Bernie will rightly break-up the "too big to fail" Banks. Hillary won't

I'm going to say this one time- Monopolies are bad mkay?
This right here is why Bernie is a far better choice then Hillary.
On the Democratic side, the best chance for The People is if our Young Folk lead the way and turn out for Bernie in massive numbers.
Bernie won't do anything because he won't be the nominee.

"President Rubio."

Say it, bitch!
If my bank fails I'm screwed. Where is Bernie's plan for that?

You have a bank? Bernie thinks you're part of the problem.
No, I have my money in a bank.

You should actually look up who's money it is when you deposit it.
Uh, mine.

You should actually look up who's money it is once you deposit it, it will mean a lot more if you look it up yourself.
Notice how Hillary is basically parroting everything Sanders says EXCEPT for the elephant in the room behind the corrupt campaign finace system. Bernie's donations are small. Hillarry's, OTOH come from the current owners of the gov't AND NO, I'm not referring to the citizens in this case:

Top Donors data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

So who is she going to work for if elected? You? :rofl:

Bernoe will get up everyday and work for the people who are NOT well-connected like Bill & Hillary and their Big $$$ donors

Don't look at her donor list if you get squeamish easy


And how is Sanders going break up these banks? Liberals are working themselves into another Messiah candidate.
How do "unemployed" people donate to Bernie? They must be moochers taking money off the books
Hillary gets huge donations from Wall St and the Saudis, for instance. Bernie gets small donations from people who aren't well-connected.

Bernie gets his money from people scamming Social Security disability and unemployment
is that you tipsycatlover?

Back to topic- Monopolistic banks making you feel guilty when their casino-like gambles backfire and threaten the entire "real" economy outside of their bubble that Hillary & all the Repub candidates are gleefully vowing to protect

You idiots are..... are well..... idiots
Notice how Hillary is basically parroting everything Sanders says
someone else noticed besides me

"Bernie will rightly break-up the "too big to fail" Banks. Hillary won't"

Actually, neither have the authority to do any such thing, nor is any such thing warranted or within the purview of government.

The Constitution authorizes government to regulate financial institutions, to prohibit monopolies, and safeguard the markets – but the notion of 'breaking up' financial institutions such as banks which are otherwise in compliance with that regulatory policy is capricious, naïve, and contrary to sound, responsible governance.

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