Bernie wants a $7.20 minimum wage

So easily duped you are.

Did Sanders Propose Raising Taxes to 52% on Incomes Over $29,000?

The thing is, you knew this had been debunked but still felt like you have to post it.

But lets argue it was true. It's a heck of a deal. Minimum wage now is $7.25. So in this scenario people would get $7.20 but also get health care. That's a really good deal.

According to your article, assuming it is true because Snopes is a far left source:

BUTTIGIEG: [Sanders] was a congressman at the time. And the qualities I admired then are qualities I still respect a great deal. I never said that I agree with every part of his policy views, then or now. But I appreciate that at least he’s straightforward and honest about them. He’s honest about the fact that taxes will go up on anybody making more than $29,000 to fund his health care plan, although, again, a little bit vague about how the rest of that gets …

SANDERS: You’re not being honest. Premiums would be eliminated.

BUTTIGIEG: But you’re still raising those taxes. And when you do it…

SANDERS: But we’re saving people money because they don’t pay any premiums, out-of-pocket expenses, co-payments, or deductibles. They’re going to be much better off. [applause]

BUTTIGIEG: But where is — where is the other $25 trillion supposed to come from? At a certain point, you’ve got to do the math.

SANDERS: Well, we got it all up there on the internet. It’s a payroll tax — a payroll tax…


BUTTIGIEG: Well, no, but even after the payroll tax, you still have a hole.


SANDERS: Because we have a wealth tax. Elizabeth [Warren] has a good one. Ours is a little bit tougher on Mr. Bloomberg than hers. We’re going to raise it in a progressive way, which deals with income and wealth inequality, and makes certain, finally, that health care in this country is a human right, not a privilege.

So Sanders is going to pay for all this from the "rich"? The combined wealth of Billionaires is only $2.4 trillion and could only fund the US federal government about half a year.

Let's say that is true. That is not the claim being made. We give the super rich billions of dollars from the Fed. That should indeed be shared.
You could take all of the wealthy people' money and it still wouldn't be enough.

You can address what I said or not. Why is it that only a few should benefit from the creation of billions and billions when they do nothing to get that wealth?
You cannot be that stupid? The rich do nothing? You're clueless.
I did Answer it? What are you talking about?

You answered how Trump was going to pay for his increased military spending?
I did. I said he is going to cut entitlements and his increase is not that much compared to his predecessor and military spend increases job in the private sector. Do you know how many military sub contractors we have and how many workers they employs? NG, Lockheed, MITRE, etc. and how many sub contractors they employ? Military spend isn’t the issue. It is entitlements and waste spend. If we fire every third person in the EPA, I bet it would function just as well. Same with the IRS.

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
War spend is an issue but now we are pot committed because of Bush and I did not vote for him. I was first eligible to vote in 2000 and voted for Gore. Actually if Clinton had the balls to kill Bin Laden then 9/11 tragedy likely doesn’t happen. Shame on Clinton and shame on Bush. Obama inherited a shit storm and Trump did as well. Endless wars are terrible. Tulsi Gabbard is right and her party buried her.
I did Answer it? What are you talking about?

You answered how Trump was going to pay for his increased military spending?
I did. I said he is going to cut entitlements and his increase is not that much compared to his predecessor and military spend increases job in the private sector. Do you know how many military sub contractors we have and how many workers they employs? NG, Lockheed, MITRE, etc. and how many sub contractors they employ? Military spend isn’t the issue. It is entitlements and waste spend. If we fire every third person in the EPA, I bet it would function just as well. Same with the IRS.

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
You are part of the Problem. Move to Russia and ask Putin to take care of you.
Trump is continuing to spend at Obama's rate.
Yes and that is unfortunate. But he is stuck paying interest on debt he inherited from Bush and Obama

He is doing pretty much the same things Obama did.
So then you vilified Obama for his 8 yrs in office? That is fair. I think it is tough to attack entitlements in ones first term but in his 2nd term, Obama should have. Very disappointing.

I have said many times that I understood why people voted for Bush the first time. Not the second time.

I understood why people voted for Obama the first time, not the second.

Same with Trump. People made the same excuses for Obama. Trump isn't going to follow through either. If you believe something, do it. Don't do the opposite. Trump's budgets are the opposite of what he promised.
Give me a better option. Bernie isn’t it. I do not like or agree with Socialism.

I was just told in another discussion that you are full of crap by saying it's socialism. All the same, you do.
So easily duped you are.

Did Sanders Propose Raising Taxes to 52% on Incomes Over $29,000?

The thing is, you knew this had been debunked but still felt like you have to post it.

But lets argue it was true. It's a heck of a deal. Minimum wage now is $7.25. So in this scenario people would get $7.20 but also get health care. That's a really good deal.

According to your article, assuming it is true because Snopes is a far left source:

BUTTIGIEG: [Sanders] was a congressman at the time. And the qualities I admired then are qualities I still respect a great deal. I never said that I agree with every part of his policy views, then or now. But I appreciate that at least he’s straightforward and honest about them. He’s honest about the fact that taxes will go up on anybody making more than $29,000 to fund his health care plan, although, again, a little bit vague about how the rest of that gets …

SANDERS: You’re not being honest. Premiums would be eliminated.

BUTTIGIEG: But you’re still raising those taxes. And when you do it…

SANDERS: But we’re saving people money because they don’t pay any premiums, out-of-pocket expenses, co-payments, or deductibles. They’re going to be much better off. [applause]

BUTTIGIEG: But where is — where is the other $25 trillion supposed to come from? At a certain point, you’ve got to do the math.

SANDERS: Well, we got it all up there on the internet. It’s a payroll tax — a payroll tax…


BUTTIGIEG: Well, no, but even after the payroll tax, you still have a hole.


SANDERS: Because we have a wealth tax. Elizabeth [Warren] has a good one. Ours is a little bit tougher on Mr. Bloomberg than hers. We’re going to raise it in a progressive way, which deals with income and wealth inequality, and makes certain, finally, that health care in this country is a human right, not a privilege.

So Sanders is going to pay for all this from the "rich"? The combined wealth of Billionaires is only $2.4 trillion and could only fund the US federal government about half a year.

Let's say that is true. That is not the claim being made. We give the super rich billions of dollars from the Fed. That should indeed be shared.
You could take all of the wealthy people' money and it still wouldn't be enough.

You can address what I said or not. Why is it that only a few should benefit from the creation of billions and billions when they do nothing to get that wealth?
You cannot be that stupid? The rich do nothing? You're clueless.

For the billions and billions the Fed creates out of nothing?
But won't tell his brain dead supporters how.

So let me help.

Bernie wants a mandatory minimum wage of $15/hour

Ok, sounds great right?!

$15 x 40 hours/week = $600

$600 x 52 weeks per year = $31,200

Bernie wants free health care for all and was asked how he would pay for it, to which he said he would raise taxes 52% on everyone making over $29,000/year.

52% of 31,200 = $16,224 in tax

$31,200 - $16224 = $14,976 in pay per year

$14,976 divided by 52 weeks = $288 per week

$288 divided by 40 hours = $7.20 per hour

So there you have it. Bernie wants to reduce the minimum wage down to $7.20 per hour.

Unfortunately, most Americans can't do math. All they do know is, Orange Man is bad.

Could you please name a country who taxes there citizens at 52% of their earnings from the first dollar?
Yes and that is unfortunate. But he is stuck paying interest on debt he inherited from Bush and Obama

He is doing pretty much the same things Obama did.
So then you vilified Obama for his 8 yrs in office? That is fair. I think it is tough to attack entitlements in ones first term but in his 2nd term, Obama should have. Very disappointing.

I have said many times that I understood why people voted for Bush the first time. Not the second time.

I understood why people voted for Obama the first time, not the second.

Same with Trump. People made the same excuses for Obama. Trump isn't going to follow through either. If you believe something, do it. Don't do the opposite. Trump's budgets are the opposite of what he promised.
Give me a better option. Bernie isn’t it. I do not like or agree with Socialism.

I was just told in another discussion that you are full of crap by saying it's socialism. All the same, you do.
What other discussion? Sanders is an open socialist. You’re trying to take the debate sideways because you lost.

1) Sanders doesn’t have a concrete plan to pay for his wishful Socialist ideas.

2) Military spend creates millions of jobs and is innovative.

3) It’s not Trumps fault we are stuck in endless wars. He has tried to pull out but his generals suggest otherwise.

4) Banks did repay TARP. You said they didn’t.

5) Entitlement spend is the real issue.

Anything I missed?
Yes and that is unfortunate. But he is stuck paying interest on debt he inherited from Bush and Obama

He is doing pretty much the same things Obama did.
So then you vilified Obama for his 8 yrs in office? That is fair. I think it is tough to attack entitlements in ones first term but in his 2nd term, Obama should have. Very disappointing.

I have said many times that I understood why people voted for Bush the first time. Not the second time.

I understood why people voted for Obama the first time, not the second.

Same with Trump. People made the same excuses for Obama. Trump isn't going to follow through either. If you believe something, do it. Don't do the opposite. Trump's budgets are the opposite of what he promised.
Give me a better option. Bernie isn’t it. I do not like or agree with Socialism.

I was just told in another discussion that you are full of crap by saying it's socialism. All the same, you do.
$23 Trillion wasted on The War on Poverty and all it did was make politicians like Sanders, Clinton & Biden rich. And now you want to spend another $200 Trillion?

Move to Venezuela and report to us how well Socialism is working for you there.
You answered how Trump was going to pay for his increased military spending?
I did. I said he is going to cut entitlements and his increase is not that much compared to his predecessor and military spend increases job in the private sector. Do you know how many military sub contractors we have and how many workers they employs? NG, Lockheed, MITRE, etc. and how many sub contractors they employ? Military spend isn’t the issue. It is entitlements and waste spend. If we fire every third person in the EPA, I bet it would function just as well. Same with the IRS.

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
War spend is an issue but now we are pot committed because of Bush and I did not vote for him. I was first eligible to vote in 2000 and voted for Gore. Actually if Clinton had the balls to kill Bin Laden then 9/11 tragedy likely doesn’t happen. Shame on Clinton and shame on Bush. Obama inherited a shit storm and Trump did as well. Endless wars are terrible. Tulsi Gabbard is right and her party buried her.

I initially supported Gabbard. I'd love to see Sanders pick her as his VP. We are NOT committed to the wars. Your argument boils down to the idea that we can not afford to see that people can get health care when needed because we have to waste trillions on never ending wars.

No, I totally reject that.
You answered how Trump was going to pay for his increased military spending?
I did. I said he is going to cut entitlements and his increase is not that much compared to his predecessor and military spend increases job in the private sector. Do you know how many military sub contractors we have and how many workers they employs? NG, Lockheed, MITRE, etc. and how many sub contractors they employ? Military spend isn’t the issue. It is entitlements and waste spend. If we fire every third person in the EPA, I bet it would function just as well. Same with the IRS.

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
You are part of the Problem. Move to Russia and ask Putin to take care of you.

I should move to Russia because I do not support us needlessly destroying things in other countries that we then rebuild as opposed to using those resources here?

I did. I said he is going to cut entitlements and his increase is not that much compared to his predecessor and military spend increases job in the private sector. Do you know how many military sub contractors we have and how many workers they employs? NG, Lockheed, MITRE, etc. and how many sub contractors they employ? Military spend isn’t the issue. It is entitlements and waste spend. If we fire every third person in the EPA, I bet it would function just as well. Same with the IRS.

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
War spend is an issue but now we are pot committed because of Bush and I did not vote for him. I was first eligible to vote in 2000 and voted for Gore. Actually if Clinton had the balls to kill Bin Laden then 9/11 tragedy likely doesn’t happen. Shame on Clinton and shame on Bush. Obama inherited a shit storm and Trump did as well. Endless wars are terrible. Tulsi Gabbard is right and her party buried her.

I initially supported Gabbard. I'd love to see Sanders pick her as his VP. We are NOT committed to the wars. Your argument boils down to the idea that we can not afford to see that people can get health care when needed because we have to waste trillions on never ending wars.

No, I totally reject that.
Tulsi would never be a VP to a Socialist. Trump didn’t start the wars and the military command is against us leaving. When Trump tried people screamed bloody murder. UH won’t work in the US until we amend the 14th amendment and solve our illegals problem AND solve our expensive education problem. Doctors come out with ~$450k of debt. They rely on free markets to get repaid not on the government.
I did. I said he is going to cut entitlements and his increase is not that much compared to his predecessor and military spend increases job in the private sector. Do you know how many military sub contractors we have and how many workers they employs? NG, Lockheed, MITRE, etc. and how many sub contractors they employ? Military spend isn’t the issue. It is entitlements and waste spend. If we fire every third person in the EPA, I bet it would function just as well. Same with the IRS.

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
War spend is an issue but now we are pot committed because of Bush and I did not vote for him. I was first eligible to vote in 2000 and voted for Gore. Actually if Clinton had the balls to kill Bin Laden then 9/11 tragedy likely doesn’t happen. Shame on Clinton and shame on Bush. Obama inherited a shit storm and Trump did as well. Endless wars are terrible. Tulsi Gabbard is right and her party buried her.

I initially supported Gabbard. I'd love to see Sanders pick her as his VP. We are NOT committed to the wars. Your argument boils down to the idea that we can not afford to see that people can get health care when needed because we have to waste trillions on never ending wars.

No, I totally reject that.
Wars will never end. The Book of Revelations, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel all tell you that as we approach the time of AntiChrist that there will be wars and rumors of wars.

All your efforts to stop these wars are silly.

The Battle of Armageddon will occur and nothing you can do to stop it. Socialism-Globalism will only accelerate things and will make matters worse.

Things like Freedom of Religion. Free Speech, Freedom of thought and action, and standing up for what is good and wholesome and proper may delay Judgement.

Global Warming is a joke. The Judgments Coming at the end times are 1,000 times worse than anything in these Global Warming Nuts imaginations. You aren't stopping that either.

The Earth and all the wicked works in it, and every building made by man will be destroyed at the end of the age, and the Earth will be burned by fire, and remade in to a garden of Eden for The People of God to live upon.

The only things you can do that will last forever are the things you do in Spirit and the choice you make on where to spend eternity.

Enslaving people with Socialism only hastens The End of The Age.
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I did. I said he is going to cut entitlements and his increase is not that much compared to his predecessor and military spend increases job in the private sector. Do you know how many military sub contractors we have and how many workers they employs? NG, Lockheed, MITRE, etc. and how many sub contractors they employ? Military spend isn’t the issue. It is entitlements and waste spend. If we fire every third person in the EPA, I bet it would function just as well. Same with the IRS.

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
You are part of the Problem. Move to Russia and ask Putin to take care of you.

I should move to Russia because I do not support us needlessly destroying things in other countries that we then rebuild as opposed to using those resources here?

You support Bernie Sanders a self proclaimed Socialist, who has been in Govt all his life and has no idea how the private sector works. You do not have much credibility. I can see Biden or Klobuchar but Sanders? Come on man.
He is doing pretty much the same things Obama did.
So then you vilified Obama for his 8 yrs in office? That is fair. I think it is tough to attack entitlements in ones first term but in his 2nd term, Obama should have. Very disappointing.

I have said many times that I understood why people voted for Bush the first time. Not the second time.

I understood why people voted for Obama the first time, not the second.

Same with Trump. People made the same excuses for Obama. Trump isn't going to follow through either. If you believe something, do it. Don't do the opposite. Trump's budgets are the opposite of what he promised.
Give me a better option. Bernie isn’t it. I do not like or agree with Socialism.

I was just told in another discussion that you are full of crap by saying it's socialism. All the same, you do.
What other discussion? Sanders is an open socialist. You’re trying to take the debate sideways because you lost.

Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

1) Sanders doesn’t have a concrete plan to pay for his wishful Socialist ideas.

2) Military spend creates millions of jobs and is innovative.

How are we going to pay for it? As an aside, you are arguing to kill tens of thousands of innocent people to create jobs. That is a thoroughly disgusting position to take.

3) It’s not Trumps fault we are stuck in endless wars. He has tried to pull out but his generals suggest otherwise.

It's his call. He is the president. It's sad how nothing is ever his fault.

4) Banks did repay TARP. You said they didn’t.

No, I said it was paid back with other government programs that were never paid back.

5) Entitlement spend is the real issue.

Anything I missed?

You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
War spend is an issue but now we are pot committed because of Bush and I did not vote for him. I was first eligible to vote in 2000 and voted for Gore. Actually if Clinton had the balls to kill Bin Laden then 9/11 tragedy likely doesn’t happen. Shame on Clinton and shame on Bush. Obama inherited a shit storm and Trump did as well. Endless wars are terrible. Tulsi Gabbard is right and her party buried her.

I initially supported Gabbard. I'd love to see Sanders pick her as his VP. We are NOT committed to the wars. Your argument boils down to the idea that we can not afford to see that people can get health care when needed because we have to waste trillions on never ending wars.

No, I totally reject that.
Wars will never end. The Book of Revelations, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel all tell you that as we approach the time of AntiChrist that there will be wars and rumors of wars.

All your efforts to stop these wars are silly.

The Battle of Armageddon will occur and nothing you can do to stop it. Socialism-Globalism will only accelerate things and will make matters worse.

Things like Freedom of Religion. Free Speech, Freedom of thought and action, and standing up for what is good and wholesome and proper may delay Judgement.

Global Warming is a joke. The Judgments Coming at the end times are 1,000 times worse than anything in these Global Warming Nuts imaginations. You aren't stopping that either.

The Earth and all the wicked works in it, and every building made by man will be destroyed at the end of the age, and the Earth will be burned by fire, and remade in to a garden of Eden for The People of God to live upon.

The only things you can do that will last forever are the things you do in Spirit and the choice you make on where to spend eternity.

Enslaving people with Socialism only hastens The End of The Age.

If your argument is that we will always be war mongers I am fine with hastening the end of the age.
You make excuses so I will be able to do the same. You don't care but you expect me to care. It doesn't work that way.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
You are part of the Problem. Move to Russia and ask Putin to take care of you.

I should move to Russia because I do not support us needlessly destroying things in other countries that we then rebuild as opposed to using those resources here?

You support Bernie Sanders a self proclaimed Socialist, who has been in Govt all his life and has no idea how the private sector works. You do not have much credibility. I can see Biden or Klobuchar but Sanders? Come on man.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
So then you vilified Obama for his 8 yrs in office? That is fair. I think it is tough to attack entitlements in ones first term but in his 2nd term, Obama should have. Very disappointing.

I have said many times that I understood why people voted for Bush the first time. Not the second time.

I understood why people voted for Obama the first time, not the second.

Same with Trump. People made the same excuses for Obama. Trump isn't going to follow through either. If you believe something, do it. Don't do the opposite. Trump's budgets are the opposite of what he promised.
Give me a better option. Bernie isn’t it. I do not like or agree with Socialism.

I was just told in another discussion that you are full of crap by saying it's socialism. All the same, you do.
What other discussion? Sanders is an open socialist. You’re trying to take the debate sideways because you lost.

Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

1) Sanders doesn’t have a concrete plan to pay for his wishful Socialist ideas.

2) Military spend creates millions of jobs and is innovative.

How are we going to pay for it? As an aside, you are arguing to kill tens of thousands of innocent people to create jobs. That is a thoroughly disgusting position to take.

3) It’s not Trumps fault we are stuck in endless wars. He has tried to pull out but his generals suggest otherwise.

It's his call. He is the president. It's sad how nothing is ever his fault.

4) Banks did repay TARP. You said they didn’t.

No, I said it was paid back with other government programs that were never paid back.

5) Entitlement spend is the real issue.

Anything I missed?

Banks paid everything back and more and there is zero democratic about Socialism and Sanders is a communist anyway. You’re just making stuff up now. I work in the banking market and banks have repaid all their capital injections with interest and quicker than initially anticipated.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I Don't Mind People ... Calling Me a Communist'
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
War spend is an issue but now we are pot committed because of Bush and I did not vote for him. I was first eligible to vote in 2000 and voted for Gore. Actually if Clinton had the balls to kill Bin Laden then 9/11 tragedy likely doesn’t happen. Shame on Clinton and shame on Bush. Obama inherited a shit storm and Trump did as well. Endless wars are terrible. Tulsi Gabbard is right and her party buried her.

I initially supported Gabbard. I'd love to see Sanders pick her as his VP. We are NOT committed to the wars. Your argument boils down to the idea that we can not afford to see that people can get health care when needed because we have to waste trillions on never ending wars.

No, I totally reject that.
Wars will never end. The Book of Revelations, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel all tell you that as we approach the time of AntiChrist that there will be wars and rumors of wars.

All your efforts to stop these wars are silly.

The Battle of Armageddon will occur and nothing you can do to stop it. Socialism-Globalism will only accelerate things and will make matters worse.

Things like Freedom of Religion. Free Speech, Freedom of thought and action, and standing up for what is good and wholesome and proper may delay Judgement.

Global Warming is a joke. The Judgments Coming at the end times are 1,000 times worse than anything in these Global Warming Nuts imaginations. You aren't stopping that either.

The Earth and all the wicked works in it, and every building made by man will be destroyed at the end of the age, and the Earth will be burned by fire, and remade in to a garden of Eden for The People of God to live upon.

The only things you can do that will last forever are the things you do in Spirit and the choice you make on where to spend eternity.

Enslaving people with Socialism only hastens The End of The Age.

If your argument is that we will always be war mongers I am fine with hastening the end of the age.
He said there will always be wars. We should have never gone into Iraq. That was stupid. Iran and Iraq fighting each other was fantastic. Idiots killing idiots.
If we spend $0 on the military we would still have a deficit. The military is not the problem. And the military creates a ton of jobs. Millions. Entitlements create nothing but wasteful spend.

The military is a part of the problem. We have spent trillions dropping bombs to then have to rebuild what we destroyed. We then complain that our infrastructure is failing. Really, you don't see that as a problem?
You are part of the Problem. Move to Russia and ask Putin to take care of you.

I should move to Russia because I do not support us needlessly destroying things in other countries that we then rebuild as opposed to using those resources here?

You support Bernie Sanders a self proclaimed Socialist, who has been in Govt all his life and has no idea how the private sector works. You do not have much credibility. I can see Biden or Klobuchar but Sanders? Come on man.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
It’s a made up term. Do you really believe I am the Pale Orc?
I have said many times that I understood why people voted for Bush the first time. Not the second time.

I understood why people voted for Obama the first time, not the second.

Same with Trump. People made the same excuses for Obama. Trump isn't going to follow through either. If you believe something, do it. Don't do the opposite. Trump's budgets are the opposite of what he promised.
Give me a better option. Bernie isn’t it. I do not like or agree with Socialism.

I was just told in another discussion that you are full of crap by saying it's socialism. All the same, you do.
What other discussion? Sanders is an open socialist. You’re trying to take the debate sideways because you lost.

Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

1) Sanders doesn’t have a concrete plan to pay for his wishful Socialist ideas.

2) Military spend creates millions of jobs and is innovative.

How are we going to pay for it? As an aside, you are arguing to kill tens of thousands of innocent people to create jobs. That is a thoroughly disgusting position to take.

3) It’s not Trumps fault we are stuck in endless wars. He has tried to pull out but his generals suggest otherwise.

It's his call. He is the president. It's sad how nothing is ever his fault.

4) Banks did repay TARP. You said they didn’t.

No, I said it was paid back with other government programs that were never paid back.

5) Entitlement spend is the real issue.

Anything I missed?

Banks paid everything back and more and there is zero democratic about Socialism and Sanders is a communist anyway. You’re just making stuff up now. I work in the banking market and banks have repaid all their capital injections with interest and quicker than initially anticipated.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I Don't Mind People ... Calling Me a Communist'

I explained how it was paid back. You refuse to acknowledge that.

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