Bernie wants a $7.20 minimum wage

What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

Public health care saves money and does not cost more.
No interest tuition is the way it used to be, and in fact, many states had free college tuition 50 years ago.
the biggest expense for the federal government is the military, and Sanders wants to reduce that, so his budget would be smaller than Trump's, not larger.

Many states did have free college tuition. Again, Sanders is simply wanting to either expand or do what we have in the past. It's not something radical. But it should be noted, it's not "free". It will be paid for and those who get the education will in large numbers pay after they move into the job markets.
Yes it is Radical. How is my paying for Your College going to Save Me Money?

Why should we give these Reckless Overpaid Libtard Administrators and Their Colleges MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS?

They have already shown that they abuse our tax dollars and are more interested in indoctrinating students in liberal ideology than providing them with a useful education and a marketable degree. Why should we give Millionaires and Billion Dollar Colleges more of our tax dollars?

If you want to do something about College Costs, declare it a Utility and only allow them to increase tuition at the rate of inflation and put salary caps on Professors, and Administrator's Salaries.
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No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

Public health care saves money and does not cost more.
No interest tuition is the way it used to be, and in fact, many states had free college tuition 50 years ago.
the biggest expense for the federal government is the military, and Sanders wants to reduce that, so his budget would be smaller than Trump's, not larger.
$200 Trillion in Reckless Spending in an Economy with just a $20 Trillion GDP will not save Taxpayers Money. We have to borrow all that money and pay interest on it FOREVER as we will NEVER be able to pay it back.

You are going to increase my taxes and force me to pay for Illegals, and their Children, Non Working Lazy Mo Fos, and Drug Addicts, and other Slothful People to give them Free Shit, that I get The Bill For?

How is my paying for a bunch of free loaders going to save ME MONEY?

All Socialists, Communists, Nazis, are Liars because they Lie about how much their Programs
Cost. All they want is to get their foot in to your door so they can rob your house blind.

That is silly.
Illegals pay more in taxes so cost you nothing, but generate a profit instead.
Those who do not work get nothing in the US.
The only exception are the disabled and Aid to Dependent Children.
Drug addicts earn money until we arrest them, so we should stop arresting them.

You are totally confused.
For example, socialists and Nazis are exact opposites and mortal enemies.
Socialists are left wing, and Nazis are right wing.
$200 Trillion in spending and The Economy Killing Taxes that go with it, in just a $20 Trillion Economy will completely destroy our Economy.

Your Degree will be worth nothing and you will be begging in the streets for food with all the rich who were made paupers by this kind of wealth grab.

We are already $23 Trillion in Debt from The Commie LibTard war on Poverty which did nothing but make Leftist Commie-Socialist Politicians and Bureacrats Rich.

Wrong.....again Communists and Socialists are just different sides of the same coin.
there are only 3 socialist countries in the world: North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela!

these countries are a complete fucking mess!

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

This is known as a false premise argument.
There is No False Premise. Simple Math.

The Democrats and Sanders are Advocating adding an Additional $200 Trillion in spending, and with it Burdensome, Oppressive Taxes.

Our Economy is only $20 Trillion.

Yet Sanders and The Democrats want to pay for Soviet Union style cradle to grave programs and want to Nationalize our economy to pay for it.

The Green New Scam alone is $93 Trillion and the loss of millions of jobs. Are you Insane?

Then you add in Free College, Free Housing, Free Healthcare, Free Day Care, Guaranteed Income.

All of these Soviet Style Commie Programs add up Initially to $200 Trillion Dollars.

There is not enough wealth in America to even start this crap up, let alone sustain it all after it is up and running.

Bernie is doing what The Soviet Union refused to do, NUKE AMERICA.

Totally wrong.
Sanders has proposed NO new programs except health care and tuition, and that would result in less federal spending than now.
The Green Deal, free college, free day care, and guaranteed income are not Sanders.
You should be able to easily tell these are not Sanders proposals because not only would they all have to be done at the state level, but Sanders has never done anything like that in Vermont, where he easily could have.
Wrong, Sanders is down with EVERY SINGLE One of these Programs.

We should be cutting Government Spending like The President's new Budget Proposes with a gradual spend down and eventual chance at a balanced budget, and pay down the debt.
No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

This is known as a false premise argument.
There is No False Premise. Simple Math.

The Democrats and Sanders are Advocating adding an Additional $200 Trillion in spending, and with it Burdensome, Oppressive Taxes.

Our Economy is only $20 Trillion.

Yet Sanders and The Democrats want to pay for Soviet Union style cradle to grave programs and want to Nationalize our economy to pay for it.

The Green New Scam alone is $93 Trillion and the loss of millions of jobs. Are you Insane?

Then you add in Free College, Free Housing, Free Healthcare, Free Day Care, Guaranteed Income.

All of these Soviet Style Commie Programs add up Initially to $200 Trillion Dollars.

There is not enough wealth in America to even start this crap up, let alone sustain it all after it is up and running.

Bernie is doing what The Soviet Union refused to do, NUKE AMERICA.

Totally wrong.
Sanders has proposed NO new programs except health care and tuition, and that would result in less federal spending than now.
The Green Deal, free college, free day care, and guaranteed income are not Sanders.
You should be able to easily tell these are not Sanders proposals because not only would they all have to be done at the state level, but Sanders has never done anything like that in Vermont, where he easily could have.
Wrong, Sanders is down with EVERY SINGLE One of these Programs.

We should be cutting Government Spending like The President's new Budget Proposes with a gradual spend down and eventual chance at a balanced budget, and pay down the debt.

His budget increases the debt.
What other discussion? Sanders is an open socialist. You’re trying to take the debate sideways because you lost.

Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

1) Sanders doesn’t have a concrete plan to pay for his wishful Socialist ideas.

2) Military spend creates millions of jobs and is innovative.

How are we going to pay for it? As an aside, you are arguing to kill tens of thousands of innocent people to create jobs. That is a thoroughly disgusting position to take.

3) It’s not Trumps fault we are stuck in endless wars. He has tried to pull out but his generals suggest otherwise.

It's his call. He is the president. It's sad how nothing is ever his fault.

4) Banks did repay TARP. You said they didn’t.

No, I said it was paid back with other government programs that were never paid back.

5) Entitlement spend is the real issue.

Anything I missed?

Banks paid everything back and more and there is zero democratic about Socialism and Sanders is a communist anyway. You’re just making stuff up now. I work in the banking market and banks have repaid all their capital injections with interest and quicker than initially anticipated.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I Don't Mind People ... Calling Me a Communist'

I explained how it was paid back. You refuse to acknowledge that.
It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

Banks didn't fail. The TARP was there to encourage them to lend. Your information is all wrong.
Banks paid everything back and more and there is zero democratic about Socialism and Sanders is a communist anyway. You’re just making stuff up now. I work in the banking market and banks have repaid all their capital injections with interest and quicker than initially anticipated.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I Don't Mind People ... Calling Me a Communist'

I explained how it was paid back. You refuse to acknowledge that.
It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

It was a quid pro quo. Socialism bailed the banks out.

Bullshit. They didn't need a bail out. You mean investment banks? You are either uninformed or straight out lying.
Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

Many still would have been able to pay their loans. They should have been able to refinance at the current lower rates. The banks despite having these very same people bail them out would not do that because they said they were upside down on their loans.

They might have been but again, these very people bailed the banks out and then the banks forclosed on their homes.

Many times illegally.

NO ONE BAILED COMMERCIAL BANKS OUT!!! What are you talking about?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
You could take all of the wealthy people' money and it still wouldn't be enough.

You can address what I said or not. Why is it that only a few should benefit from the creation of billions and billions when they do nothing to get that wealth?
You cannot be that stupid? The rich do nothing? You're clueless.

For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

Billions and billions it would seem.
They take billions and billions and waste it.
Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

How are we going to pay for it? As an aside, you are arguing to kill tens of thousands of innocent people to create jobs. That is a thoroughly disgusting position to take.

It's his call. He is the president. It's sad how nothing is ever his fault.

No, I said it was paid back with other government programs that were never paid back.

Banks paid everything back and more and there is zero democratic about Socialism and Sanders is a communist anyway. You’re just making stuff up now. I work in the banking market and banks have repaid all their capital injections with interest and quicker than initially anticipated.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I Don't Mind People ... Calling Me a Communist'

I explained how it was paid back. You refuse to acknowledge that.
It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

Banks didn't fail. The TARP was there to encourage them to lend. Your information is all wrong.

Lol....people weren't lacking from the ability to get a loan. Nobody wanted a loan.
I explained how it was paid back. You refuse to acknowledge that.
It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

It was a quid pro quo. Socialism bailed the banks out.

Bullshit. They didn't need a bail out. You mean investment banks? You are either uninformed or straight out lying.

No, they didn't. It was just an excuse to give them billions of dollars to pump up the markets.

In reality it was the markets that needed "bailed out".
Banks paid everything back and more and there is zero democratic about Socialism and Sanders is a communist anyway. You’re just making stuff up now. I work in the banking market and banks have repaid all their capital injections with interest and quicker than initially anticipated.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I Don't Mind People ... Calling Me a Communist'

I explained how it was paid back. You refuse to acknowledge that.
It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

Banks didn't fail. The TARP was there to encourage them to lend. Your information is all wrong.

Lol....people weren't lacking from the ability to get a loan. Nobody wanted a loan.

Corporate debt and banks were not lending as there was too much uncertainty so Gov't put in monies to get banks lending again but it didn't work. Do not take offense at this but you are very uninformed on this matter and just plain wrong. I was working in the market at the time and saw this happen firsthand.
It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

Many still would have been able to pay their loans. They should have been able to refinance at the current lower rates. The banks despite having these very same people bail them out would not do that because they said they were upside down on their loans.

They might have been but again, these very people bailed the banks out and then the banks forclosed on their homes.

Many times illegally.

NO ONE BAILED COMMERCIAL BANKS OUT!!! What are you talking about?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

They got bought up when they were unable to meet the requirements of Dodd/Frank.
It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

It was a quid pro quo. Socialism bailed the banks out.

Bullshit. They didn't need a bail out. You mean investment banks? You are either uninformed or straight out lying.

No, they didn't. It was just an excuse to give them billions of dollars to pump up the markets.

In reality it was the markets that needed "bailed out".

The banks didn't want the capital! It was forced upon them to force them to lend and end the recession. There was no bail out. What on Earth are you talking about? Bear Stearns and Lehman actually failed!
I explained how it was paid back. You refuse to acknowledge that.
It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

Banks didn't fail. The TARP was there to encourage them to lend. Your information is all wrong.

Lol....people weren't lacking from the ability to get a loan. Nobody wanted a loan.

Corporate debt and banks were not lending as there was too much uncertainty so Gov't put in monies to get banks lending again but it didn't work. Do not take offense at this but you are very uninformed on this matter and just plain wrong. I was working in the market at the time and saw this happen firsthand.

It didn't work because it was all a lie. If you were working then odds are you should have been charged with a crime.

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