bernie sanders is a good man...

Not according to the MIT Professor who stated, numerous times in several distinct discussions, that it is YOU and YOUR LEGISLATORS who were stupid, foolish and other unenviable adjectives.

Recall that this was in discussions regarding obamaCare. Wherein they intentionally sought to deceive Legislators, wherein the vote count passing the bill into law, did not include so much as a SINGLE Conservative.

Uh, guy, you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

It's just when the black guy did it you were upset.

Case in point. Easy way to solve the health care crisis. Single payer, you can only charge what it costs to provide the services. The way every other country does it.

But the GOP is so in bed with big insurance and big pharma, that's not going to happen.
this will be a political war of attrition. bernie the filibuster guy. never had to duck sniper fire, and such
Bernie has been running for and winning US elections as a Democratic Socialist since 1981; he's taken shots Hillary can't imagine.
"After several unsuccessful runs for office, Sanders was elected Mayor of Burlington, Vermont's largest city, in 1981. He was re-elected to three more two-year terms before being elected to representVermont's at-large congressional district in the United States House of Representatives in 1990.

"He served in Congress for 16 years before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006 to succeed the retiring Republican-turned-Independent Jim Jeffords.

"He was re-elected in 2012 by a landslide.

"Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist[1][2][3] and has praised Scandinavian-style social democracy."
Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So since the Republican party is the super rich manipulating rednecks, and you were a Republican, which are you? Super rich or a redneck?

Someone bright enough to figure out the bullshit, eventually.

So here's the thing. From 1981 to 1992, I was in the military. So under those circumstances, voting republican actually made a lot of sense. So that explains my votes in 1980, 1984 and 1988.

1992, I was over the military, and frankly, gave Clinton a serious look. But there was something truly skeezy about the guy. I considered Perot. But he was nuts.

1996, I voted for Dole, but didn't think he was going to win. The worst day of Dole's campaign was his retirement attention stunt, where he made this long speech about how he made governemnt bigger. Did he not know which party he was running for.

2000, I voted For Bush because I really, really did buy into the crap that Clinton's so-called Scandals were actually a big deal. and I voted for him in 2004 because frankly, Kerry seemed kind of gutless.

2008 was when I had my moment of doubt. This was after I got screwed over by my last employer and realized the GOP was the party of the enemy. But I still voted for McCain because, hey, the guy had a clue. He knew Bush fucked things up, and he was basically an honorable guy.

Then in 2012, you guys really did it. you nominated the FUCKING MORMON. And there was no way I was going to ever vote for A FUCKING MORMON.

Now, 2016, I could vote for either Rubio or Walker, if they demonstrate they kind of get it that the middle class is hurting and we need change. But you dipshits will probably nominate Jeb Bush and wonder why no one wants to take a third ride on that stupidity.
Also, you weren't a math major, were you? The super rich manipulated red necks and the Republicans took over congress and the Senate? How is that possible? You think half the country are rednecks?

No, I was a history major. Do you not even pay attention.

Now, historically, we had a long period where the GOP and Democrats were largely in agreement on what the rich should pay and what the role of government should be. Ike and Nixon GOT IT. They understood there needed to be a balance between labor and capital.

I would even go so far to say Reagan got it, to a degree. Yes, he did bust the PATCO workers, and was unfriendly to labor in general, but he also did smart things like call the Japanese on their dumping of goods to destroy American industries.

It was the fucking Bush Crime Family that really kind of fucked everything up.
Why do we want the super rich to have more money gain? Can you remind me?

Because you are fucking stupid. We've established that, Double Wide.

Um...OK? What is confusing about the question to you exactly? You keep saying the super rich are manipulating us rednecks. Why do we want them to have more money? How are they doing that?
Um...OK? What is confusing about the question to you exactly? You keep saying the super rich are manipulating us rednecks. Why do we want them to have more money? How are they doing that?

I've explained this numerous times, Cleetus.

What they do is play on the Rube issues like race, guns, gays, God, Abortion, etc - to get people like you to vote against your own economic interest, because you'll feel much better about living in your Double Wide if the Negroes are living in slums.

It just kind of shows that most of you aren't very bright.
Also, you weren't a math major, were you? The super rich manipulated red necks and the Republicans took over congress and the Senate? How is that possible? You think half the country are rednecks?

No, I was a history major. Do you not even pay attention.

OMG, that's funny. No wonder you can't get a job that pays enough to live. I also can't think of a subject you know less about

Now, historically, we had a long period where the GOP and Democrats were largely in agreement on what the rich should pay and what the role of government should be. Ike and Nixon GOT IT. They understood there needed to be a balance between labor and capital.

I would even go so far to say Reagan got it, to a degree. Yes, he did bust the PATCO workers, and was unfriendly to labor in general, but he also did smart things like call the Japanese on their dumping of goods to destroy American industries.

It was the fucking Bush Crime Family that really kind of fucked everything up.

Republicans are the same, sad party they always have been. So you are a redneck apparently from your own admission. There are rich manipulating rednecks. You stopped being manipulated, so you are by your own statement a redneck.

Also, again, you are an idiot, there aren't nearly enough rich + rednecks for Republicans to control the house and senate.

Do you actually like the shit you type? Don't you feel dumb reading your own posts?
Um...OK? What is confusing about the question to you exactly? You keep saying the super rich are manipulating us rednecks. Why do we want them to have more money? How are they doing that?

I've explained this numerous times, Cleetus.

What they do is play on the Rube issues like race, guns, gays, God, Abortion, etc - to get people like you to vote against your own economic interest, because you'll feel much better about living in your Double Wide if the Negroes are living in slums.

It just kind of shows that most of you aren't very bright.

So you wanted Negroes living in slums? What is wrong with you?
Republicans are the same, sad party they always have been. So you are a redneck apparently from your own admission. There are rich manipulating rednecks. You stopped being manipulated, so you are by your own statement a redneck.

No, the Republicans are not the same party they've always been. IT is not the party I joined in 1980.

Ronald Reagan would be run out on a rail as a RINO today.

In 2012, the Republicans nominated a guy who thought he was wearing Magic underwear, and that was the LEAST crazy guy they had.
Republicans are the same, sad party they always have been. So you are a redneck apparently from your own admission. There are rich manipulating rednecks. You stopped being manipulated, so you are by your own statement a redneck.

No, the Republicans are not the same party they've always been. IT is not the party I joined in 1980.

Ronald Reagan would be run out on a rail as a RINO today.

In 2012, the Republicans nominated a guy who thought he was wearing Magic underwear, and that was the LEAST crazy guy they had.

You love making sweeping statements with no support. You can't name actual policies Republicans have actually changed their position on. It apparently turns out the rich manipulated you, according to you, into hating gays and loving the bible and wanting blacks to go back into slavery.

I'm impressed, the rich are good. How did they convince you of that? That's what I want to know Thoughts?
So you wanted Negroes living in slums? What is wrong with you?

I didn't. BUt the rest of you did. That was the point. The Redneck Southerners were welcomed with open arms by the GOP after LBJ threw them out.

You're saying you voted for people who wanted negroes in slums, why did you do that if you didn't want that?
Also, again, you are an idiot, there aren't nearly enough rich + rednecks for Republicans to control the house and senate.

There is when you Gerrymander the shit out of stuff.

Begging the question. First of all dumb ass, you can't Gerrymander the Senate. Second of all, you cant Gerrymander the house unless you take over enough State legislatures, which leads us back to the same issue. There aren't enough rich + rednecks to do that. Rednecks are a tiny portion of the country. How did they take over all the State legislatures?

Try to keep up, you're way too intellectually slow, let's move this forward. How did like 10% of the population take over this place? You made the claim, how did they do it?

And how did the Republicans convince you to hate gays and want negroes kept in slums?
you agree that wealth is not finite, the rest of your post is irrelevant to mine.

Never said it was finite. Said the way it's distributed is fucked up and wrong. We'd be lot healthier if we distributed fairly to those who do the actual labor.

Hey great idea... and in so doing reduce the incentive for those who actually own businesses to own them... and in the process reduce the employment.

Oh You're some kind of genius, aren't ya scamp?

YEeesss... its clear that you've given this a LOT of 'feelin''.

LOL! You can't make this crap up!

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