Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

There is NO such animal that you describe. The Capitalists are fully behind all the bailouts. Wall Street now requires them constantly. You are describing some mythical creature.

You are full of shit. Again, you think that capitalism is defined by who supports it. You're doubling down now on stupid by repeating that canard. Capitalism is free markets. Crony Capitalism is a form of SOCIALISM. Obviously if you think about it since it's GOVERNMENT picking market winners and losers, not the market.

And again, clarify. Are you referring to bailouts that were caused by government shutting down the economy or the bailouts that were caused by government policies, like what Clinton and W did to us with the subprime market meltdown?
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Seems like Sanders is trying to deflect from what is happening in his dream country Cuba....typical leftist propagandist...deflect from the reality of what your policies produce with some nonsense, flame bait rhetoric
You are full of shit. Again, you think that capitalism is defined by who supports it. You're doubling down now on stupid by repeating that canard. Capitalism is free markets. Crony Capitalism is a form of SOCIALISM. Obviously if you think about it since it's GOVERNMENT picking market winners and losers, not the market.

And again, clarify. Are you referring to bailouts that were caused by government shutting down the economy or the bailouts that were caused by government policies, like what Clinton and W did to us with the subprime market meltdown?

You didn't answer my question. Any interest in answering my question? GM caused their own problems.
The truth:

Here is what the modern Democrat Party is all about: cult-like devotion to failed Socialism, greed, big lies and conspiracy theories, voter fraud, silly AGW scamming and anti-science biology. For the sake of our kids and future generations, they cannot be allowed to prevail.
You didn't answer my question. Any interest in answering my question? GM caused their own problems.

I directly answered your question.

Capitalism is FREE MARKETS. It is not who supports it.

You really are an airhead. No wonder you're a Democrat
Actually socialist/Stalinist Bernie might have actually "nailed" the republican party by encouraging his minion, James Hodgkinson. D.C. shooter James Hodgkinson was a big Sanders supporter. After the shooting Sanders refused to say whether he met with Hodgkinson while he was living on the D.C. streets out of his van. It's possible that Sanders furnished Hodgkinson with the republican baseball practice schedule and the names of every conservative congressman found on Hodgkinson's body. We'll never know because the FBI refused to pursue the matter.
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I directly answered your question.

Capitalism is FREE MARKETS. It is not who supports it.

You really are an airhead. No wonder you're a Democrat

There is NO such thing. It does NOT exist. Why do you suppose it doesn't exist?
There are millionaires with multiple homes in Canada, Germany, England, Australia...

These people still don't understand the difference between real socialism and democratic socialism.

Complexity intimidates them, so they just attack like a zombie.

That's like saying there is a difference between constitutionalists and conservatives. There is no difference. So why the term Democrat Socialist? Because Socialism scares many people when we see what's going on around the world. Democrat Socialism is like saying Socialism lite. Down the road if the left gets too much power, they will just call themselves Socialists, and when they try to seize more power, the new term they will use will be Socialist/ Communist.
That's like saying there is a difference between constitutionalists and conservatives. There is no difference. So why the term Democrat Socialist? Because Socialism scares many people when we see what's going on around the world. Democrat Socialism is like saying Socialism lite. Down the road if the left gets too much power, they will just call themselves Socialists, and when they try to seize more power, the new term they will use will be Socialist/ Communist.
Illustrating my post for me, thanks.
I thought he was referring to other people's definition of socialism. Trumpanzees call others socialists, when Trump unilaterally imposed tariffs, paid money to himself and supported two stimulus bills. Of course he is not a socialist, nor is the gop, but neither are Biden nor the dems
Right, you can't answer. We are talking about economic systems. Ours forces taxpayers to prop up failed businesses. We make taxpayers bail out businesses our leaders harm with their decisions (corporate farms).

You have no answer because there is no way you can defend any of this as capitalism. You are simply pimping your politics.

Then you don't vote for people who believe in bailouts of any kind. When a business goes under, tens of thousands lose jobs. When half the farms are out of business, you will pay $5.00 for each orange you buy at the store. Having hamburgers for dinner will be a delicacy. When nobody has any money, then the economy goes under. Is that what you'd like to see?

The idea of the federal government bailing out various entities is to benefit the entire country, not those specific businesses. It's not socialism to try and keep a country afloat and out of total ruins.
Then you don't vote for people who believe in bailouts of any kind. When a business goes under, tens of thousands lose jobs. When half the farms are out of business, you will pay $5.00 for each orange you buy at the store. Having hamburgers for dinner will be a delicacy. When nobody has any money, then the economy goes under. Is that what you'd like to see?

The idea of the federal government bailing out various entities is to benefit the entire country, not those specific businesses. It's not socialism to try and keep a country afloat and out of total ruins.

What you are describing is a socialist system. You can deny it all you want but when all are responsible for the health of a private business that is nothing less than a socialist system.

As I said, you are fine with it as long as your politics supports it. It's NO less of a necessary to see that people are helped every bit as much but those who clamor for billions for business cry like the world is coming to an end when a single mother gets a thousand dollars.
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Lol, cult like? We just went through 4 years of Russian collusion hoax. Fake Impeachments, lies daily about Trump. The science? If we would've listened to Trump in the beginning we would be over the coronavirus already. He didn't want to shutdown and it's proven they didn't work. Hydrochroloquine does increase the survival rate 200% with someone on a ventilator, so you have blood on your hands because of your hate. Oh the majority of unvaccinated are blacks, which votes overwhelming democrat. You're such a liar.
There are plenty of right leaning conservatives that are not Trumpers and don't believe in conspiracy theories. There are plenty of people that question the vaccine and its efficacy and general safety on both sides of the political fence.
Not according to the polls. Those people are a minority in the Republican Party and are being chased out. I don’t mind as they are destroying conservatism which is bad but not dangerous like this new cult sub group of conservatives.

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