Bernie Sanders Stands Up For The Middle Class By Dropping a Huge Fact Bomb On The Senate

Riiiight just raise the minimum wage money is falling from the sky to pay for it. Why do some liberals insist on proving they are idiots?
Seems you got plenty to pay CEO's millions in bonuses.

That reminds me, public service announcement I hate liberals.

Maybe you'd be happier in a country that wasn't founded on Liberalism then.

You liberals are a passing fad, I'd be surprised if you end up being more than a footnote in history, live with that.
Riiiight just raise the minimum wage money is falling from the sky to pay for it. Why do some liberals insist on proving they are idiots?
Seems you got plenty to pay CEO's millions in bonuses.

That reminds me, public service announcement I hate liberals.

Maybe you'd be happier in a country that wasn't founded on Liberalism then.

You liberals are a passing fad, I'd be surprised if you end up being more than a footnote in history, live with that.

Your point is that the US and A hasn't yet existed as long as the Roman Empire? :dunno:

Linear time. It's not just a good idea -- it's the law.
From the article linked in the OP:

"Sen. Sanders said, 'The simple truth is that in America people working full time should not be living in poverty.' "

But in fact, there is no "right" to a comfortable existence simply because you do something 8 hours a day. If someone spends that time painting a wall green, then painting it blue, then green again etc. he will "live in poverty", as he deserves.

Sanders started his speech with a flat lie.

So much for the "fact bomb". It's a dud.
This old fool Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist.

It has not even been a generation since the greatest Socialist experiment in history--United Socialist Soviet Union--collapsed in glorious ignominity, joining its total and complete failure with the same result as in all previous Socialists experiments, including the Utopian Societies in America.

It has been shown to all but those who are too ignorant to learn from History, that Karl Marx sucks.

Where do you people come from?
Democratic Socialist. Oh and we come from REALITY....its hit us in the face head on...we realize capitalism is theft and the rich are stealing our labor without paying us real wages in return.
Why not stop working for the rich? That would show them, eh?
From the article linked in the OP:

"Sen. Sanders said, 'The simple truth is that in America people working full time should not be living in poverty.' "

But in fact, there is no "right" to a comfortable existence simply because you do something 8 hours a day. If someone spends that time painting a wall green, then painting it blue, then green again etc. he will "live in poverty", as he deserves.

Sanders started his speech with a flat lie.

So much for the "fact bomb". It's a dud.

"Should" is not the same as "has a right to".

The "lie" is your'n.
Still waiting for ONE legit argument against what he said..
Define legitimate....and it does NOT include ONLY that which you agree with.

One that doesn't have to lean on "Marx fucked millions", false analogies to the USSR, changing the subject's quotes around, or general making faces and going "booga booga".
Well socialism doesn't work and the form of capitalism we have now doesn't work except for those at the top, while the rest are slowly crushed. What system is good. Perhaps there isn't even a decent system.
Still waiting for ONE legit argument against what he said..

If what Sanders said was indeed a FACT then every State in the union would be breaking their necks to do the same. Is that happening?
Apparently Sanders is not considered a huge threat as yet, or conservatives would have labeled Sanders a communist and not just a socialist, but standby.
IF one challenges any aspect of capitalism, the form we have now where the rich call all the shots and the rest get nothing and then some of that taken away, one is a socialist. What empty rhetoric only bought by uninformed.
Apparently Sanders is not considered a huge threat as yet, or conservatives would have labeled Sanders a communist and not just a socialist, but standby.

Sanders labeled himself a socialist.
Apparently Sanders is not considered a huge threat as yet, or conservatives would have labeled Sanders a communist and not just a socialist, but standby.

Sanders labeled himself a socialist.

Yes, he did that way back. As mayor of Burlington IIRC.
He did that because he understands the distinction between socialism, commuism, Marxism, the USSR, "fucking millions", "mental institutions" and sticking one's thumbs in one's ears going "booga booga".

Some however prefer to stay with the comic book version.
From the article linked in the OP:

"Sen. Sanders said, 'The simple truth is that in America people working full time should not be living in poverty.' "

But in fact, there is no "right" to a comfortable existence simply because you do something 8 hours a day. If someone spends that time painting a wall green, then painting it blue, then green again etc. he will "live in poverty", as he deserves.

Sanders started his speech with a flat lie.

So much for the "fact bomb". It's a dud.
Just admit you hate working class people. Scumbag.

Apparently Sanders is not considered a huge threat as yet, or conservatives would have labeled Sanders a communist and not just a socialist, but standby.

Sanders labeled himself a socialist.
Wrong. He labeled himself a DEMOCRATIC socialist.

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