Besides tax cuts for the wealthy, what does Mitt Romney stand for?

They're both worthless pricks. USA is fucked regardless of who wins.

Yeah, we would have been sooooo much better off with the dementia suffering 91 year old kook Ron Paul running the nation, who - exactly like Obama - believes we need to let American's die horrific deaths in an appeasement Nationa Security "strategy".

Ron Paul on defense: bow to your enemy, offer up human sacrifice quarterly, and pray that appeases them enough to leave you alone.

Yep, certainly would not have been "fucked" with ole Ron Paul running things!
Now basically the same question for the left. Other than more spending and more debt what does Obama stand for?

The anti Republican (Bush) ideology. The same idology that kept us out of a depression. In other words, Congrats on your second term Mr. Obama.

You mean the ideology that has keep unemployment at over 8% for his entire term given us little to no economic growth and keep the economy stagnant for nearly four years now? Yes a great ideology I'm sure those barley scraping by and the millions and millions of unemployed. and underemployed are thrilled with that ideology.
The only justification for his behavior is if the trickle down theory was true.

But starting in the late 70s, tax cuts stopped turning into American jobs with anything like the regularity that had been the case in prior decades.

Nobody on the right talks about it, but after the process of globalization there was a great disconnect between American capital and American labor. The wealthy shipped jobs to the 3rd world in order to get a higher return on their investment. This is when the jobless recovery was born. Starting in the 80s, we called a recession over when Wall Street bounced back - but Wall Street makes bank when expensive American labor is replaced by more cost-effective sweatshop labor. AGAIN: Wall Street wins when expensive main street labor is shipped to Chinese sweatshops. Therefore, Reagan ushered in a period that saw "main street" wages remain stagnant but stocks went through the roof (as investors realized the gains of outsourcing. The anti-patriotic America-hating wealthy shipped jobs to sweatshops in Asia so they could make more money). Uneducated Talk Radio ("Walmart") Republicans don't understand this. They don't understand the virtual Senate of global investors who send capital to wherever the labor is the cheapest, which means the wealthy shipped jobs away from the American middle class. Meaning: don't believe their tax cut = jobs bullshit. Starting with Reagan tax cuts could never turn into American jobs because the American middle class labor market was the most expensive in the world. Wealthy American investors hated the high wages of free people, preferring instead to get their products made by oppressed labor markets that made pennies a day. ["Freedom is on the march!"] By necessity, starting in 1980 American households borrowed like never before to make up forlost jobs, for flat and falling wages. Starting with Reagan, the American family went into debt to make up for the money that wasn't trickling down, to make up for having to compete with Chinese labor markets, to make up for the outsourcing of manufacturing to freedom-hating nations, to make up for the rising premiums of monopolized health insurance, to make up for disappearing benefits and entitlements. Starting in the 80s, the wealthy started to realize massive gains and the middle class started losing jobs.

Where did the Bush tax cuts go? Not into the real economy, but into the criminally speculative securities and derivatives that came out of the housing bubble.

Through tax and regulatory policy, Reaganomics put a surplus of capital in the hands of the wealthy few and credit cards in the hands of the middle class consumer. The surplus capital never found its way to main street because there was not sufficient demand. Capitalists won't invest in jobs unless consumers have money. But.. the American consumer has been hollowed out by 30 years of borrowing in order to make up for John Galt's outsourcing.

They said "give us tax cuts and we'll give you jobs"

So we gave them tax cuts and they shipped our jobs to china.

We got fucking punk'd.

We created billionaires and dynasties, while destroying the middle class.

Game over.

We swallowed poison in 1980

There is no such thing as "trickle down theory" except in the minds of liberals who basically don't understand economics. Nothing trickles down. In reality everything trickles up. It is the workers that ALWAYS get paid first...long before a profit might or might not be realized. Until you grasp that very simple concept you're NEVER going to be able to formulate an effective economic policy.
[ame=]Braveheart - Freedom - YouTube[/ame]
Rderp in action.......

[ame=]Rush Limbaugh's Fight Scene on Family Guy (the "Excellence in Broadcasting" episode) - YouTube[/ame]

Hint: He's the liberal that needs rescued

Black_Label in a drunken rage threw a cheap six pack of beer across the room and screamed at his moniter:

More wars

You are simply just too beyond dumb for words. Mitt has no history of getting us into wars, and furthermore he would not have that power in his past given he was a governor. Too bad your head is too far buried up your ass for you to figure out that while Romney is for a strong military, it is for the purpose of no other country wanting to mess with us, not starting wars.

more spending

How can you complain about more spending when the village idiot we have in the white house is the king of all spending? Do you even think before you post? Well, that question was clearly a waste of time, but I just thought I'd ask anyway.

more debt

It would be impossible for Romney to surpass the debt Obama has given us. In spite of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in Bush's 8 years, he never had a trillion dollar debt in a year. While I am not trying to make Bush look good, the fact is, while Bush never had a year of 1 trillion more in added debt, Barack HUSSEIN Obama has yet to have 1 year of UNDER 1 trillion in added debt. You do realize that in less than 4 years, Obama has added more to our debt than Bush did in 8 years.

and declaring war on the middle class.

A total lie, I guess you missed the poll where Romney is leading Obama by 14 points amongst middle class voters. It is so interesting to hear Democrats talk about the middle class. The reason being is I have yet to hear any Democrat talk about raising people in the middle class to the middle-upper class or the upper-class. All the Democrat party does is play off the fears of the middle class by creating class warfare into duping them into voting for the party of lies known as the Democrat party. While I am certainly no fan of the Republican party, I do view the Republicans as being the lesser of two evils. The Democrat party is just too extremist for this Libertarian's point of view.

Just W on steroids

Really???? With the debt that Obama has given us, and given that he has cost the U.S. our AAA rating, record number of people out of work, a disaster for the labor force participation would be impossible to to compare anyone to being Bush on steroids. Obama has set a standard that might be impossible to surpass in ineptitude and a total path of economic destruction.

in the right wing agenda

Right-wing agenda??? Are you clueless or what??? You do realize that he appointed a leftist justice in John Roberts who voted in favor of socialized medicine, also known as Obamacare. You do realize that George W. Bush put us on the path towards socialism, but don't take my word for it, here...check out this link from the leftist Huffington Post:

Cenk Uygur: George Bush Becomes a Socialist

Radical left-wing extremist site, Media Matters even covered how Fox and Friends referred to Bush as a socialist:

Fox & Friends accidentally calls George W. Bush a socialist | Blog | Media Matters for America

I am no fan of George W. Bush, because he indeed was and still is a socialist. The point of this portion of the reply is to show you don't know your head from your ass about right-wing v. left-wing. The only thing I can conclude from this is, it is a shame an idiot like you is actually allowed to cast a vote.

to destroy liberty and turn the nation into a hard right fascist

Somehow, I have a feeling you flunked history in school and if you ever did have a history book, it must have at least several inches of dust on it as well as mildew in it. When I see the left in this country trying to ban anything they disagree with from conservative talk radio to freedom of speech, to taking demonizing Christianity and a long list of things we can and can not say, to things to we can and can not do, to endless regulations and class warfare right out of what would make communists of the past damn proud...don't tell me about who is really destroying liberty. Always remember, it was a radical left-wing extremist known as Teddy Roosevelt, ohhhh....I apologize...he was a uhhhh "progressive" who said "To hell with the Constitution". Your radical left-wing asshole coalition has been assaulting our freedoms and liberties ever since that pile of America-hating shit Teddy Roosevelt became president.


Oligarch.....ooooooh...such a big word coming from such a small mind. Well, as the saying goes, even a blind chicken sometimes finds a kernel of corn.
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Jeez you guys act like we are going to forget you love Obama if you don't post a new thread every day.
Now basically the same question for the left. Other than more spending and more debt what does Obama stand for?

Trick question. Obama has brought spending to it's lowest levels since the Ike admin and has been shrinking government substantially as well
Now basically the same question for the left. Other than more spending and more debt what does Obama stand for?

Trick question. Obama has brought spending to it's lowest levels since the Ike admin and has been shrinking government substantially as well

You are a fucking liar... and your type are ruining USMB.

How on earth can we carry on an intellectual debates with assclowns like you wasting space here?
Now basically the same question for the left. Other than more spending and more debt what does Obama stand for?

Trick question. Obama has brought spending to it's lowest levels since the Ike admin and has been shrinking government substantially as well

You are a fucking liar... and your type are ruining USMB.

How on earth can we carry on an intellectual debates with assclowns like you wasting space here?

Prove that I am wrong. Stupid ultra right wing shitheads like you go on complete rampages when the truth is presented, because you can't handle the facts that your propaganda masters are lying to you.
Romney should quit acting like a "victim" and take "personal responsibility" by showing us his tax returns for the last 12 years.
More wars, more spending, more debt, and declaring war on the middle class.

Just W on steroids in the right wing agenda to destroy liberty and turn the nation into a hard right fascist oligarch.

If I want to hang a goddamn chair in my front yard it isn't your business to force me to take it down. Understand? :mad: Want to talk about fascism??? Forcing people to be silent in fear of their government is that.
More wars, more spending, more debt, and declaring war on the middle class.

Just W on steroids in the right wing agenda to destroy liberty and turn the nation into a hard right fascist oligarch.

If I want to hang a goddamn chair in my front yard it isn't your business to force me to take it down. Understand? :mad: Want to talk about fascism??? Forcing people to be silent in fear of their government is that.

Standing up for racism.

Aren't you proud?
Romney should quit acting like a "victim" and take "personal responsibility" by showing us his tax returns for the last 12 years.

Cutting tax rates on the middle class and reducing red tape would help our nation to compete. On top of this I agree with the democrats that we need to build our nation like China is doing. I think agreement at a half way point would likely be best for our nation.

Less red tape to get from paper to construction.
More willingness to compete with the rest of the world.

I feel Romney is more able to do so.
More wars, more spending, more debt, and declaring war on the middle class.

Just W on steroids in the right wing agenda to destroy liberty and turn the nation into a hard right fascist oligarch.

If I want to hang a goddamn chair in my front yard it isn't your business to force me to take it down. Understand? :mad: Want to talk about fascism??? Forcing people to be silent in fear of their government is that.

Standing up for racism.

Aren't you proud?

The first amendment was made for speech that was distasteful. Understand this. Are you someone that is going to start throwing people in prison for not likely a group of people? Talk about fascism, holy shit.
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Can I hang a giant billboard that says "GO AWAY DARKIES!!!" in my front yard? I have an annoying family named the Darkies that just moved in next door.
Can I hang a giant billboard that says "GO AWAY DARKIES!!!" in my front yard? I have an annoying family named the Darkies that just moved in next door.

Does it really break the law? Or does it just piss people off and make you not want to do it?

Let's not put government deeper into our lives.
By wealthy, of course, you mean people who work.

Lots of things btw. There is a website on Romney's positions. In fact, it's run by his campaign. Try reading it sometime.

I know, crazy concept.
Can I hang a giant billboard that says "GO AWAY DARKIES!!!" in my front yard? I have an annoying family named the Darkies that just moved in next door.

Does it really break the law? Or does it just piss people off and make you not want to do it?

Let's not put government deeper into our lives.

It's a smart ass metaphor but I'm actually wondering if there's a law about this sort of thing. I'm generally a keep government out of my life sort as well but I wondering if these public displays are against the law because of the potential for trouble they could create. For instance a racist message like this inciting racial tension or violence.

By the way, here's a nifty website to see where your views compare to the candidates on the mainstream issues.
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