Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

You just admitted you didn't follow the results.
I bet you were in on what was going to happen.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you were at a poll site that night.
What I am admitting to is that you have no idea what you are blabbing about
There was no major shift between 3AM and 3:15 AM
It s a fantasy made up by stolen election morons

The shift to Biden was gradual and took place over a four day period

Actually, LBJ feared just the opposite. That signing the Civil Rights bill would lose the South for Democrats
History proved LBJ was correct

Lastly, the historical evidence suggests that far from being concerned about securing future generations of black votes, one of Johnson’s main worries — which, to his credit, didn’t prevent him from pushing for passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — was losing the votes of white Southerners. His former press secretary, Bill Moyers, recounted this scene in his 2004 book Moyers on America:
The South hung on tighter to their racism than they did to any party loyalty.
All you're doing is try to spin. But you just said, and continue to say, that the riots in any one city, were a one time thing. But not because the mayors did anything about it, but because the rioters left the city with nothing left to steal or destroy.

Which pretty much shows you're willing to make up all kinds of shit, to double down on the previous shit you claimed.
You're so full of shit and hate it's pathetic.

First of all, you didn't watch the riots in NYC on TV.
2nd, the riots in Chicago and Miami weren't even televised.
They lasted one fucking night, you fucking White Hating piece of shit.

Then came about a year of taking down statues and stopping traffic and pulling people out of their vehicles and beating them up.

I will no longer respond to you because I know you're a BLM piece of shit failure in life.
I visited California back in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. It was starting to turn Commie but was not yet full blown like it is now. I fortunately got to see San Francisco as a beautiful city before it turned into a shithole.

The middle class is fleeing California now. Too much oppression, taxes too high and too much crime. Nobody that can afford a private school would send their kid to a public school in that state. Hell, we are even getting California emigrants here in Florida.

Pretty soon all that will be left in the state will be the Illegals, Moon Bats, Queers, Negroes and uber rich.

Just wait until that stupid law goes into effect requiring all trucks to be electric. That will shut down West Coast shipping.
Don't go back to California....the state will thank you for that.
Trump "spun" the anticipated late arrival of mail-in ballots, as the democrats stealing the election, since the primaries showed that 70% of those votes would likely be for Biden.
Not only that, but Republican State Legislators prohibited the early counting of mail in ballots to ensure that any Democratic surge would happen after the in person votes were announced.
After GW, Bozo, The Clown would have picked up the economy.
On the negative side. all the Indian H1-Bs that were fired took jobs from Blacks.
Actually when Obama took office, republicans were predicting a "double dip" recession. So republicans said that any economic improvement, would just be temporary.

Yet Obama made economic improvements permanent. Contrary to any of your claims to the contrary. So if you say Obama left a bad economy, belies that it was a thousand times better than where it started.
What we do know is that Trump will be regarded as one of our worst Presidents.

While some Presidents like Eisenhower and Truman rose in their rankings as time went by, Trump will fall even further as more information about his Presidency is released

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