Bertrand Russell On Israel

Northern Irish Protestant probably. The Irish Catholics remember how Protestant settlers took over their island and how long it took to get them out of part of it. They had to endure the same oppression and occupation that the Palestinian Christians and Muslims are undergoing now.

I doubt it.
Northern Irish Protestant Loyalists would normally think of themselves as British rather than Irish. When Irish is a dirty word for them.
Southern Irish, knowing what occupation feels like en masse are against Israel, and blame Britain for its creation to boot!

Sounds to me like someone pretending to be Irish, to suggest there is wider support for Israel than just in the US and Fascist Central in Israel.

Probably an "Irish" American. They think they are all sorts of things that they aren't.
Even Einstein refused the Israeli Presidency at its inception, he did not believe in Zionism.
Einstein was stuck in eternity with time that time, of course.

One need not be a genius to know that one doesn't expect to invade another country and take it over without a fight.

OMG! That would be awful. So, who is taking over who's country?

Zionists went from Europe to Palestine, correct?
Northern Irish Protestant probably. The Irish Catholics remember how Protestant settlers took over their island and how long it took to get them out of part of it. They had to endure the same oppression and occupation that the Palestinian Christians and Muslims are undergoing now.
Irish Ram is a protestant "Orange Man"......which aren't real Irish ......because a real Irish person is a Catholic. ..... :cool:

You just run your mouth. My ancestors came from Moneymore, Ireland to America about 250 years ago.
They ceased to be Catholic when a priest slapped my aunt and she slapped him back, and then threw him out of her house. I come from that hearty stock.

So, how come Allah wants the Jews to have Israel, and you don't. Maybe you aren't a real Muslim.....

Neither Allah nor Yahweh wanted the Hebrews to have Israel . . . the Hebrews wanted to have Israel and to rationalize their ill-adventurous theft of land from the Canaanites, they made up their mythi
Whatever they require to remain a people in their own land. And a peace treaty isn't it. Want to know who isn't going to be laughing Penelope? The God that gave them that land. When the world forces them to give up land for the sake of peace, we are going to see destruction like we have never seen on this earth. That's God not smiling. Want to avoid that? Leave their little postage stamp of earth ALONE. It is just that simple.

If there's one thing that I detest, it's those like you, Irish Ram, that use your mythical god to control and frighten others as a means to make them see things your way. Bertrand Russell, truly was intelligent for he didn't believe in Christianity nor, too, did he believe in God. Mmmm, atheism . . . I love it! The world will be a much better place when the evilness of religion is once and for all finally eradicated from our planet. ~ Susan
PS In all likelihood, you'll probably an atheist, too . . . that is to say, a control-freak atheist . . . .

Are you a drinker? You just called me an atheist who has a God that I use to scare you.
I didn't write Revelation, but I can inform you as to what it says. If I didn't warn you, then I would be remiss. What you do with the information falls under your control, not mine.And I bet old Bertrand believes in Christ now!:FIREdevil:

Yes, on occasion, I will have a glass of red wine (pinot noir) with an evening meal; however, I neither smoke nor use any drugs or medication of any kind whatsoever . . . too, I have been a vegan now for about five years and encourage you, as well as everyone else, to please try this form of diet for it is so, so healthy for you and, of course, helps in stopping the extreme cruelty to other animals who are our fellow earthlings on this planet. ~ Susan
PS (Now there you go again Christian nutcase with your scare tactics :)) Having read it more than once, it is my belief that Revelation was written by a delusional psychotic. I would heed your warning if you could supply any empirical truth to its validity, but other than your bible, of course, you can't.
PPS I'll bet old Bertrand right now is feeding the flora and fauna, as I wish to do when I die, for having had the pleasure of having fed on them when he was alive.
Even Einstein refused the Israeli Presidency at its inception, he did not believe in Zionism.
Einstein was stuck in eternity with time that time, of course.

One need not be a genius to know that one doesn't expect to invade another country and take it over without a fight.

It has been said.

Even Einstein refused the Israeli Presidency at its inception, he did not believe in Zionism.
Einstein was stuck in eternity with time that time, of course.
One need not be a genius to know that one doesn't expect to invade another country and take it over without a fight.
OMG! That would be awful. So, who is taking over who's country?
Zionists went from Europe to Palestine, correct?
So, who was that shakh, sheikh, sultan, emir, pasha, president, prime-minister of that "palestine" country, full of major arab settlers and squatters?
Haha the usual "enlightened people" turns out to be a cheap racist trash that excuse their position with everything they have, including the poor Palestinians..Just like the Nazis! but of course you are not offended when I call you Nazis, obviously you're gonna repeat what you just said a million times before - deflect it on the Jews with smarty reply like ''YOU ARE TREATING PALESTINIANS LIKE THE NAZIS'' - because you filth don't really have a grip, may God take you all.

We're not offended when you call us Nazis because we are not Nazis, you horse's caboose you.
For a woman who always wanted others to think she had this huge vocabulary, one would think that she could find something else to say besides calling people a "horse's caboose." Maybe, underneath it all, Pishy is worried about middle-age spread showing in her keester since she is around 50 now and had been bringing up "caboose" for years.. Remember, Pishy, when you turned 40, you wondered what you were going to do with your life. Sounds like you are leading the same old life as before.

Ohhh, it's just a euphemistic, softer way of saying that which I believe to be more crass and that which, too, I have immense fun using. We're all never to old to have a little fun 'ya' know. ~ Susan
PS Trust me, I'm thin as a rail . . . I should be for I really work at it :)
Does it matter who Bertrand Russell is or actually was? He says - YES PALESTINIANS, NO ISRAEL and that suits you, not because of the 'YES PALESTINIANS' part but because of the 'NO ISRAEL' part..racial trash, time to go back to the dumpster.
Northern Irish Protestant probably. The Irish Catholics remember how Protestant settlers took over their island and how long it took to get them out of part of it. They had to endure the same oppression and occupation that the Palestinian Christians and Muslims are undergoing now.

The Palestinian Christians can stay as far as I am concerned. The Moslems should be thrown into the desert.
This is what Bertrand Russel said that I agree with:

The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence.... Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized, and the less prolific races will have to defend themselves against the more prolific by methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary.

In extreme cases there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another…. It seems on the whole fair to regard negroes as on the average inferior to white men, although for work in the tropics they are indispensable, so that their extermination (apart from questions of humanity) would be highly undesirable

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