Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Everything he said is wrong. What is voter suppression to communists? It means everybody having to get an identification to vote. The commies are well aware they have the lazy welfare vote, and they don't want to allow anything that may require them to do the most minimal thing like go out and get an ID. Any least amount of work, some of their lazy voters just won't vote, that's all.

Big lies and conspiracy theories. This from a guy who's party tried to label a supreme court judge nominee as a mad rapist with zero evidence. This from a guy who's party stated that President Trump was a Russian agent. This from a guy who's party considered "do me a favor" as threat to a foreign leader.

There is no climate denial on the right. We are smart enough to know the climate does change, and has been since God made the place. Believe it or not, we didn't have one factory or car on this planet when the ice age ended.
You are full of shit. Again, you think that capitalism is defined by who supports it. You're doubling down now on stupid by repeating that canard. Capitalism is free markets. Crony Capitalism is a form of SOCIALISM. Obviously if you think about it since it's GOVERNMENT picking market winners and losers, not the market.

And again, clarify. Are you referring to bailouts that were caused by government shutting down the economy or the bailouts that were caused by government policies, like what Clinton and W did to us with the subprime market meltdown?

You need to understand capitalism better.
If capitalism is "free" market, then it would be unacceptably evil, because a "free" market means anything goes, including theft, murder, slavery, etc. And that is what feudalism used to be. Feudalism is where you maximize capitalist profits by not paying any wages at all, by using slavery.
No one should accept a "free" market.
What a capitalist should be saying instead is a "fair" market.
Where you compete against others in the voluntary purchase of your goods because they are worth the value.
So no, crony capitalism is free market capitalism, where you invest in bribes and gain a return on that investment.

Socialism can't be at all like crony capitalism because bribes only benefit a few, and harm the rest. And under socialism, what is best for all has to be what is done. Crony capitalism can never be remotely like socialism.
Lol, cult like? We just went through 4 years of Russian collusion hoax. Fake Impeachments, lies daily about Trump. The science? If we would've listened to Trump in the beginning we would be over the coronavirus already. He didn't want to shutdown and it's proven they didn't work. Hydrochroloquine does increase the survival rate 200% with someone on a ventilator, so you have blood on your hands because of your hate. Oh the majority of unvaccinated are blacks, which votes overwhelming democrat. You're such a liar.
Jesus Christ we have a full blown believer here! Russian hoax, virus hoax, and blacks are the problem. Stay a conservative. We don’t want dumb fucks over here is sane world.

See LibertyKid ? Your among whackos.
There is NO such thing. It does NOT exist. Why do you suppose it doesn't exist?

Whether there are free markets or not doesn't change the definition of capitalism. The United States was the closest to real capitalism for our first 150 years or so. But yes, we are more and more socialist.

My God you're an airhead.

You still haven't answered my question. With "bailouts," are you referring to the ones causes by government forcibly shutting down our economy or the subprime meltdown one caused by Clinton and W?
There is NO such thing. It does NOT exist. Why do you suppose it doesn't exist?
Whether there are free markets or not doesn't change the definition of capitalism. The United States was the closest to real capitalism for our first 150 years or so. But yes, we are more and more socialist.

My God you're an airhead.

You still haven't answered my question. With "bailouts," are you referring to the ones causes by government forcibly shutting down our economy or the subprime meltdown one caused by Clinton and W?

I wasn't asking for you to "define" Capitalism.
What you are describing is a socialist system. You can deny it all you want but when all are responsible for the health of a private business that is nothing less than a socialist system.

As I said, you are fine with it as long as your politics supports it. It's NO less of a necessary to see that people are helped every bit as much but those who clamor for billions for business cry like the world is coming to an end when a single mother gets a thousand dollars.

It is not a socialist system. A socialist system is where the people (government) controls industry, and takes measures to make everybody equal. It's a total reliance on government from what you can eat to what clothing you can wear. By your definition, you can claim our founders were socialists since they outlined what the federal government is required to provide to the people. But they were far from Socialists.

Our federal government does what it takes (in most cases) to assure we have a viable economy, people can have jobs, people have the option to invest, and can pursue their dreams unlike those socialist countries. Yes, sometimes they have to throw money at the system, and in many cases it's simply a loan from taxpayers that usually gets repaid. But it's not really socialism.
Lol, cult like? We just went through 4 years of Russian collusion hoax. Fake Impeachments, lies daily about Trump. The science? If we would've listened to Trump in the beginning we would be over the coronavirus already. He didn't want to shutdown and it's proven they didn't work. Hydrochroloquine does increase the survival rate 200% with someone on a ventilator, so you have blood on your hands because of your hate. Oh the majority of unvaccinated are blacks, which votes overwhelming democrat. You're such a liar.
IF we'd listened to Trump we'd still be burying our dead. That's why he LOST
You need to understand capitalism better.
If capitalism is "free" market, then it would be unacceptably evil, because a "free" market means anything goes, including theft, murder, slavery, etc. And that is what feudalism used to be. Feudalism is where you maximize capitalist profits by not paying any wages at all, by using slavery.
No one should accept a "free" market.
What a capitalist should be saying instead is a "fair" market.
Where you compete against others in the voluntary purchase of your goods because they are worth the value.
So no, crony capitalism is free market capitalism, where you invest in bribes and gain a return on that investment.

Socialism can't be at all like crony capitalism because bribes only benefit a few, and harm the rest. And under socialism, what is best for all has to be what is done. Crony capitalism can never be remotely like socialism.

Capitalism needs civil and criminal courts like the people who own them. You're full of shit. Capitalism does not mean anarchy.

What capitalism does not need is government to run it. That is socialism, including when you call it "crony capitalism"
I wasn't asking for you to "define" Capitalism.

I had to since your question was based on a faulty premise that capitalism = who supports it.

I did ask you if by bailouts you are referring to the forced government shutdown or the one caused by Clinton and W's policies and you are continuing to cower and hide from the question
I thought he was referring to other people's definition of socialism. Trumpanzees call others socialists, when Trump unilaterally imposed tariffs, paid money to himself and supported two stimulus bills. Of course he is not a socialist, nor is the gop, but neither are Biden nor the dems
I guess I was wrong. Nevermind. There's nothing socialistic about the US
Seems like Sanders is trying to deflect from what is happening in his dream country Cuba....typical leftist propagandist...deflect from the reality of what your policies produce with some nonsense, flame bait rhetoric

The Cubans are marching the streets holding our flag in pride and reflection of what they want. BLM and ilk are in Portland burning our flag telling the world we are a racist country. The ideal situation would be to ship those BLM people to Cuba so they can have what they want, and we exchange them for some of the Cubans to come here to get what they want.
That's like saying there is a difference between constitutionalists and conservatives. There is no difference. So why the term Democrat Socialist? Because Socialism scares many people when we see what's going on around the world. Democrat Socialism is like saying Socialism lite. Down the road if the left gets too much power, they will just call themselves Socialists, and when they try to seize more power, the new term they will use will be Socialist/ Communist.

There is huge difference between constitutionalists and conservatives.

A constitutionalist is one who wants to limit the federal government jurisdiction that originally described by the constitution. Like there would then be no DEA, because that is state and local jurisdiction, not federal.
But a constitutionalist would agree that the point of the bill of rights is also to enshrine individual rights and also implies their protection from abuses by states and municipalities. So a constitutionalist would be against any gun control law, including state or local. While conservatives were all in favor of gun control laws, like the 1934 and 1986 federal gun control laws. Conservatives wanted to keep Blacks, immigrants, and union organizers disarmed, so they would be more easily intimidated. A conservative wants to prevent change, so would want to maintain slavery, while a constitutionalist would use court interpretations of the Bill of Rights and state laws, to end slavery as abusive of inherent individual rights.

The need for the terms "democratic socialist" is obvious. Without democracy, obviously socialism is impossible. The point of socialism is to allow collaborative, communal, and cooperative ventures. And obviously that can't happen unless there is a political structure to keep it fair. And that requires the oversight of the people involves, the demos.
Just like if you do not have democracy, capitalism turns into feudalism, so does socialism. Democracy is essential to any system, in order to prevent it from becoming authoritarian and for only an elite few.
Then you don't vote for people who believe in bailouts of any kind. When a business goes under, tens of thousands lose jobs. When half the farms are out of business, you will pay $5.00 for each orange you buy at the store. Having hamburgers for dinner will be a delicacy. When nobody has any money, then the economy goes under. Is that what you'd like to see?

The idea of the federal government bailing out various entities is to benefit the entire country, not those specific businesses. It's not socialism to try and keep a country afloat and out of total ruins.

Sure bailout are usually good, but that is socialism.
Anything good for the majority is socialism.
Keeping the country afloat and out of total ruin is exactly socialism.
You seem to think socialism is where you strengthen government at the reduction of private enterprise, and that is not the case. Socialism is more like in Sweden, where the government subsidizes Volvo keeping up car production beyond what sales requires, so that workers did not end up having to get laid off.
You seem to have an incorrect idea as to what socialism is?
There is a lot socialist about the US
No. As has been posted ad nauseum, socialism is an econ system in which the govt controls the allocation of capital to determine what is produced in an economy.

We don't have that, and as far as I know every country that's tried it found it failed and has moved on.
Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production.
The Cubans are marching the streets holding our flag in pride and reflection of what they want. BLM and ilk are in Portland burning our flag telling the world we are a racist country. The ideal situation would be to ship those BLM people to Cuba so they can have what they want, and we exchange them for some of the Cubans to come here to get what they want.

Its not mutually exclusive.
Both countries have massive government corruption.
Anyone who thinks either flag does not represent massive government corruption, is just naïve.
There is a lot socialist about the US

And that can be both good and bad.
For example, public education is good in that it provides a more educated and efficient worker force, that can make a democracy stronger.
But it also can be bad if it is used as a means of impressing a uniform line of propaganda that weakened a democracy?

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