bernie sanders is a good man...


It's sad that my real life exceeds your imagination, but I appreciate the compliment

Actually, even your imagination is a little dull, Double Wide. I can't imagine that anyone thinks it's his greatest accomplishment to boss some other Cleetuses around.

You you think I have a 12 inch dick and in the same story I'm dull. LOL, you really don't grasp how stupid you sound, do you?
"great government" wow, that's the best oxymoron I've heard in my life

Guy, when you move to Somalia and live truly "Free", I will take your rantings about government seriously.

Until then, you are just a person who wants the benefits of living in a progressive society without owning up to any of the responsibilities.


If I'm not a Marxist like you, I'm an anarchist. That story always kills me, can you tell it again?
If I'm not a Marxist like you, I'm an anarchist. That story always kills me, can you tell it again?

No, guy what you are is a hanger on. Obviously, you don't want anarchy. The other Rednecks would slit your throat and take your shit.

You just don't want to do your fair share to maintain order.

OK, thanks for letting me know
Happy to have cleared that up for you. Now shut up, the grownups are talking. Just go back to the Libertarian Kiddy Table and talk about Ayn Rand.

You a "grownup?" Now that's funny.

You are one angry mother fucker. I am the guy who shit canned you for sucking, aren't I? I'm a business guy, we have to make money, you can't show open anger in the workplace, no it's not your medical bills $20K is noise in our budget, blah, blah, you're fired.

Here's the thing. You should have kept your arrogant hostility to infrastructure groups and minor vendors. When you came in with your bitter condescension to a guy running the growth side of the business like me, I ate you for lunch and spit out your bones. I play in the big leagues, You meant nothing to me personally. But you fucked with my teams, that's why I wasted you.

You aren't the first infrastructure guy who didn't know his place. Lesson learned, just don't do it again
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You are one angry mother fucker. I am the guy who shit canned you for sucking, aren't I? I'm a business guy, we have to make money, you can't show open anger in the workplace, no it's not your medical bills $20K is nothing to us, blah, blah, you're fired.

Actually, most of you business cocksuckers are kept afloat by guys like me doing the work. My biggest annoyance has been if you put my boss, any boss, at my desk for a week, he'd have no idea what to do.

And, yes, I am angry that you greedy business asshole and libertarian twits had it pretty fucking good under Bill Clinton, and you still all put that retard Bush in office and let him fuck up.. everything.

Here's the thing. You should have kept your arrogant hostility to infrastructure groups and minor vendors. When you come in with your bitter condescension to a guy running the growth side of the business like me, I ate you for lunch and spit out your bones. I play in the big leagues, I didn't care personally. But you fucked with my teams, that's why I wasted you.

Guy, as bad as my bosses were, none of them were a deranged libertarian mutant like you. Most of them were Business Republicans. The ones who crapped themselves when it looked like Huckabee might be the nominee and they might have TWO parties with no use for you.

You aren't the first infrastructure guy who didn't know his place. Lesson learned, just don't do it again

Oh, we know our place. Laughing at the Managers behind their backs and their inflated sense of importance.
You are one angry mother fucker. I am the guy who shit canned you for sucking, aren't I? I'm a business guy, we have to make money, you can't show open anger in the workplace, no it's not your medical bills $20K is nothing to us, blah, blah, you're fired.

Actually, most of you business cocksuckers are kept afloat by guys like me doing the work. My biggest annoyance has been if you put my boss, any boss, at my desk for a week, he'd have no idea what to do.

Sourcing does the work? That's hilarious. Yes, the business is kept afloat by your saving half a cent a roll on toilet paper. Not business guys who generate and deliver on millions in sales. You suffer from delusions of grandeur. For the actual project work we bypass you most of the time and negotiate our own deals and statements of work other than having you do the final paperwork dotting the i's and dotting the t's.

And, yes, I am angry that you greedy business asshole and libertarian twits had it pretty fucking good under Bill Clinton, and you still all put that retard Bush in office and let him fuck up.. everything.

Guy, as bad as my bosses were, none of them were a deranged libertarian mutant like you. Most of them were Business Republicans. The ones who crapped themselves when it looked like Huckabee might be the nominee and they might have TWO parties with no use for you.

Here's the thing. You should have kept your arrogant hostility to infrastructure groups and minor vendors. When you come in with your bitter condescension to a guy running the growth side of the business like me, I ate you for lunch and spit out your bones. I play in the big leagues, I didn't care personally. But you fucked with my teams, that's why I wasted you.

I know you're stupid and all, but I never voted for W, I voted for Browne and Badarnak those two elections. I believe in free markets and I consider W one of the worst Presidents in our history. He was a scum sucking socialist like you. He loved government. But don't let the truth stand in the way of your defense mechanisms.

You aren't the first infrastructure guy who didn't know his place. Lesson learned, just don't do it again

Oh, we know our place. Laughing at the Managers behind their backs and their inflated sense of importance.

Exactly, you are cowardly little worms who hide from us laughing "behind our backs." You know what you are to us? Nobodies. We don't even make fun of you, at work, we don't care and we have too much else to do. So now you just get to be made fun of on message boards when I'm here to banter. The mistake you made was actually losing track of the nobody you are and getting in our way. That's why you're a smudge in the road, that's why you got shit canned. It had zero to do with medical bills. I told you that when I told you to not let the door hit your ass on the way out, didn't I?
I know you're stupid and all, but I never voted for W, I voted for Browne and Badarnak those two elections.

So your vote is as irrelvent at you life? That's kind of sad.

Exactly, you are cowardly little worms who hide from us laughing "behind our backs." You know what you are to us? Nobodies.

People who probably keep your insecurities up at night. You do kind of sound like the really bad bosses I had, really insecure that the wage slaves knew more than they did and they were usually right.

But nice to see I've got you completely unhinged, Double Wide.
Kaz creates jobs. You create bigotry.

Kaz creates nothing but whining about how people are trying to take his double wide.

I'm whining? First of all, you're the one crying life is unfair, you have to pay your own medical bills. Boo hoo. Baby. Second, I'm kicking the shit out of you, bitch. You may want to Google the word "whine" before you show your stupidity again
I know you're stupid and all, but I never voted for W, I voted for Browne and Badarnak those two elections.

So your vote is as irrelvent at you life? That's kind of sad.

Exactly, you are cowardly little worms who hide from us laughing "behind our backs." You know what you are to us? Nobodies.

People who probably keep your insecurities up at night. You do kind of sound like the really bad bosses I had, really insecure that the wage slaves knew more than they did and they were usually right.

But nice to see I've got you completely unhinged, Double Wide.

Stop babbling server wench and try to make sense. In the meantime, try to save another half a cent on a roll of toilet paper.
Kaz creates jobs. You create bigotry.

Kaz creates nothing but whining about how people are trying to take his double wide.

I'm whining? First of all, you're the one crying life is unfair, you have to pay your own medical bills. Boo hoo. Baby. Second, I'm kicking the shit out of you, bitch. You may want to Google the word "whine" before you show your stupidity again

Or, a few Mormons were assholes 30 years ago and he has an intense hatred of millions of them to this day.
I'm whining? First of all, you're the one crying life is unfair, you have to pay your own medical bills.

No, my complaint is that after I WORKED for medical insurance, I was cheated out of it.

Second, I'm kicking the shit out of you, bitch. You may want to Google the word "whine" before you show your stupidity again

Actually, I think I've got you pretty unhinged at this point. You supervise two people and spend most of your time sucking up to people like me who make the buying decisions for real companies.

Or, a few Mormons were assholes 30 years ago and he has an intense hatred of millions of them to this day.

No, ALL Mormons are assholes. They have an asshole religion founded by a con man who wanted to fuck teenage girls.
Kaz creates jobs. You create bigotry.

Kaz creates nothing but whining about how people are trying to take his double wide.

I'm whining? First of all, you're the one crying life is unfair, you have to pay your own medical bills. Boo hoo. Baby. Second, I'm kicking the shit out of you, bitch. You may want to Google the word "whine" before you show your stupidity again

Or, a few Mormons were assholes 30 years ago and he has an intense hatred of millions of them to this day.

Now I hate all narcissists because of Joe
I'm whining? First of all, you're the one crying life is unfair, you have to pay your own medical bills.

No, my complaint is that after I WORKED for medical insurance, I was cheated out of it.

I cheated you out of nothing, I fired you because you were arrogant and kept unnecessarily pissing people off undercutting morale and you sucked at your job. Yeah, every once in a while you'd phone in giving a shit and find a decent deal. Then you'd live off your rep for that for a few months and do nothing. I need the job done every day. Also, while it's nice to save money on toilet paper and light bulbs, trust me, no one wants to hear about it and you don't shut up.

As for your insurance, I paid your salary and the insurance we agreed to. Where in our agreement did I say I would pay for any and all medical bills on top of that? I'd have done it if you were a good sourcing person, but that you were entitled to limitless pay is bull crap

Or, a few Mormons were assholes 30 years ago and he has an intense hatred of millions of them to this day.

No, ALL Mormons are assholes. They have an asshole religion founded by a con man who wanted to fuck teenage girls.

You obviously don't know any actual Mormons. I'll say I find their beliefs a bit, let's go with "odd" as well, but wow, they are the nicest people

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