
Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
One is a socialist liar the other socialist commie...
The revolution will either destroy America or the Left.
January 28, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the same candidate. They’re both leftist radicals with degrees in political science who held back some of their more radical ideas to pursue political office. In the two years that they served together in the Senate, they voted the same way 93 percent of the time.

They’re also political opportunists. Bernie Sanders, no less than Hillary, reinvented his political views, including his allegiance to Socialism, numerous times over the years. Sanders moderated his positions on everything from gun control to Israel when it helped his political career. He’s now modifying plenty of positions all over again in order to appeal to new and different voters.

Bernie Sanders is no more authentic than Hillary Clinton and she is no less radical than he is. Both her attempts to appear mainstream and his efforts to seem radical are political poses that they deploy to bring in money and support from major blocs within the Democratic Party. Underneath the theater, Hillary Clinton is a longtime Alinsky fan while Bernie Sanders stumbles trying to update his views with the current obsessions of the radical left on everything from immigration to gun control to race.

The real struggle isn’t over beliefs, but over tactics.

While Hillary Clinton and her allies are attacking Bernie Sanders over his radical backing for Single Payer, in 1993,she told her husbandthat “managed competition“ was a “crock” and that “single-payer” was necessary. Hillary had proposed her own version of “Medicare for All” andwhen asked if it would bea backdoor for single payer, said, “What are we afraid of? Let’s see where the competition leads us.”

As with many of her real positions, she backed away from it, but her explanation for it was telling. “Talking about single payer really is a conversation ender for most Americans, because then they become very nervous about socialized medicine and all the rest of this,” Hillary Clinton explained.

Clinton’s media allies don’t actually reject national socialized medicine when they criticize Bernie Sanders. They just believe, as she does, that the public is not ready yet to accept it.

Hillary Clinton is a radical whose strategy is pretending to be mainstream. AsDavid Horowitz wrote about her, “It is possible to be a socialist, and radical in one's agendas, and yet moderate in the means one regards as practical to achieve them.” The classic example of this is H.G. Wells’ dialogue with Lenin in which he contended that the “essential difference” between the Evolutionary Collectivist and the Marxist was the belief that society could be transformed into a “into a Collectivist world system” without a violent revolution but “through a vast sustained educational campaign”.

This is a tactical debate that has significant implications for the lives of millions of American.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are how the Democratic Party and its leftist masters are having a bar fight about how fast and how hard to move the country toward the left.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are both socialists. The debate over the use of the “S” word is about whether Americans are ready to openly accept Socialism. That is the same debate they are having over socialized medicine, banking regulations and a dozen different issues. It’s not about what is right, they both agree about the final endgame, but over what Americans will put up with right here and now.

After Obama, some on the left believe that the country is ready for an aggressive radical push. Others however want to consolidate Obama’s gains because they are worried that too much of the policy infrastructure that he put into place, such as ObamaCare, is on the verge of collapsing.

This is much the same argument that Wells had with Lenin as he insisted that, “Communism was pressing too hard and too fast, and destroying before it was ready to rebuild. They had broken down trading before they were ready to ration.” Today that would mean that Hillary Clinton and her supporters want to stabilize ObamaCare and then use its success to advance to Single Payer while Bernie Sanders and his supporters want to use ObamaCare’s failure to move on to Single Payer.


Many of its activists and funders see few reasons not to push for the endgame right now. And that may prove to be their undoing. Even if it won’t be Bernie Sanders, the rush has begun for the revolution.

That revolution will either destroy America or the left.

What is at Stake for America in Bernie vs. Hillary
The angry old leftist future of the Democrats.
February 5, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The future of the Democratic Party was two angry old leftists screaming at each other for two hours to decide who hates capitalism more.

With the MSNBC and the Democratic Party's logos on a red background, the stage was set for a redder than red debate. Red was everywhere, reflected in the thick glasses of Bernie Sanders and in the garish red lipstick around Hillary Clinton's orifice of lies, and in their clamorous rants about Wall Street and the evils of capitalism that could have come from a back alley Communist pamphleteer in the 50s.

Bernie Sanders promised to end “a rigged economy” with Socialism, which is the very definition of a rigged economy. Both candidates showed their Socialist bona fides by rattling off the names of the corporations they hated the most. Bernie Sanders cheered normalizing relations with Cuba, ridiculing the idea that being Communist is objectionable. But he did express some concerns about the nuclear weapons being held by his fellow Socialists in the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea.

NBC’s Chuck Todd, who was born for Archie Bunker to call him “Meathead”, and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, whose giant fake eyelashes made it impossible for her to wear her trademark glasses, moderated a debate that had no reason for existing because none of the participants had developed a new idea since the 1970s (and in Bernie Sander’ case, possibly even the 1870s) and were just yelling the same things that they had yelled at all the previous debates, only louder, as if we hadn’t heard them the first time. The MSNBC audience applauded every line as if it were the only job they were qualified for.

Except maybe teaching gender justice or reviewing organic cruelty-free smoothie places on Yelp.

Meanwhile Bernie Sanders picked his ear and Hillary Clinton nodded frantically during every question as if she were a bobblehead doll that had come to life and wanted to go right from plastic to president.

Anyone who had the misfortune to sit, stand or sleep through the previous Democratic debates kept hearing the same tired lines both candidates have been repeating for months; rigged economy, Donald Trump's kids, the middle class bailed out Wall Street, a progressive is someone who gets thing done, political revolution, not radical ideas, not only did I vote against the bill and “Moozlimb” countries.

Maybe it’s too much to expect two career leftists with a combined total age of 142 to come up with any new ideas, but would it really have killed Bernie and Hillary to come up with some new lines?

Instead the future of the Democratic Party recited their memorized lines and rants from the previous debates. It got so bad that in response to a question about Afghanistan, Bernie Sanders reeled off the same exact rant about ISIS, Muslim souls and the King of Jordan that he had recited in the last debate until Chuck Todd gave up on the senile Socialist as a hopeless case and switched to Hillary Clinton.

The only thing that Bernie Sanders appeared to know about foreign policy was that Hillary Clinton had voted for the Iraq War twelve years ago and he hadn’t. That is the only thing he will ever know.

Don’t ask Bernie Sanders to find Afghanistan, Iran or Ukraine on a map. But wake him up in the middle of the night and he’ll tell you that he voted against the Iraq War and that we need to raise taxes.

But what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders lacked in the way of ideas, they more than made up for in volume. Hillary Clinton screamed, "I can get things done" as if she were pitching a product on an infomercial. Bernie Sanders ran his own telethon, stumbling over words as he boasted how much moolah he had taken in, “a million people” and “27 bucks a piece”.

Eat your heart out, Wall Street. Bernie is better at suckering small-time investors than you are.


There was no truth in the New Hampshire Democratic debate, but it was child’s play to spot the three biggest lies.

“I say what I believe,” Hillary Clinton said. And somehow, no one laughed.

“I have been moved by my heart,” Hillary Clinton said in her closing statement. “I will bring my heart with me.” Medical records have already revealed that Hillary Clinton has no heart.

“I love this country,” Bernie Sanders said. And for once, someone else beat Hillary in a lying contest.

Bernie Sanders Beats Hillary in a Lying Contest
This is the party of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, FDR and JFK.

What the hell happened that this party can't come up with decent candidates?
Who Wants to Be America's Top Socialist: Wisconsin Edition
The only thing we have to fear are senile leftists repeating memorized speeches.
February 12, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Despite the mutual hateful glares, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders had very little to disagree over that didn’t involve Henry Kissinger. They repeatedly pronounced their agreement with each other so many times that even their supporters had to wonder why they should even bother voting.

Half the time Bernie Sanders was repeating the same things Hillary Clinton had just said, only angrier and with arm movements that were unintentionally directing an orchestra playing The Internationale.

And, appropriately enough, Sanders opposed trade with every country except Communist Cuba.

Hillary Clinton strived to portray Bernie Sanders as a single-issue candidate who was unable to address the full intersectional binders of women, black people, Latinos and the LGBT community. Bernie Sanders responded by arguing that he will improve race relations by taking away tax breaks from the rich.

Bernie Sanders chewed up and spit out his stump speech in new and exciting ways, sometimes he ranted about Wall Street before promising to free all the criminals while reminding everyone that he had voted against the Iraq War, other times he promised to free criminals before vowing to lock up Wall Street and reminded everyone that he had voted against the Iraq War.

Hillary Clinton tried to see how many times she could mention “structural racism” for a social justice drinking game. “I am not asking people to support me because I'm a woman,” she claimed. And that’s true. This is what her surrogates keep doing when they threaten women with hell if they don’t vote for her. Like her SuperPACs, this has nothing to do with her and she’s also shocked at all the gambling going on at Rick’s Cafe.

There was one relevant question. In an unprecedented move, Hillary Clinton was asked about taking money from George Soros. And you didn’t have to be the old Nazi collaborator himself to gamble correctly that she would duck the question like the world’s tallest man at a limbo contest.

The first rule of puppetry is never admit to the existence of the puppeteer. And despite Bernie’s hollow rants about the 1 percent, he never spoke the name of the progressive Voldemort either.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," Sanders said, quoting FDR, before calling for redefining the role of government, but the debate suggested at least two other things that Americans should also fear.

Who Wants to Be America's Top Socialist: Wisconsin Edition
DNC Chair Tries To Explain Why Hillary Got Same Number Of Delegates As Bernie In NH, Despite Crushing Loss

“Unpledged delegates exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists. We are as a Democratic Party really highlight and emphasize inclusiveness and diversity at our convention and so we want to give every opportunity to grass roots activists and diverse, committed Democrats to be able to participate, attend, and be a delegate at the convention. And so we separate out those, those unpledged delegates to make sure that there isn’t competition between them.”

She basically admitted that the entire process is rigged for Democratic Party insiders. I suppose Wasserman Schultz thought if she threw the words “inclusiveness” and “diversity” in there, young progressive millennials would accept her explanation and move on. (And she’s probably right.)

“I’m not sure that, that answer would satisfy an anxious young voter but let’s move on,” Tapper said.

See for yourself.

DNC Chair Tries To Explain Why Hillary Got Same Number Of Delegates As Bernie In NH, Despite Crushing Loss - Chicks On The Right
Pretty likely scenario if Bernie gets elected. He's 74-years-old, chances are he won't survive his first term.
Pretty likely scenario if Bernie gets elected. He's 74-years-old, chances are he won't survive his first term.

Do you also assume that everyone your age is in exactly the same state of health? Bernie's only four years old than Trump, and two years older than McCain when he was running.
Sanders outspent Her 2-1 in Nevada and still got his ass kicked:haha:, and is going to get smashed in South Carolina, then on to Super Tuesday..



Sanders 60?:funnyface:

The 76 year old Socialist is getting BERNED:itsok:bye bye old man..

"I'll kick the shat out of either of them"
Sanders Camp Defends 'Excuse Me, I'm Talking' Moment During Debate

2 / 26

Talking Points Memo
Caitlin MacNeal 3 hrs ago

Following the Democratic presidential debate in Flint, Michigan, on Sunday night, Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) presidential campaign defended a comment made by the senator when Hillary Clinton attempted to interject while he was responding.

"I think Bernie was being himself, I think he’s a real person," Tad Devine, a top strategist with the Sanders campaign, told Buzzfeed News. "Some people may not like the way he wags his finger. That’s who he is. But we’re not going to try to change anything about him. Because I’ll tell you, the thing that’s connecting with him is his honesty, his authenticity, and the fact that he his who he is."

During a discussion on the auto industry, Clinton started to interject while Sanders was speaking.

"Excuse me, I'm talking," Sanders told Clinton. "I will tell my story and you tell yours."

Sanders' comment was characterized as "cringe worthy" by Clinton allies following the debate.


Sanders Camp Defends 'Excuse Me, I'm Talking' Moment During Debate


Sanders, Clinton on Race Issues: Whites Don't Know What It's Like To Lose Kids, Be Poor

Right. Only blacks know about that.
Tiffany Gabbay


Where would Democrats be if they could not pander to minorities?

During CNN's debate Sunday evening, moderator Don Lemon asked candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about their so-called "racial blindspots."

While none of us would be shocked that pandering ensued, none of us was quite prepared for socialist Sen. Sanders' assertion that white people "don't know what it's like to be poor."

I guess Bernie did not read the memo that, in fact, most living at or below the poverty line in America are white.

Yes, as of our 2013 census, some 19 million of America's poor are white - that's 8 million more than poor African Americans and 5 million more poor Latinos.


Sanders, Clinton on Race Issues: Whites Don't Know What It's Like To Lose Kids, Be Poor
Clinton to Sanders: Give Up
Campaign says senator has no chance to win.
Brian Lilley

Hillary Clinton has stopped the momentum of the "Bern" when it comes to the presidential primary. Sanders won the Michigan primary last week but this week watched as Clinton swept Ohio, Florida, Missouri, North Carolina and Illinois.

Now the Washington Times reports that the Clinton camp is saying it is time for Sanders to quit:


Clinton to Sanders: Give Up
"Hopefully we can have a good argument sometime in the near future"
-- Hillary Clinton; to Saul Alinsky (1971)
Both are chumps...
Immigration Law Enforcement Is Not About Xenophobia But Commonsense
Clinton and Sanders promote security for themselves -- but not ordinary Americans.
March 23, 2016
Michael Cutler

Time and again throughout their campaigns for the presidency, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have accused those who want our borders to be secured and our immigration laws enforced of being racists and xenophobes.

Recently, Hillary Clinton made a remark about the need to not build walls but build bridges.

Both candidates seek to reside in what is arguably the most fortified house in the United States: the White House. The White House has tall steel fences and gates and is protected by a phalanx of highly trained, highly skilled and heavily armed Secret Service agents.

On those extremely rare occasions when intruders have managed to breach the ring of security around the White House, news organizations promptly made those events the lead story for their newspapers and programs.

However, it is not very likely that either Bernie or Hillary would suggest removing any of the essential security assets employed by the Secret Service to provide protection and security for the occupants of the White House.

Our nation's borders and immigration laws are similarly supposed to provide safety and security for America and Americans. Yet Sanders and Clinton mock calls to protect our nation.

Our immigration laws are completely and utterly blind as to race, religion and ethnicity and only make one distinction -- the distinction between United States citizens and foreign nationals (aliens).

I began my thirty-year career with the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) as an Immigration Inspector assigned to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. I remained in that position for about four years before I moved on to becoming an INS Special Agent.

Our immigration laws were the absolute guide that determined whether or not to admit an alien into the United States. We conducted the inspection to make certain that aliens did not belong to one or more classes of aliens who are statutorily excludible and that they will likely not violate the terms of their admission.

Title 8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens enumerates the categories of aliens who are to be excluded from the United States. Among these categories are aliens who were previously deported (removed), aliens who suffer from dangerous communicable diseases or are severely mentally ill and prone to violence, and aliens who are criminals, spies, war criminals, human rights violators or terrorists. Additionally excluded are aliens who would likely become public charges or work illegally, thereby displacing and suppressing the wages of American workers and lawful immigrant workers.


Clinton and Sanders have both called for “wage equality.”

I addressed what this would really mean in my December 29, 2015 article for FrontPage Magazine, “The Wage Equality Deception- The veiled attack on the middle class.

John Adams was right: Facts are stubborn things.

Immigration Law Enforcement Is Not About Xenophobia But Commonsense
That's because they are in the top 1%, ain't that some shit, demorats voting for 1%ters...:lmao:
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Can't Figure Out How to Ride the Subway
April 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

3 out of 4 of the leading candidates in this race are from New York. Which is a bad thing because New York is a failed city full of obnoxious people from other parts of the country that gets by on tourism.

Hillary Clinton, an obnoxious person from another part of the country who once claimed to be a Yankees fan, and Bernie Sanders, an obnoxious New Yorker who moved to Vermont despite having absolutely no ability to survive in a rural environment without government money, can't figure out how to ride the New York City subway.

They tried to show that they were ordinary people just like the rest of us. Ordinary people who fly chartered jets and can't figure out how to get through a turnstile.

Bernie Sanders doesn't understand the subway at all.


You use a MetroCard, which is a thin slip of yellow plastic that costs a dollar, plus whatever the inflated fare is, and can't be scanned by the turnstile. Here's Hillary Clinton trying to get into the subway with a MetroCard as if it were a classified email server.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Can't Figure Out How to Ride the Subway
This is the party of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, FDR and JFK.

What the hell happened that this party can't come up with decent candidates?

Well, they are up against a party that has a Senator that can't work with other Senators, a Governor who couldn't beat defunct candidate Marco Rubio in Wisconsin, and an internet troll. So not much room to talk on the other side, eh.
Bernie better stop his hurtful rhetoric on Mrs. BJ...or she is going to cry.

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