bernie sanders is a good man...

And by the way, the owners of corporations are largely the working man and seniors, in their IRA's, pensions and retirement plans.

No, you see, those are the "Rubes'. They are the ones who take it in the ass while the bloodsucking parasites on Wall Street make off like bandits.

There is only ONE Ideology that allows those who steal to get away with it... and it is the Ideology that stands upon the premise: I HAVE A NEED AND YOU AND YOUR PROPERTY ARE OBLIGATED TO FULFILL MY NEED!

Care to hazard a guess which Ideology that is?
Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no potential good In evil.
England and Canada are evil? Is jeb going to invade? Regime change?

Let's Review: There is no potential good, in Evil.

It's not a complex equation, yet you struggle with it so... .

Is Canada evil? IS Canada Socialist?
If so, then the answer is "Yes".

What about medicare? Is that evil?


Does a lot of good.

No... No it doesn't. You 'feel' that it does a lot of good, but in reality, it serves no potential for good.

Unregulated capitalism doesnt work.

Unregulated Capitalism has never failed, anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

We deregulated wallstreet and look what happened?
Unprecedented prosperity...

Capitalism isnt good and everything else is evil you silly brainwashed simpleton.

Well that's as solid a demonstration of the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, socialism and so many other manifestations of evil as could be offered on a message board; wherein the claimant argues that the freedom for citizens to freely exchange goods and services to the benefit / profit of both parties is: profoundly immoral and malevolent, wickedness, and depravity, something that is harmful or undesirable; which is to say: EVIL!

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter irony.
You see what you want to see not what is actually there
He says one thing but does another. I am not interested in what he says but what he does. What he does, shows him to be a hypocrite.
What Bernie Does.
"Top Contributors
PAC Color Block
Organizations' PAC(s)
Employee Color Block
Associated Individuals

includes contributions from an organization’s employees, their family members and its political action committee."
Point out any "hypocrisy."
For instance, I know that prosperity is not created by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it. That stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income is the cornerstone of socialism.

are you some kind of fucking retard?

43% of the wealth is held by 1% of the population. 87% of the wealth is held by the top 20% of the population. meanwhile, the bottom 40% control less than 1% of hte wealth.

Only a complete fucking idiot would think that this situation really reflects how wealth is created.

You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you think so then it is just your greed and envy talking.

However, you are poorer because the government takes away money from those that can create capital and there are no jobs or job growth for you. That is the failure of socialism. Socialism is great until the rich have no more money then everybody is poorer. A lot poorer.

Only a complete fucking greedy idiot would be envious of what other people make and would demand that the government steal on their behalf.
He says one thing but does another. I am not interested in what he says but what he does. What he does, shows him to be a hypocrite.
What Bernie Does.
"Top Contributors
PAC Color Block
Organizations' PAC(s)
Employee Color Block
Associated Individuals

includes contributions from an organization’s employees, their family members and its political action committee."
Point out any "hypocrisy."

I already have but you are either too stupid to understand, or too much of an immature hack to admit you are wrong. Which is it?
Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no potential good In evil.
England and Canada are evil? Is jeb going to invade? Regime change?

Let's Review: There is no potential good, in Evil.

It's not a complex equation, yet you struggle with it so... .

Is Canada evil? IS Canada Socialist?
If so, then the answer is "Yes".

What about medicare? Is that evil?


Does a lot of good.

No... No it doesn't. You 'feel' that it does a lot of good, but in reality, it serves no potential for good.

Unregulated capitalism doesnt work.

Unregulated Capitalism has never failed, anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

We deregulated wallstreet and look what happened?
Unprecedented prosperity...

Capitalism isnt good and everything else is evil you silly brainwashed simpleton.

Well that's as solid a demonstration of the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, socialism and so many other manifestations of evil as could be offered on a message board; wherein the claimant argues that the freedom for citizens to freely exchange goods and services to the benefit / profit of both parties is: profoundly immoral and malevolent, wickedness, and depravity, something that is harmful or undesirable; which is to say: EVIL!

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter irony.
You see what you want to see not what is actually there

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter irony.
The Democrat Party would shit in their britches if they couldn't get money from PACs and large donors. Tom Steyer has given the Democrats $30 million just by himself. Obama is known for his $30K a plate donor dinners. Obama is George Soros's trained monkey in the White House. the greedy unions own the Democrat Party.
Bernie's NOT a Democrat, and he doesn't take money from super PACs, and he recognizes the threat that Steyers $30 million poses to US democracy is dwarfed by that posed by Charles and David.

Sanders is running to be the Democrat Presidential nominee so you must be confused.

Steyer has promised $100 million to the Democrats. Put that on top of Soros money and the filthy unions and the Limousine Liberals that go to Obama's $30K a plate fundraisers and the Democrat party is well funded by special interest groups.
For instance, I know that prosperity is not created by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it. That stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income is the cornerstone of socialism.

are you some kind of fucking retard?

43% of the wealth is held by 1% of the population. 87% of the wealth is held by the top 20% of the population. meanwhile, the bottom 40% control less than 1% of hte wealth.

Only a complete fucking idiot would think that this situation really reflects how wealth is created.

You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you think so then it is just your greed and envy talking.

However, you are poorer because the government takes away money from those that can create capital and there are no jobs or job growth for you. That is the failure of socialism. Socialism is great until the rich have no more money then everybody is poorer. A lot poorer.

Only a complete fucking greedy idiot would be envious of what other people make and would demand that the government steal on their behalf.
Rich people are sitting on mountains of cash and stashing it in the caymans and Switzerland.
We need a loud & clear conversation about the increasing oligarchy in this country and Sanders will be very helpful there.

But once Hillary marginalizes or dispatches him, we're back to ignoring/avoiding the conversation.

That's what worries me.

One poll has Bernie trailing Clinton by 55%, yet he can still force her to detail her positions more clearly on income inequality, trade, Keystone XL, health care, and Social Security. There may be millions of Democrats AND Republicans who will find it difficult to support their party's front runners a year from now; if that occurs and happens to coincide with an economic crisis like "08, Bernie could provide the US with its own Syriza moment. It should be clear by now that voting for the "lesser evil" isn't working for 90% of voters.
If this clown Bernie Sanders was serious about what he preaches he would stop taking money from the unions and the millionaires that contribute to him.
How many millionaires have contributed to Bernie?
How much did they give?

Here is Sanders donors:

Sen. Bernie Sanders Campaign Finance Money - Summary - Senator 2014 OpenSecrets

As Senator he raised $2.6 million from "large individual contributors" in that piddly ass state he is from.

He also gets money from union PACs.

He is just like every other politician when it comes to raising money so his issue of buying politicians is nothing more than hypocrisy from him.
For instance, I know that prosperity is not created by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it. That stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income is the cornerstone of socialism.

are you some kind of fucking retard?

43% of the wealth is held by 1% of the population. 87% of the wealth is held by the top 20% of the population. meanwhile, the bottom 40% control less than 1% of hte wealth.

Only a complete fucking idiot would think that this situation really reflects how wealth is created.

You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you think so then it is just your greed and envy talking.

However, you are poorer because the government takes away money from those that can create capital and there are no jobs or job growth for you. That is the failure of socialism. Socialism is great until the rich have no more money then everybody is poorer. A lot poorer.

Only a complete fucking greedy idiot would be envious of what other people make and would demand that the government steal on their behalf.

A great portion of the liberal propaganda lie is based on the false belief that wealth is finite. Therefor if someone is wealthy, there is none left for you. It's stupid and wrong but VERY effective in controlling the ignorant masses.
If this clown Bernie Sanders was serious about what he preaches he would stop taking money from the unions and the millionaires that contribute to him.
How many millionaires have contributed to Bernie?
How much did they give?

Here is Sanders donors:

Sen. Bernie Sanders Campaign Finance Money - Summary - Senator 2014 OpenSecrets

As Senator he raised $2.6 million from "large individual contributors" in that piddly ass state he is from.

He also gets money from union PACs.

He is just like every other politician when it comes to raising money so his issue of buying politicians is nothing more than hypocrisy from him.

Of course he's a hypocrite, I knew it as surely as I knew that the sun would come up today.

Well, that's the end of this thread.
Bull shit, and you know it.
Can you link to any credible source claiming Bernie accepts contributions from super PACs?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Campaign Finance Money - Summary - Senator 2014 OpenSecrets

This shows he got PAC and millionaire money as Senator.

We know he is not against taking PAC money so we will see who funds his Presidential campaign. I suspect it will be the filthy ass unions and the realists Democrat special interest groups that know that the Hildabeast is self destructing.

Sanders is just another sleazy confused politician.

Go vote for him. Maybe he will be the same kind of Savior that you thought that idiot Obama was going to be. By the way, how did that "hope and change" work out?
i've known him since i lived in burlinglon, when he was mayor.
we couldn't be further apart politically, and i'm glad he is running. he will add to the color and depth of the election cycle. if he wins, that will herald the end of our republic as we know it, but hey, maybe it's time for a change.

yes we can. no hockey screams this time. and he is eligible too. would make a splendid VP choice for either team.

Reports Bernie Sanders to run for president

He may be a good guy to know, but he thinks nothing of robbing me at gun point and removing my liberty at will, I have no respect for him
Sanders is running to be the Democrat Presidential nominee so you must be confused.

Steyer has promised $100 million to the Democrats. Put that on top of Soros money and the filthy unions and the Limousine Liberals that go to Obama's $30K a plate fundraisers and the Democrat party is well funded by special interest groups.
The Democrats haven't nominated Bernie for President yet.
When they do, we'll see if he takes dark money, or not.
If he does, he's not worth your vote either, IMHO.
There is only ONE Ideology that allows those who steal to get away with it... and it is the Ideology that stands upon the premise: I HAVE A NEED AND YOU AND YOUR PROPERTY ARE OBLIGATED TO FULFILL MY NEED!

Care to hazard a guess which Ideology that is?

Yeah, it's called "Conservatism". Rich people have a need for Dressage Horses and Mansions. Except they don't produce the value to build them. So the exploit the people who do the heavy lifting.

Sorry you are still confused on this point.
There is only ONE Ideology that allows those who steal to get away with it... and it is the Ideology that stands upon the premise: I HAVE A NEED AND YOU AND YOUR PROPERTY ARE OBLIGATED TO FULFILL MY NEED!

Care to hazard a guess which Ideology that is?

Yeah, it's called "Conservatism". Rich people have a need for Dressage Horses and Mansions. Except they don't produce the value to build them. So the exploit the people who do the heavy lifting.

Sorry you are still confused on this point.

Yes, the tiny minority of rich outvote everyone and take their money. Just rhetorical genius. How do you come up with that?
You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you think so then it is just your greed and envy talking.

Uh, no, not really. The fact is, the labor I produce has value. I keep a running spreadsheet of innovations I've come up with in my job and how much they've saved the company I work for. It's well over $480,000. And that's just the innovations and savings, not the value of the mundane parts of my job.

So where did that money I created go? To investors. The stock in my company increased from a bottom value of $19.00 a share at the low point in the recession to a high of about $235 now.

This is the problem with an investor economy rather than a labor economy.

Or as a wise man said once...

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." -Abraham Lincoln

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