Besides tax cuts for the wealthy, what does Mitt Romney stand for?



We know he has no interest in investing in the American Middle Class. He wants to cut teachers and education. He agrees with Ryan about turning Medicare into a "voucher program". Of course, he wants to cut taxes on people like him. He wants to get rid of regulations.

None of these things are "big ideas".

What is Mitt Romney's "vision" of America? What does he think will make it better? Not just make it some "money", but better?

Is just helping rich people enough? Are they really the only ones worth anything?
He stands for the start of board meetings haha!! He stands to get out of his limo and into one of his planes. He stands to walk up the stairs of his mansions. He stands , very upright, to secure his dog to the roof of the car!!!

Haha, I couldnt resist.
He stands for the start of board meetings haha!! He stands to get out of his limo and into one of his planes. He stands to walk up the stairs of his mansions. He stands , very upright, to secure his dog to the roof of the car!!!

Haha, I couldnt resist.
Couldn't resist ignoring that there are scads of detatched-from-reality assholes with a (D) by their name, either.
We know he has no interest in investing in the American Middle Class. He wants to cut teachers and education. He agrees with Ryan about turning Medicare into a "voucher program". Of course, he wants to cut taxes on people like him. He wants to get rid of regulations.

None of these things are "big ideas".

What is Mitt Romney's "vision" of America? What does he think will make it better? Not just make it some "money", but better?

Is just helping rich people enough? Are they really the only ones worth anything?

You know the funny things about BS and lies they are easily proven so.

Last night on 60 min.Romney with his own mouth on national TV said the very opposite,but then that doesn't matter to the Dean o matic,wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the head.
He stands for the start of board meetings haha!! He stands to get out of his limo and into one of his planes. He stands to walk up the stairs of his mansions. He stands , very upright, to secure his dog to the roof of the car!!!

Haha, I couldnt resist.

He never ate his dog
He stands for the start of board meetings haha!! He stands to get out of his limo and into one of his planes. He stands to walk up the stairs of his mansions. He stands , very upright, to secure his dog to the roof of the car!!!

Haha, I couldnt resist.

He never ate his dog


They're both worthless pricks. USA is fucked regardless of who wins. Going to watch the Packers vs Seattle 4th quarter. Far more productive than rooting for either of these clowns.
The only justification for his behavior is if the trickle down theory was true.

But starting in the late 70s, tax cuts stopped turning into American jobs with anything like the regularity that had been the case in prior decades.

Nobody on the right talks about it, but after the process of globalization there was a great disconnect between American capital and American labor. The wealthy shipped jobs to the 3rd world in order to get a higher return on their investment. This is when the jobless recovery was born. Starting in the 80s, we called a recession over when Wall Street bounced back - but Wall Street makes bank when expensive American labor is replaced by more cost-effective sweatshop labor. AGAIN: Wall Street wins when expensive main street labor is shipped to Chinese sweatshops. Therefore, Reagan ushered in a period that saw "main street" wages remain stagnant but stocks went through the roof (as investors realized the gains of outsourcing. The anti-patriotic America-hating wealthy shipped jobs to sweatshops in Asia so they could make more money). Uneducated Talk Radio ("Walmart") Republicans don't understand this. They don't understand the virtual Senate of global investors who send capital to wherever the labor is the cheapest, which means the wealthy shipped jobs away from the American middle class. Meaning: don't believe their tax cut = jobs bullshit. Starting with Reagan tax cuts could never turn into American jobs because the American middle class labor market was the most expensive in the world. Wealthy American investors hated the high wages of free people, preferring instead to get their products made by oppressed labor markets that made pennies a day. ["Freedom is on the march!"] By necessity, starting in 1980 American households borrowed like never before to make up forlost jobs, for flat and falling wages. Starting with Reagan, the American family went into debt to make up for the money that wasn't trickling down, to make up for having to compete with Chinese labor markets, to make up for the outsourcing of manufacturing to freedom-hating nations, to make up for the rising premiums of monopolized health insurance, to make up for disappearing benefits and entitlements. Starting in the 80s, the wealthy started to realize massive gains and the middle class started losing jobs.

Where did the Bush tax cuts go? Not into the real economy, but into the criminally speculative securities and derivatives that came out of the housing bubble.

Through tax and regulatory policy, Reaganomics put a surplus of capital in the hands of the wealthy few and credit cards in the hands of the middle class consumer. The surplus capital never found its way to main street because there was not sufficient demand. Capitalists won't invest in jobs unless consumers have money. But.. the American consumer has been hollowed out by 30 years of borrowing in order to make up for John Galt's outsourcing.

They said "give us tax cuts and we'll give you jobs"

So we gave them tax cuts and they shipped our jobs to china.

We got fucking punk'd.

We created billionaires and dynasties, while destroying the middle class.

Game over.

We swallowed poison in 1980
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Romney stands for free enterprise, self reliance, giving to charity, a strong national defense, helping small businesses to name a few the whole tax cuts for the rich thing is just the standard talking point the left uses in every election only the name changes.
More wars, more spending, more debt, and declaring war on the middle class.

Just W on steroids in the right wing agenda to destroy liberty and turn the nation into a hard right fascist oligarch.
The only justification for his behavior is if the trickle down theory was true.

But starting in the late 70s, tax cuts stopped turning into American jobs with anything like the regularity that had been the case in prior decades.

Nobody on the right talks about it, but after the process of globalization there was a great disconnect between American capital and American labor. The wealthy shipped jobs to the 3rd world in order to get a higher return on their investment. This is when the jobless recovery was born. Starting in the 80s, we called a recession over when Wall Street bounced back - but Wall Street makes bank when expensive American labor is replaced by more cost-effective sweatshop labor. AGAIN: Wall Street wins when expensive main street labor is shipped to Chinese sweatshops. Therefore, Reagan ushered in a period that saw "main street" wages remain stagnant but stocks went through the roof (as investors realized the gains of outsourcing. The anti-patriotic America-hating wealthy shipped jobs to sweatshops in Asia so they could make more money). Uneducated Talk Radio ("Walmart") Republicans don't understand this. They don't understand the virtual Senate of global investors who send capital to wherever the labor is the cheapest, which means the wealthy shipped jobs away from the American middle class, that is, don't believe their tax cut = jobs bullshit. Starting with Reagan tax cuts could never turn into American jobs because the American middle class labor market was the most expensive in the world. Wealthy American investors hated the high wages of free people, preferring instead to get their products made by oppressed labor markets that made pennies a day. ["Freedom is on the march!] By necessity, starting in 1980 American households borrowed like never before to make up forlost jobs, for flat and falling wages. Starting with Reagan, the American family went into debt to make up for the money that wasn't trickling down, to make up for having to compete with Chinese labor markets, to make up for the outsourcing of manufacturing to freedom-hating nations, to make up for the rising premiums of monopolized health insurance, to make up for disappearing benefits and entitlements. Starting in the 80s, the wealthy started to realize massive gains and the middle class started losing jobs.

Where did the Bush tax cuts go? Not into the real economy, but into the criminally speculative securities and derivatives that came out of the housing bubble.

Through tax and regulatory policy, Reaganomics put a surplus of capital in the hands of the wealthy few and credit cards in the hands of the middle class consumer. The surplus capital never found its way to main street because there was not sufficient demand. Capitalists won't invest in jobs unless consumers have money. But.. the American consumer has been hollowed out by 30 years of borrowing in order to make up for John Galt's outsourcing.

They said "give us tax cuts and we'll give you jobs"

So we gave them tax cuts and they shipped our jobs to china.

We got fucking punk'd.

We created billionaires and dynasties, while destroying the middle class.

Game over.

We swallowed poison in 1980

Not interested in who or what you swallowed.

1980 was a long time ago, are you saying that your ideas suck so bad they are powerless? You might need new ideas
We know he has no interest in investing in the American Middle Class. He wants to cut teachers and education. He agrees with Ryan about turning Medicare into a "voucher program". Of course, he wants to cut taxes on people like him. He wants to get rid of regulations.

None of these things are "big ideas".

What is Mitt Romney's "vision" of America? What does he think will make it better? Not just make it some "money", but better?

Is just helping rich people enough? Are they really the only ones worth anything?

The thing you know - but refuse to admit because of maturity issues - is that 100% of all jobs come from the wealthy. So the only way to improve the economy is to create an environment which promotes wealth (ie low taxes, end crushing regulations, etc.).

By the way - teachers and education exists at the state level while Romney will operate at the federal level and thus will have ZERO impact over education/teachers.

Why do you insist on being such a horses ass? I know you are ignorant of the US Constitution, but I also know that I've seen enough people correct you on this that you do know by now.
We know he has no interest in investing in the American Middle Class. He wants to cut teachers and education. He agrees with Ryan about turning Medicare into a "voucher program". Of course, he wants to cut taxes on people like him. He wants to get rid of regulations.

None of these things are "big ideas".

What is Mitt Romney's "vision" of America? What does he think will make it better? Not just make it some "money", but better?

Is just helping rich people enough? Are they really the only ones worth anything?
Not this year, Mr. Obfuscation. Pelosi railroaded Obama care through with the adage "don't pass, just vote it in to see what is in the bill later."

What was in the bill was the world's largest increase of taxes on the middle class. It starts in January.

The Russians will be getting a nice surprise in American losses if Obama is reelected. The taxpayers will be getting a huge tax hike through Obama Care, but it was planned for after the election so they wouldn't know how bad it was. We didn't know how bad it was before it was passed. Day by day, we're learning.
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Now basically the same question for the left. Other than more spending and more debt what does Obama stand for?
We know he has no interest in investing in the American Middle Class. He wants to cut teachers and education. He agrees with Ryan about turning Medicare into a "voucher program". Of course, he wants to cut taxes on people like him. He wants to get rid of regulations.

None of these things are "big ideas".

What is Mitt Romney's "vision" of America? What does he think will make it better? Not just make it some "money", but better?

Is just helping rich people enough? Are they really the only ones worth anything?

Well, trickle down worked so far.....right?:eusa_eh:
Now basically the same question for the left. Other than more spending and more debt what does Obama stand for?

The anti Republican (Bush) ideology. The same idology that kept us out of a depression. In other words, Congrats on your second term Mr. Obama.

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