bernie sanders is a good man...

i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president

he may be a good man - that is neither here nor there -- but he is a joke as a candidate. A straw man who Clinton will run over like hes not even there. Hes a caricature of himself -- like Jackie Mason running for President. And, again, I respect your opinion but there is absolutely no way anyone will choose him to run for VP. Absolutely none (I realize that you didn't say they would btw - just that yo feel he would be a good one).
Take Stephanopoulos’ opening salvo, for example: “Why are you the best choice for president of the United States?” Good enough—a serviceable starting point for a 2016 contender, if a tad obvious.

And of course, Sanders was ready for that one: “Because for the last 30 years I’ve been standing up for the working families of this country, and I think I’m the only candidate who’s prepared to take on the billionaire class, which now controls our economy and increasingly controls the political life of this country,” he said.

...Bernie does identify the problem, which he deserves credit for. However the solutions to the problem, offered by Bernie, will not fix the problem. Using an ever bigger more controlling central government to fix the problem, will only make matters worse.
there was a time when people didn't get into politics to get rich.
That was a long long time has very effectively corrupted politics as government has gotten bigger.
I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.”
No, he's not.
"A subsection of the George Bush Resume

Bush had better connections than most of those Stanford MBA students.

Do you graduate from Yale and Harvard?

Were you ever a Governor of a state?

Were you ever President?

Were you ever a fighter pilot?

Did you ever have a Stanford Business School Professor publish an article about your intellect?

I think the answer in no to all of them but I would also bet that you voted for that idiot John Kerry who had even worse grades and that corrupt and incompetent piece of shit Obama who won't release his college records.
"Legacy preferences or legacy admission is one of the types of preference given by an institution or organization to certain applicants on the basis of their familial relationship to alumni of that institution. (Students so admitted are referred to as legacies or legacy students.)

"This particularly refers to university and college admission, and this preference is most common in admission to American universities and colleges[1] and emerged after World War I, primarily in response to the resulting immigrant influx.[2]

"The Ivy League institutions are estimated to admit 10% to 30% of each entering class using this factor.[3][4]

"Legacy preference is not strictly limited to college admissions, however; it may also come about with regard to admission into collegiate fraternities and sororities and other fraternal organizations such as Freemasonry. Legacy preferences are generally not allowed in Europe."
Legacy preferences - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I see you didn't answer any of my questions about your education and qualifications.

However, I bet you did vote for an Affirmative Action piece of shit that won't release his college transcripts. I also bet you voted for that scumbag John Kerry who had worse grades than Bush so I don't think you have much credibility on the subject.
However, I bet you did vote for an Affirmative Action piece of shit that won't release his college transcripts. I also bet you voted for that scumbag John Kerry who had worse grades than Bush so I don't think you have much credibility on the subject.
You would lose both bets, but I can't say that surprises me. Anyone who wastes their vote on a Democrat OR Republican candidate should have stayed home; I'm guessing you might be ignorant enough to believe Bush v Kerry offered more than a choice between Skulls or Bones, right? If so, you shouldn't criticize those of us who know better.
When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

The rich in this country are mostly the job producers, pay the most taxes and give the most money to charity. They are far more valuable to this country than you are.

Horseshit. The rich are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs. Do you know what "Creats jobs"? Consumer Demand. We were much better off when the rich were taxed at confiscatory rates and the workforce was unionized.

If you are being fucked it is by the Liberals that have destroyed the economy with their stupid ideas of redistribution of wealth instead of stimulating capitalism and their attack on our Constitution freedoms.

Guy, we had our best times when Clinton was president, and then Conservatives fucked it up. It was in all the papers.
Republicans are the same party, Homey. If anything they've moved to the left. That's why I'm questioning about your redneck, gay hating bible thumping past where you wanted blacks in pogroms since according to you that's what Republicans are and you were a Republican.

Uh, no, they really aren't Cleetus.

Eisenhower supported civil rights and taxed the rich at 93% and supported unions.

Nixon created the EPA and OSHA and wanted to convert the country to the Metric system.

Even Reagan didn't dip his toe clearly into Nutjob pool. He appointed liberals to the courts, gave amnesty to illegal aliens and even snapped the Japanese back when they weren't playing fair on trade.

It wasn't until the Bush Crime Family did they figure you rednecks were so easy to play.

But since you aren't interested in a serious conversation about why the GOP has lost its way, not sure it's worth it. Please keep asking questions I've already answered.
Actually the economy was doing OK (even after the trillion dollar hit of 911) until that 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over and then it went to hell in a hand basket thanks to Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and Senator Obama.

Bush was a fucking retard.

ANd, no, the economy did not Crash because Democrats. IT crashed because Bush put his cronies in positions where they were supposed to be watching the banksters and didn't.
Republicans are the same party, Homey. If anything they've moved to the left. That's why I'm questioning about your redneck, gay hating bible thumping past where you wanted blacks in pogroms since according to you that's what Republicans are and you were a Republican.

Uh, no, they really aren't Cleetus.

Eisenhower supported civil rights and taxed the rich at 93% and supported unions.

Nixon created the EPA and OSHA and wanted to convert the country to the Metric system.

Even Reagan didn't dip his toe clearly into Nutjob pool. He appointed liberals to the courts, gave amnesty to illegal aliens and even snapped the Japanese back when they weren't playing fair on trade.

It wasn't until the Bush Crime Family did they figure you rednecks were so easy to play.

But since you aren't interested in a serious conversation about why the GOP has lost its way, not sure it's worth it. Please keep asking questions I've already answered.

I'm the one not interested in a "serious conversation about why the GOP has lost it's way." Gotcha. From the guy who thinks Republicans are bible thumping, gun toting rednecks who think blacks should be kept in ghettos and are controlled by the super rich. Let's just say self awareness isn't your strong suit. So you were a Republican for things you weren't born and don't remember? And when did you get to the part that the super rich convinced you blacks need to be kept in pogroms?

BTW, once a redneck you are always a redneck. Sipping white whine spritzers with elitist inner city liberal snobs doesn't remove the hick from your wrinkled neck from the long gone sunburns you got plowing your daddy's field. Sorry Bubba. Now anyone reading your crap knows why you are obsessed with double wides. They were mansions to you, farm boy
Actually the economy was doing OK (even after the trillion dollar hit of 911) until that 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over and then it went to hell in a hand basket thanks to Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and Senator Obama.

Bush was a fucking retard.

ANd, no, the economy did not Crash because Democrats. IT crashed because Bush put his cronies in positions where they were supposed to be watching the banksters and didn't.

LOL, yes, bureaucrats were our salvation. People who have never worked for businesses know better how to run them than the people who built them. You are so naive it's sad.

Actually, bureaucrats pushed banks over the cliff by forcing them to do loans they didn't want to do then funding the loans with free money. Clinton started that policy. W came in and correctly observed it was a bad idea that wouldn't end well, then in typical Republican fashion did nothing about it
When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
It's just Joe whining, as he does all the time. Bush fucked him. The military fucked him. His employer fucked him. The insurance company fucked him
The truth is the only one who fucked Joe is Joe. I have zero sympathy for people who point at everyone but themselves as the cause of their problems. But it does make him a perfect Grubercrat voter.
When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
It's just Joe whining, as he does all the time. Bush fucked him. The military fucked him. His employer fucked him. The insurance company fucked him
The truth is the only one who fucked Joe is Joe. I have zero sympathy for people who point at everyone but themselves as the cause of their problems. But it does make him a perfect Grubercrat voter.
well said sir, we have seen a lot of it lately.
When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

The rich in this country are mostly the job producers, pay the most taxes and give the most money to charity. They are far more valuable to this country than you are.

Horseshit. The rich are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs. Do you know what "Creats jobs"? Consumer Demand. We were much better off when the rich were taxed at confiscatory rates and the workforce was unionized.

If you are being fucked it is by the Liberals that have destroyed the economy with their stupid ideas of redistribution of wealth instead of stimulating capitalism and their attack on our Constitution freedoms.

Guy, we had our best times when Clinton was president, and then Conservatives fucked it up. It was in all the papers.

These delusional scumbags are beyond hope....

Get an f---ing "job" as a civil servant, you are otherwise worthless......
When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
It's just Joe whining, as he does all the time. Bush fucked him. The military fucked him. His employer fucked him. The insurance company fucked him
The truth is the only one who fucked Joe is Joe. I have zero sympathy for people who point at everyone but themselves as the cause of their problems. But it does make him a perfect Grubercrat voter.
well said sir, we have seen a lot of it lately.

one of my main quarrels with bernie is his "we are shipping our jobs overseas".

so we need to define what a job is, what it's for, to whom does said job belong.

he had always advocated single payer health care. we actually have pretty decent health care in vermont, especially for kids.

then we have had the global warming debate back and forth, i told him he's cooked the argument about consensus, (that my own father signed the petition against keyoto accord ( More Than 15 000 Scientists Protest Kyoto Accord Speak Out Against Global Warming Myth - Capitalism Magazine )).
Last edited:
Question: should someone be able to "purchase" a home with less then 20% down, little proof of income, no credit, and job instabilty ?

Answer: NEVER
Regardless of skin color......

Thanks for playing !
When has "the rich" ever fucked you in the ass? Be specific. You are not poorer because somebody else is richer.

Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
It's just Joe whining, as he does all the time. Bush fucked him. The military fucked him. His employer fucked him. The insurance company fucked him
The truth is the only one who fucked Joe is Joe. I have zero sympathy for people who point at everyone but themselves as the cause of their problems. But it does make him a perfect Grubercrat voter.
well said sir, we have seen a lot of it lately.

one of my main quarrels with bernie is his "we are shipping our jobs overseas".

so we need to define what a job is, what it's for, to whom does said job belong.

he had always advocated single payer health care. we actually have pretty decent health care in vermont, especially for kids.

then we have had the global warming debate back and forth, i told him he's cooked the argument about consensus, (that my own father signed the petition against keyoto accord ( More Than 15 000 Scientists Protest Kyoto Accord Speak Out Against Global Warming Myth - Capitalism Magazine )).

Bernie doesn't want some overseas brown person to take the job of an American. And he's willing to screw American consumers and protect greedy businesses to accomplish it.

Liberal is a contradiction wrapped in a hypocrisy inside a double standard
Abortion is right!
Childcare is a right!
Foodcare is a right!
Healthcare is right!
Education is a right!
Guranteed income is a right!
Subsidized housing is a right!
Subsidized retirement is a right!
Unearned wealth transfer is a right!

What complete PARASITE wouldnt think so ?!!!!!!!!! Lol
Good question. I worked for a company for six years, and busted my ass for them. And then I had a medical issue, and they screwed me because I ran up too much money for medical bills.

Fuck the rich.

Yet according to you

- You made them money "hand over fist"

- The bills weren't that high and they didn't cost your employers anything because they were insured.

You've dodged explaining that
It's just Joe whining, as he does all the time. Bush fucked him. The military fucked him. His employer fucked him. The insurance company fucked him
The truth is the only one who fucked Joe is Joe. I have zero sympathy for people who point at everyone but themselves as the cause of their problems. But it does make him a perfect Grubercrat voter.
well said sir, we have seen a lot of it lately.

one of my main quarrels with bernie is his "we are shipping our jobs overseas".

so we need to define what a job is, what it's for, to whom does said job belong.

he had always advocated single payer health care. we actually have pretty decent health care in vermont, especially for kids.

then we have had the global warming debate back and forth, i told him he's cooked the argument about consensus, (that my own father signed the petition against keyoto accord ( More Than 15 000 Scientists Protest Kyoto Accord Speak Out Against Global Warming Myth - Capitalism Magazine )).

Bernie doesn't want some overseas brown person to take the job of an American. And he's willing to screw American consumers and protect greedy businesses to accomplish it.

Liberal is a contradiction wrapped in a hypocrisy inside a double standard
Liberalism falls apart of its own internal contradictions.

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