bernie sanders is a good man...

Question: should someone be able to "purchase" a home with less then 20% down, little proof of income, no credit, and job instabilty ?

Answer: NEVER
Regardless of skin color......

Thanks for playing !
i think it's a great question, make it a poll.
Abortion is right!
Childcare is a right!
Foodcare is a right!
Healthcare is right!
Education is a right!
Guranteed income is a right!
Subsidized housing is a right!
Subsidized retirement is a right!
Unearned wealth transfer is a right!

What complete PARASITE wouldnt think so ?!!!!!!!!! Lol
unearned babies are...... uh....
Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
It's just Joe whining, as he does all the time. Bush fucked him. The military fucked him. His employer fucked him. The insurance company fucked him
The truth is the only one who fucked Joe is Joe. I have zero sympathy for people who point at everyone but themselves as the cause of their problems. But it does make him a perfect Grubercrat voter.
well said sir, we have seen a lot of it lately.

one of my main quarrels with bernie is his "we are shipping our jobs overseas".

so we need to define what a job is, what it's for, to whom does said job belong.

he had always advocated single payer health care. we actually have pretty decent health care in vermont, especially for kids.

then we have had the global warming debate back and forth, i told him he's cooked the argument about consensus, (that my own father signed the petition against keyoto accord ( More Than 15 000 Scientists Protest Kyoto Accord Speak Out Against Global Warming Myth - Capitalism Magazine )).

Bernie doesn't want some overseas brown person to take the job of an American. And he's willing to screw American consumers and protect greedy businesses to accomplish it.

Liberal is a contradiction wrapped in a hypocrisy inside a double standard
define overseas brown person.
Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
It's just Joe whining, as he does all the time. Bush fucked him. The military fucked him. His employer fucked him. The insurance company fucked him
The truth is the only one who fucked Joe is Joe. I have zero sympathy for people who point at everyone but themselves as the cause of their problems. But it does make him a perfect Grubercrat voter.
well said sir, we have seen a lot of it lately.

one of my main quarrels with bernie is his "we are shipping our jobs overseas".

so we need to define what a job is, what it's for, to whom does said job belong.

he had always advocated single payer health care. we actually have pretty decent health care in vermont, especially for kids.

then we have had the global warming debate back and forth, i told him he's cooked the argument about consensus, (that my own father signed the petition against keyoto accord ( More Than 15 000 Scientists Protest Kyoto Accord Speak Out Against Global Warming Myth - Capitalism Magazine )).

Bernie doesn't want some overseas brown person to take the job of an American. And he's willing to screw American consumers and protect greedy businesses to accomplish it.

Liberal is a contradiction wrapped in a hypocrisy inside a double standard
define overseas brown person.

A brown person living overseas
Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

Which isn't what I said, but okay.

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

But that was the point. This company kept its insurance rates down by firing people who ran up medical bills- injuries, illnesses, pregnancies. It was an actual policy. you got sick, they got rid of you. Quickly. Until someone finally sued them, and they had to pay out $300,000.
I'm the one not interested in a "serious conversation about why the GOP has lost it's way."

Obviously not, Double Wide. You'd shit your Overalls if you realized how they've been playing your dumb Redneck ass for years.

Yes, I left the party long before you did because they conned me and not you. LOL.

Tell us how the super rich made you think blacks should be in pograms, bubba. You know your elitist liberal city friends laugh at you behind their back for thinking you are one of them when you already admitted you're a red neck
LOL, yes, bureaucrats were our salvation. People who have never worked for businesses know better how to run them than the people who built them. You are so naive it's sad.

the people who "built them" were the ones who ran the economy into the ground, Double Wide.

Back from plowing your daddy's field already, Bubba? LOL, still trying to save yourself from your admission you grew up a redneck and think doublewides are mansions. Can't get away from that admission.

It was the bureaucrats and politicians you worship who did that, BTW
Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

Which isn't what I said, but okay.

You realize the site has a search function, no?

Man when the company was making money hand over fist with this big account they were gouging at 30% markup, they just couldn't say enough nice things about my "performance"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

But that was the point. This company kept its insurance rates down by firing people who ran up medical bills- injuries, illnesses, pregnancies. It was an actual policy. you got sick, they got rid of you. Quickly. Until someone finally sued them, and they had to pay out $300,000.

Exactly what I said the first time and you denied it saying you didn't cost them money. So let's go back to my question you were deflecting at the time.

Your company when they hired you agreed to pay you a salary and a certain amount for medical benefits. How did unlimited medical cost get stuck on them? When did they agree to that? Do you have adoption papers or a contract where they agreed to pay your endless bills for you other than the pre-agreed amount?
Double Wide, you are so out of your depth...

But then again, the sad thing is, the GOP feels it needs to pander to people like you.

I'm out of my depth. From the guy who thinks the super rich and rednecks are half the country. Most people live in metropolitan areas, moron
Exactly what I said the first time and you denied it saying you didn't cost them money. So let's go back to my question you were deflecting at the time.

Your company when they hired you agreed to pay you a salary and a certain amount for medical benefits. How did unlimited medical cost get stuck on them? When did they agree to that? Do you have adoption papers or a contract where they agreed to pay your endless bills for you other than the pre-agreed amount?

I know you are some kind of retard. I didn't say "I made them money hand over fist." I said, "the company made money hand over fist."

Because they were charging a 30% markup to the customer who didn't know any better.

My job was to keep deliveries on time, which I did, which kept the customer mostly happy until the consultants pointed out the people above my pay grade were soaking them.

Now, that you've been proven to be a LIAR again, the point is, they agreed to an INSURANCE POLICY as part of my employment. That was part of the deal. Period. That means, yes, you pay for any bills I incur.

Five of the six years I worked there, I took all of one sick day. So they were getting over on that deal.

Now, if you want to say, Let employers do it, then you should hold employers to what they promise to do. Period.

Or just have the govenrmetn run it like any civilized company does.
Exactly what I said the first time and you denied it saying you didn't cost them money. So let's go back to my question you were deflecting at the time.

Your company when they hired you agreed to pay you a salary and a certain amount for medical benefits. How did unlimited medical cost get stuck on them? When did they agree to that? Do you have adoption papers or a contract where they agreed to pay your endless bills for you other than the pre-agreed amount?

I know you are some kind of retard. I didn't say "I made them money hand over fist." I said, "the company made money hand over fist."

Because they were charging a 30% markup to the customer who didn't know any better.

My job was to keep deliveries on time, which I did, which kept the customer mostly happy until the consultants pointed out the people above my pay grade were soaking them.

Now, that you've been proven to be a LIAR again, the point is, they agreed to an INSURANCE POLICY as part of my employment. That was part of the deal. Period. That means, yes, you pay for any bills I incur.

Five of the six years I worked there, I took all of one sick day. So they were getting over on that deal.

Now, if you want to say, Let employers do it, then you should hold employers to what they promise to do. Period.

Or just have the government run it like any civilized company does.

First of all, a 30% markup isn't high in most industries. Our lowest markup is just under 50%. The only accounts we will do that for are projects we can dump our A/R on our vendors. Meaning they don't get paid until we do. That way the low markup is fine since we aren't floating any cash. Most accounts we mark up 80%-120%.

Second, sourcing are like HR, you are just a bunch of management lackeys. I know, you were my lackey. They tell you to shut up and buy toilet paper and otherwise do what you are told. Your view you're important and you had decision making power is laughable. Management makes the important vendor calls. Your only latitude is in office supplies. Sometimes.

Third, you said they were OK with you because the account made money "hand over fist." How is that not saying you made them money hand over fist?
First of all, a 30% markup isn't high in most industries. Our lowest markup is just under 50%. The only accounts we will do that for are projects we can dump our A/R on our vendors. Meaning they don't get paid until we do. That way the low markup is fine since we aren't floating any cash. Most accounts we mark up 80%-120%.

For our industry, it was a high markup. The higher ups were ripping them off, and they figured it out.

Second, sourcing are like HR, you are just a bunch of management lackeys. I know, you were my lackey. They tell you to shut up and buy toilet paper and otherwise do what you are told. Your view you're important and you had decision making power is laughable. Management makes the important vendor calls. Your only latitude is in office supplies. Sometimes.

Guy, I spit little businessmen like you out for breakfast. And I was buying something a lot more important than "office supplies'.

Why do I get the few people who work for you despise your Ayn Randian bullshit.

Third, you said they were OK with you because the account made money "hand over fist." How is that not saying you made them money hand over fist?

Isn't what you characterized it as. Now, was what I did important? Yup. Got them their product on time. Sourced vendors, developed inventory control procedures, managed stock at no less than six remote locations.

But like most companies, Management pats itself on the back for what other people did. And never takes responsibility for when things go wrong.
Guy, I spit little businessmen like you out for breakfast

LOL, now that isn't possible. Sourcing go up against me? Yeah, that would be interesting. Not fun though, it would be like cleaning bugs off my windshield. Actually, I wouldn't be that involved, I'd let my HR lackeys handle it.

I remember when HR first came to my office and told me all the "private" conversations that employees had with them. I told everyone after that never to trust HR. They are management's guard dogs. Sourcing? I barely dealt with you people other than to handle the paperwork for me
LOL, now that isn't possible. Sourcing go up against me? Yeah, that would be interesting. Not fun though, it would be like cleaning bugs off my windshield. Actually, I wouldn't be that involved, I'd let my HR lackeys handle it.

Yeah, Billy-bob down in the outhouse is your HR. come on, guy, next you'll be telling me about your Lexus and your ten inch pecker.

I remember when HR first came to my office and told me all the "private" conversations that employees had with them. I told everyone after that never to trust HR. They are management's guard dogs. Sourcing? I barely dealt with you people other than to handle the paperwork for me

Guy, you said before you just run a print shop. It's laughable.
LOL, now that isn't possible. Sourcing go up against me? Yeah, that would be interesting. Not fun though, it would be like cleaning bugs off my windshield. Actually, I wouldn't be that involved, I'd let my HR lackeys handle it.

Yeah, Billy-bob down in the outhouse is your HR. come on, guy, next you'll be telling me about your Lexus and your ten inch pecker.

I remember when HR first came to my office and told me all the "private" conversations that employees had with them. I told everyone after that never to trust HR. They are management's guard dogs. Sourcing? I barely dealt with you people other than to handle the paperwork for me

Guy, you said before you just run a print shop. It's laughable.

I"m talking about my 20 years in big company management, Bullwinkle. A little over 10 in GE, the rest in management consulting working for Fortune 100 companies.

Yes, we are a "Print Shop" in that we do printing in house and we sell some printing. I didn't use that term because I think of a "Print Shop" as a business who's primary business is printing. We don't pursue print jobs but we will do them when we come across them. We don't do retail, the jobs have to be decent size commercial jobs. Mostly we print things we design to make more money on the same project. Often we do the design and someone else doesn't the printing, It's odd how many people will pay so much for a great design and then hire someone to print it on crap paper with crappy equipment. We won't touch that work. If we print it, it has to be quality..

Mostly we sell graphic design and marketing services. Is "Print Shop" supposed to be an insult? I don't get it. We rarely deal with sourcing. ... OK, I get it now. You're used to people who print letter head and envelopes, that's why when you dealt with this it was low end stuff. We generally do design and marketing work for the business, which is why their sourcing minions aren't involved. LOL, what a loser. You really reek of loser every time you post

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