Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

If you want to see a cult in action take a look at Xiden's Facebook page. The OP is 100% PROJECTION.

People are paid to write and present it as though Xiden is saying it. Quite a contrast the last POTUS who said as he feels written by himself, yet Republicans are a cult? Xiden can't even speak without what's written for him, he has dementia and he's a puppet, yet we're the cult?

Take a look at the people singing Xiden's praises, you'll notice they sound the same. Click on their links and you'll see they're foreigners pretending to live here. Yet Republicans are a cult?

Bernie is a cock and anyone who believes him lost their balls.

I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Bernie, the guy who sung the praises of communist Cuba and is now in hiding as Cubans protest and fight for freedom? 'Nuff said about how much he really supports what he says....
And speak of cults, look no further than this website, and the OP itself.

Leftists don't think for themselves, AT ALL. Look at the threads they start, they're opinions of other people, always BS too, but they buy it easily because they're lazy & corrupt.

Look at their posts, single lines that have no meaning beyond parroting, almost always out of context.

Yet Republicans is a cult? See my signature, it's always true.
No. As has been posted ad nauseum, socialism is an econ system in which the govt controls the allocation of capital to determine what is produced in an economy.

We don't have that, and as far as I know every country that's tried it found it failed and has moved on.
Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production.

Ha ha? You think you're funny?

Our government constantly controls industry. I don't know who you're even talking about. I don't see anyone say that. Democrats just constantly hear voices in your head
And that can be both good and bad.
For example, public education is good in that it provides a more educated and efficient worker force, that can make a democracy stronger.
But it also can be bad if it is used as a means of impressing a uniform line of propaganda that weakened a democracy?

We have the worst schools in the west and the most expensive in the world. They are also more focused on left wing propaganda than actual education. How is there any good in that?
Rigby5, Ray From Cleveland & kaz -

Between the three of you, you should really iron out what you mean by 'Socialism', 'Communism' & 'Capitalism'

You all seem to be all over the place on these...changing your definition each time....

Work it out folks!

That's easy. They are definitions of terms, not ideological question.

Socialism - Central economic planning. Only government can centrally plan an economy because only government can use force to compel people to act against their own interest

Capitalism - Distributed economic planning. Employers, employees, produces, consumers, all market participants make the best choices in their own interest. Note government has a role in capitalism to provide civil and criminal courts. It does not have a role to control choices. That is socialism

Communism - a political system above socialism that expands control of the economy to overall control of the people as defined in the Communist manifesto

If you went to a public school, socialism taught you all through school.

So many of what we take for granted everyday is socialism.


And many more.

Anything that is public owned is socialism.

Socialism is just things that are owned by the public.

America is a hybrid of capitalism and socialism.
I addressed that by pointing out GM.

What is "GM?"

Here's a question you keep running away from.

I did ask you if by bailouts you are referring to the forced government shutdown or the one caused by Clinton and W's policies and you are continuing to cower and hide from the question
If you went to a public school, socialism taught you all through school.

So many of what we take for granted everyday is socialism.


And many more.

Anything that is public owned is socialism.

Socialism is just things that are owned by the public.

America is a hybrid of capitalism and socialism.

Roads, police, 9-1-1 and such are not socialism. You don't know what you are talking about. You never do
Jesus Christ we have a full blown believer here! Russian hoax, virus hoax, and blacks are the problem. Stay a conservative. We don’t want dumb fucks over here is sane world.

See LibertyKid ? Your among whackos.
Everything i said is the truth. You loons said it was Trump supporters not getting the vaccine, insulting everyone of them. Now it comes out it's the blacks not getting vaccinated and you say I'm attacking them. No dumbass, I don't care if they don't want to get vaccinated, but now your narrative just got put back at you, so fuck off. Yes Russia was a hoax and coronavirus, you loons screwed the pooch on it.
ILMAO at PROGS who suggest ah shucks, we are socialists cuz we have a police force.

You guys are real deep thinkers. Deep in the mud.
If you went to a public school, socialism taught you all through school.

So many of what we take for granted everyday is socialism.
Doesn't mean I'm a socialist.

And many more.

Anything that is public owned is socialism.

Socialism is just things that are owned by the public.

America is a hybrid of capitalism at socialism.
Those claims are silly - just an attempt and equivocation and flim-flam. Still, none of it means I'm a socialist. Maybe you're just confused.
Its not mutually exclusive.
Both countries have massive government corruption.
Anyone who thinks either flag does not represent massive government corruption, is just naïve.

So your choice is Cuban government corruption or US government corruption. Which system would you rather live under?
On face value you’d agree with these ideas:
- everyone should have access to health care
- Those who get the most benefit in America should have the biggest tax burden
- immigration should be humane but we should have secure borders
- infrastructure should be upkept

I could go on
Please do because…

Healthcare is a privilege, not a right.
Taxes should be the same percentage for everyone
Immigration should be strictly controlled and limited.,
Infrastructure should be maintained at the proper levels of government. That means the Feds would only be responsible for interstate highways and Federal buildings. Nothing else.

1/2 out of 4 isn’t a great start.
If you went to a public school, socialism taught you all through school.

So many of what we take for granted everyday is socialism.


And many more.

Anything that is public owned is socialism.

Socialism is just things that are owned by the public.

America is a hybrid of capitalism and socialism.

The real discussion is not “how evil is socialism”

It’s “ how much socialism is required to mitigate the excesses of capitalism”

There’s no question that socialism is part of our system and that we need some degree of it.

There’s really no question that we are and will remain one of the least “socialist” nations in the first world… in some cases to our detriment.
That's easy. They are definitions of terms, not ideological question.

Socialism - Central economic planning. Only government can centrally plan an economy because only government can use force to compel people to act against their own interest

Capitalism - Distributed economic planning. Employers, employees, produces, consumers, all market participants make the best choices in their own interest. Note government has a role in capitalism to provide civil and criminal courts. It does not have a role to control choices. That is socialism

Communism - a political system above socialism that expands control of the economy to overall control of the people as defined in the Communist manifesto

So, according to your Ad Hoc definitions, there has never been a communist country, correct?

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