Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

1999 October Trump “I’m very pro-choice,” “I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still — I just believe in choice.” -

In 1967, California Gov. Ronald Reagan signed one of the most liberal abortion laws in the country. The Therapeutic Abortion Act allowed for pregnancy terminations if the mother was in physical or mental distress as a result, or if the pregnancy was a product of rape or incest

Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump.
I see. Mashmont rates RR & DJT very high after as California Governor, Ronald Reagan signed one of the most liberal abortion laws in the country and DJT spent most of his philandering life as pro choice son and heir to a racist real estate tycoon.
Posting again? You already lost. But concerning #3, President Trump had 50 highly successful years in business. 0bummer had nothing, did nothing. Nothing to offer the presidency. And that's why he was the worst of all time. I don't even think you can count the current president Nappy Pants. He doesn't know where he is.
Some are just plain ignurn't when it comes to Trump.
Saying even things about him that are only have true.
Yes,Trump had NO Political Foreign Affairs exoperience.But he definatlely
had Foreign Negotiations experience.He was not born with this.He developed
it over years.Like I said more than a few times.The Name TRUMP is arguably the most
recognized Name on Planet Earth.Because he made it his business to develop
Name recognition as a way to advertise his brand of commerce such as Hotels,
Gambling Casinos,Golf courses and everything he sets his mind to.
So your response to my post is to call me a conservative, which im not?
OK, that makes one right-wing republican, that ISN'T claiming to be conservative.
And then just make up a bunch of shit? Lolz
So pathetic.
Just because Coolidge yapped about the constitution and states rights doesn't make him a "constitutionalist".
Reagan did the same and it was just a ruse to cover for corruption.
Coolidge kept most of Harding's corrupt cabinet members.
Just like republicans of today.
LBJ was not around when man landed on the moon.
Putting mission control 1500 miles from the action is asinine.

LBJ was President when Apollo 8 reached the moon
Nixon took over when Apollo 11 landed on the moon and took the credit.

1500 miles? Where do you think the action was?
The action was in space and on the moon
So your list is

1) Different challenges
2) Own merits


Are you taking the piss? Do you know what "Criteria" and "List" mean?

Obviously your president ranking is done by your prejudices.

As for Obama's race relations, he was the least qualified president -

Barack Obama legacy: Did he improve US race relations?

And although it was a presidency that began atop a mountain, it ended in something of a valley.

The silent recovery: how much longer can America’s long, slow boom last?

The subsequent recovery has been long but, by American standards, weak. Traditionally, the US has recovered sharply from downturns and had several years of fast growth.

It does not matter what you "feel" what Obama was allowed to have , he delivered a worse race divide and a sluggish recovery.

You need an unbiased criteria and subjective measures. You have neither, hence a shit thread.
Obama was not responsible for the racial temper tantrums that his election brought

Comparing the 2008 Bush Recession to previous “downturns” is disingenuous, it was the worst in 75 years. Obama gave us steady growth for seven years. A growth Trump later took credit for.

I stick with Obama as second best after Eisenhower and better than Reagan
OK, that makes one right-wing republican, that ISN'T claiming to be conservative.

Just because Coolidge yapped about the constitution and states rights doesn't make him a "constitutionalist".
Reagan did the same and it was just a ruse to cover for corruption.
Coolidge kept most of Harding's corrupt cabinet members.
Just like republicans of today.
Im not a republican, either. How old are you? Shouldnt you have learned assuming is not the way to go about things? It just makes you look stupid.
No, it was his actions. Actions define people. Not words.
LBJ was President when Apollo 8 reached the moon
Nixon took over when Apollo 11 landed on the moon and took the credit.

1500 miles? Where do you think the action was?
The action was in space and on the moon
Nixon did not take credit for it. He took advantage of being President at the time. He cut the moon program and took an ax to the NASA manned program. We ended up with less moon missions, Skylab, the Russian friendship mission and a bastardized version of the shuttle program. LBJ was a war monger. The Great Society helped to damage and will destroy our fiat currency. Our economy even with massive government is now susceptible to wild swings depending on who is in power. The banks used to give us higher guaranteed rates if you are older and remember. But they got rid of that as the currency was starting to falter due to our mismanagement of it.
What leftwingers don't understand is when you have losses, as everyone in the Atlantic City Casino industry did in the early 80s, you have lots of carry-forwards in tax years.
Early 80's?

The first bankruptcy associated with Trump was perhaps the most significant in terms of his personal finances, according to news reports at the time. He funded the construction of the $1 billion Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, which opened in 1990. By 1991, the casino was nearly $3 billion in debt while Trump had racked up nearly $900 million in personal liabilities.

Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004 when his casinos -- including the Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Marina and Trump Plaza casinos in Atlantic City and a riverboat casino in Indiana -- had accrued an estimated $1.8 billion in debt.

Trump Entertainment Resorts -- formerly Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts -- was hit hard by the 2008 economic recession and missed a $53.1 million bond interest payment in December.

It's absurd to say a billionaire businessmen couldn't have bad fortune at times. But Trump bounced back like the survivor and fighter he is, and got back to billions.
Trump just cant prove it.
Contrast that with Marxists like 0bama and Hillary who never took a chance,
To fleece their herd or marks before he had a cult?
while they complained about an achiever like President Trump.
A CON artist is what they complained about.
A LOT more people than them, 3500 lawsuits are proof of that.
Im not a republican, either. How old are you? Shouldnt you have learned assuming is not the way to go about things? It just makes you look stupid.
Well, you sure defend them, like a good republican does.
So WHAT do you self-identify as?
No, it was his actions. Actions define people. Not words.
Yes, as VP in the corrupt Harding administration shows, he knew NOTHING, like Bush and Pence?
Well, you sure defend them, like a good republican does.
So WHAT do you self-identify as?

Yes, as VP in the corrupt Harding administration shows, he knew NOTHING, like Bush and Pence?
I defend democrats too. Does that make me a democrat?
Im a real liberal so there isnt a party that represents me. All of you are federal supremacist scum.
I defend democrats too. Does that make me a democrat?
I'm intrigued, when was that?
Im a real liberal so there isnt a party that represents me.
So, you voted for Bernie Sanders too?
All of you are federal supremacist scum.
So, when the shit hits the fan, who calls for federal aid?
Rand Paul is a perfect example.

After a series of deadly tornadoes hit the midwest, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., requested federal aid for his home state of Kentucky. Twitter users then quickly criticized Paul for his previous opposition to disaster relief.

In a letter to President Biden, Paul wrote., "The Governor of the Commonwealth has requested federal assistance this morning, and certainly further requests will be coming as the situation is assessed. I fully support those requests and ask that you move expeditiously to approve the appropriate resources."

Kentucky's congressional delegation wrote another letter requesting "much-needed assistance." This morning, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., thanked Biden in a tweet for "the Administration's quick work to speed resources to help deal with this crisis."

When former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey requested federal aid for Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Paul criticized Christie for having a "gimme, gimme, gimme," attitude.

Yeah, federalist scum.
I'm intrigued, when was that?

So, you voted for Bernie Sanders too?

So, when the shit hits the fan, who calls for federal aid?
Rand Paul is a perfect example.

After a series of deadly tornadoes hit the midwest, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., requested federal aid for his home state of Kentucky. Twitter users then quickly criticized Paul for his previous opposition to disaster relief.

In a letter to President Biden, Paul wrote., "The Governor of the Commonwealth has requested federal assistance this morning, and certainly further requests will be coming as the situation is assessed. I fully support those requests and ask that you move expeditiously to approve the appropriate resources."

Kentucky's congressional delegation wrote another letter requesting "much-needed assistance." This morning, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., thanked Biden in a tweet for "the Administration's quick work to speed resources to help deal with this crisis."

When former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey requested federal aid for Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Paul criticized Christie for having a "gimme, gimme, gimme," attitude.

Yeah, federalist scum.
Im a REAL liberal, not a regressive illiberal twat. So, no, I didnt vote for that authoritarian.
What does he have to do with me? Good lord.
LBJ was President when Apollo 8 reached the moon
Nixon took over when Apollo 11 landed on the moon and took the credit.

1500 miles? Where do you think the action was?
The action was in space and on the moon
L.B.J. was an Overgrown Racist Bigot of the first order.
Probably couldn't buy a white sheet big enough to fit his fat
head for a local Klan meeting.
I don't give a hoot nor a holler what Little Prissy Historian
Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote and maintains about her Hero { L.B.J. }
You already replied to this, lamely, so I see why you want to come back at it again. Trump filed for bankruptcy 6 times and never ran a successful business until he had a hit comedy show called the apprentice. He’s an entertainer. Jayz has more money and is a better entertainer. Let’s elect him! You still fail. What business of his is successful? And how do you know? Just cuz he says so?
Trump never filed for bankruptcy you dumb ass 6 of 120 of his company's did, that's normal
Im a REAL liberal, not a regressive illiberal twat. So, no, I didnt vote for that authoritarian.
What does he have to do with me? Good lord.
Bernie Sanders is the worst of em'. Like Mark Levin says ...
A True Red.An Old Red. Perfectly explains where he spent his
Im a REAL liberal, not a regressive illiberal twat. So, no, I didnt vote for that authoritarian.
What does he have to do with me? Good lord.
IDK, WTF you're trying to portray?

Do you support a mandatory wage people can live on?
No cost to themselves, job training for people who wish to do so?
No cost to themselves, health insurance?
Infrastructure projects?
IDK, WTF you're trying to portray?

Do you support a mandatory wage people can live on?
No cost to themselves, job training for people who wish to do so?
No cost to themselves, health insurance?
Infrastructure projects?
If you don’t like your wage then get a different job.
If you don’t like available wages, stop letting in illegals happy to make $3/hr.

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