Bernie Staffer: Guillotine the Rich, Send Republicans to Re-education Camps

Deep inside every socialist is a commie just waiting for the right opportunity to get out.
I believe it. Nutters sometimes become honest when they think no one is watching.
Poor Bernie supporters...they were screwed by Hillary and the Debbie Schultz DNC...and now they can see it happening his staff is going bonkers and being honest about their evil intent and desires...
Imagine if Trump staffers were on camera talking about plans to send communists to Gitmo and shoot anyone in his way.
Pretty much summarizes how every Leftist thinks.
As Trump says, they’re not after me, they’re after you.

In other words bernie style democratic socialism is going to be exactly like mao, stalin and hitlers versions of socialism.
Exactly. They are in a constant state of re-branding the same commie bullshit.

That's why we must constantly expose commies and kill them. It's the only way.


Commie Commie Commie Commie
Commie Chameleon

We all should know, that you never go.

This time it will work... this time it will work.... this time it will work...
Pretty much summarizes how every Leftist thinks.
As Trump says, they’re not after me, they’re after you.

My favorite part is where the girl and the retard agree the gulags weren't really that bad ...
Just like the first guy they got on tape .....hummm

20s will be spicy

View attachment 302022

Of course they weren't... just like Obamacare those were for other people.

The communists LOVE their gulags where people who disagree with their stupid opinions go to die.

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