Bernie Wants to Toss People in Prison for Not Violating the Law

I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Fossil fuels have systematically allowed you to be a lazy piece of shit winter and summer to sit on your pc bitching about the fucking temperature.

You better hope Bernie doesn’t win because if fossil fuels go away you die.

I use less, I have solar and just like the fossil fuel industry part of it was subsidized as it should be.

Lets see some pics of your solar and the bicycle you use as transportation.

I have two bikes, but those are just for fun. I telecommute. I have solar, I'm not climbing on my roof to take a picture of my panels. Though I guess I could take a pic of the inverter but I guess I really don't care if you believe me or not.

LOL....does your car mechanic telecommute?
And unless you have a flat roof pics should be easy.
What LAW was broken?

You breathing harms the environment too, shitforbrains.

You just validate the Left want to destroy the economy.


Fraud for one. Exxon/Mobil is already under investigation by California and New York. It's also a crime to lie to consumers and shareholders.
Good little fascist liar.

Really? California and New York aren't looking into Exxon/Mobil? Interesting. You're kind of boring me, you're all over the map trying to find a place to land a blow rather than just debating.

So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

To be fair you have to compare the states on a per capita basis, right? Of course California is going to use more energy then say Montana. So, per capita how does that work out?

Here are the top 10 states that use the most energy:
Which 10 States Use The Most Energy per Capita?
  1. Wyoming
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Texas
  7. South Dakota
  8. Nebraska
  9. Kentucky
  10. Indiana
Looks like a bunch of rural red states to me.
What LAW was broken?

You breathing harms the environment too, shitforbrains.

You just validate the Left want to destroy the economy.


Fraud for one. Exxon/Mobil is already under investigation by California and New York. It's also a crime to lie to consumers and shareholders.
Good little fascist liar.

Really? California and New York aren't looking into Exxon/Mobil? Interesting. You're kind of boring me, you're all over the map trying to find a place to land a blow rather than just debating.

So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

Because I guess you don't understand that those states have more people in them however on a per capita basis they don't use the most, you just kind of have a bad argument going on there.
What LAW was broken?

You breathing harms the environment too, shitforbrains.

You just validate the Left want to destroy the economy.


Fraud for one. Exxon/Mobil is already under investigation by California and New York. It's also a crime to lie to consumers and shareholders.
Good little fascist liar.

Really? California and New York aren't looking into Exxon/Mobil? Interesting. You're kind of boring me, you're all over the map trying to find a place to land a blow rather than just debating.

So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

To be fair you have to compare the states on a per capita basis, right? Of course California is going to use more energy then say Montana. So, per capita how does that work out?

Here are the top 10 states that use the most energy:
Which 10 States Use The Most Energy per Capita?
  1. Wyoming
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Texas
  7. South Dakota
  8. Nebraska
  9. Kentucky
  10. Indiana
Looks like a bunch of rural red states to me.

And what is this based on?
Every time some leftwing idiot buys some bottled water on the way to protest againts big oil, he's consuming fossil fuels.

Many of the products made from fossil fuels are created out of a sense of convenience and could easily be replaced by alternatives, however, I'm not optimistic that too many people would be willing to sacrifice some convenience for a better planet unfortunately.
Then get off your plastics phone and computer, recycle them, and post here via snail mail.

Delivered by fossil fuel vehicles of course.

I'm not advocating for a total dismissal of fossil fuels. I'm just simply saying that many of the products we buy are purely for convenience and could be replaced with other items that last longer and are more Earth friendly in the long run. Much of the plastic packaging for products for example is for single use.
Bernie has 3 homes, Obama and the Clintons and Gore own several mansions.

And you want ME to turn my thermostat to 82?


I'm not sure how thats relatable to what I was talking about. I would personally question the need for three homes for anybody but they are allowed to own them I think. You don't have to put your thermostat to 82 but there are ways to live comfortably without using much AC depending on where you live of course. My husband and I live in a two bedroom home with a composting toilet and no AC, but we also live in an area where the weather doesn't get very hot for long.

Heat is less of a problem than humidity. I would rather work outside in 85 degree low humidity than 75 high humidity. Most of the time when I use AC, it's not so much because of the heat.
What LAW was broken?

You breathing harms the environment too, shitforbrains.

You just validate the Left want to destroy the economy.


Fraud for one. Exxon/Mobil is already under investigation by California and New York. It's also a crime to lie to consumers and shareholders.
Good little fascist liar.

Really? California and New York aren't looking into Exxon/Mobil? Interesting. You're kind of boring me, you're all over the map trying to find a place to land a blow rather than just debating.

So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

Because I guess you don't understand that those states have more people in them however on a per capita basis they don't use the most, you just kind of have a bad argument going on there.

No it's not actually.
What is the energy used for?
Fraud for one. Exxon/Mobil is already under investigation by California and New York. It's also a crime to lie to consumers and shareholders.
Good little fascist liar.

Really? California and New York aren't looking into Exxon/Mobil? Interesting. You're kind of boring me, you're all over the map trying to find a place to land a blow rather than just debating.

So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

To be fair you have to compare the states on a per capita basis, right? Of course California is going to use more energy then say Montana. So, per capita how does that work out?

Here are the top 10 states that use the most energy:
Which 10 States Use The Most Energy per Capita?
  1. Wyoming
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Texas
  7. South Dakota
  8. Nebraska
  9. Kentucky
  10. Indiana
Looks like a bunch of rural red states to me.

And what is this based on?

You're free to go find out. If you doubt the source then find a better one. At least I brought one.
Good little fascist liar.

Really? California and New York aren't looking into Exxon/Mobil? Interesting. You're kind of boring me, you're all over the map trying to find a place to land a blow rather than just debating.

So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

To be fair you have to compare the states on a per capita basis, right? Of course California is going to use more energy then say Montana. So, per capita how does that work out?

Here are the top 10 states that use the most energy:
Which 10 States Use The Most Energy per Capita?
  1. Wyoming
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Texas
  7. South Dakota
  8. Nebraska
  9. Kentucky
  10. Indiana
Looks like a bunch of rural red states to me.

And what is this based on?

You're free to go find out. If you doubt the source then find a better one.

I already know the answer.
Many of the products made from fossil fuels are created out of a sense of convenience and could easily be replaced by alternatives, however, I'm not optimistic that too many people would be willing to sacrifice some convenience for a better planet unfortunately.
Then get off your plastics phone and computer, recycle them, and post here via snail mail.

Delivered by fossil fuel vehicles of course.

I'm not advocating for a total dismissal of fossil fuels. I'm just simply saying that many of the products we buy are purely for convenience and could be replaced with other items that last longer and are more Earth friendly in the long run. Much of the plastic packaging for products for example is for single use.
Bernie has 3 homes, Obama and the Clintons and Gore own several mansions.

And you want ME to turn my thermostat to 82?


I'm not sure how thats relatable to what I was talking about. I would personally question the need for three homes for anybody but they are allowed to own them I think. You don't have to put your thermostat to 82 but there are ways to live comfortably without using much AC depending on where you live of course. My husband and I live in a two bedroom home with a composting toilet and no AC, but we also live in an area where the weather doesn't get very hot for long.

Heat is less of a problem than humidity. I would rather work outside in 85 degree low humidity than 75 high humidity. Most of the time when I use AC, it's not so much because of the heat.

That is true, humidity can be a beast sometimes.
Yeah, all of you idiots don't believe in climate change thanks mostly to the fossil fuel industry.
The fossil fuel industry had nothing to do with it. I knew it was a con the day I first heard about it.
Yet Leftards covet their plastics and fossil fuel transportation.

If you mean reusable bottles and Teslas, sure.
Your phone is 99% plastic, Dufus.

It is and I keep it for as long as I can. I don't think it's possible to completely reduce our carbon footprint, however we need to reduce, we don't have much of a choice.

Why do we not have much of a choice? I think our choices are pretty clear.
Really? California and New York aren't looking into Exxon/Mobil? Interesting. You're kind of boring me, you're all over the map trying to find a place to land a blow rather than just debating.

So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

To be fair you have to compare the states on a per capita basis, right? Of course California is going to use more energy then say Montana. So, per capita how does that work out?

Here are the top 10 states that use the most energy:
Which 10 States Use The Most Energy per Capita?
  1. Wyoming
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Texas
  7. South Dakota
  8. Nebraska
  9. Kentucky
  10. Indiana
Looks like a bunch of rural red states to me.

And what is this based on?

You're free to go find out. If you doubt the source then find a better one.

I already know the answer.

I don't care, you're debating so put up or shut up.
So why do they use fossil fuels in greater quantities than other cities and states?
Seems hypocritical.

To be fair you have to compare the states on a per capita basis, right? Of course California is going to use more energy then say Montana. So, per capita how does that work out?

Here are the top 10 states that use the most energy:
Which 10 States Use The Most Energy per Capita?
  1. Wyoming
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Texas
  7. South Dakota
  8. Nebraska
  9. Kentucky
  10. Indiana
Looks like a bunch of rural red states to me.

And what is this based on?

You're free to go find out. If you doubt the source then find a better one.

I already know the answer.

I don't care, you're debating so put up or shut up.

Who provides the energy for America?
The fossil fuel industry had nothing to do with it. I knew it was a con the day I first heard about it.
Yet Leftards covet their plastics and fossil fuel transportation.

If you mean reusable bottles and Teslas, sure.
Your phone is 99% plastic, Dufus.

It is and I keep it for as long as I can. I don't think it's possible to completely reduce our carbon footprint, however we need to reduce, we don't have much of a choice.

Why do we not have much of a choice? I think our choices are pretty clear.

We have two choices. We destroy the planet's ability to sustain life or we don't.
To be fair you have to compare the states on a per capita basis, right? Of course California is going to use more energy then say Montana. So, per capita how does that work out?

Here are the top 10 states that use the most energy:
Which 10 States Use The Most Energy per Capita?
  1. Wyoming
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Texas
  7. South Dakota
  8. Nebraska
  9. Kentucky
  10. Indiana
Looks like a bunch of rural red states to me.

And what is this based on?

You're free to go find out. If you doubt the source then find a better one.

I already know the answer.

I don't care, you're debating so put up or shut up.

Who provides the energy for America?

I don't know, why don't you tell me what pebble of a thought is rolling around your cranium and not play games?

I really have to go soon, got things to do so you have about 5 minutes
I think sometimes people forget, or just frankly don't know, the thousands of products that we own, use, interact with, and see everyday that are made from fossil fuels such as petroleum. The gas in our cars and tractors and planes and power plants and other big visible machines are the things most associated with fossil fuels to most people but just simply go to a grocery store and down every aisle are hundreds upon hundreds, thousands really, of products that are made from fossil fuels. As dirty as they are we can't just simply pretend that our country can just stop using fossil fuels overnight or even over one presidential term. It will take a lot of time, effort, money, alternatives, will power, thought, sacrifices, and calm in order to convert completely away from fossil fuels. It's worth the effort, but we really also need to be realistic about the process in my opinion.
Every time some leftwing idiot buys some bottled water on the way to protest againts big oil, he's consuming fossil fuels.

Many of the products made from fossil fuels are created out of a sense of convenience and could easily be replaced by alternatives, however, I'm not optimistic that too many people would be willing to sacrifice some convenience for a better planet unfortunately.
Then get off your plastics phone and computer, recycle them, and post here via snail mail.

Delivered by fossil fuel vehicles of course.

I'm not advocating for a total dismissal of fossil fuels. I'm just simply saying that many of the products we buy are purely for convenience and could be replaced with other items that last longer and are more Earth friendly in the long run. Much of the plastic packaging for products for example is for single use.

What should they be?
What a good socialist Bernie is.
Tossing people in prison for not violating the law makes Stalin proud.

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It said that they should be criminally prosecuted, and that can mean anything from fines, all the way up to and including, jail time. But, chances of them doing any jail time is pretty slim. Chances are, all they would get is a fine.

But, nice hyperbole. Trump taught you well.

Sure, chances are. We'll hang our hats on a wing and a prayer, you're the typical lying liberal dumbass.
And what is this based on?

You're free to go find out. If you doubt the source then find a better one.

I already know the answer.

I don't care, you're debating so put up or shut up.

Who provides the energy for America?

I don't know, why don't you tell me what pebble of a thought is rolling around your cranium and not play games?

I really have to go soon, got things to do so you have about 5 minutes

So you're saying you dont know.
You're free to go find out. If you doubt the source then find a better one.

I already know the answer.

I don't care, you're debating so put up or shut up.

Who provides the energy for America?

I don't know, why don't you tell me what pebble of a thought is rolling around your cranium and not play games?

I really have to go soon, got things to do so you have about 5 minutes

So you're saying you dont know.

I'm just not playing this idiotic game, get whatever point you're trying to make, I'm not going to second guess your stupid shit.
The fossil fuel industry had nothing to do with it. I knew it was a con the day I first heard about it.
Yet Leftards covet their plastics and fossil fuel transportation.

If you mean reusable bottles and Teslas, sure.
Your phone is 99% plastic, Dufus.

It is and I keep it for as long as I can. I don't think it's possible to completely reduce our carbon footprint, however we need to reduce, we don't have much of a choice.

Why do we not have much of a choice? I think our choices are pretty clear.

I was lucky enough to tour a recycling facility about two years ago and it was eye opening. The sheer amount of waste being sent there from just the surrounding area was embarrassing in my opinion, and a pretty good percentage of it was still slated for a landfill due to contamination. This was just one facility in a relatively rural area of Oregon and so if you try to picture that same scene but probably larger and scattered across the US in every major city and cities in-between we generate a lot of waste that mostly goes to landfills. I think there has to be a way that we can try to make a personal choice to help reduce what we throw away in my opinion. I don't think there needs to be a political agenda or political angle to it, it's just being responsible stewards of a place that we are blessed to live in.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Fossil fuels have systematically allowed you to be a lazy piece of shit winter and summer to sit on your pc bitching about the fucking temperature.

You better hope Bernie doesn’t win because if fossil fuels go away you die.

I use less, I have solar and just like the fossil fuel industry part of it was subsidized as it should be.

Lets see some pics of your solar and the bicycle you use as transportation.

I have two bikes, but those are just for fun. I telecommute. I have solar, I'm not climbing on my roof to take a picture of my panels. Though I guess I could take a pic of the inverter but I guess I really don't care if you believe me or not.
I’d rather have a picture of your meter with the wires cut showing you’re off grid.

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