you in the ass.


When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

The rich in this country are mostly the job producers, pay the most taxes and give the most money to charity. They are far more valuable to this country than you are.

Stop being so greedy and envious. It just makes you look like a fool on the internet.

If you are being fucked it is by the Liberals that have destroyed the economy with their stupid ideas of redistribution of wealth instead of stimulating capitalism and their attack on our Constitution freedoms.


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So I have a question about when you were a Republican. Are you saying you were already a redneck, gay hating bible thumper who wanted blacks in a pogrom who was controlled by the super rich, or are you saying the super rich turned you into that?

no, guy, I'm saying I joined the sensible Republican party that was for efficient government and strong defense.

Not the Clown Car it's evolved into. The one that wouldnt' let Ike into the door no matter how many medals he had.

Republicans are the same party, Homey. If anything they've moved to the left. That's why I'm questioning about your redneck, gay hating bible thumping past where you wanted blacks in pogroms since according to you that's what Republicans are and you were a Republican.

So again, were you already a redneck, gay hating bible thumping past where you wanted blacks in pogroms and the super rich used that to manipulate you or did the super rich turn you into a redneck, gay hating bible thumping past where you wanted blacks in pogroms? Simple question, which was it?
So only rednecks vote? How do you know that? So you voted when you were a redneck Republican, but now that you're an elitist city snob you stopped voting?

Not at all. THe fact is, when everyone votes, you guys LOSE. You guys have lost every national election since 1988 except for 2004, and in that one, you had to appeal to homophobia to get your redneck asses out of bed. You guys are the minority.

Sadly, we have these midterms, where a lot of people are too busy to vote.

Libertarians lose every election, Spanky. So I see, leftists are just "too busy" to vote. You live a rich, full life, don't you? Can't be bothered to vote without the presidency at stake
More empty sweeping statements. So how did the super rich make you want to put blacks in pogroms? That's what I want to know

They didn't. They told me that Jimmy Carter wasn't willing to defend America and Ronnie Raygun was. And when I was 18, I fell for it.

Now I know better.

And that turned you into a redneck and made you thump bibles, hate gays and want blacks kept in pogroms? I don't get it, what's the connection to all that and defense?

Those super rich are sly bastards, aren't they?
Take Stephanopoulos’ opening salvo, for example: “Why are you the best choice for president of the United States?” Good enough—a serviceable starting point for a 2016 contender, if a tad obvious.

And of course, Sanders was ready for that one: “Because for the last 30 years I’ve been standing up for the working families of this country, and I think I’m the only candidate who’s prepared to take on the billionaire class, which now controls our economy and increasingly controls the political life of this country,” he said.

...Bernie does identify the problem, which he deserves credit for. However the solutions to the problem, offered by Bernie, will not fix the problem. Using an ever bigger more controlling central government to fix the problem, will only make matters worse.
Poor Joe. The perpetual victim of people smarter than he is.

Actualy, more the victim of other people's stupidity. Case in point. Bush fucked up the economy, and he was dumber than a sack of shit.

Kind of like you.

Actually the economy was doing OK (even after the trillion dollar hit of 911) until that 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over and then it went to hell in a hand basket thanks to Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and Senator Obama.

Here is an article about Bush's intelligence from somebody that worked with him. I think he is a lot smarter that you are

George W. Bush is smarter than you Keith Hennessey

George W. Bush is smarter than you

I teach a class at Stanford Business School titled “Financial Crises in the U.S. and Europe.” During one class session while explaining the events of September 2008, I kept referring to the efforts of the threesome of Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and Tim Geithner, who were joined at the hip in dealing with firm-specific problems as they arose.

One of my students asked “How involved was President Bush with what was going on?” I smiled and responded, “What you really mean is, ‘Was President Bush smart enough to understand what was going on,’ right?”

The class went dead silent. Everyone knew that this was the true meaning of the question. Kudos to that student for asking the hard question and for framing it so politely. I had stripped away that decorum and exposed the raw nerve.

I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.”
Take Stephanopoulos’ opening salvo, for example: “Why are you the best choice for president of the United States?” Good enough—a serviceable starting point for a 2016 contender, if a tad obvious.

And of course, Sanders was ready for that one: “Because for the last 30 years I’ve been standing up for the working families of this country, and I think I’m the only candidate who’s prepared to take on the billionaire class, which now controls our economy and increasingly controls the political life of this country,” he said.

...Bernie does identify the problem, which he deserves credit for. However the solutions to the problem, offered by Bernie, will not fix the problem. Using an ever bigger more controlling central government to fix the problem, will only make matters worse.
there was a time when people didn't get into politics to get rich.
I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.”
No, he's not.
"A subsection of the George Bush Resume

Bush had better connections than most of those Stanford MBA students.
I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.”
No, he's not.
"A subsection of the George Bush Resume

Bush had better connections than most of those Stanford MBA students.

Do you graduate from Yale and Harvard?

Were you ever a Governor of a state?

Were you ever President?

Were you ever a fighter pilot?

Did you ever have a Stanford Business School Professor publish an article about your intellect?

I think the answer in no to all of them but I would also bet that you voted for that idiot John Kerry who had even worse grades and that corrupt and incompetent piece of shit Obama who won't release his college records.
I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.”
No, he's not.
"A subsection of the George Bush Resume

Bush had better connections than most of those Stanford MBA students.

Do you graduate from Yale and Harvard?

Were you ever a Governor of a state?

Were you ever President?

Were you ever a fighter pilot?

Did you ever have a Stanford Business School Professor publish an article about your intellect?

I think the answer in no to all of them but I would also bet that you voted for that idiot John Kerry who had even worse grades and that corrupt and incompetent piece of shit Obama who won't release his college records.
"Legacy preferences or legacy admission is one of the types of preference given by an institution or organization to certain applicants on the basis of their familial relationship to alumni of that institution. (Students so admitted are referred to as legacies or legacy students.)

"This particularly refers to university and college admission, and this preference is most common in admission to American universities and colleges[1] and emerged after World War I, primarily in response to the resulting immigrant influx.[2]

"The Ivy League institutions are estimated to admit 10% to 30% of each entering class using this factor.[3][4]

"Legacy preference is not strictly limited to college admissions, however; it may also come about with regard to admission into collegiate fraternities and sororities and other fraternal organizations such as Freemasonry. Legacy preferences are generally not allowed in Europe."
Legacy preferences - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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