Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

There is huge difference between constitutionalists and conservatives.

A constitutionalist is one who wants to limit the federal government jurisdiction that originally described by the constitution. Like there would then be no DEA, because that is state and local jurisdiction, not federal.
But a constitutionalist would agree that the point of the bill of rights is also to enshrine individual rights and also implies their protection from abuses by states and municipalities. So a constitutionalist would be against any gun control law, including state or local. While conservatives were all in favor of gun control laws, like the 1934 and 1986 federal gun control laws. Conservatives wanted to keep Blacks, immigrants, and union organizers disarmed, so they would be more easily intimidated. A conservative wants to prevent change, so would want to maintain slavery, while a constitutionalist would use court interpretations of the Bill of Rights and state laws, to end slavery as abusive of inherent individual rights.

The need for the terms "democratic socialist" is obvious. Without democracy, obviously socialism is impossible. The point of socialism is to allow collaborative, communal, and cooperative ventures. And obviously that can't happen unless there is a political structure to keep it fair. And that requires the oversight of the people involves, the demos.
Just like if you do not have democracy, capitalism turns into feudalism, so does socialism. Democracy is essential to any system, in order to prevent it from becoming authoritarian and for only an elite few.
You interpret these ways as by the book. And it is when it is by the book. We vote for two people every election. Our government has a life of its own. Any Democrat elected who is not a Progressive still ends up siding with Prog views or law by choice or coercion. Republicans have more people who have divergent views with the left leaning ones being sort of a cushion for Prog agendas at times. There are not that many conservatives and very little conservative legislation. We are moving leftward. And leftward quickly. We have radical judges making laws.
Rigby5, Ray From Cleveland & kaz -

Between the three of you, you should really iron out what you mean by 'Socialism', 'Communism' & 'Capitalism'

You all seem to be all over the place on these...changing your definition each time....

Work it out folks!
Well, yeah. Cuba may be the remaining example. I never bought Venezuala is because their economy always lived on petrodollars. They appropriated private property, but they couldn't drill an oil well if their lives depended on it.
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.
No one can prove you wrong, at least to yourself.
Your mind is shut tighter that a fifty year old virgin's legs.

Trump is no more the center of a "cult" then Barry Obama was, and is.
You just approve of that cult so we hear nothing about it.

Any other issue, transgenderism, global warming, vaccines, etc. are all matters of unsettled science
though the left and Sanders prefers to pretend otherwise.

Go about your business and grow up.
It is not a socialist system. A socialist system is where the people (government) controls industry, and takes measures to make everybody equal. It's a total reliance on government from what you can eat to what clothing you can wear. By your definition, you can claim our founders were socialists since they outlined what the federal government is required to provide to the people. But they were far from Socialists.

Our federal government does what it takes (in most cases) to assure we have a viable economy, people can have jobs, people have the option to invest, and can pursue their dreams unlike those socialist countries. Yes, sometimes they have to throw money at the system, and in many cases it's simply a loan from taxpayers that usually gets repaid. But it's not really socialism.

Nobody is arguing for what you are describing but that won't stop you.
No. As has been posted ad nauseum, socialism is an econ system in which the govt controls the allocation of capital to determine what is produced in an economy.

We don't have that, and as far as I know every country that's tried it found it failed and has moved on.
Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production.

Here it is again:


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

When you prevent child labor, dangerous work conditions, slavery, etc., that is socialism.
Because capitalism is purely about profits, and slavery or feudalism is more profitable.

All good countries are always socialist.
In fact, any democracy is always going to be socialist because socialism always benefits the most people in the most fair manner.
I had to since your question was based on a faulty premise that capitalism = who supports it.

I did ask you if by bailouts you are referring to the forced government shutdown or the one caused by Clinton and W's policies and you are continuing to cower and hide from the question

I addressed that by pointing out GM.
Labels are for the lazy & Gets in the way of thinking or discussing the problems.
Now we have made it a simple choice, pick your label Left or Right.
No need to examine each policy on its own merits.
Here it is again:


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

When you prevent child labor, dangerous work conditions, slavery, etc., that is socialism.
Because capitalism is purely about profits, and slavery or feudalism is more profitable.

All good countries are always socialist.
In fact, any democracy is always going to be socialist because socialism always benefits the most people in the most fair manner.
bullshit. Think. try. regulating against child labor does not allocate the totality of the labor market.

According to your misinterpretation, every econ is a socialist economy, and if you can breathe you should know that fails the simplest test of logical thought.
Nowhere in Capitalism and I'll repeat, nowhere do we find the chapter where taxpayers are on the hook for propping up a failed business.
Nor will you find the chapter on where taxpayers are on the hook to prop up their fellow failed citizens.

Or pay the tuition loans of college graduates whom think they are so much smarter than anyone else, but didn't know what they were getting into when signing on to borrow money to get a piece of paper that get them a better paying job than their high school diploma will.

Like many a brain-dead, useless parasite, you haven't learned that one needs to create wealth before they can redistribute wealth.

Would also appear you haven't learned how to use a dictionary to understand the definitions of the terms you are using.
Nor will you find the chapter on where taxpayers are on the hook to prop up their fellow failed citizens.

Or pay the tuition loans of college graduates whom think they are so much smarter than anyone else, but didn't know what they were getting into when signing on to borrow money to get a piece of paper that get them a better paying job than their high school diploma will.

Like many a brain-dead, useless parasite, you haven't learned that one needs to create wealth before they can redistribute wealth.

Would also appear you haven't learned how to use a dictionary to understand the definitions of the terms you are using.

I never argued you would so you have no point. I clearly note we are not a capitalist society.
No one can prove you wrong, at least to yourself.
Your mind is shut tighter that a fifty year old virgin's legs.

Trump is no more the center of a "cult" then Barry Obama was, and is.
You just approve of that cult so we hear nothing about it.

Any other issue, transgenderism, global warming, vaccines, etc. are all matters of unsettled science
though the left and Sanders prefers to pretend otherwise.

Go about your business and grow up.
Vaccines are unsettled science? What is wrong with you people? The cult life really that awesome that you can just drop reality altogether?
Not a fan of Bernie, But he is just one of the multitudes of elected officials from both sides of the isle that I am not a fan of. In fact am ashamed of most of them.
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

I'm surprised you don't agree more often since you're both pussified snowflakes with mental capacities of talking heads. Not a word of that is true, fucking "prove me wrong", you're a fucking idiot. Since when can political opinions based on feelings for the day provable? How about you prove one right, dumbass?

Change your avatar, his role was a tuff guy who thought independently, that's not you at all.
I'm surprised you don't agree more often since you're both pussified snowflakes with mental capacities of talking heads. Not a word of that is true, fucking "prove me wrong", you're a fucking idiot. Since when can political opinions based on feelings for the day provable? How about you prove one right, dumbass?

Change your avatar, his role was a tuff guy who thought independently, that's not you at all.
Cult-like devotion to Trump: That’s a lie, conservatives actually have standards, we don’t need someone to think for us. Secondly this is projection, the Demonicrats would sell their own mothers & you’d buy all of it. Look how full of shit your kind has been, especially the last 5 years.

Big lies and conspiracy theories: Conspiracy theories proved likely right. Again projection, look at your kind and how they exploited COVID for political gain and power. Yet republicans are liars? Russia, COVID, racism, chicks with dicks, two impeachments, "voter suppression", etc. etc. ongoing, yet Republicans are the liars? Dumbshit.

Voter Suppression: Sure, the latest tune by Demonicrats to divert attention away from the vultures they are. This is a lie.

Climate denial: Dumbass fuck we’ve had climate change since before man existed fool. You figure destroying the Earth with batteries is the answer? Dumbass.

Anti-science vaccine rejection: When everything the Demonicrats say is a lie, especially involving COVID it’s easy to reject their unproven risk heavy vaccine. Sanders is a dumbshit like yourself, two negatives is a positive.

For sake of kids and the homo up bernies ass: No shit dumbfuck, you want us to “prove me wrong” over what Bernie said? Prove YOU wrong? There’s nothing provable and you didn’t even write it, dumbshit.
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Countless government services and programs are not socialism, the left just likes to lie and say they are to prop up their demand for true socialist government handouts.

It's the "right" always screaming it's socialism.

What's a "true" government handout? The billions Trump gave to corporate farms weren't?
Vaccines are unsettled science? What is wrong with you people? The cult life really that awesome that you can just drop reality altogether?
Yes. The whole matter of children needing vaccination and those who were infected before vaccines were available are now being brought up by the unscientific left, sorry to inform you.

And then there is the matter of masking up, which also was hijacked by the left for political purposes.

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