Bernie wants a $7.20 minimum wage

Not only that, but the entire wealth of the people of the United states combined is < 100T

so even taking all of the wealth doesn't work either.

t'he math doesn't fucking work.

Sanders continually explains that his programs save money and therefore cost nothing more.
For example, Medicare for all would cost less than half what we pay now in private health insurance.

It's how it works in other first world countries. I've noted over and over the argument is that the "greatest" country in the world is unable to do what ever other first world country has been able to do.

This says it all:

This chart is not The Total Tax Burden. The AVERAGE American pays 54% of his wages to Federal State and Local.

The Sanders Socialists, want to increase The Total Tax Burden 30%, which means The Average American would be paying 80% of his income in taxes.

Considering that 47% of Americans pay NO TAXES AT ALL in to The System, this is Unacceptable and represents a Financial Collapse for our economy as The Taxpayers will not longer be able to afford to feed, clothe and shelter themselves, while The Non Workers live in relative luxury, and leisure.

No, Sanders consistently has said that by not allowing employers and insurance companies to monopolize health care, we can add the few who would make it free for all, and it would cost us far less.
Sanders has NEVER suggested we should pay any more than we do now.

And by the way, presidents do not get to do anything like this, since it would be Congress and not the president.
Sanders is a Communist who wants to destroy our economy. He is advocating $200 Trillion in spending in just a $20 Trillion GDP economy and increasing American's Total Tax Burden for state, local and federal from 54% to 84%.

Might as well drop a Russian Nuke in to the middle of our economy if that Fool is elected.
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It was paid back with debt and equity issuances aka the private sector. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Banks are vital to the US. They are our engine to economic success.

Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

Many still would have been able to pay their loans. They should have been able to refinance at the current lower rates. The banks despite having these very same people bail them out would not do that because they said they were upside down on their loans.

They might have been but again, these very people bailed the banks out and then the banks forclosed on their homes.

Many times illegally.
You could take all of the wealthy people' money and it still wouldn't be enough.

You can address what I said or not. Why is it that only a few should benefit from the creation of billions and billions when they do nothing to get that wealth?
You cannot be that stupid? The rich do nothing? You're clueless.

For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
Sanders continually explains that his programs save money and therefore cost nothing more.
For example, Medicare for all would cost less than half what we pay now in private health insurance.

It's how it works in other first world countries. I've noted over and over the argument is that the "greatest" country in the world is unable to do what ever other first world country has been able to do.

This says it all:

This chart is not The Total Tax Burden. The AVERAGE American pays 54% of his wages to Federal State and Local.

The Sanders Socialists, want to increase The Total Tax Burden 30%, which means The Average American would be paying 80% of his income in taxes.

Considering that 47% of Americans pay NO TAXES AT ALL in to The System, this is Unacceptable and represents a Financial Collapse for our economy as The Taxpayers will not longer be able to afford to feed, clothe and shelter themselves, while The Non Workers live in relative luxury, and leisure.

No, Sanders consistently has said that by not allowing employers and insurance companies to monopolize health care, we can add the few who would make it free for all, and it would cost us far less.
Sanders has NEVER suggested we should pay any more than we do now.

And by the way, presidents do not get to do anything like this, since it would be Congress and not the president.
Sanders is a Communist who wants to destroy our economy. He is advocating $200 Trillion in spending in just a $20 Trillion GDP economy and increasing American's Total Tax Burden for state, local and federal from 54% to 84%.

Might as well drop a Russian Nuke in to the middle of our economy is that Fool is elected.

That is just all wrong.
First of all Sanders is a socialist, not a communist.
Second is that he is fiscally conservative and does not believe that a budget that is unbalanced is legal.
He has never advocated spending more than we take in.
Health care reforms he suggest would save us hundreds of billions.
Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

You couldn't be more wrong on pretty much everything you wrote.

Go watch The Big Short. That is the most accurate description of what happened.

The "Libor Cheating" as you put it didn't come to a head until 2012. Five years after the balloon popped.

What did the Big Short show? It showed that banks like Goldman Sachs knew it was all going to collapse so they sold off bad investments as good as quickly as they could.

Those who exposed the issue were stumped as to why nothing was being done. The banks needed time to sell off their bad investments. Blankfein should have went to prison for fraud.
Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

Many still would have been able to pay their loans. They should have been able to refinance at the current lower rates. The banks despite having these very same people bail them out would not do that because they said they were upside down on their loans.

They might have been but again, these very people bailed the banks out and then the banks forclosed on their homes.

Many times illegally.

Yes, Bush and Obama both should have bailed out the home owners instead of the banks.
What caused it to drag out so long was that by not bailing out the home owners, so many went into foreclosure, that the value of the homes the banks used to calculate assets were insufficient to allow the banks to make any new loans.
Essentially the banks were shooting themselves in the foot by foreclosing on so many, all at once.
It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

You couldn't be more wrong on pretty much everything you wrote.

Go watch The Big Short. That is the most accurate description of what happened.

The "Libor Cheating" as you put it didn't come to a head until 2012. Five years after the balloon popped.

What did the Big Short show? It showed that banks like Goldman Sachs knew it was all going to collapse so they sold off bad investments as good as quickly as they could.

Those who exposed the issue were stumped as to why nothing was being done. The banks needed time to sell off their bad investments. Blankfein should have went to prison for fraud.

Yep. All because of CDO's, greed and corruption. A lot of people should have gone to jail. They were forced to mark to market. That's when the shit hit the fan. It's the biggest drawback of capitalism, but there isn't another system that lifts more people out of poverty. Not even close.
Sanders and The Democrats are out to Bankrupt America.

You cannot extract $200 Trillion of Government Spending out of just a $20 Trillion Economy.

Not only that, but the entire wealth of the people of the United states combined is < 100T

so even taking all of the wealth doesn't work either.

t'he math doesn't fucking work.

Sanders continually explains that his programs save money and therefore cost nothing more.
For example, Medicare for all would cost less than half what we pay now in private health insurance.

Sad part is that you believe we can go down that path and not bankrupt our country.

We are 23 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Odd how it is that the endless wars are not going bankrupt us but making sure everyone can afford medical care will.
How is Sanders adding $200 Trillion to The National Debt and burdening The Taxpayer with unsustainable taxes going to slow down the debt?

Our GDP is only $20 Trillion and you want to wreck our economy with a $200 Trillion Tax Burden?

Are you going to borrow that $200 Trillion from The Chinese?

You don't care about the debt so I have no reason to be concerned either. I'm just following Trump's lead.

""Who the hell cares about the budget? We're going to have a country."
Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

You couldn't be more wrong on pretty much everything you wrote.

Go watch The Big Short. That is the most accurate description of what happened.

The "Libor Cheating" as you put it didn't come to a head until 2012. Five years after the balloon popped.

What did the Big Short show? It showed that banks like Goldman Sachs knew it was all going to collapse so they sold off bad investments as good as quickly as they could.

Those who exposed the issue were stumped as to why nothing was being done. The banks needed time to sell off their bad investments. Blankfein should have went to prison for fraud.

Yep. All because of CDO's, greed and corruption. A lot of people should have gone to jail. They were forced to mark to market. That's when the shit hit the fan. It's the biggest drawback of capitalism, but there isn't another system that lifts more people out of poverty. Not even close.

Capitalism is a powerful engine, but needs constant and careful regulation to prevent abuses and collapses.
Right, you support bailing out the banks even though they failed which is how capitalism works but you say you support capitalism. You do not.

It wasnt capitalism that failed. It was easy financing and a bundle of lies. Wasn't capitalism. Once again, your inability to think critically has caused you to arrive at your mistaken drivel.

Yes it was capitalism that failed when the real estate housing market dropped.
The buyers had been sold deliberately deceptive adjustable mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, and then the LIBOR was fraudulently manipulated to almost double their payments.
The LIBOR Scandal

No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

You couldn't be more wrong on pretty much everything you wrote.

Go watch The Big Short. That is the most accurate description of what happened.

The "Libor Cheating" as you put it didn't come to a head until 2012. Five years after the balloon popped.

The big Libor cheat did not get exposed until 2012, but it was exactly what caused the mortgage defaults in 2008.
The buyers had been able to pay their mortgage for years.
But their payments suddenly almost doubled.
If their ARM financing had been based on the US prime, then the recession would have lowered their rates instead of raising them.
Who ever heard of mortgage rates increasing due to a recession?
It should not have taken 4 years for this fraud to have finally been exposed.
You can address what I said or not. Why is it that only a few should benefit from the creation of billions and billions when they do nothing to get that wealth?
You cannot be that stupid? The rich do nothing? You're clueless.

For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?
No, it wasn't.

Its well documented that it was the LIBOR cheating that caused it all.
It could not have been the fault of giving loans to people who could not afford it because they paid their mortgages for many years previously, without a problem. And it was Bush borrowing trillions that tightened up the credit market, which is also a fault of capitalism.

You couldn't be more wrong on pretty much everything you wrote.

Go watch The Big Short. That is the most accurate description of what happened.

The "Libor Cheating" as you put it didn't come to a head until 2012. Five years after the balloon popped.

What did the Big Short show? It showed that banks like Goldman Sachs knew it was all going to collapse so they sold off bad investments as good as quickly as they could.

Those who exposed the issue were stumped as to why nothing was being done. The banks needed time to sell off their bad investments. Blankfein should have went to prison for fraud.

Yep. All because of CDO's, greed and corruption. A lot of people should have gone to jail. They were forced to mark to market. That's when the shit hit the fan. It's the biggest drawback of capitalism, but there isn't another system that lifts more people out of poverty. Not even close.

Capitalism is a powerful engine, but needs constant and careful regulation to prevent abuses and collapses.
$200 Trillion in spending and taxes by Sanders will cause our economy to collapse as our GDP is only $20 Trillion.
You cannot be that stupid? The rich do nothing? You're clueless.

For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

This is known as a false premise argument.
Not only that, but the entire wealth of the people of the United states combined is < 100T

so even taking all of the wealth doesn't work either.

t'he math doesn't fucking work.

Sanders continually explains that his programs save money and therefore cost nothing more.
For example, Medicare for all would cost less than half what we pay now in private health insurance.

Sad part is that you believe we can go down that path and not bankrupt our country.

We are 23 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Odd how it is that the endless wars are not going bankrupt us but making sure everyone can afford medical care will.
How is Sanders adding $200 Trillion to The National Debt and burdening The Taxpayer with unsustainable taxes going to slow down the debt?

Our GDP is only $20 Trillion and you want to wreck our economy with a $200 Trillion Tax Burden?

Are you going to borrow that $200 Trillion from The Chinese?

You don't care about the debt so I have no reason to be concerned either. I'm just following Trump's lead.

""Who the hell cares about the budget? We're going to have a country."
$200 Trillion in Sanders Spending and Taxes will make our money worth less than a sheet of toilet paper.

Then again, I believe this is Sanders Plan, to Bankrupt America.
For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

This is known as a false premise argument.
There is No False Premise. Simple Math.

The Democrats and Sanders are Advocating adding an Additional $200 Trillion in spending, and with it Burdensome, Oppressive Taxes.

Our Economy is only $20 Trillion.

Yet Sanders and The Democrats want to pay for Soviet Union style cradle to grave programs and want to Nationalize our economy to pay for it.

The Green New Scam alone is $93 Trillion and the loss of millions of jobs. Are you Insane?

Then you add in Free College, Free Housing, Free Healthcare, Free Day Care, Guaranteed Income.

All of these Soviet Style Commie Programs add up Initially to $200 Trillion Dollars.

There is not enough wealth in America to even start this crap up, let alone sustain it all after it is up and running.

Bernie is doing what The Soviet Union refused to do, NUKE AMERICA.
You cannot be that stupid? The rich do nothing? You're clueless.

For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

Public health care saves money and does not cost more.
No interest tuition is the way it used to be, and in fact, many states had free college tuition 50 years ago.
the biggest expense for the federal government is the military, and Sanders wants to reduce that, so his budget would be smaller than Trump's, not larger.
For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

Public health care saves money and does not cost more.
No interest tuition is the way it used to be, and in fact, many states had free college tuition 50 years ago.
the biggest expense for the federal government is the military, and Sanders wants to reduce that, so his budget would be smaller than Trump's, not larger.

Many states did have free college tuition. Again, Sanders is simply wanting to either expand or do what we have in the past. It's not something radical. But it should be noted, it's not "free". It will be paid for and those who get the education will in large numbers pay after they move into the job markets.
For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

Public health care saves money and does not cost more.
No interest tuition is the way it used to be, and in fact, many states had free college tuition 50 years ago.
the biggest expense for the federal government is the military, and Sanders wants to reduce that, so his budget would be smaller than Trump's, not larger.
$200 Trillion in Reckless Spending in an Economy with just a $20 Trillion GDP will not save Taxpayers Money. We have to borrow all that money and pay interest on it FOREVER as we will NEVER be able to pay it back.

You are going to increase my taxes and force me to pay for Illegals, and their Children, Non Working Lazy Mo Fos, and Drug Addicts, and other Slothful People to give them Free Shit, that I get The Bill For?

How is my paying for a bunch of free loaders going to save ME MONEY?

All Socialists, Communists, Nazis, are Liars because they Lie about how much their Programs
Cost. All they want is to get their foot in to your door so they can rob your house blind.
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

This is known as a false premise argument.
There is No False Premise. Simple Math.

The Democrats and Sanders are Advocating adding an Additional $200 Trillion in spending, and with it Burdensome, Oppressive Taxes.

Our Economy is only $20 Trillion.

Yet Sanders and The Democrats want to pay for Soviet Union style cradle to grave programs and want to Nationalize our economy to pay for it.

The Green New Scam alone is $93 Trillion and the loss of millions of jobs. Are you Insane?

Then you add in Free College, Free Housing, Free Healthcare, Free Day Care, Guaranteed Income.

All of these Soviet Style Commie Programs add up Initially to $200 Trillion Dollars.

There is not enough wealth in America to even start this crap up, let alone sustain it all after it is up and running.

Bernie is doing what The Soviet Union refused to do, NUKE AMERICA.

Totally wrong.
Sanders has proposed NO new programs except health care and tuition, and that would result in less federal spending than now.
The Green Deal, free college, free day care, and guaranteed income are not Sanders.
You should be able to easily tell these are not Sanders proposals because not only would they all have to be done at the state level, but Sanders has never done anything like that in Vermont, where he easily could have.
What does the goverment creat?

No, government creates vital infrastructure that allows all other enterprises to function.
How are you going to pay for Infrastructure by Bankrupting America with $200 Trillion in spending by Sanders when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP Economy?

Public health care saves money and does not cost more.
No interest tuition is the way it used to be, and in fact, many states had free college tuition 50 years ago.
the biggest expense for the federal government is the military, and Sanders wants to reduce that, so his budget would be smaller than Trump's, not larger.
$200 Trillion in Reckless Spending in an Economy with just a $20 Trillion GDP will not save Taxpayers Money. We have to borrow all that money and pay interest on it FOREVER as we will NEVER be able to pay it back.

You are going to increase my taxes and force me to pay for Illegals, and their Children, Non Working Lazy Mo Fos, and Drug Addicts, and other Slothful People to give them Free Shit, that I get The Bill For?

How is my paying for a bunch of free loaders going to save ME MONEY?

All Socialists, Communists, Nazis, are Liars because they Lie about how much their Programs
Cost. All they want is to get their foot in to your door so they can rob your house blind.

That is silly.
Illegals pay more in taxes so cost you nothing, but generate a profit instead.
Those who do not work get nothing in the US.
The only exception are the disabled and Aid to Dependent Children.
Drug addicts earn money until we arrest them, so we should stop arresting them.

You are totally confused.
For example, socialists and Nazis are exact opposites and mortal enemies.
Socialists are left wing, and Nazis are right wing.

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