Bernie Sanders Stands Up For The Middle Class By Dropping a Huge Fact Bomb On The Senate

Lol, I'll take the old geezer avowed socialist (Sanders) at his word when he can longer spew
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Socialism does have different aspects, but only in the degree that this cancer has spread in the social organism. Right now in America, we are enduring a kind of creeping Socialism (though it appears to have started to gallop in Vermont).

In this phase you Loons have to pretend you are not real Socialist, (and some of you don't even realize you are) but, in the end you always have to have Complete Control in order to push your loony disproved theories--and you wind up with nothing more than---Government enforced:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

Works until the productive people get tired of carrying the Ass-Sitters.

Karl Marx fucked millions of people with his bullshit. I am thinking that he made a pass through Vermont back in the day and impregnated most of your women.


Who are these "millions" Marx fucked then? Where?
Socialism does have different aspects, but only in the degree that this cancer has spread in the social organism. Right now in America, we are enduring a kind of creeping Socialism (though it appears to have started to gallop in Vermont).

In this phase you Loons have to pretend you are not real Socialist, (and some of you don't even realize you are) but, in the end you always have to have Complete Control in order to push your loony disproved theories--and you wind up with nothing more than---Government enforced:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

Works until the productive people get tired of carrying the Ass-Sitters.

Karl Marx fucked millions of people with his bullshit. I am thinking that he made a pass through Vermont back in the day and impregnated most of your women.
You are mistaking communism with socialism. . Capitalism has destroyed more nations than communism or socialism ever will or has.The capitalist nations just haven't completely collapsed yet...they got plenty of workers to be used and abused to stay afloat so the 1% can get richer.
The profit incentive and self-reliance and the Christian Morals and Jeffersonian Ideals built in America the greatest society thus far established on this planet. And you Commune-ists/Socialists are determined to fuck it up because it ain't perfect, and I suspect, because of a deep seated jealousy.

I think you people in Vermont ought to drink only bottled water for now. Something is fucked up in Vermont.
The profit incentive and self-reliance and the Christian Morals and Jeffersonian Ideals built in America the greatest society thus far established on this planet. And you Commune-ists/Socialists are determined to fuck it up because it ain't perfect, and I suspect, because of a deep seated jealousy.

I think you people in Vermont ought to drink only bottled water for now. Something is fucked up in Vermont.

So you can't define your term and you can't identify these Marxian fuckees.

Dismissed. Let the adults handle this.
"Old geezer" ... "mental institution" ... conflation with "Marxism" ... "millions fucked" .....

Notice nobody ever actually presents a rational argument.

Not that that's unexpected...
Riiiight just raise the minimum wage money is falling from the sky to pay for it. Why do some liberals insist on proving they are idiots?
Riiiight just raise the minimum wage money is falling from the sky to pay for it. Why do some liberals insist on proving they are idiots?

they goosestep with their idiot party for one. they can do no wrong and they be the most smartest people to ever walk the earth in their mind
take Al Gore, the man never studied and has a degree in science, climate or even weather yet they follow him like he's a cult leader.
Riiiight just raise the minimum wage money is falling from the sky to pay for it. Why do some liberals insist on proving they are idiots?

they goosestep with their idiot party for one. they can do no wrong and they be the most smartest people to ever walk the earth in their mind
take Al Gore, the man never studied and has a degree in science, climate or even weather yet they follow him like he's a cult leader.

Your betters really bother you, don't they.

Must be his education and fighting for the working class.
Still waiting for ONE legit argument against what he said..

it's just more waste of time. no one is going to change someone's mind like yours that already agrees with him. so stop whining
Riiiight just raise the minimum wage money is falling from the sky to pay for it. Why do some liberals insist on proving they are idiots?

they goosestep with their idiot party for one. they can do no wrong and they be the most smartest people to ever walk the earth in their mind

Okay but dang they are utterly incoherent at times. Hell lets just raise the minimum wage to $50 a hour. AND why $15 an hour where did that nice round even number even come from certainly not from a logical analysis. These libs they pull a number out of their ass and fling it out there. Of course this completely ignores the varying cost of living around the country, shouldn't minimum wage vary by cost of living and geographic region? Bah its typical half baked dumb ass liberal nonsense.

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